I'm building a server using Cloujre's Compojure. The default route is compojure.route/not-found, is there a way of getting the request that reached this route? I'd like print all requests that end up there.
You can use this kinda approach:
(def handler (-> your-routes
wrap-my-request-middleware ;; it has to be in this order
Let's log in here the uri
(defn wrap-my-request-middleware
(fn [request]
(let [response (handler request)]
(when (= 404 (:status response))
;; do whatever you like in here
(log/info (str "Request path: " (:uri request))))
response)));; fn needs to return reponse...
after doing web development for ages and discovering Clojure a year ago, I want to combine these two things.
After starting with Compojure, I try to implement authentication by using a middleware which responds with a 403 code, telling the user to authenticate.
This is my code:
(defn authenticated? [req]
(not (nil? (get-in req [:session :usr]))))
(defn helloworld [req]
[:title "Hello"]]
[:p "lorem ipsum"]]))
(defn backend [req]
[:title "Backend"]]
[:p "authenticated"]]))
(defroutes all-routes
(GET "/" [] helloworld)
(context "/backend" []
(GET "/" [] backend)))
(defn wrap-auth [handler]
(fn [req]
(if (authenticated? req)
(handler req)
(-> (response "Nope")
(status 403)))))
(def app
(-> (handler/site all-routes)
(wrap-defaults site-defaults)))
Here comes the funny part: If I run the code as shown above, Firefox breaks with the error message "File not found". Opening the debug toolbar, I see a 403 response and the content "Tm9wZQ==" which is base 64 decoded the "Nope" from my auth middleware function. When I put wrap-auth after wrap-defaults everything works fine.
I want to understand what's going on there. Can you help me?
It's really difficult to say what's going on under the hood. The wrap-defaults middleware brings lots of stuff, maybe 10 or more wrappers at once. You'd better to examine its source code and choose exactly what you need.
I may guess that, for some reason, the Ring server considers your response being a file, so that's why it encodes it into base64. Try to return a plain map with proper headers as follows:
{:status 403
:body "<h1>No access</h1>"
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}}
I am using http-kit as the server with wrap-json-body from ring.middleware.json to get the stringified JSON content sent from the client as the request body. My core.clj is:
; core.clj
; ..
(defroutes app-routes
(POST "/sign" {body :body} (sign body)))
(def app (site #'app-routes))
(defn -main []
(-> app
(wrap-json-body {:keywords? true :bigdecimals? true})
(run-server {:port 8080}))
(println "Server started."))
When I run the server using lein run the method works correctly. I am stringifying the JSON and sending it from the client. The sign method gets the json correctly as {"abc": 1}.
The problem is when during mock test. The sign method gets a ByteArrayInputStream and I am using json/generate-string to convert to string which fails in this case. I tried wrapping the handler in wrap-json-body but it is not work. Here are my test cases I tried out core_test.clj:
; core_test.clj
; ..
(deftest create-sign-test
(testing "POST sign"
(let [response
(wrap-json-body (core/app (mock/request :post "/sign" "{\"username\": \"jane\"}"))
{:keywords? true :bigdecimals? true})]
(is (= (:status response) 200))
(println response))))
(deftest create-sign-test1
(testing "POST sign1"
(let [response (core/app (mock/request :post "/sign" "{\"username\": \"jane\"}"))]
(is (= (:status response) 200))
(println response))))
(deftest create-sign-test2
(testing "POST sign2"
(let [response (core/app (-> (mock/body (mock/request :post "/sign")
(json/generate-string {:user 1}))
(mock/content-type "application/json")))]
(is (= (:status response) 200))
(println response))))
(deftest create-sign-test3
(testing "POST sign3"
(let [response
(wrap-json-body (core/app (mock/request :post "/sign" {:headers {"content-type" "application/json"}
:body "{\"foo\": \"bar\"}"}))
{:keywords? true :bigdecimals? true})]
(is (= (:status response) 200))
(println response))))
All of the fails with the following error:
Uncaught exception, not in assertion.
expected: nil
actual: com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerationException: Cannot JSON encode object of class: class java.io.ByteArrayInputStream: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream#4db77402
How can I pass a JSON string as the body to the method in ring mock test?
There are three issues in your code.
Your test doesn't wrap your app handler in wrap-json-body so it might not get correctly parsed request body in your handler. You need to first wrap your app in wrap-json-body and then call it with your mock request. (You could also have your app handler to be already wrapped instead of wrapping it both in your main function and tests)
(let [handler (-> app (wrap-json-body {:keywords? true :bigdecimals? true})]
(handler your-mock-request))
Your mock request doesn't include proper content type and your wrap-json-body won't parse your request body to JSON. That's why your sign function gets ByteArrayInputStream instead of parsed JSON. You need to add content type to your mock request:
(let [request (-> (mock/request :post "/sign" "{\"username\": \"jane\"}")
(mock/content-type "application/json"))]
(handler request))
Verify that your sign function returns a response map with JSON as string in body. If it creates response body as input stream you need to parse it in your test function. Below I am using cheshire to parse it (converting JSON keys to keywords):
(cheshire.core/parse-stream (-> response :body clojure.java.io/reader) keyword)
Additionally instead of writing your JSON request body by hand you can use Cheshire to encode your data into JSON string:
(let [json-body (cheshire.core/generate-string {:username "jane"})]
With those changes it should work correctly like in my slightly modified example:
(defroutes app-routes
(POST "/echo" {body :body}
{:status 200 :body body}))
(def app (site #'app-routes))
(let [handler (-> app (wrap-json-body {:keywords? true :bigdecimals? true}))
json-body (json/generate-string {:username "jane"})
request (-> (mock/request :post "/echo" json-body)
(mock/content-type "application/json"))
response (handler request)]
(is (= (:status response) 200))
(is (= (:body response) {:username "jane"})))
I have some routes.
(defroutes some-routes
(GET "one" [] one)
(GET "two" [] two))
(defroutes other-routes
(GET "three" [] three)
(GET "four" [] four))
(defroutes more-routes
(GET "five" [] five)
(GET "six" [] six))
(def all-routes
(routes app-routes
(-> some-routes session/wrap-session my-interceptor)
(-> more-routes session/wrap-session my-other-interceptor)
I want to intercept the some-routes but not other-routes and perform a test based on the request (checking that a key exists in the session and some other stuff). I have more than one of these. my-other-interceptor does the same kind of thing but different.
So I start with this:
(defn my-interceptor [handler]
(fn [request]
(prn (-> request :session :thing-key))
(let [thing (-> request :session :thing-key-id)]
(if (nil? thing)
(-> (response "Not authenticated"))
(handler request)))))
This will allow access to the handler if :thing-key is set in the session.
Unfortunately this doesn't play nicely with having more than one set of routes. This check should only apply to some-routes and not other-routes. But until we execute the handler we don't know if the route matches. And at that point the handler has already executed. I could rewrite it to execute handler and then only perform the check if the response is non-nil, but this means I've executed a handler before checking for auth.
I followed this example, which exhibits the problem:
(defn add-app-version-header [handler]
(fn [request]
(let [resp (handler request)
headers (:headers resp)]
(assoc resp :headers
(assoc headers "X-APP-INFO" "MyTerifficApp Version 0.0.1-Alpha")))))
How do I do this? What I want is:
a way of checking a response (and some other logic) before handling a request
that I can apply to a large-ish set of routes' handlers
that isn't applied to all routes in the app
I will have more than one such handler doing a different kind of check on the session
How should I go about doing this?
The way to have separate handlers or middlewares is to decompose your routes using compojure.core/routes and use your handler only where you need it.
In your case, if you put your other-routes first, your problem should be solved.
As in:
(def app-routes
(-> some-routes
Remember compojure routes are just ring handlers, you can always write a custom defroutes that calls your handler only if the route matches the request, this is the make route source code
(defn make-route
"Returns a function that will only call the handler if the method and Clout
route match the request."
[method route handler]
(if-method method
(if-route route
(fn [request]
(render (handler request) request)))))
That way, if you have more than one conditioned handler you don't need to rely on putting those routes at the end of the composition.
Notice that approach is in case you want to keep your route handling code clean.
(my-def-routes routes
(GET "/" request (show-all request))
If you don't wanna roll your own defroutes just call your interceptor inside:
(defroutes routes
(GET "/" request (interceptor request show-all))
(defn interceptor
[request handler]
My Compojure web app ([compojure "1.0.1"]) always receives an empty parameter map, despite adding wrap-params etc. Code sample below:
(defroutes public-routes
(PUT "/something" {params :params}
(println (str "Params: " params))
(do-put-something params)))
(def myapp
(-> public-routes
(defn start-server []
(future (jetty/run-jetty (var myapp) {:port 8080})))
I've tried adding the wrap-params, wrap-keyword-params and wrap-multipart-params but when I PUT to the endpoint using httpie (or my client), I find that params is always empty. Can anyone help?
The only problem with your example code was that it lacks a ring response hash-map in the route body. The solution is evaluate to a ring response instead of using println. When you call println in your route it prints to standard out where the server process is running, which has nothing to do with the response to the API call.
(defroutes public-routes
(PUT "/something" {params :params}
{:status 200
:body (str "Params: " params)}))
This produces a 200 response with Params: {"foo" "bar"} as the response body.
I am using this to test your PUT route:
curl -X PUT -d "foo=bar"
how to carry out an authentication process for each request sent. The problem i'm currently facing is i'm not able access user data which is sent as a request param. here is what i have tried
(pre-route[:any "/mainpage/*"] {:keys[data]}
(when (not(contains? data "userid"))
//false response
and the middleware
(defn for-auth [handler]
(fn [req]
(if (contains? (:body (:params req)))
(handler req)
(handler (assoc req :body {})
and i add the middlware too. but neither of them work.. Any idea to access user params..
Are you using wrap params?
(:use [ring.middleware params])
(def app
(-> (handler/site main-routes)
Ok here is what i have done and it solves my problem..
(pre-route [:any "/mainroute/*"] {{:keys [jsondata]}:params}
(let [data (httputil/parse-json-data jsondata)]
(not (true? valid_req)) "false"
(not (true? version_check)) "false"
(not (true? user_valid)) "false"
here i have parsed my json data in middleware and added it to "params" with key name :jsondata..
it works perfectly..