ERROR: Failed to build PhantomJS! Building Qt Base failed - c++

I have Debian Linux(64-bit) in VirtualBox.
Ram: 8Gb (for Debian 4Gb)
CPU: i5-3470
If any other details are needed please tell me.
I have followed instructions written here, and here you can see the console log.
For some reason I am unable to to build phantomjs and I can't understand why its not working... Have searched a lot, but couldn't find any thread which would be about this error.
--- EDIT ---
When I executed this command:
./configure --with-openssl-includes=/usr/include/openssl-1.0/ --with-openssl-libraries=/usr/lib/openssl-1.0/
Output was this:
--with-openssl-includes=/usr/include/openssl-1.0/: invalid command-line switch
--with-openssl-libraries=/usr/lib/openssl-1.0/: invalid command-line switch
The output of the console has changed but I still get errors:

Looks like you are on stretch (or later) and that you are already aware of the libssl vs libssl1.0 case.
Therefore, if you don't have libssl-dev installed, this line will get you further:
python --qt-config "-I /usr/include/openssl-1.0/ -L /usr/lib/openssl-1.0/"
If you already have it installed and my suggestion doesn't work, you can uninstall libssl-dev for the time to build phantomjs which will likely avoid having to play further with configuration related variables.


Pabot - Unable to run parallel robotframework tests

So, I'm working on a robotframework test project, and the goal is to run several test suites in parallel. For this purpose, pabot was chosen as the solution. I am trying to implement it, but with little success.
My issue is: after installing Pabot (which, I might say, I did by cloning the project and running " install", instead of using pip, since the corporate proxy I'm behind has proven an obstacle I can't overcome), I created a new directory in the project tree, moved some suites there, and ran:
pabot --processes 2 --outputdir pabot_results Login*.robot
Doing so results in the following error message:
2018-10-10 10:27:30.449000 [PID:9676] [0] EXECUTING Suites.LoginAdmin
2018-10-10 10:27:30.449000 PID:400 EXECUTING Suites.LoginUser
2018-10-10 10:27:30.777000 PID:400 FAILED Suites.LoginUser
2018-10-10 10:27:30.777000 [PID:9676] [0] FAILED Suites.LoginAdmin
WARN: No output files in "pabot_results\pabot_results"
[ ERROR ] Reading XML source '' failed: invalid mode ('rb') or filename
Try --help for usage information.
Elapsed time: 0 minutes 0.578 seconds
Upon inspecting the stderr file that was generated, I have this message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\robotframework-3.1a2.dev1-py2.7.egg\robot\running\", line 22, in
from .context import EXECUTION_CONTEXTS
ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package
Apparently, this has to do with something from the script, which, if I'm not mistaken, came with the installation of robotframework. Since manually modifying that script does not seem to me the optimal solution, my question is, what am I missing here? Did I forget to do anything while setting this up? Or is this an issue of compatibility between versions?
This project is using Maven as the tool to manage dependencies. The version I am running is 3.5.4. I am using a Windows 10, 64bit system; I have Python 2.7.14, and Robot Framework 3.1a2.dev1. The Pabot version is 0.44. Obviously, I added C:\Python27 and C:\Python27\Scripts to the PATH environment variable.
Edit: I am also using robotframework-maven-plugin version, if that happens to be relevant.
Edit 2: added the error messages in text format.
I believe I've come across an issue similar when setting up parallel execution on my machine. Firstly I would confirm that pabot is installed using pip show robotframework-pabot.
Then you should define the directory your results are going to using -d.
I then modified the name of the -o to Output.xml to make it easy to identify.
This is a copy of the code I use. Runs optimally with 8 processes
pabot --processes 8 -d results -o Output.xml Tests
Seems that you stumbled on a bug in the prerelease version of robot framework (3.1a2.dev1).
Please install a release version of robot framework. For example 3.0.4.
Just in case anyone happens to stumble upon this issue in the future:
Since I can't use pip, and I tried a good deal of workarounds that eventually made things more unstable, I ended up saving my project and removing everything Python-related from my system, so as to allow me to install everything from scratch. In a Windows 10, 64bit system, I used:
Python 2.7.14
wxPython, win64, unicode, for py27
setuptools 40.2.0 (to allow me to use the easy_install command)
Robot Framework 3.0.4
robotremoteserver 1.1
Selenium2Library 3.0.0
and Pabot version 0.45.
I might add that, when installing the Selenium2Library the way I described above, it eventually tries to download some things from the pip repositories - which, if you have a proxy, will cause you trouble. I solved this problem by browsing, manually downloading the 2.53.6 .tar.gz file, then extracting it and running install on the command line.
PS: Ideally, though, anyone should be able to use proxy settings from the command line (--proxy http://user:password#server:port) to get pip and then use it; however, for some reason, probably related to network security configurations that I didn't want to lose time with, this didn't work in my case.

Makefile error raspberry-pi 3

I have an issue with Codelite compilation, running on raspbian jessie - these are the (known) steps I have taken to produce it.
First I installed Codelite with apt-get install Codelite, then produced a c++ project.
When running build project I get the error:
/bin/sh -c ' -j 4 -e -f Makefile'
/bin/sh: 1: -j: not found
0 errors, 0 warnings
I note that this error has been found and corrected previously, through running a different version of Codelite from 6.1.1 (that which apt-get installs). I therefore found the updated version of armhf .deb codelite from the rasbian archive with gdebi-gtk. However the updated version (9.1.1) produces the following error (install attempt with the graphical debian):
Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libclang 1-3.8 (>=3.2)
I do not understand why the package manager cannot update these packages - do they not exist for the pi? I ran the manager as root, so I do not think it is a permissions issue.
Thank you for that Fabre. My Enviromental Variables file now looks like this:
export MAKE=make
I still get the same error however.

Error installing pyMPI on CentOS 5.9

I'm trying to make a local install of pyMPI on a server running CentOS 5.9 (i.e. I don't have sudo privileges). The ./configure step completes successfully, however there a lot of "no"s. When i try running make i get a lot of "deprecated" error messages and the process exits with error code 2. Can anyone help me with this please?
The results of running
./configure --prefix=/inside/home/aarjunrao/apps/py_modules/pyMPI
are as follows
./configure output
I then run make, which gives the output
make output
Thanks in advance,
From your make output, line 305:
pyMPI_util.c:22:31: error: numpy/arrayobject.h: No such file or directory
Is NumPy installed on this system? If not, that's probably your problem...
You can use this option in the configure process
./configure --prefix=/inside/home/aarjunrao/apps/py_modules/pyMPI --with-includes='-I/[path_to_numpy]/core/include'
In my case, it is
Doing that, you don't need to modify the system PATH.

How do I tell ColdFusion 9.0.1 to use a directory besides /tmp?

I installed ColdFusion 9.0.0 today and I'm trying to upgrade to 9.0.1.
Linux 64bit environment.
I don't have root access.
/tmp doesn't seem to have enough room to install 9.0.1
I found the following errors in /opt/coldfusion9/Adobe_ColdFusion_9.0.1_InstallLog.log
Install File: /tmp/515453.tmp/cf-multi-startup
Status: ERROR
Additional Notes: ERROR - ZeroGlq: No space left on device
Install File: /tmp/515453.tmp/
Status: ERROR
Additional Notes: ERROR - ZeroGlq: No space left on device
I tried -D IATEMPDIR=/opt/temp, but installer says it's trying to use /home/coldfusion due to lack of space in /tmp. It tries to use /tmp anyway.
Any ideas?
Here's my final script that worked. I had to fill /tmp and /home to 100% to get a decent error response out of the bin file. I'm sure my Linux admins were very pleased.
cd /opt/coldfusion9/bin
export LAX_DEBUG

Mac/Django error message: "/mercurial/ no appropriate 64-bit architecture"

I'm new to Macs (and quite new to Django) and I'm setting up an existing Django/MySQL site that uses Mercurial as a site package, on a new Macbook Pro.
All was going well during installation - no error messages. I installed the default versions of most packages from macports.
However when I try runserver, localhost shows the following error message:
ImportError at /
.../lib/python2.6/site-packages/mercurial/ no appropriate 64-bit architecture (see "man python" for running in 32-bit mode)
Please could anyone advise? I've tried typing the following at the terminal:
defaults write Prefer-32-Bit -bool yes
but it didn't help.
I've gotten a similar error and a combination of two things helped me install Mercurial for OS X Lion. I'm running OS X 10.7.3.
First, there is a bug on line 455 of the script (at least for Mercurial 2.2.1, the version I tried). The line
version = runcmd(['/usr/bin/xcodebuild', '-version'], {})[0].splitlines()
should be replaced with
version = runcmd(['/usr/bin/xcodebuild', '-version'], {})[0]
Second, after I installed Mercurial (either by easy_install, Mac OS X binary installer, and compilation), I kept getting the following error message:
ImportError: dlopen(/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/mercurial/, 2): no suitable image found. Did find: /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/mercurial/ mach-o, but wrong architecture
However, after seeing this post, I noticed that
defaults read Prefer-32-Bit
outputs 1 on my system. However, running this command
defaults write Prefer-32-Bit -bool no
and then recompiling / installing mercurial resulted in a working executable for me at the end.
If everything from my comment checks out, try setting that Prefer-32-bit in an user environment variable instead of at the command line.
Edit this file: ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist