"Include What you use" - c++

I read about tool called "include-what-you-use" which can help clean superfluous includes
from source code. I understood that there is a version for compiler LLVM(clang) and version for GCC.
My questions are:
Why this tool is compiler-dependent and not "cross-platform" for compilers. Why from the beginning the creators of the tool didn't make it compiler-independent? Is it related to the special implementation it has or something like that?
If I want to take a version of the tool compatible for LLVM and I want to make it compatible with GCC (since I'm working with GCC), what do I have to do for that?

For the most part, Include-What-You-Use should be able to handle any valid C++ codebase, regardless of whether that codebase was written with gcc or clang in mind. I recently had the occasion to run Include-What-You-Use on a very large codebase that was usually compiled with gcc and it worked fine. So in that sense it is already compatible.
That said, it might not work perfectly. It's likely that some of the information it provides will be wrong, even if it's a clang codebase. So always verify the output manually.

why this tool is compiler-dependent and not "cross-platform" for compilers. Why from the beginning the creaters of the tool didn't make
it compiler-independent ? is it related to the special implementation
it has or something like that ?
Reason is simple, clang has is more modern fresh and has better modular architecture. As a result is is much easier to create tools using clang modules.
That is why clang was first which had address sanitizer and have more cool sanitizers. And this is why when someone creates new tool for C++ stars from clang.
If i want to take a version of the tool compatible for llvm and i want to make it compatible with gcc(since i'm working with gcc). What
i have to do for that ?
clang was created since Apple was not happy with gcc. So when it was written it supposed to be as much compatible with gcc as possible, since there was lots of code which was verified with gcc.
Since clang is mature now and provides new own features, there might be small differences with gcc (for example different bugs in implementations of new C++ standards), but in most common code there should be no problem.
IWYU should work without problems on both compilers. My coworker used it on large project build with 3 compilers (clang, gcc and VS) and it worked like a charm.

The tool itself needs parts of the compiler! It is sitting somewhere between reading the source and parsing it. LLVM provides an API which is used for the tool. The tool itself is not standalone but a plugin to the clang/llvm. As this, it needs the clang/llvm.
The modifications which will be done by the tool are fully compatible to every c++ compiler. And also the plugin in combination with clang/llvm should be able to parse more or less every code base independent of used other compilers. There might be some strange macros which are supported by other tool chains, which llvm might be struggle with. But that should be a rare case at all.


llvm/clang re-compilation with itself

After reading many questions on here, I decided to give clang a go, and installed the svn version on Ubuntu 12.04 (64bit). I was expecting issues, but it all compiled smoothly with no warnings.
I noticed though that when re-running the configure script, if clang/clang++ is in your path it will choose this over gcc/g++ for its own compilation. Is it a good idea to recompile llvm/clang with itself? I know this is absolutely standard with gcc, but I've read that clang's C++ implementation isn't quite good enough yet (maybe this is out of date info...).
Clang has been self hosting for a few years. Losing that ability would be a serious regression.
Clang's current C++ support is quite good. Even much of C++11 is already available for your use.
If you want to be safe, stay on a stable branch.

GCC worth using on Windows to replace MSVC?

I currently develop in C++ on Windows, using Visual Studio 2010. After the official announcement of C++11, I have begun to use some of its features that are already available in MSVC. But, as expected, the great majority of the new changes are not supported.
I thought maybe the upcoming version of Visual Studio would add these new features. However, after reading this it looks like very little is going to change.
And so, I'm curious about the feasibility of using GCC on Windows rather than MSVC, as it appears to support the great majority of C++11 already. As far as I can tell, this would mean using MinGW (I haven't seen any other native Windows versions of GCC). But I have questions about whether this would be worth trying:
Can it be used as a drop-in replacement for cl.exe, or would it involve a lot of hacks and compatibility issues to get Visual Studio to use a different compiler?
The main selling point for Visual Studio, in my opinion, is it's debugger. Is that still usable if you use a different compiler?
Since GCC comes from the *nix world, and isn't native to Windows, are there code quality issues with creating native Windows applications, versus using the native MSVC compiler? (If it matters: most of my projects are games.)
In other words, will the quality of my compiled exe's suffer from using a non-Windows-native compiler?
MSVC has the huge advantage of coming with an IDE that has no equals under Windows, including debugger support.
The probably best alternative for MinGW would be Code::Blocks, but there are worlds in between, especially regarding code completion and the debugger.
Also, MSVC lets you use some proprietary Microsoft stuff (MFC, ATL, and possibly others) that MinGW has no support for, and makes using GDI+ and DirectX easier and more straightforward (though it is possible to do both with MinGW).
Cygwin, as mentioned in another post, will have extra dependencies and possible license issues (the dependency is GPL, so your programs must be, too). MinGW does not have any such dependency or issue.
MinGW also compiles significantly slower than MSVC (though precompiled headers help a little).
Despite all that, GCC/MinGW is an entirely reliable quality compiler, which in my opinion outperforms any to date available version of MSVC in terms of quality of generated code.
This is somewhat less pronounced with the most recent versions of MSVC, but still visible. Especially for anything related to SSE, intrinsics, and inline assembly, GCC has been totally anihilating MSVC ever since (though they're slowly catching up).
Standards compliance is a lot better in GCC too, which can be a double-edged sword (because it can mean that some of your code won't compile on the more conforming compiler!), as is C++11 support.
MinGW optionally also supports DW2 exceptions, which are totally incompatible with the "normal" flavour and take more space in the executable, but on the positive side are "practically zero cost" in runtime.
I want to add some information because the field may have changed since the question was asked.
The main problem for switching away from MSVC was the lack of a good IDE that flawlessly integrates with MinGW . Visual Studio is a very powerful tool and was the only player on Windows for quite some time. However, Jetbrains released a preview version of their new C++ IDE CLion some days ago.
The main benefit comes when working on cross platform applications. In this case, a GCC based tool chain can make life much easier. Moreover, CLion narrowly integrates with CMake, which is also a big plus compared to Visual Studio. Therefore, in my opinion, it is worth to consider switching to MinGW now.
GCC's C++11 support is quite phenomenal (and quite up to par with standards conformance, now that <regex> has been implemented).
If you replace your compiler, you'll need to make sure every dependency can be built with that new compiler. They're not made to be substitutable plugins (although Clang is working on becoming that way).
GCC is a fine compiler, and can produce code that has pretty much the same performance, if not better, than MSVC. It is missing some low-level Windows-specific features though.
Apart from this, to answer your questions:
To get VS to use GCC as a compiler, you'd pretty much need to turn to makefiles or custom build steps all the way. You'd be much better off compiling from the commandline and using CMake or something similar.
You cannot use the VS debugger for GCC code. GCC outputs GDB compatible debug information, and the VS debug format is proprietary, so nothing will change in that area anytime soon.
Code quality is just as good as you'd want it. See above.
No, the quality of your code will actually increase, as GCC will point out several assumed standard extensions MSVC would hide from you. All self-respecting open source projects can be compiled with GCC.
I my humble opinion, it's depends how someone started to code in the first place. I've been using g++ and gcc for more than 20 years now but the reason why i keep using gcc is mainly for licensing reasons. Although i like it too when i don't have a bunch of runtime dependencies or dll's to bundle with my stuff since i came from the DOS era, i still like my stuff small and fast. gcc for windows comes with standard win32 libraries and common control but i had to develop my own win32 controls for stuff that might require mcf shit to work properly or just to look nicer.
Although gcc might have strong support over internet, when it comes to win32 stuff, many rely on mcf and vc proprietary stuff so again, one may have to work his own issues around and be creative when difficulty arises.
I think it's all about needs and circumstances. If you are just a hobbyist coders and have the time for researches, creating you own libs and stuff but you want a solid compiler that's around since the late 80's and free, gcc sound perfect for the job.
But in the industry visual studio is a must if you want to be competitive and stay in the race. Many hardware manufacturers would prefer bundling visual studio compatible libraries for they hardware over some opensource gnu stuff.
That's my two cents.
To be honest, C++ should be handled with MS Visual Studio. If you want to make cross-platform or Unix apps, use GCC. GCC works and can be used with any IDE other than Visual Studio. Even Visual Studio Code can use GCC. Code::Blocks, Eclipse IDE for C/C++ developers, CLion, Notepad++ and even the good ol' tool we've always known, Notepad works with GCC. And finally, on a PC with low disk space, installing Visual Studio's "Desktop Development with C++" is something like 5 GB, if it was to be useful. And this is where GCC hits MSVC hard. It has native C support. MSVC can compile C, but only with a lot of fine-tuning. It takes a lot of time and effort to finally be able to compile. The final verdict:
If MSVC works, it hella works! If MSVC doesn't work, it HELLA DON'T WORK.
If GCC installs, it works, and if it doesn't work, it's the IDE's problem.
GCC is for people who don't mind spending 4 hours at the computer making it work properly. MSVC is for those who don't care about C and want it to install without any pokin' around.
It can't be used as a direct swap-out replacement for the microsoft compilers, for a start it has a vastly different set of command line arguments and compiler specific options.
You can make use of MinGW or Cygwin to write software but introduce extra dependencies ( especially in the case of cygwin ).
One not often touted advantage of gcc over cl is that gcc can be used with ccache to drastically speed up rebuilds or distcc to build using several other machines as compiler slaves.
Consider the Intel compiler (or "Composer" as they seem to have taken to calling it) as another option. I'm not too sure where its C++11 support is at compared with MS (certainly it has lambdas), but it does integrate very nicely with VisualStudio (e.g different projects within a solution can use the Intel or MS compilers) and there's also been some efforts made to match the MS compiler commandline options.
GCC and MSVC use different name mangling conventions for C++. C++ dlls compiled by one compiler can not be used in applications compiled with the other. I believe this is the main reason we don't see more widespread use of gcc in windows.

LLVM vs clang on OS X

I have a question concerning llvm, clang, and gcc on OS X.
What is the difference between the llvm-gcc 4.2, llvm 2.0 and clang? I know that they all build on llvm but how are they different?
Besides faster compiling, what is the advantage of llvm over gcc?
LLVM originally stood for "low-level virtual machine", though it now just stands for itself as it has grown to be something other than a traditional virtual machine. It is a set of libraries and tools, as well as a standardized intermediate representation, that can be used to help build compilers and just-in-time compilers. It cannot compile anything other than its own intermediate representation on its own; it needs a language-specific frontend in order to do so. If people just refer to LLVM, they probably mean just the low-level library and tools. Some people might refer to Clang or llvm-gcc incorrectly as "LLVM", which may cause some confusion.
llvm-gcc is a modified version of GCC, which uses LLVM as its backend instead of GCC's own. It is now deprecated, in favor of DragonEgg, which uses GCC's new plugin system to do the same thing without forking GCC.
Clang is a whole new C/C++/Objective-C compiler, which uses its own frontend, and LLVM as the backend. The advantages it provides are better error messages, faster compile time, and an easier way for other tools to hook into the compilation process (like the LLDB debugger and Clang static analyzer). It's also reasonably modular, and so can be used as a library for other software that needs to analyze C, C++, or Objective-C code.
Each of these approaches (plain GCC, GCC + LLVM, and Clang) have their advantages and disadvantages. The last few sets of benchmarks I've seen showed GCC to produce slightly faster code in most test cases (though LLVM had a slight edge in a few), while LLVM and Clang gave significantly better compile times. GCC and the GCC/LLVM combos have the advantage that a lot more code has been tested and works on the GCC flavor of C; there are some compiler specific extensions that only GCC has, and some places where the standard allows the implementation to vary but code depends on one particular implementation. It is a lot more likely if you get a large amount of legacy C code that it will work in GCC than that it will work in Clang, though this is improving over time.
There are 2 different things here.
LLVM is a backend compiler meant to build compilers on top of it. It deals with optimizations and production of code adapted to the target architecture.
CLang is a front end which parses C, C++ and Objective C code and translates it into a representation suitable for LLVM.
llvm gcc was an initial version of a llvm based C++ compiler based on gcc 4.2, which is now deprecated since CLang can parse everything it could parse, and more.
Finally, the main difference between CLang and gcc does not lie in the produced code but in the approach. While gcc is monolithic, CLang has been built as a suite of libraries. This modular design allow great reuse opportunities for IDE or completion tools for example.
At the moment, the code produced by gcc 4.6 is generally a bit faster, but CLang is closing the gap.
llvm-gcc-4.2 uses the GCC front-end to parse your code, then generates the compiled output using LLVM.
The "llvm compiler 2.0" uses the clang front-end to parse your code, and generates the compiled output using LLVM. "clang" is actually just the name for this front-end, but it is often used casually as a name for the compiler as a whole.

LLVM compiler for production code?

I have a question concerning the LLVM compiler:
I would like to use it to compile my Objective-C source code for Mac and iOS and from their release notes it seems that LLVM is stable enough for using this.
Having made good experiences with the LLVM I would also like to use it to compile C++ or Objective-C++. However it is not clear to me if I should still use the hybrid LLVM-GCC compiler (the GCC parser and the LLVM code generator) or the pure LLVM compiler.
I am also unsure about the new C++ standard library and if I should use it and how I would make the transition from GNU's libstdc++.
The Questions
Which compiler would one use today to generate fast production quality code from C++: the LLVM-GCC hybrid compiler or pure LLVM?
Should one migrate the C++ standard library from GNU's libstdc++ to the new libc++ library created by the LLVM project?
Any comments and hints are appreciated.
Several questions asked here, I'll try to answer all of them.
There is no "pure LLVM compiler". LLVM is a set of libraries which do code optimization and code generation . There are several C/C++ frontends which can be hooked to LLVM. Among them are clang and llvm-gcc. See http://llvm.org/ for more information about various components of LLVM Compiler Infrastructure. As written at http://llvm.org/docs/ReleaseNotes.html, llvm-gcc is EOL since LLVM 2.9 release, so you'd better use clang, because it will certainly be developed and maintained in the future.
libc++ is still in development, so for production you should use vendor-provided C++ (libstdc++ in your case).
Remember, all this stuff is changing, so benchmarks gets easily outdated.
I've found following report interesting, not only as a kind of benchmark, but it seems showing some LLVM vs GCC compiler differences :
Clang/LLVM Maturity Evaluation Report by Dominic Fandrey

C++ compilers and back/front ends

For my own education I am curious what compilers use which C++ front-end and back-end.
Can you enlighten me where the following technologies are used and what hallmarks/advantages they have if any?
Open64 - is it back-end, front-end, or both? Which compilers use it? I encounter it in CUDA compiler.
EDG - as far as I can tell this is a front-end use by Intel compilers and Comeau. do other compilers use it? I found quite a few references to it in boost source code.
ANTLR - this is general parser. Do any common compilers use it?
Regarding compilers:
with front-end/back-end does gcc compiler suite uses? does it have common heritage with any other compiler?
what front-end/back-end PGI and PathScale compilers use?
what front-end/back-end XL compiler uses (IBM offering).
in-depth links on the Internet or your personal know-how would be great.
I did some Google searching, but information I generally encountered was rather superficial.
EDG is a front-end used by Intel and Comeau. See EDG's list of customers for other users.
ANTLR is a parser generator. I'm not aware of any C++ compiler built around a parser that was built with ANTLR (that doesn't mean it couldn't exist though).
GCC is a suite of compilers, with front ends for C, C++, Fortran, Ada, Java, etc., and back-ends for more processors than I'd care to think about.
Open64 is also a suite of compilers including several front-ends (for C, C++, Fortran, and possibly others I don't remember at the moment) and back-ends (targeting X64, Itanium, ARM, and, again, probably others I don't remember and/or don't know about). I believe its origin (pun noted by not intended) is SGI's compiler(s). I seem to remember reading something hinting that Open64 was derived from some version of the GCC front end(s), but offhand I don't know 1) how similar it remains to GCC internally, or 2) the version of GCC from which it derived -- but it's been around long enough that I'd guess it was GCC 3.x at the most recent, and quite possibly GCC 2.x.
I believe PathScale has created at least one compiler derived from Open64, but they may have others as well.
As far as I know, IBM's compiler is entirely their own creation. I'd guess IBM's (now discontinued) VisualAge for C++ shared some heritage/development/code with XL C++, but don't know that for sure, and can't even begin to guess at the extent of it, even assuming it's true.
The Clang project provides new front-ends for C/C++/Objective C on top of the LLVM backend. The LLVM project also provide a LLVM-gcc, using the GCC front end and the LLVM backend. The DragonEgg project seeks to replace the GCC backend with LLVM.
The Codeplay VectorC, Sieve and Offload compilers use a custom front-end and back-end
with front-end/backend does gcc compiler suite uses? does it have common heritage with any other compiler?
The acronym “GCC” stands for “GNU compiler collection” (originally “GNU C compiler”) and this already gives a hint: GNU compilers are a collection of compilers, most notably for C and C++ but also for Fortran, Objective-C and others. They share a common back-end and intermediate representation that was developed for GCC specifically.
The front-ends are all custom-written for the GCC. Some were contributed by third parties, most notably the Objective-C front-end, which was contributed by Apple.
Visual studio uses EDG for its intellisense engine.