Check which breakpoint is reached first. trace32 toolbox lauterbach for test automation - trace32

Basically I have two breakpoints, let's say A and B. I wrote a .cmm script for automation test and I want to know how can you see i breakpoint A is reached before breakpoint B. Based on this presumption to have a condition to pass or fail the test. The code below just shows if the breakpoints are reached and they are.
TOOLBOX WaitValidateBreakpoint A
ENTRY &StoppedAtBreakpoint
IF &StoppedAtBreakpoint==FALSE()
TOOLBOX TestStepFail "Breakpoint A is not reached"
TOOLBOX TestStepPass "Breakpoint A is reached"
TOOLBOX WaitValidateBreakpoint B
ENTRY &StoppedAtBreakpoint
IF &StoppedAtBreakpoint==FALSE()
TOOLBOX TestStepFail "Breakpoint B is not reached"
TOOLBOX TestStepPass "Breakpoint B is reached"

Due to the problem description I am assuming that the existing automation script is able to detect whether breakpoint A or B is hit. This is reflected by two PRACTICE macros containing the addresses of the two breakpoints:
LOCAL &address_bp_a &address_bp_b
Two additional PRACTICE macros track which breakpoint is triggered first:
LOCAL &bp_a_first &bp_b_first
The scripts starts the program execution and monitors which breakpoint is triggered first. This happens in a loop in case other breakpoints are hit:
WHILE !(&bp_a_first||&bp_b_first)
IF Register(PC)==&address_bp_a
ELSE IF Register(PC)==&address_bp_b
IF &bp_a_first
PRINT "Breakpoint A was hit first"
ELSE IF &bp_b_first
PRINT "Breakpoint B was hit first"


Ignore but count breakpoint hits in lldb/gdb

I have two breakpoints A and B. And I'd like to count how many instances of A occur before B is hit. The thing is A occurs quite a bit (>1000) so i can't manually continue and iterate. A can also occur after B so I can't run a program to completion to find out the hit counts. Is there an automatic way to do this?
You can do this pretty easily with an auto-continue breakpoint at A and commands on breakpoint B. In the simplest approach, the breakpoint on A would look like:
break set <HoweverYouSpecifyA> --auto-continue 1 -N BreakpointA
Then the breakpoint on B would be:
break set <HoweverYouSpecifyB> -C "break list BreakpointA" -C "break disable BreakpointA" --one-shot
The break list BreakpointA output will show the hit count of A when you hit B, which is what you wanted to know. By disabling A when you hit B, the hit count for A will stay what it was when you hit B, so you should be able to check it at any point after that (till you rerun).
I like to use named breakpoints when I'm doing a little breakpoint two-step like this, otherwise you have to use the ID of the first breakpoint, and that can change from run to run depending on the order in which you set breakpoints.
I also made breakpoint B a one-shot since you're just using it to freeze the hit-count of A so it only needs to get hit the once. If it's more convenient you could also make B auto continue and then just read out the hit count of A when the program exits.
If you wanted to get fancier, you could use a Python callback for B instead, and get the hit count from A and report that however you want. It's more work but it is easier to control output formatting from Python...
Is there an automatic way to do this?
In GDB, I usually do this:
(gdb) ign 1 10000
(gdb) cont
When the second (B) breakpoint is hit, info break will say something like:
(gdb) info b
Num Type Disp Enb Address What
1 breakpoint keep y 0x0000555555555129 in a at t.c:1
breakpoint already hit 1234 times <<<===
ignore next 8766 hits
2 breakpoint keep y 0x0000555555555130 in b at t.c:2
breakpoint already hit 1 time
If 10000 turns out to not be enough, you could always increase it to 10000000 instead.

Is there a "watch window" like GDB function?

In gdb, when it hits a breakpoint, I need to manually investigate the variable values, one by one, with print or print/x functions.
Is there any easier way to list all selected variable's values whenever it hits a breakpoint, commonly known as a "watch window" of a GUI debugger?
Commands can be executed on breakpoints.
From docs:
break foo
printf "x is %d\n",x
Or add commands to some existing breakpoint (breakpoint number 3 in this case):
commands 3
print x
print y
Or make a command that adds prints to a breakpoint:
define addwatch
commands $arg0
print x
print y
Then use:
addwatch 3
Or make a command that sets a breakpoint and adds prints to it.
Scripts can be stored in .gdbinit, so they'll load automatically. The language is either this GDB syntax or Python.
P.S. Some people do tracing with this by adding continue at the end of the command list: that way the variables are printed, but the application doesn't stop on the breakpoint.

Run time till breakpoint is reached?

I have a script with a breakpoint A and I want to know if is a function that shows the run time till the breakpoint is reached(manually you see it at Misc Runtime ). Let's say if it hits at 10ms is passed if is more is fail. The current code for reaching the breakpoint is:
TOOLBOX WaitValidateBreakpoint A
ENTRY &StoppedAtBreakpoint
IF &StoppedAtBreakpoint==FALSE()
TOOLBOX TestStepFail "Breakpoint A is not reached"
TOOLBOX TestStepPass "Breakpoint A is reached"
You can get time the core was running until it hits a breakpoints with the PRACTICE function RunTime.LASTRUN()
So you can write something like that:
PRINT "Execution took too long!"
You can read more about PRACTICE functions in <t32sys>/pdf/general_func.pdf located in you TRACE32 installation.
See also: Benchmarking Code Runtime with Trace32

Break outside a loop, return outside a function - iPython Notebook

I have an iPython notebook that has blocks of code of which I want to be able to have the opportunity to stop at points whilst it is executing.
The code downloads a query form an API and on the first return determines the maximum rows and whether it contains sampled data.
Depending if it has sampled data, and to what extent, I would like the option to stop the code prior to the while loop which will iteratively download the full dataset.
The 'break' code I have is as below:
print "Contains sampled data? " + str(metadata["containsSampledData"])
print "Break query? -> Y"
bi = raw_input()
if bi == "Y":
I have tried return and break, which both give errors (though they do stop the code). In addition, I have tired quit() however I am not wanting to reset the kernal and re-import modules/create variables.
Is there any way, outside of a loop and not within a function that you can stop the code, without quitting the instance?
I think you need to rethink and rewrite the logic of your program.
print "Contains sampled data? " + str(metadata["containsSampledData"])
while True:
# Check the condition with your API stuff here
# and exit or ask everytime if the condition is true as shown below
print "Break query? -> Y"
bi = raw_input()
if bi == "Y":
# Continue executing your code here.
The other option is to use sys.exit() as you already tried but it will exit the program.

Can I have an IF block in DOS batch file?

In a DOS batch file we can only have 1 line if statement body? I think I found somewhere that I could use () for an if block just like the {} used in C-like programming languages, but it is not executing the statements when I try this. No error message either. This my code:
if %GPMANAGER_FOUND%==true(echo GP Manager is up
goto Continue7
echo GP Manager is down
Strangely neither "GP Manager is up" nor "GP Manager is down" gets printed when I run the batch file.
You can indeed place create a block of statements to execute after a conditional. But you have the syntax wrong. The parentheses must be used exactly as shown:
if <statement> (
do something
) else (
do something else
However, I do not believe that there is any built-in syntax for else-if statements. You will unfortunately need to create nested blocks of if statements to handle that.
Secondly, that %GPMANAGER_FOUND% == true test looks mighty suspicious to me. I don't know what the environment variable is set to or how you're setting it, but I very much doubt that the code you've shown will produce the result you're looking for.
The following sample code works fine for me:
#echo off
if ERRORLEVEL == 0 (
echo GP Manager is up
goto Continue7
echo GP Manager is down
Please note a few specific details about my sample code:
The space added between the end of the conditional statement, and the opening parenthesis.
I am setting #echo off to keep from seeing all of the statements printed to the console as they execute, and instead just see the output of those that specifically begin with echo.
I'm using the built-in ERRORLEVEL variable just as a test. Read more here
Logically, Cody's answer should work. However I don't think the command prompt handles a code block logically. For the life of me I can't get that to work properly with any more than a single command within the block. In my case, extensive testing revealed that all of the commands within the block are being cached, and executed simultaneously at the end of the block. This of course doesn't yield the expected results. Here is an oversimplified example:
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (
set var1=blue
set var2=cheese
set var3=%var1%_%var2%
This should provide var3 with the following value:
but instead yields:
because all 3 commands are cached and executed simultaneously upon exiting the code block.
I was able to overcome this problem by re-writing the if block to only execute one command - goto - and adding a few labels. Its clunky, and I don't much like it, but at least it works.
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 goto :error0
goto :endif
set var1=blue
set var2=cheese
set var3=%var1%_%var2%
Instead of this goto mess, try using the ampersand & or double ampersand && (conditional to errorlevel 0) as command separators.
I fixed a script snippet with this trick, to summarize, I have three batch files, one which calls the other two after having found which letters the external backup drives have been assigned. I leave the first file on the primary external drive so the calls to its backup routine worked fine, but the calls to the second one required an active drive change. The code below shows how I fixed it:
for %%b in (d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) DO (
if exist "%%b:\Backup.cmd" %%b: & CALL "%%b:\Backup.cmd"
I ran across this article in the results returned by a search related to the IF command in a batch file, and I couldn't resist the opportunity to correct the misconception that IF blocks are limited to single commands. Following is a portion of a production Windows NT command script that runs daily on the machine on which I am composing this reply.
if "%COPYTOOL%" equ "R" (
WWLOGGER.exe "%APPDATA%\WizardWrx\%~n0.LOG" "Using RoboCopy to make a backup of %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\Outlook Files\*"
%TOOLPATH% %SRCEPATH% %DESTPATH% /copyall %RCLOGSTR% /m /np /r:0 /tee
C:\BIN\ExitCodeMapper.exe C:\BIN\ExitCodeMapper.INI[Robocopy] %TEMP%\%~n0.TMP %ERRORLEVEL%
) else (
WWLOGGER.exe "%APPDATA%\WizardWrx\%~n0.LOG" "Using XCopy to make a backup of %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\Outlook Files\*"
call %TOOLPATH% "%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\Outlook Files\*" "%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\Outlook Files\_backups" /f /m /v /y
C:\BIN\ExitCodeMapper.exe C:\BIN\ExitCodeMapper.INI[Xcopy] %TEMP%\%~n0.TMP %ERRORLEVEL%
Perhaps blocks of two or more lines applies exclusively to Windows NT command scripts (.CMD files), because a search of the production scripts directory of an application that is restricted to old school batch (.BAT) files, revealed only one-command blocks. Since the application has gone into extended maintenance (meaning that I am not actively involved in supporting it), I can't say whether that is because I didn't need more than one line, or that I couldn't make them work.
Regardless, if the latter is true, there is a simple workaround; move the multiple lines into either a separate batch file or a batch file subroutine. I know that the latter works in both kinds of scripts.
Maybe a bit late, but hope it hellps:
#echo off
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
msg * 1st line WORKS FINE rem You can relpace msg * with any othe operation...
goto Continue1
If exist "C:\Python31" (
msg * 2nd line WORKS FINE rem You can relpace msg * with any othe operation...
goto Continue2
If exist "C:\Python31\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4" (
msg * 3th line WORKS FINE rem You can relpace msg * with any othe operation...
goto Continue3
msg * 4th line WORKS FINE rem You can relpace msg * with any othe operation...
goto Continue4
msg * "Tutto a posto" rem You can relpace msg * with any othe operation...