Include static library in VS C++ project - c++

Configuration I have
Windows 10 64bit
Visual Studio Community 2017 with Visual C++ 2017
CMake 3.9.0
opencv 3.3.0
Goal is to build opencv as a static library (.lib) and include into a Visual C++ project which is a DLL. Everything should be compiled for x86 architecture or simply 32bit.
Latest opencv distributive does not contain dll's compiled for 32bit system and therefore, I need to compile own version. According to the opencv 2.4 documentation on "installation in Windows". I have compiled the library with BUILD_SHARED_LIBS option disabled and configured target project as described in "how to build applications with OpenCV inside the Microsoft Visual Studio".
Compilation of my project fails with following errors (totally error count is greater than 800)
Error type 1
LNK2038 mismatch detected for 'RuntimeLibrary': value 'MTd_StaticDebug'
doesn't match value 'MDd_DynamicDebug' in main.obj
Error type 2
LNK2005 "public: void __thiscall std::basic_ostream<char,struct
std::char_traits<char> >::_Osfx(void)" (?_Osfx#?$basic_ostream#DU?
$char_traits#D#std###std##QAEXXZ) already defined in
opencv_core320d.lib(system.obj) \msvcprtd.lib(MSVCP140D.dll)
Error type 3
LNK2001 unresolved external symbol _ippicviHSVToRGB_16u_C3R#24
I believe it may be due to uncoordinated compilation options or erroneous configuration of my project, but because I am heavy Linux user I experience difficulties with setting up these things on Windows.
After I have matched configuration shown in the screen below block of errors about code generation mismatch disappeared, but undefined references are still there.
Thank you for help!

To resolve "Error type 3" add *.lib files from "staticlib" dir to "Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies". For example "_ipp" symbols are defined in "ipp_iw.lib" and "ippicvmt.lib".
Just for info. I successfully built opencv from sources as a static and shared library (as opencv_world3**.lib) using MSVS 2012 and cmake 3.9.0. But also done that with MSVS 2017 community.
PS. Maybe a TYPO but you said that you use opencv 3.3.0 but in error messages there is opencv_core320d.lib
PPS. "Error type 1" is the result of using static debug runtime version in opencv_core (MTd) and dynamic debug runtime in your app (MDd)

I always have the same problems. This is why I have a property sheet ready for use.
The steps to follow for static compilation are:
Remember to Build the INSTALL project in the CMake generated Solution. Let's call $(OPENCV_DIR) the folder where the install happened (usually something like xxx\install). You can create an environment variable for this.
Add in front of [Configuration Properties]->[VC++ Directories]->[Include Directories] $(OPENCV_DIR)\include;. The semicolon is to separate paths.
Add in front of [Configuration Properties]->[VC++ Directories]->[Library Directories] $(OPENCV_DIR)\x86\vc15\staticlib;.
Match the runtime library linkage mode between OpenCV and your project. If you unselect BUILD_SHARED_LIBS by default the CRT is statically linked (/MT for Release or /MTd for Debug). If you want it dynamically linked deselect BUILD_WITH_STATIC_CRT. So, as you already realized, fix it in [Configuration Properties]->[C/C++]->[Code Generation]->[Runtime Library].
Copy all filenames matching *.lib (*d.lib for Debug) and add them in [Configuration Properties]->[Linker]->[Input]->[Additional Dependencies] separated by semicolons.
It's quite painful, so do it once in a Property Sheet and just include it when needed.


Mismatch detected for 'RuntimeLibrary' for object files from source files from the same visual studio 2015 project

I have a common linker error in a situation where I do not understand why I get it. I changed a project from static linking (/MT) to dynamic linking (/MD). After this I get the following error:
Error LNK2038 mismatch detected for 'RuntimeLibrary': value 'MD_DynamicRelease' doesn't
match value 'MT_StaticRelease' in XY.obj XXX [some folders]\XYZ.obj
The source files for XY and XYZ are both part of the same project. The project is compiled with /MD. I first thought that some files have not been updated in my rebuild, so I cleaned the build and rebuild the project. Since I still got the same error, I manually deleted the build folder containing the .obj files and rebuild the project. I still get the error.
A second effect I don't understand is that an included library (which I changed from the static version to the dynamic version) does not find several symbols:
Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol __imp__strncat LAAPTOF_Fuzzy_XOP
[some folders]\ccc_vc120_md.lib(MxNET.obj)
When I include the static version of the library, these errors disappear but I get no error with respect to a runtime library mismatch, which I expected to get.
All these errors only show up for the 32 bit version of the project. The 64 bit version builds fine. I've checked all parameters and they are the same except where a different one is required for the 64 bit version.
Can anybody explain to me what I might be doing wrong?
I've solved the problem. My project used to be a visual studio 2010 project. I've been warned that converting a project to a newer version of visual studio does not always run smooth, even if the converter tells you so. I don't know if this was really the problem, but after setting up a new project file, everything links correctly.

memcmp linker error Visual Studio 2015

I have a visual studio 2012 c++ project.
I recently uninstalled it and installed visual studio 2015 and upgraded the project.
When i am building the project, getting error as shown below:
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol _memcmp referenced in function
Moreover i have not used anywhere in my code memcmp fucntion.
I used the linker verbose function and could see below in output file:
Found _memcmp
Referenced in MyC++Project.obj
Referenced in libcpmtd.lib(xstrcoll.obj)
Loaded libvcruntimed.lib(__memcmp_.obj)
Two questions here
1.even though i have not used memcmp in my code why i am getting that linker error?
2.why is memcmp being loaded as __memcmp_.obj
I have the following settings also in my project:
1.C++-->Code generation-->Runtime Library is set to /MTd
2.Linker-->Ignore All default libraries is set to nothing
I have tried all the project settings but everything in vain.
I have issue only with this memcmp function which i have not used.
I have used mamcpy and memset and do not have issue with those
Explicitly add vcruntime.lib or other appropriate version of CRT Library to linker parameters (additional dependencies).
When you use memcmp explicitly it is probably handled as intrinsic function and is compiled as inline function.
Try to add vcruntime.lib and ucrt.lib to your additional dependencies. ===> properties->Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies
Sample path of 'vcruntime.lib': "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\lib\vcruntime.lib"
Sample path of 'ucrt.lib' : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.16299.0\ucrt\x86\ucrt.lib"
My environment: VS2017 (v141)
I've run into this same problem with a legacy Visual C++ 6.0 nmake file with Visual Studio 2015.
This blog article, Introducing the Universal CRT, describes how the Visual Studio 2015 runtime has been split into more than one library. The runtime is now "split the CRT into two logical parts: The VCRuntime, which contained the compiler support functionality required for things like process startup and exception handling, and a “stable” part that contained all of the purely library parts of the CRT" to allow for easier updates.
So long as you do not link with the /nodefaultlib option, all of the
correct library files will be found when you link your project. If you
link with the /nodefaultlib option, you will need to link several
extra libraries when you link. For example, whereas you previously
might have just linked msvcrt.lib in order to use the CRT DLL, you
will now also need to link vcruntime.lib and ucrt.lib. Here is a table
that shows which libraries you will need to link for each “flavor” of
the libraries:
Release DLLs (/MD ): msvcrt.lib vcruntime.lib ucrt.lib
Debug DLLs (/MDd): msvcrtd.lib vcruntimed.lib ucrtd.lib
Release Static (/MT ): libcmt.lib libvcruntime.lib libucrt.lib
Debug Static (/MTd): libcmtd.lib libvcruntimed.lib libucrtd.lib
See also the Microsoft documentation C runtime (CRT) and C++ Standard Library (STL) .lib files which describes details about the libraries.
See also Microsoft C/C++ change history 2003 - 2015.

LNK2038: mismatch detected for 'RuntimeLibrary': value 'MT_StaticRelease' doesn't match value 'MD_DynamicRelease' in file.obj

I am Integrating Matlab, C and Cuda together in a project. I used Matlab mix in order to connect matlab mx function written in c with the cuda runtime library, a linking error appear about conflict in static release and dynamic release between the c file and the library. Can anyone solve this?
error LNK2038: mismatch detected for 'RuntimeLibrary': value 'MT_StaticRelease' doesn't match value 'MD_DynamicRelease' in file.obj.
This error can occur when you are statically linking your project with a library (typically a file with .lib extension) but the linker setting in your Visual Studio project are set to dynamically link (meaning the link will occur during runtime, usually with a .dll file).
To define that you need the project to use static linking start Visual Studio. In the Solution Explorer pane, right click the project name, and select Properties. Expand the properties as shown in the figure below: C/C++ --> Code Generation --> Runtime Library, select the Multi-threaded (/MT) option from the dropdown menu.
The library and your project must be linked with the same settings with regards to the C Runtime Library.
In your case one was linked against the CRT DLL (/MD) and the other was linked statically (/MT).
You just need to make sure both match and this error will go away.
for sharing purpose.
I'm using 2017 VS version which successfully open and run an old 2008 solution. Now, if for some reason, even if you change all your libraries and your main project to have the same runtime library param (under properties, see above posters) but you are still getting the same error message, try opening each individual .vcxproj file. Search under "RuntimeLibrary" and make their value same throughout all the vcxproj files. For some reason, these vcxproj files never update to the same value that I stated in the properties settings and I have to change them manually in the vcxproj.
Optionally, if you wish, open vcproj files too and change their "RuntimeLibrary" to be the same as well. Here the value is in digit.
Here are proper steps to fix
Error 69 error LNK2038: mismatch detected for 'RuntimeLibrary': value 'MT_StaticRelease' doesn't match value 'MD_DynamicRelease'
this mean that runtime lib is static aka lib ( MT_StaticRelease ) Which is different then you project value Dynamic Lib aka dll (MD_DynamicRelease)
right click on solution
click properties
configuration properties -> General
change Configuration Type to Static Lib (lib) from Dynamic Lib (dll)
In case you have reverse scenario and the above steps not fix problem then play with this option
C/C++ --> Code Generation --> Runtime Library select Multi threaded
As others have mentioned the runtime library switch on cl.exe must match between all of the compiled modules. In MSBuild this is referenced as ClCompile>/RuntimeLibrary.
However, even if these match you might still encounter this problem if there is a "#undef DEBUG" or "#undef _DEBUG" somewhere in your project. The yvals.h header that is part of the VC++ runtime library headers can change what is compiled into your obj files if these macros are changed.
Use "dumpbin /all foo.obj >foo.txt" to check what is actually going into your obj files. Look for the header "Linker Directives" in that output.
This would work better as a comment to GWKit but I don't have the reputation for it. He mentions having to update the vcxproj files because they don't actually change. In my case they only saved after hitting "saveAll" and then closing visual studio. I got a prompt asking if i want to save changes to properties which were saved and after clicking yes the vcxproj files were properly updated.
This linker error occurred due to the improper project configuration, may be you have built the library in a configuration which is different from the main project configuration . If your project configuration is release\debug, then you should choose the same configuration while building your library.

CMake And Visual Studio build errors

I've been trying to compile tulip using cmake to generate visual studio 2012 project files. It's giving me lots of trouble. I don't know how to get this to build. I've been trying to get visual studio to build this for 4 days now, and I'm extremely frustrated. Essentially, I follow the steps here, and then set the variables CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH AND CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH according to these instructions.
To get to where I'm at, all you have to do is download tulip, and:
Unzip it, create a separate build directory outside of this source directory
Open CMake-gui to the source and build directories
Hit configure. Check use qt5, tell it where qmake is (make sure it's qt5)
You need some dependencies as described in The Independent CMake tutorial. Grab all those dependencies
As you continue to hit configure, specify each of the directories that it asks for as it errors out. It should ask for freetype, glew, zlib and sphinx. It shouldn't ask for where libxml or libpng, or libjpeg are. I don't know why it doesn't ask for those.
Generate, and then browse to the ALL_BUILD that you've generated. Open it with visual studio
try to build it with visual studio.
In those instructions and in the process of getting CMake to generate the visual studio build files, it specifically asks for freetype's location. But in my build, it doesn't have a clue how to link the freetype library.
Here are the errors that I get
Here is my CMakeCached.txt
I know that many people aren't going to want to exactly try and go about replicating the build environment, so I've uploaded my build directory to dropbox. You can pull the entire thing down, and then open it in cmake gui and open the visual studio files in there too.
The linker errors you point to (mostly "unresolved external" errors) indicate that there are missing libraries on the link command line.
That is most likely happening because target_link_libraries calls in the tulip project are either being skipped or being called with library names that do not match the library names on disk.
Open up the solution in Visual Studio and right click the project and choose "Properties" -- look at the "Linker > Input" panel at the "Additional Dependencies" field. That should list all the libraries it wants to link to. Is there a freetype library listed there? Does that library exist in the referenced location on your disk?
There could be a mistake in the tulip project, or there could just be something wrong with your build/install of freetype...
Or it may be that you have some libraries built for x86 and some for x64... or maybe some for Debug and some for Release... or maybe even some with the MinGW compiler and some with the Visual Studio compiler. If that's the case, start over, from a clean slate, and build everything with a consistent compiler, configuration type and architecture. Then report back again with an update and see if the problems still remain.
I do with Dave,
You should try to fix your error 1 by 1.
The first error seems to be a link error:
Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol gzread referenced in function "public: virtual int __cdecl gzstreambuf::underflow(void)" (?underflow#gzstreambuf##UEAAHXZ) C:\Users\kenne_000\tulip-build\tulip-build-debug\thirdparty\gzstream\gzstream.obj gzstream
gzstream is a third party lib included with tulip source in:
you can see that the missing symbols should be coming from ZLIB.
However your CMakeCache.txt indicate that
is found.
So the question may be, was this dependency compiled with the same compiler?
Don't you have compiler-specific name mangling issue ?

How to use the OpenCV 2.4 static libraries with Visual Studio?

I'm trying to set up OpenCV 2.4 as follows:
I've downloaded and extracted the precompiled package to C:\OpenCV240.
In Visual Studio, I've added C:\OpenCV240\build\include as an additional include directory.
Furthermore, I've added C:\OpenCV240\build\x86\vc10\staticlib as an additional library directory.
And I've specified all available .lib files as additional dependencies.
When I compile my "Hello World" program (which compiles just fine when using the DLLs), I get a lot error messages like this:
1>msvcprtd.lib(MSVCP100D.dll) : error LNK2005: "public: __thiscall std::_Container_base12::~_Container_base12(void)" (??1_Container_base12#std##QAE#XZ) already defined in opencv_core240d.lib(matrix.obj)
What am I doing wrong?
It sounds like you need to specify linking against the static C runtime library in your program.
If OpenCV linked against the static CRT and you use the dynamic one, you get these types of redefinition errors.
To change this setting, open your project's Properties and go to Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Code Generation.
Change Runtime Library from Multi-threaded Debug DLL (/MDd) to Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd). Do the same for your other configurations, using the non-Debug variant where appropriate.