JMS integration testing - unit-testing

I am trying to write an integration test for JMS service which looks like something like this.
#JmsListener(destination = "mailbox", containerFactory = "myFactory")
public void receiveMessage(Email message) throws InterruptedException {
try {
}catch (Exception e){
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE,"Failed to deliver email",e);
throw e;
private void sendEmail(Email message){
First of all, can I mock this some how? I tried mocking it, but when I send a message the spring boot application is calling the actual JMS bean not the mock one. Seems like this is not possible.
Even if this is not possible, can I at least aoutowire the bean and somehow check if the receiveMessage method is being invoked. Furthermore, if it is being invoked, the sendEmail part should be faked so that it does not do any work. I have a few ideas such as creating a subclass for testing, but not happy with either of them. So wanted to if you can suggest me a better work around?

One approach is to use different profiles for say development, integration test and production and annotate the different components and your integration test class accordingly.
public class MessageReceiverIT {
#JmsListener(destination = "mailbox", containerFactory = "myFactory")
public void receiveMessage(SimpleMessage email) {"Integration test pretend to receive {}", email);
// (...)
This is the Integration test that uses the same Application class as the real Application, but if a message is received the MessageReceiverIT.receiveMessage() method will be invoked instead of the production component:
public class JmsIntegrationTest {
ConfigurableApplicationContext context;
public void testSend() throws Exception{
JmsTemplate jmsTemplate = context.getBean(JmsTemplate.class);
jmsTemplate.convertAndSend("mailbox", new SimpleMessage("it", "we need more IT"));
// (...)
Also check out Spring Boot Testing for alternative approaches such as the use of #TestConfiguration. I'm using Spring Boot in my examples, but there should be similar approaches if you have a none Spring Boot Application.


aem-mocks property test a servlet

Trying to write some proper AEM integration tests using the aem-mocks framework. The goal is to try and test a servlet by calling its path,
E.g. an AEM servlet
paths = {"/bin/utils/emailSignUp"},
methods = {"POST"},
selectors = {"form"}
public class EmailSignUpFormServlet extends SlingAllMethodsServlet {
SubmissionAgent submissionAgent;
XSSFilter xssFilter;
public EmailSignUpFormServlet(){
public EmailSignUpFormServlet(SubmissionAgent submissionAgent, XSSFilter xssFilter) {
this.submissionAgent = submissionAgent;
this.xssFilter = xssFilter;
public void doPost(SlingHttpServletRequest request, SlingHttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
String email = request.getParameter("email");
Here is the corresponding test to try and do the integration testing. Notice how I've called the servlet's 'doPost' method, instead of 'POST'ing via some API.
public class EmailSignUpFormServletTest {
public final AemContext context = new AemContext();
SubmissionAgent submissionAgent;
XSSFilter xssFilter;
private EmailSignUpFormServlet emailSignUpFormServlet;
public void setup(){
Map<String,String> report = new HashMap<>();
public void emailSignUpFormDoesNotRequireRecaptchaChallenge() throws IOException {
// Setup test email value
// instantiate a new class of the servlet
emailSignUpFormServlet = new EmailSignUpFormServlet(submissionAgent, xssFilter);
// call the post method (Simulate the POST call)
// send request using some API that allows me to do post to the framework
// Example:
// context.request().POST("/bin/utils/emailSignUp") <--- doesn't exist!
// assert response is internally redirected, hence expected status is a 302
I've done a lot of research on how this could be done (here) and (here), and these links show a lot about how you can set various parameters for context.request() object. However, they just don't show how to finally execute the 'post' call.
What you are trying to do is mix a UT with IT so this won't be easy at least with the aem-mocks framework. Let me explain why.
Assuming that you are able to call your required code
// send request using some API that allows me to do post to the framework
// Example:
// context.request().POST("/bin/utils/emailSignUp") <--- doesn't exist!
Your test will end up executing all the logic in SlingAllMethodsServlet class and its parent classes. I am assuming that this is not what you want to test as these classes are not part of your logic and they already have other UT/IT (under respective Apache projects) to cater for testing requirements.
Also, looking at your code, bulk of your core logic resides in following snipper
String email = request.getParameter("email");
Your UT criteria is already met by the following line of your code:
as it covers most of that logic.
Now, if you are looking for proper IT for posting the parameters and parsing them all the way down to doPost method then aem-mocks is not the framework for that because it does not provide it in a simple way.
You can, in theory, mock all the layers from resource resolver, resource provider and sling servlet executors to pass the parameters all the way to your core logic. This can work but it won't benefit your cause because:
Most of the code is already tested via other UT
Too many internal mocking dependencies might make the tests flaky or version dependant.
If you really want to do pure IT, then it will be easier to host the servlet in an instance and access it via HttpClient. This will ensure that all the layers are hit. A lot of tests are done this way but it feels a bit heavy handed for the functionality you want to test and there are better ways of doing it.
Also the reason why context.request().POST doesn't exist is because context.request() for is a mocked state for the sake of testing. You want to actually bind and mock Http.Post operations which needs some way to resolve to your servlet and that is not supported by the framework.
Hope this helps.

unable to launch spring-data-rest unit test, RepositoryRestResource not available for #Autowire

I'm porting an app across from JDBC / REST to spring-data-rest and my one and only unit test with fails with the error
No qualifying bean of type '' available
The app was retro-fitted with spring-boot just previously, and now I'm trying to put a new layer in place with spring-data-rest on top of spring-data-jpa.
I'm attempting to work out the correct Java-config according to
Custom Test Slice with Spring Boot 1.4
but I had to deviate from the idiomatic approach because
the #WebMvcTest annotation doesn't suppress the security module which causes the test to fail
the #MockMvcAutoConfiguration fails due to missing dependencies unless I specify #SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.MOCK) (see here)
#WebMvcTest and #SpringBootTest are mutually exclusive since they both specify #BootstrapWith and can't run together
So this is the closest I've got but Spring can't locate my #RepositoryRestResource repository:
#RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "forecasts", path = "forecasts")
public interface ForecastRepository extends CrudRepository<ForecastExEncoded,
Long> {
JUnit Test
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.MOCK,
classes = {TestRestConfiguration.class})
public class ForecastRestTests {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private ForecastRepository forecastRepository;
public void deleteAllBeforeTests() throws Exception {
public void shouldReturnRepositoryIndex() throws Exception {
#OverrideAutoConfiguration(enabled = false)
#ImportAutoConfiguration(value = {
public class TestRestConfiguration {}
Also tried...
I tried to configure the unit test with just #WebMvcTest and this #ComponentScan below from How to exclude AutoConfiguration from Spring Boot), in an attempt to simplify it all, however the excludeFilters had no effect.
excludeFilters = {
#ComponentScan.Filter(type = ASSIGNABLE_TYPE,
value = {
I've set Spring's logging to trace because all I can do at this point is try to find clues as to what is happening from log output. So far though without any luck.
I can see in the logging that RepositoryRestConfiguration is loading, but obviously it isn't fed with the right info and I am unable to work out how that is done, after googling and pouring over the Spring docs and API. I think I must have read every relevant question here on SO .
Update 2016-11-16 10:00
One thing I see in the logs which concerns me is this:
Performing dependency injection for test context [DefaultTestContext#2b4a2ec7 [snip...]
classes = '{class,
i.e. the context lists the configuration class twice. I specified the config class (once only) on the #SpringBootTest#classes annotation. But if I leave off the #classes from the annotation, Spring Boot finds and pulls in all the config via the #SpringBootApplication class.
So is that a hint that I am specifying the configuration in the wrong place? How else would I do it?
After way too much time, I settled on this approach.
Custom Test Slice with Spring Boot 1.4 looked promising but I couldn't get anywhere with it.
While going over and over
Accessing JPA Data with REST
I realised I had to include the JPA setup because spring-data-rest is using them directly - no chance to mock them or run unit tests without an embedded database.
At least not as far as I understand it. Maybe it is possible to mock them and have spring-data-rest run on the mocks against test data, but I think spring-data-rest and spring-data are probably too tightly coupled.
So integration testing it must be.
In the Spring source code provided with the articles above
the logging shows Spring Boot pulling in the whole configuration for the application context.
So that my SpringBootApplication class is avoided and the security module isn't loaded up, I set up my tests like this:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {
public class ForecastRestTests {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private ForecastRepository forecastRepository;
public void deleteAllBeforeTests() throws Exception {
public void shouldReturnRepositoryIndex() throws Exception {
with these configuration classes:
#EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = {"com.bp.gis.tardis.repository"})
#EntityScan(basePackages = {"com.bp.gis.tardis.type"})
public class JpaDataConfiguration {
#OverrideAutoConfiguration(enabled = false)
#ImportAutoConfiguration(value = {
TestEntityManagerAutoConfiguration.class })
public class TestJpaConfiguration {}
#OverrideAutoConfiguration(enabled = false)
#ImportAutoConfiguration(value = {
public class TestRestConfiguration {}
so the TL;DR summary is: use #ContextConfiguration to specify the configuration files that specify #OverrideAutoConfiguration and #ImportAutoConfiguration

Mock an Eureka Feign Client for Unittesting

i am using spring cloud's eureka and feign to communicate between some services (lets say A and B). Now id like to unittest my service layer of a single service (A). The problem is, that this service (A) is using a feign client to request some information of the other service (B).
Running the unittests without any special configuration throws the following exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Load balancer does not have available server for client: service-b => but i do not want any server to run.
My question is: Is there a way to mock the feign client, so i can unittest my service (A) without running an eureka instance and service (B)?
I ended up creating a stub for the feign client. The stub is marked as a primary component to force spring instantiating the stub within my tests.
This is the solution i came up with.
//the feign client
public interface UserClient {
UserEntity getUser();
//the implementation i use for the tests
#Primary //mark as primary implementation
public class UserClientTestImpl implements UserClient {
#Override public UserEntity getUser() {
return someKindOfUser;
The question is ... do you even need to mock? I often see that people mention "mock" as the first solution to anything that "should not be part of the unit test". Mocking is a technique, not the solution to everything. (see here).
If you are still at the early stages of your code, just refactor and use something else instead of depending on the concrete instance of the Feign Client. You might use an interface, an abstract class, a trait or whatever you want. Don't depend on the object itself, otherwise you have to "mock it".
public interface IWebClient {
public String get(...);
public String post(...);
To the question: but I will have other code that will do exactly the same (except that it will be on the concrete instance of Feign), what do I do then?
Well, you can write a functional test and call an instance of a web server that you can setup locally - or use Wiremock, as mentioned by Marcin Grzejszczak in one of the answers.
public class FeignClientWrapper implements IWebClient {
private feign = something
public String get() {
feign.get( ... )
public String post() { ... )
Unit tests are used to test algorithms, if/else, loops: how units work. Don't write code to make mocks fit - it must be the other way around: your code should have less dependencies, and you should mock only when you need to verify the behavior (otherwise you can use a stub or a fake object): do you need to verify the behavior? Do you need to test that a particular method gets called in your code? Or that a particular method gets called with X, Y, and Z for 3 times in a row? Well, then yes, mocking is ok.
Otherwise, use a fake object: what you want is to test just the call/response and maybe the status code. All you probably want is to test how your code reacts to different outputs (e.g., the field "error" is present or not in a JSON response), different status codes (assuming that the Client documentation is right: 200 OK when GET, 201 when POST, etc).
Mocking a feign client is really useful in microservice component tests. You want to test one microservice without having to start all the other microservices.
If you're using Spring (and it looks like you are), the #MockBean annotation together with a bit of Mockito code will do the job.
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment =
public class TestYourComponent {
public static class TestConfiguration {
private UserClient userClient;
public void someTest()
private void mockSomeBehavior() {
If you need to use a mock you can use Wiremock to stub the response for a given request - That way you will do integration tests with real HTTP requests sent. For unit testing the answer from #Markon is very good.

Testing web services with JUnit

I'm developing an application to perform a series of tests on various web services. These web services consume and produce json, and for each of them we have a class to model the json request and response. For example:
If the json request for serviceX is something like this:
We have a class serviceXrequest like this:
public class serviceXrequest {
String name;
String id;
//Constructor, getters/setters, etc
With an object of that class as the starting point, we can perform a series of test on the web service. The idea is to make those test as generic as possible so they can be used with any web service by just writing a class that models it's request and a class to model the response.
For that reason, all of the test methods developed so far work with plain java objects. This is an example of what I want to have:
public class WebServiceTest {
String serviceURL;
String requestJson;
String requestClass;
String responseClass;
public WebServiceTest() {}
public static void Test1() { ... }
public static void Test2() { ... }
public static void TestN() { ... }
And then, from another class, invoke those tests with doing something like this:
public class LoginTest { //To test the login web service, for example
public static void main(String[] args) {
WebServiceTest loginTest = New WebServiceTest();
I know it's not that simple, but any ideas on how to get there?
Thanks in advance!!
You might also look into REST-assured
One of the best tools for testing your webservices is SOAP UI, but this is more for functional testing
As well I integrated very well FitNesse tests
JMeter goes hand in hand with LoadUI ..kind of same things in terms of stress and load tests for webservices.
Junit...i never used directly applied to the webservice itself.
Most of the times I had a Spring service called by the implemetation of the WebService interface (Port) and I unit tested that one.
You should consider using http-matchers ( which let's you write JUnit-tests, using regular hamcrest-matchers (bundled with JUnit) to test your web-service via standard JAX-RS interface.

Grails integration tests with multiple services

What is the best practice to test a Grails Service which depends on another Service?
The default mixin TestFor correctly inject the service under test, for eg:
class TopServiceTests {
void testMethod() {
but if my instance of TopService (service) relies on another Service, like InnerService:
class TopService {
def innerService
innerService will not be available, dependency injection doesn't seem to fill this variable. How should I proceed?
Integration tests should not use the #TestFor annotation, they should extend GroovyTestCase. The test annotations are only for unit tests (and will have bad behavior when used in integration tests, especially the #Mock annotations). You're seeing one of those bad behaviors now.
If you extend GroovyTestCase you can then just have
def topService
At the top of your test and it'll get injected with all of it's dependencies injected.
For a unit test case, you'd just want to add new instances of associated services to your service in a setUp method. Just like:
class TopServiceTests {
#Before public void setUp() {
service.otherService = new OtherService()
I have a CustomerRegistrationServiceTest and my CustomerRegistrationService depends on the PasswordService.
my CustomerRegistrationService just autowires it like normal:
class CustomerRegistrationService {
def passwordService
In my CustomerRegistrationServiceTest I have:
class CustomerRegistrationServiceTests extends GrailsUnitTestMixin {
void setUp() {
So when I test the CustomerRegistrationService, it is able to access the PasswordService