How to get the queryparam vid from the url using regex - regex

Help me with the regex, I am trying to get the vid value from the following url.
I tried with like the following but I am not sure with that:
Is that correct?

Use vid=(\d+) for numbers of IDs see regex

Try Your Regex on this place...

The trick here is to match between two patterns of interest -
Anything you capture between that is what you're after.
Hence use this:
We're accessing the 2nd element of the match object because that contains the value.

In a JS/PHP type environment, you can match on something like this, where you just find anything alphanumeric is between vid= and the following &:
vv = str.match(/vid=(.+?)&/)[1];
If the value is always numeric, replace (.+?) with (\d+?)

The regex you wrote will not work because you are including the characters &vid= in the return value. To make sure the regex engine checks for the string &vid= but does not include it in the result you will need to use a lookbehind:
We use a positive lookbehind to find &vid= and then grab everything from that point until the next & sign or the end of the line.
For your second request, if you wish to verify that the content of vid is a valid number you need to specify that all the characters following &vid= should be digits and also include a positive lookahead that makes sure the next character after the digits is a & sign. The corresponding regular expression then becomes:


Regex Reverse Search on a String

I'm trying to extract the second last value in a string so I can return the value "Minute". I'm using Zapier which only allows regex.
Example string:
I've got a positive lookahead working below that returns the value "Second", however I cannot figure out how to apply an n-1 style operator to return the second-last string value "Minute".
My regex:
Try it here:
Any ideas?
You can use the following regex:
It extracts the first non-comma values [^,]+ occurring after a comma, a sequence of non-comma values and the end of string (?:,[^,]+){1}$. If you want preceeding values, it's sufficient to increment the value inside of the braces (the amount of ,string to be passed over).
Check the demo here.
How about letting the dot consume and capture (no lookarounds).
See this demo at regex101
Obviously this only makes if at lesat two commas occure in the string.
Does this work? [\d+\,]{9}(\d)[\,\d]

Regex - Matching a part of a URL

I'm trying to use regular expression to match a part of the following url:
I want the Regex to find:
Basically, it's meant to search any part of the argument that doesn't follow the variable=value formula. So basically I need it to search sections of the URL that don't have an equal sign it, but match just that part.
I tried using:
But it returns: &3434323&. I need it to not return the next ampersand.
And it must be done in regex. Thanks in advance!
You can use this regex:
It looks for any string that doesn't contain the equal sing [^=]+ and starts with the question mark or the ampersand [?&] and ends with ampersand or the end of the URL (&|$).
Please note that this will return &3434323&, so you'll have to strip the ampersands on both sides in your code. I assume that you're fine with that. If you really don't want the second ampersand, you can use a lookahead:
If you don't want even the first ampersand, you can use this regex, but not all compilers support it:
Parsing query parameters can be tricky, but this may do the job:
It will not catch the ampersand at the end of the parameter, but it will include either the question mark or the ampersand at the beginning. It will match any parameter not in the form of a key-value pair.
Demo here.

regex expression for selecting a value

I want to write a regexp formula for the below sip message that takes number:
<;user=callpark;service=callpark;preason=park;paction=park;ptoken=150009;pautortrv=180;nt_server_host= >
(Actually there are "<" and ">" signs in the message, but the site does not let me write)
For this case, I want to select ptoken value.. I wrote an expression such as: ptoken=(.*);p but it returns me ptoken=150009;p, I just need the number:150009
How do I write a regexp for this case?
PS: I write this for XML script..
ereg assign_to="token" check_it="true" header="Refer-To:" regexp="(ptoken=([\d]*))" search_in="hdr"/
ereg assign_to="callParkToken" search_in="var" variable="token" check_it="true" regexp="([\d].*)" /
You could use the following regex:
# searches for ptoken= literally
# captures every digit found in the first group
Your wanted numbers are in the first group then. Take a look at this demo on Depending on your actual needs, there could be better approaches (Xpath? as tagged as XML) though.
You should use lookahead and lookbehind:
It captures any character (.+?) before which is ptoken= and behind which is ;
The <ereg ... > action has the assign_to parameter. In your case assign_to="token". In fact, the parameter can receive several variable names. The first is assigned the whole string matching the regular expression, and the following are assigned the "capture groups" of the regular expression.
If your regexp is ptoken=([\d]*), the whole match includes ptoken which is bad. The first capture group is ([\d]*) which is the required value. Thus, use <ereg regexp="ptoken=([\d]*)" assign_to="dummyvar,token" ..other parameters here.. >.
Is it working?

Get all matches for a certain pattern using RegEx

I am not really a RegEx expert and hence asking a simple question.
I have a few parameters that I need to use which are in a particular pattern
For example
And these will be replaced at runtime in a string with their values (a SQL statement).
For example I have a simple query
select * from asdf where asdf.starttime = $$DATA_START_TIME and asdf.endtime = $$DATA_END_TIME
Now when I try to use the RegEx pattern
I do not get all the matches(I get only a the last match).
I am trying to test my usage here
If someone could correct my mistake, I would really appreciate it.
This will do the job:
See Demo
Just Some clarifications why your regex is doing what is doing:
Unescaped $ char means end of string, so, your pattern is matching something that must be on the end of the string, that's why its getting only the last match.
This group [^\W+] doesn't really makes sense, groups starting with [^..] means negate the chars inside here, and \W is the negation of words, and + inside the group means literally the char +, so you are saying match everything that is Not a Not word and that is not a + sign, i guess that was not what you wanted.
To match the next word just \w+ will do it. And the global modifier /g ensures that you will not stop on the first match.
This should work - Based on what you said you wanted to match this should work . Also it won't match $$lower_case_strings if that's what you wanted. If not, add the "i" flag also.

Match string does not contain substring with regex

Ok, I know that it is a question often asked, but I did not manage to get what I wanted.
I am looking for a regular expression in order to find a pattern that does not contain a particular substring.
I want to find an url that does not contains the b parameter. > MATCH > NOT MATCH
Currently, I have the following Regex:
But I am wrong with the \b, the regex match the beginning of th string and stop when it find b=, instead of not matching.
Can someone help me please?
Just use a lookahead to check anything following the URL must be a space or line end.
\bhttp:\/\/www\.website\.com\/(?:(?!b=[0-9]+).)*?\b(?= |$)
use this:
\b only matches word endings.
^ matches start and end of string
and you dont even need to do it that complicated, If you dont want the url with the b parameter use this:
demo here :
import re
print pattern.match(x)
This will look ahead if there is a "b=" present.A negative lookahead means it will not match that string.
You had a look at this possibility:
only allow &,=,a,c and digits
complete url in group and there should not be a "b=" parameter
if you have more options and you dont want to list them all:
you dont allow a 'b' to be part of your parameters
^http:\/\/www\.website\.com\/(?!.*?b=.*?).*$ works too here "b=" is permitted at any position of the parameter string so you could even have the "b" string as a value of a parameter.
This is what you want. ^http:\/\/www\.website\.com\/(([^b]=[0-9]+).)*$
Its a simple pattern not flexible but it works :