Beginner Questions about django-viewflow - django

I am working on my first django-viewflow project, and I have some very basic questions. I have looked at the docs and the cookbook examples.
My question is which fields go into the "normal" django models (models.Model) and which fields go into the Process models? For example, I am building a publishing model, so a document that is uploaded starts in a private state, then goes into a pending state after some processing, and then an editor can update the documents state to publish, and the document is available through the front facing web site. I would assume the state field (private, pending, publish) are part of a process model, but what about the other fields related to the document (author, date, source, topic, etc.)? Do they go into the process model or the models.Model model? Does it matter? What are the considerations in building the models and flows for separation of data between the two types of models?
Another example - why in the Hello World example is the text field in the Process model and not a model.Models model? This field does not seem to have anything to do with the process, but I am probably not understanding how viewflow works.

That's your choice. Viewflow is the library and has no restriction on data alignment. The only thing that needs to be done is the link between process_pk and the process data. HelloWord is the minimal working sample, that demonstrates a workflow.
You can put everything in the separate mode and provide an FK to in the Process model.
But the state field itself is the antipattern since eventually, you can have several tasks executed in parallel. And even sequential workflow could be constantly changed, new tasks could be added or deleted. You can have only published Boolean or DateTime field in the POST model to filter on that on the front end.
The general rule could be - keep all people workflow decisions in the Process model, and build all data models in a declarative way, keep separated workflow and actual data.


What is the best way to build Django model?

I want to make a website that gives a visualization of football game statistics.
Functionality: The user checks a list of games. Selects game to see details. Can select a particular player. If there is no game he/she is interested in, the user uploads a datafile of the game and adds it to the main list of games.
I have a script that cleans data and gives me DataFrame with columns:
['Shots', 'SCA', 'Touches', 'Pass', 'Carries', 'Press', 'Tackled', 'Interceptions', 'Blocks']
if I do the Django model is it ok if I simply do model with these columns, or do I need to do a proper database with separate tables like:
Is my UML is ok or do I need to fix something?
here is link to my UML
You don't need to manually create tables and relations in your database, Django can take care of that for you.
It has been explained in detail here
I suggest following these simple steps for building Django Model. I always did by following these steps.
Create Django Application
Add the Posts Model
Update Settings
Make Migrations
Verify Database Schema

What's the best practice to implement "read receipts" on group chats in AWS AppSync and Amplify?

I'm building an Angular 11 web app using AppSync for the backend.
I've mentioned group chat, but basically I have a feature in my app where I have an announcement feature where there's a person creating announcements to a specific audience (can be individual members or groups of members) and whenever the receiving user opens the announcement, it has to mark that announcement as read for that user in their UI and also let the sender know that it has been opened by that particular member.
I have an idea for implementing this:-
Each announcement needs to have a "seenBy" which aggregates the user Ids of the ones who open it.
Each member also has an attribute in their user object named "announcementsRead" which is an array of Ids of the announcements that they have opened.
In the UI when I'm gathering the list of announcements for the user, the ones whose ID don't belong in the member's own announcementsRead array, will be marked as unread.
When they click on it and it is opened, I make 2 updates - a) To the announcement object I simply push the member's user ID to the "seenBy" attribute and push to db. b) to the member's user object, I add the announcement's id to the "announcementRead" attribute and push it to the DB.
This is just something that I came up with.
Please let me know if there are any pitfalls to this approach. Or if there are simpler ways to achieve this functionality.
I have a few concerns as well:-
Let's say that two users are opening an announcement at the same time, and the clients try to update the announcement with the updated seenBy containing the user's ID, what happens when the two requests from two different clients are happening concurrently? It's possible that the first user fetches the object and then the second user fetches it immediately, and by the time the second user has updated the attribute and sent it back to the DB, the first user has already written their updated data. In such a case the second user's write to the DB will overwrite the first user's change. I am not sure of the internal mechanisms of the amplify data store, but I can imagine this happening. Is this possible? If so, how do we ensure that it is prevented?
Is it really necessary for me to maintain the "announcementsRead" attribute in the user? I mean I can imagine generating that list in the UI every time I get the list of announcements by checking if the current user's ID exists in the announcement's "seenBy" and maintaining that list in the UI, that way we can eliminate redundancy of info in the DB and also it would make sense to not accumulate extremely old announcement IDs that may have been deleted. But I'm wondering if having this on the member actually helps in an indispensable way.
Hope my questions are clear.

How to use Django admin to create custom tasks using Celery

I have a Django backend that I've created for a real estate company. I've built quite a few tasks that are hardcoded and I'm wanting to make those tasks customizable via the admin page... but I can't quite figure out how to do that.
For example, let's say that I wanted to create a task that would send an email that could be customized from the admin page. Ideally, I'd have a list of triggers to choose from like a contact form submission.
Something that looked like this:
I had the very same need on many occasions, and solved it as follows:
I have an abstract "base" Task model with a few fields common to any "generic" background task: created_on, started_on, completed_on, status, progress, failure_reason and a few more
When a new specific task is needed, I write:
a job function to be run by the scheduler (Celery in your case)
a concrete Model derived from Task
The derived Model knows which job has to be run; this is hardcoded in the Model definition; I also add specific fields to collect any custom parameter required by the job
Now, you can create a new task either programmatically or from the Django admin, supplying actual parameters as needed; in the latter case, Django provides the required form and validation as usual
After saving the new record in the database, the model kicks off the job, passing by the task (model) id; from the job you can retrieve task's details: which is the answer to the original question.
You can also update the progress/status in the model for later inspection, and use other services provided by the base class (for example, logging).
This schema has been proven very useful, since, as an added benefit, you can monitor async tasks from the Django admin.
Having used it in several projects, I encapsulated this logic in a reusable Django app:
The current implementation is based on rq, as Celery is over-engineered for my needs. I guess it can be adapted to Celery with some modifications:
remove Task.check_worker_active_for_queue()
remove Task.get_queue()
Additionally, the helper Job class must be refactored as follows:
replace rq.get_current_job() with the equivalent for Celery
Unfortunately, I haven't used Celery recently, so I can't give more detailed advices.

Replay events from Persistence Journal

I'm implementing a CQRS/ES solution with Akka.Net and Akka.Net.Persistence with a SQL Server Journal. So far everything seems to work great with the default sql-server plugin.
Last thing to verify was the ability to be able to reload/replay events from a specific AR, e.g. to rebuild a read model or to fill a newly implemented projection for a read model. The way I would go about this is reading the events from de DB and putting them on the eventbus or directly into the mailbox of the "projection actor".
I can't seem to find any examples of manually reloading events and besides querying the Journal table myself (executing sql query) and using the built-in serializer I'm basically stuck with this.
Is there anyone trying to do, more or less, the same thing?
Depending on your needs there are few ways:
Using PersistentView - it's a dedicated actor, which is correlated with some specific persistent actor, and it's able to receive it's events to build some different state from them. It's readonly. Pros: it's keeping itself up to date with events produced by peristent actor (however some delay between updates applies). Cons: it's related with a single actor, it cannot be used to aggregate event's from many of them.
Using journal query (SQL journals only) - it allows you to query journal using some specific filters. Pros: it can be used across multiple aggregates. Cons: it's not automatically kept up to date, you need to send subsequent queries to get updates. I'm not sure, if it has official documentation, but flow itself is described here.
PS: some of the journal implementations have their own dedicated serializers, but not SQL-based ones. And belive me, you never want to rely on default serializer for persisting events.

How can I track a user events in Django?

I'm building a small social site, and I want to implement an activity stream in a users profile to display event's like commenting, joining a group, posting something, and so on. Basically, I'm trying to make something similar to a reddit profile that shows a range of user activity.
I'm not sure how I'd do this in Django though. I thought of maybe making an "Activity" model that's OneToOne with their account, and update it through MiddleWare.
Anyone here have a suggestion? Away I could actually implement this in a nice way?
You pretty much need to use an explicit Activity model, then create instances of those records in the view functions that perform the action.
I think you'll find that any other more automatic way of tracking activity would be too inflexible: it would record events at the wrong level of detail, and prevent you from describing events in a way that the user wants to see them.
In my opinion, you should do exactly what you're saying, that is create the model Activity, which has a foreignKey to User which you will populate triggering the things you'll find 'interesting'.
This practice, even if redundant, will speed up your page generation, and you can add a custom field which will hold the text you want to display, and also you can keep track of what generate the Activity.