Does the Glip chat API support image (photo) attachments? - ringcentral

I'm using the Glip API to post messages. I can post images from the Glip UI but I don't see an option to post images. Does anyone know how to do this?
Glip API:!#RefGlipCreatePost

Glip recently launched the file upload API which can be used to attach images. You could also try it out using our API Explorer.

In case someone comes across this looking for a working example, here's what I did (using Node and the RingCentral SDK):
var RC = require('ringcentral');
var fs = require('fs');
var FormData = require('form-data');
// {login to Glip and generate the platform object (}
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append('attachment', fs.createReadStream('image.png'));
method: 'POST',
url: '/glip/files',
body: formData,
query: {
groupId: '1234', // whatever group you want to post to
console.log('file uploaded');


iOS can't play uploaded audio: JS MediaRecorder -> Blob -> Django Server -> AWS s3 -> JS decodeAudioData --> "EncodingError: Decoding Failed"

Answer: shouldn't set content/mime type browser side with JS, should use native browser mimeType then convert server side (I used PyDub).
I am using Javascript MediaRecorder, Django, AWS s3 and Javascript Web Audio API to record audio files for users to share voice notes with one another. I've seen disbursed answers online about how to record and upload audio data and the issues with Safari/iOS but thought this could be a thread to bring it together and confront some of these issues.
mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(stream);
mediaRecorder.onstop = function (e) {
var blob = new Blob(
var formdata = new FormData();
formdata.append('recording', blob)
var resp = await fetch(url, { // Your POST endpoint
method: 'POST',
mode: 'same-origin',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
'X-CSRFToken': csrf_token,
body: formdata,
for k,file in request.FILES.items():
sub_path = "recordings/audio.mp3"
meta_data = {"ContentType":"audio/mp3"}
s3.upload_fileobj(file, S3_BUCKET_NAME, sub_path,ExtraArgs=meta_data)
###then some code to save the s3 URL to my database for future retrieval
var audio_context = new AudioContext();
document.addEventListener("#play-audio","click", function(e) {
var url = ""
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);
request.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
request.onload = function () {
audio_context.decodeAudioData(request.response, function (buffer) {
Results in:
"EncodingError: Decoding Failed"
Note however that using the w3 schools demo mp3 url does play the recording:
PC (used to upload recoding): Windows 11, Chrome Version 98.0.4758.81 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Django: Version: 3.1.7
Mobile (used to play recording): iPhone X, iOS (Version 14.7.1)
Problematic url:
Working url:
(This is my first post so please forgive me if I haven't asked this question in the ideal way :) )
When you upload the recorded Blob you set the type to 'audio/mp3'. But unless you use a custom library which patches the MediaRecorder the mimeType of the recording will be whatever the browser likes best.
As of now it's 'audio/opus' in Firefox and 'audio/webm' in Chrome.
If you define your Blob like this it should work.
var blob = new Blob(
type: mediaRecorder.mimeType
You would also have to change your server side code to not use 'audio/mp3' anymore.

What do I place as the report id in the PowerBIEmbed when creating a new report?

I'm trying to use the PowerBIEmbed React component to create and design a new report. Everything works great when I edit an existing report, but when I'm creating a new one (using an embed token generated with TokenAccessLevel.Create), I'm getting the following error:
Report id is required, but it was not found. You must provide an id either as part of embed configuration or as attribute 'powerbi-report-id'.
The id I'm passing in via the configuration is the empty GUID ("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"). I have also tried deleting that property from the configuration.
I have the permissions set to models.Permissions.All (which includes models.Permissions.Create), so that isn't the issue.
Client code
const config = {
permissions: models.Permissions.All,
tokenType: models.TokenType.Embed,
type: 'report',
embedURL: generatedURL,
accessToken: generatedToken,
viewMode: models.ViewMode.Edit,
return (
getEmbeddedComponent={report => this.setState({ report })}
Server Code
var authToken = await PowerBIAuthentication.DoAuthentication(_Config);
using var client = new PowerBIClient(new Uri(_Config.ApiUrl), authToken);
var dataSets = await client.Datasets.GetDatasetsInGroupAsync(_Config.WorkspaceId, cancellationToken);
var dataSet = dataSets.Value.First(x => x.Name == "AppProtoModel");
var embedTokenParameters = new GenerateTokenRequest(TokenAccessLevel.Create, dataSet.Id);
var embedToken = await client.Reports.GenerateTokenForCreateInGroupAsync(
cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
myDoc.PowerBISettings.EmbedToken = embedToken;
myDoc.PowerBISettings.EmbedUrl = dataSet.CreateReportEmbedURL;
return myDoc;
Currently, PowerBIEmbed component from powerbi-client-react library does not support create mode embedding for Power BI Report and, it can be achieved using Power BI JS SDK.
Refer below code snippets:
const embedConfiguration: IEmbedConfiguration = {
permissions: models.Permissions.All,
tokenType: models.TokenType.Embed,
type: "report",
embedUrl: createReportEmbedURL,
accessToken: createEmbedToken,
viewMode: models.ViewMode.Edit,
datasetId: datasetId,
const report = powerbi.createReport(reportContainer, embedConfiguration);
createReportEmbedURL mentioned in above snippet can be generated using Datasets - Get Dataset API.
createEmbedToken mentioned in above snippet can be generated using Embed Token - Report GenerateTokenForCreateInGroup API.
Note: The datasetId passed in the configuration should be the same which is used to generate createReportEmbedURL.
Refer following docs for more information:
Create and save embedded report

Ember CLI Download Excel [Save As] - blob/binary format Error

I'm making an AJAX POST request from ember-cli to django rest framework in order to enable user to download excel/xls file. However, I'm stuck into formating problem, the file pops up but the content of the xls is not in correct format.
Here's the code I use in the controller:
type: "POST",
url: "",
data: 'ids=' + ids,
success: function(data) {
var hiddenElement = document.createElement('a');
hiddenElement.href = 'data:application/' + encodeURI(data); = '_blank'; = 'export.xls';;
Looking for your helpful reply.
Have you thought about using an ember addon to handle this export for you? It could be more reliable than coding it yourself.
Check out this add-on -

Ember-Simple-Auth with Torii access user info

I've been working all week to get authentication working. I have gotten it working with
google-oauth2 provider
However I have proven unsuccessful in getting the users information from google. I have tried creating a torii-adapter as stated in their documentation but it doesn't appear to be called
// app/torii-adapters/application.js
export default Ember.Object.extend({
open: function(authorization){
console.log('authorization from adapter', authorization);
I've exhausted my google-foo and am asking for your assistance. This is a great library combination for authorization however the documentation is lacking for this case, and when figured out I will be sure to contribute back.
Thank you
The problem I was encountering is Torii's default google-oauth2 provider doesn't access this info for you, also it uses the code workflow instead of the token workflow which is needed for the google+ API
To fix this I wrote a custom provider that uses a jquery GET request to the G+ API, I then return the userName and userEmail to access it in the session under content.
I wrote a full tutorial detailing authorizing an ember app using google start to finish here
import {configurable} from 'torii/configuration';
import Oauth2Bearer from 'torii/providers/oauth2-bearer';
var GoogleToken = Oauth2Bearer.extend({
name: 'google-token',
baseUrl: '',
// additional params that this provider requires
requiredUrlParams: ['state'],
optionalUrlParams: ['scope', 'request_visible_actions', 'access_type'],
requestVisibleActions: configurable('requestVisibleActions', ''),
accessType: configurable('accessType', ''),
responseParams: ['token'],
scope: configurable('scope', 'email'),
state: configurable('state', 'STATE'),
redirectUri: configurable('redirectUri',
open: function(){
var name = this.get('name'),
url = this.buildUrl(),
redirectUri = this.get('redirectUri'),
responseParams = this.get('responseParams');
var client_id = this.get('client_id');
return this.get('popup').open(url, responseParams).then(function(authData){
var missingResponseParams = [];
if (authData[param] === undefined) {
if (missingResponseParams.length){
throw "The response from the provider is missing " +
"these required response params: " + responseParams.join(', ');
return $.get("", {access_token: authData.token}).then(function(user){
return {
userName: user.displayName,
userEmail: user.emails[0].value,
provider: name,
redirectUri: redirectUri
export default GoogleToken;

Access Liferay Web services using JSON API

Hi i created a plugin portlet. In the JSP i am accessing all countries list by using JSON API. It is working fine for Logged in users. But for the Guest users i am unable to access the web service. I am working on Liferay 6.0.6. The following is my code.
function(result) {
for(var count=0;count< result.length;count++){
var option = document.createElement("option");
Assuming that you are using Liferay 6.1, you can achieve it by adding a property to file
If you need to check the whole flow checkout
I think you need to pass the serviceContext with permissions to the Service.
Can you try by setting the communityPermissions and guestPermissions as VIEW ?
serviceContext: jQuery.toJSON(
communityPermissions: communityPermission,
guestPermissions: guestPermission,
scopeGroupId: themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId()
function(result) {
for(var count=0;count< result.length;count++){
var option = document.createElement("option");
I found a work around for the above problem. I am unable to access JSON API because Liferay is using for AJAX Calls which is available for Logged in Users only. So I have prepared the following code.
type: "POST",
url: '<%=themeDisplay.getURLPortal() %>'+'/tunnel-web/json?serviceClassName=com.liferay.portal.service.CountryServiceUtil&serviceMethodName=getCountries',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(countriesList) {