Exception Handling in /clr MFC Application (compiled with /EHa) - c++

We have a large MFC application that is in the process of being updated. It has been modified to add in some .NET components (some of the DLLs now have managed & native classes), the idea is that the old code will be phased out eventually.
The app has many DLLs with native C++ classes exported, and used by the application.
On trying to test the app we now find ANY exception seems to cause the app to crash, even though these exceptions are in theory being caught in the same function.
CString AddressClass::GetPostalAddress()
CString address;
try {
address = (LPCSTR)(_bstr_t)m_pCommand->GetParameters()->Item["PostalAddress"]->Value;
catch ( _com_error& )//exception occurs if postal address is NULL
address = _T("");
return address;
The _com_error is not being caught when compiling with /clr and /EHa (Vs2015 update 3). Without /clr it works fine and has been operational for years. From the documentation I have read my understanding is this should work, but clearly I am mistaken.
The code responsible for generating the error is in comutil.h:
inline void CheckError(HRESULT hr)
if (FAILED(hr)) {
The information from the debugger is:
An exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException' occurred in XXX.dll and wasn't handled before a managed/native boundary
Additional information: External component has thrown an exception.
Is there anyway to get this working without rewriting huge amounts of code?

Answer from short comment, since it seems to have helped:
Generally speaking: You should not compile these with /clr. Separate your old code vs your new CLR-using code, just compile new code with /clr, compile old code/files directly native. You can still link everything together in a clr-enabled DLL.
What we do is to compile all the native stuff in separate static LIB projects, and then link these into /clr enabled projects - having separate compiler switches for individual source files inside one project is always a tad confusing. But then, it may still be the way to go for you. Depends on the mixture and calling patterns, I guess.
I'll add that I view /clr mostly as a rather powerful glue system, than something you should target for the full app stack.


DLL fails to load if unused ref class is removed

I'm running into a very strange problem trying to compile and use a windows runtime component within an UWP application (VS2017 community 15.9.13 with NetCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform 6.2.8, compiled without /clr but with /ZW).
It is basically something like the Grayscaletransform. The runtime component is actually working as expected, now I wanted to remove some unused code. However, as soon as I remove it from a particular file and recompile, it indeed compiles, links, but the DLL does not load any more.
Here's some example code that I have to put in:
ref class DummyU sealed
DummyU() {}
DummyU^ CreateDummyU()
return ref new DummyU();
The code just makes it work, although it is a) not referenced at all and b) does not do anything useful.
The result of removing it:
Exception thrown at 0x0EFF322F (vccorlib140d_app.dll) in TestAppUWP.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000.
STDAPI DllGetActivationFactory(_In_ HSTRING activatibleClassId, _Deref_out_ IActivationFactory** ppFactory)
return Platform::Details::GetActivationFactory(Microsoft::WRL::Details::ModuleBase::module_, activatibleClassId, ppFactory);
function in dllexports.cpp which is part of VS. The module_ becomes NULL.
Does anyone have an idea if there are any known bugs with respect to the windows runtime not being initialized/used properly if there is no explicit instantiation of a ref class in a file?
Here's the link to the full source code:
What's happening here is that you're mixing modes a bit. Since you've compiled your C++ code with the /CX flag, you've told the compiler to enable winrt extensions to produce a WinRT DLL. In practice though, none of your code is actually using the CX extensions to implement classes. You're using WRL and standards C++. The compiler looks at the DLL, finds no CX-style WinRT classes, and doesn't set up the module, accordingly.
This is basically an untested & unsupported case, since you've chosen to say that you want to expose ref classes by picking a UWP component library project type, but then didn't actually provide any ref classes. It happens that under the hood, /CX effectively uses WRL, so you can nudge it along and initialize the state to work correctly, but you're kinda hacking the implementation details of the system.
There are two options I would recommend, either works: just make the project a non-CX Win32 DLL and init the module as described above. Or, better yet, flip over to C++ /WinRT, which will give you better support for the WinRT types than /CX and allow you to more easily mix in the classic COM types in your implementation. You can get started by just turning off the /CX flag in the compiler switches, then start updating the code accordingly.
You might have wrong .winmd file for your component. WinRT components made in C++ produce two outputs, dll and winmd. Both must match. It's possible you have them from different builds.
Another possible reason is error in manifest. The manifest of the app must include all referenced runtime components.
BTW, for native DLLs written in classic C++ and exposing C API, deployment is simpler, you include a DLL in the package and they just work, with [DllImport] if you're consuming them from C#.
Update: You can replace that ref class with the following code, works on my PC.
struct ModuleStaticInitialize
static ModuleStaticInitialize s_moduleInit;
Probably a bug in Microsoft's runtime somewhere.

AccessViolationException reading memory allocated in C++ application from C++/CLI DLL

I have a C++ client to a C++/CLI DLL, which initializes a series of C# dlls.
This used to work. The code that is failing has not changed. The code that has changed is not called before the exception is thrown. My compile environment has changed, but recompiling on a machine with an environment similar to my old one still failed. (EDIT: as we see in the answer this is not entirely true, I was only recompiling the library in the old environment, not the library and client together. The client projects had been upgraded and couldn't easily go back.)
Someone besides me recompiled the library, and we started getting memory management issues. The pointer passed in as a String must not be in the bottom 64K of the process's address space. I recompiled it, and all worked well with no code changes. (Alarm #1) Recently it was recompiled, and memory management issues with strings re-appeared, and this time they're not going away. The new error is Unhandled Exception: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
I'm pretty sure the problem is not located where I see the exception, the code didn't change between the successful and failing builds, but we should review that to be complete. Ignore the names of things, I don't have much control over the design of what it's doing with these strings. And sorry for the confusion, but note that _bridge and bridge are different things. Lots of lines of code missing because this question is already too long.
Defined in library:
struct Config
std::string aye;
std::string bee;
std::string sea;
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) BridgeBase_I* __stdcall Bridge_GetConfiguredDefaultsImplementationPointer(
const std::vector<Config> & newConfigs, /**< new configurations to apply **/
std::string configFolderPath, /**< folder to write config files in **/
std::string defaultConfigFolderPath, /**< folder to find default config files in **/
std::string & status /**< output status of config parse **/
In client function:
GatewayWrapper::Config bridge;
std::string configPath("./config");
std::string defaultPath("./config/default");
GatewayWrapper::Config gwtransport;
bridge.aye = "bridged.dll";
bridge.bee = "1.0";
bridge.sea = "";
_bridge = GatewayWrapper::Bridge_GetConfiguredDefaultsImplementationPointer(configs, configPath, defaultPath, status);
Note that call to library that is crashing is in the same scope as the vector declaration, struct declaration, string assignment and vector push-back
There are no threading calls in this section of code, but there are other threads running doing other things. There is no pointer math here, there are no heap allocations in the area except perhaps inside the standard library.
I can run the code up to the Bridge_GetConfiguredDefaultsImplementationPointer call in the debugger, and the contents of the configs vector look correct in the debugger.
Back in the library, in the first sub function, where the debugger don't shine, I've broken down the failing statement into several console prints.
System::String^ temp
List<CConfig^>^ configs = gcnew List<CConfig ^>((INT32)newConfigs.size());
for( int i = 0; i< newConfigs.size(); i++)
std::cout << newConfigs[i].aye<< std::flush; // prints
std::cout << newConfigs[i].aye.c_str() << std::flush; // prints
temp = gcnew System::String(newConfigs[i].aye.c_str());
System::Console::WriteLine(temp); // prints
std::cout << "Testing string creation" << std::endl; // prints
std::cout << newConfigs[i].bee << std::flush; // crashes here
I get the same exception on access of bee if I move the newConfigs[i].bee out above the assignment of temp or comment out the list declaration/assignment.
Just for reference that the std::string in a struct in a vector should have arrived at it's destination ok
Is std::vector copying the objects with a push_back?
std::string in struct - Copy/assignment issues?
Assign one struct to another in C
Why this exception is not caught by my try/catch
Generic AccessViolationException related questions
How to handle AccessViolationException
Programs randomly getting System.AccessViolationException
finding the cause of System.AccessViolationException
Catching access violation exceptions?
AccessViolationException when using C++ DLL from C#
Suggestions in above questions
Change to .net 3.5, change target platform - these solutions could have serious issues with a large mult-project solution.
HandleProcessCorruptedStateExceptions - does not work in C++, this decoration is for C#, catching this error could be a very bad idea anyway
Change legacyCorruptedStateExceptionsPolicy - this is about catching the error, not preventing it
Install .NET 4.5.2 - can't, already have 4.6.1. Installing 4.6.2 did not help. Recompiling on a different machine that didn't have 4.5 or 4.6 installed did not help. (Despite this used to compile and run on my machine before installing Visual Studio 2013, which strongly suggests the .NET library is an issue?)
VSDebug_DisableManagedReturnValue - I only see this mentioned in relation to a specific crash in the debugger, and the help from Microsoft says that other AccessViolationException issues are likely unrelated. (http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedbackdetail/view/819552/visual-studio-debugger-throws-accessviolationexception)
Change Comodo Firewall settings - I don't use this software
Change all the code to managed memory - Not an option. The overall design of calling C# from C++ through C++/CLI is resistant to change. I was specifically asked to design it this way to leverage existing C# code from existing C++ code.
Make sure memory is allocated - memory should be allocated on the stack in the C++ client. I've attempted to make the vector be not a reference parameter, to force a vector copy into explicitly library controlled memory space, did not help.
"Access violations in unmanaged code that bubble up to managed code are always wrapped in an AccessViolationException." - Fact, not a solution.
but it was the mismatch, not the specific version that was the problem
Yes, that's black letter law in VS. You unfortunately just missed the counter-measures that were built into VS2012 to turn this mistake into a diagnosable linker error. Previously (and in VS2010), the CRT would allocate its own heap with HeapAlloc(). Now (in VS2013), it uses the default process heap, the one returned by the GetProcessHeap().
Which is in itself enough to trigger an AVE when you run your app on Vista or higher, allocating memory from one heap and releasing it from another triggers an AVE at runtime, a debugger break when you debug with the Debug Heap enabled.
This is not where it ends, another significant issue is that the std::string object layout is not the same between the versions. Something you can discover with a little test program:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout << sizeof(std::string) << std::endl;
return 0;
VS2010 Debug : 32
VS2010 Release : 28
VS2013 Debug : 28
VS2013 Release : 24
I have a vague memory of Stephen Lavavej mentioning the std::string object size reduction, very much presented as a feature, but I can't find it back. The extra 4 bytes in the Debug build is caused by the iterator debugging feature, it can be disabled with _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0 in the Preprocessor Definitions. Not a feature you'd quickly want to throw away but it makes mixing Debug and Release builds of the EXE and its DLLs quite lethal.
Needless to say, the different object sizes seriously bytes when the Config object is created in a DLL built with one version of the standard C++ library and used in another. Many mishaps, the most basic one is that the code will simply read the Config::bee member from the wrong offset. An AVE is (almost) guaranteed. Lots more misery when code allocates the small flavor of the Config object but writes the large flavor of std::string, that randomly corrupts the heap or the stack frame.
Don't mix.
I believe 2013 introduced a lot of changes in the internal data formats of STL containers, as part of a push to reduce memory usage and improve perf. I know vector became smaller, and string is basically a glorified vector<char>.
Microsoft acknowledges the incompatibility:
"To enable new optimizations and debugging checks, the Visual Studio
implementation of the C++ Standard Library intentionally breaks binary
compatibility from one version to the next. Therefore, when the C++
Standard Library is used, object files and static libraries that are
compiled by using different versions can't be mixed in one binary (EXE
or DLL), and C++ Standard Library objects can't be passed between
binaries that are compiled by using different versions."
If you're going to pass std::* objects between executables and/or DLLs, you absolutely must ensure that they are using the same version of the compiler. It would be well-advised to have your client and its DLLs negotiate in some way at startup, comparing any available versions (e.g. compiler version + flags, boost version, directx version, etc.) so that you catch errors like this quickly. Think of it as a cross-module assert.
If you want to confirm that this is the issue, you could pick a few of the data structures you're passing back and forth and check their sizes in the client vs. the DLLs. I suspect your Config class above would register differently in one of the fail cases.
I'd also like to mention that it is probably a bad idea in the first place to use smart containers in DLL calls. Unless you can guarantee that the app and DLL won't try to free or reallocate the internal buffers of the other's containers, you could easily run into heap corruption issues, since the app and DLL each have their own internal C++ heap. I think that behavior is considered undefined at best. Even passing const& arguments could still result in reallocation in rare cases, since const doesn't prevent a compiler from diddling with mutable internals.
You seem to have memory corruption. Microsoft Application Verifier is invaluable in finding corruption. Use it to find your bug:
Install it to your dev machine.
Add your exe to it.
Only select Basics\Heaps.
Press Save. It doesn't matter if you keep application verifier open.
Run your program a few times.
If it crashes, debug it and this time, the crash will point to your problem, not just some random location in your program.
PS: It's a great idea to have Application Verifier enabled at all times for your development project.

Encountering errors when using C++ interop on old MFC/Win32 application

I have inherited an old MFC/Win32 C++ application who's source code I am not supposed to edit.
This MFC application needs to host an old MFC/Win32 C++ DLL. This DLL also tries to make function calls through a Mixed-mode wrapper to a managed C++/CLI DLL. I know it sounds a little confusing, so here's a diagram of what I mean:
Old MFC/Win32 Application (NO CLR)
---> Hosting old MFC/Win32 DLL (NO CLR)
---> Making function calls to Mixed-Mode wrapper (CLR)
---> Sending function calls to C++/CLI DLL (CLR)
My problem currently is that when I try to mount an object of the C++/CLR wrapper class let's say WrapperClass WC;, the MFC/Win32 application encounters an "Unhandled exception."
I have a feeling that I may need to somehow host the CLR in a separate process in order to be able to make the object. Is this the right idea? Or am I completely out of whack here?
The code compiles time and this only occurs at run-time.
Any ideas?
Here is an example of the code I am trying to run:
#include "WrapperClass.h"
BOOL Test::bTest() //This function is called elsewhere within MFC/Win32 DLL
DWORD dwTest;
WrapperClass WC; //Unhandled exception here!
return WC.FunctionToCall(dwTest); //FunctionToCall is a BOOL
Mixed-Mode Wrapper Class
BOOL WrapperClass::FunctionToCall(DWORD dw)
GCHandle h = GCHandle::FromIntPtr(IntPtr(m_impl)); //m_impl def'd as void *
CPPCLIClass^ CCC = safe_cast<CPPCLIClass^>(h.Target);
return (BOOL)CCC->FunctionToCall(dw);
bool CPPCLIClass::FunctionToCall(UInt32 ui32)
if (ui32 == 42)
return true;
I've managed to coax a real exception out of the program. I am now receiving a System.IO.FileNotFound exception with additional information stating:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' occured in
Unknown Module.
Additional information: Could not load file or assembly 'CPPCLIProject,
Version=1.0.4351.29839, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its
dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Does this mean anything? I understand that it apparently cannot find CPPCLIProject (Note: this is not the wrapper project), but then if I'm linking on the .lib file from the Mixed-mode wrapper, how would I not receive linker errors then?
Are you sure that the implementation of WrapperClass::FunctionToCall() isn't throwing the exception? It looks like you're caching the memory location of a CLR object, and then trying to call one of its members. I think the CLR is free to move objects around, so it's possible that you're trying to use an object that has moved.
If you change the implementation of WrapperClass::FunctionToCall() to something simple (i.e. create a CLR object, call a member function), do you still get the same unhandled exception?
UPDATE: Which class is in CPPCLIProject - CPPCLIClass? Assuming this project represents the C++/CLI DLL, it sounds like it just can't find the assembly to load it when it needs to call your class.
Where is this assembly on disk relative to the rest of the application? If your root EXE is unmanaged (which it sounds like it is, since it is MFC/Win32), then the CLR looks in the EXE's directory and the GAC in order to load assemblies (I don't think it looks in the Path, but I'm not positive on that).
So if the CPPCLIProject isn't in the same directory as the EXE, that could be your problem.
Your best bet is to
run under a debugger (add the additional DLLs with debug information to the debug session)
enable break on all (first-chance) exceptions
trace/assert all HRESULT codes
in general try to catch
C++ exceptions (try/catch...)
Windows Structured Exceptions (IIRC _try/_catch, but see MSDN)
The idea is to convert the 'unkown exception' into 'known exception'.
Normally speaking there is no need to host the CLR part out of process. This is what a mixed-mode DLL is about. Then again, if this is legacy code, you might be running into complicated mixes of runtime dependencies that, shall we say, could clash.
Further thoughts:
If I understand correctly, you have the option to recompile all sources (just not touch the legacy codebase?). If so, make sure all code is compiled against the same version (think Service Packs) and type (think Static vs Dynamic/Multithread/Debug) of the runtime libraries.
While you are checking additional pathways, keep an eye on potentially conflicting dependencies on
ATL server libs
MFC libs (again static vs dynamic/Multithread/Debug flavours).

Implementing the CLR into old MFC/Win32 DLL and hosting DLL into MFC/Win32 Application

I have an old MFC application which I currently import an old MFC/Win32 DLL into.
In this old DLL, I have been tasked with writing a bunch of Multi-Threaded code which I was planning on writing using the .NET framework (hence needing the CLR).
I've made cracks at this before, and even if I can get the project to compile properly with the CLR, I find that as soon as I try to use the DLL's user interface (written in MFC) after loading the DLL into the MFC/Win32 application, the application will crash pointing to problems with the user interface.
This DLL has always worked without the CLR, so I know that it is not broken.
What is the best way of implementing the CLR in my project, even if it is only for one class?
EDIT: I currently can get the code to build with the CLR only on the one class I need it in, but the application I load the DLL into still crashes upon trying to load the user interface contained in the DLL.
EDIT2: I have figured out that it is failing an assertion on afxCurrentResourceHandle in afxwin1.inl. After doing more reading, I have a feeling that this has to do with MFC being in a "shared DLL" instead of "static DLL." Is there a workaround for this assertion?
{ ASSERT(afxCurrentResourceHandle != NULL);
return afxCurrentResourceHandle; }
EDIT3: I have made progress, but am still failing assertions! Apparently before you create the objects of the pages within the user interface, you must use the AFX_MANAGE_STATE macro to have afxCurrentResourceHandle be defined!
Here's an example of what I mean:
CPropertySheet Sheet("Config"); //Assume this is defined
CConfigPage ConfigPage;
CTestPage TestPage;
//Now I am failing an assertion when trying to run the following code
if (Sheet.DoModal() == ID_OK)
//Do stuff...
The assertion currently failing now is:
CObject* AFX_CDECL AfxStaticDownCast(CRunTimeClass* pClass, CObject* pObject)
ASSERT(pObject == NULL || pObject->IsKindOf(pClass));
return pObject
pObject certainly isn't null: pObject: 0x043fd4fc {CWnd hWnd=0x002c0abe}
Combining MFC and .NET/CLR is unlikely to work, unless you can recompile the old MFC application with CLR support. Even then, I would strongly discourage it; the two frameworks are not intended to be used simultaneously. Keep in mind that you can only use one GUI thread even if you don't use MFC.
A better solution would be to use the standard MFC threading mechanisms. It's really not hard; just make a new class with a member function like this:
static UINT Go(LPVOID pParam);
Then call AfxBeginThread(Go, this) from somewhere else in your class. Recast pParam to pointer to your class and then start calling functions on it. You don't have to use anything fancy to make that strategy work in MFC, and you've got all the standard Win32/MFC/C++ resources available. Tell me what you need from .NET and I bet I can find a way to do the same thing in C++ or through COM.

Exceptions on Linux from a shared object (.so)

I have a test program called ftest. It loads .so files that contain tests and runs the tests that it finds in there. One of these tests loads and runs a .so that contains a Postgres database driver for our O/RM.
When the Postgres driver throws an exception which is defined in that .so file (or one that it links to, but ftest does not link to) and is caught by the test framework the exception destructor triggers a segfault.
This segfault happens whenever the compiled exception is in a .so that has been dynamically loaded (using dload).
This sort of thing works fine in Windows which has the same architecture. We don't really want to restrict ourselves to only use exceptions that are from the core libraries -- add-ins should be free to create their own exception classes and have them handled normally.
The exceptions are sub-classes of std::exception. Sometimes the exceptions may be defined in libraries (such as libpqxx) which means that exceptions are sometimes out of our control too.
Exceptions are thrown using something like:
throw exception_class( exception_arguments );
And are caught using:
catch ( std::exception &e ) {
// handler code
Is there some special compiler option needed to get this working? Do we need to switch to throw exceptions via throw new exception_class( args ) (we don't really want to do this)?
Assuming your using gcc -
Append -Wl,-E when you build the executable calling dlload(). This exports all type info symbols from the executable, which should allow the RTTI (when catching the exception) to work properly.
VC++ uses string compares to match typeinfo, results in slower dynamic_cast<> etc but smaller binaries. g++ uses pointer compares.
I encountered the same problem when attempting to use pure virtual interfaces classes implemented in a run-time loaded .so.
There are a few articles relating to the subject floating around on the net as well.
hope that helps,