How to ensure AWS Elastic Beanstalk is free - amazon-web-services

I am wanting to deploy a Django webapp with a PostgreSQL database to AWS Elastic Beanstalk using this tutorial, but I am so confused about pricing. It says it uses services in the AWS Free Tier, but those seem to be limited to a certain number of hours a month, so how do I make sure I don't go above that threshold? And how do I make sure I'm only using free services? They even require a card on file, so it seems really hard to make sure I don't get charged.

You can do the following configuration to make sure you use AWS Elastic Beankstalk for one year free.
Use only Micro instances for the WebServer and RDS instance.
Limit the scaling of the WebServer maximum to 1 or use Standalone deployment without autoscaling.
When selecting storage, use less than 30GB for EBS and don't enable Provision Throughput.
Apart from these, there are usage base costs for Network, EBS IOPS & etc which includes a free quota and the cost is not considerable when it comes to light use cases.

The AWS Free Tier allows AWS accounts to use a certain amount of services for no charge. Any usage beyond the free tier limits will result in a charge on your credit card.
The Free Tier is intended to provide a trial of AWS services. It is not intended for production use, nor is there any guaranteed way to stay within the free limits. It is up to you to monitor your usage.
There is no such thing as a totally free AWS account.

I have found "Cost Management Preferences" -> "Receive Free Tier Usage Alerts" setting in Billing preferences menu. Hopefully this will be enough for a small personal projects with low usage. I would guess it is not enough for large projects since this is only a notification.

In short, you can absolutely make sure that your app stays free, just not from within the AWS interface. You'll have to use your own usage monitoring to ensure you stay within the free limits as others state.
As Ashan said, this is a pretty silly approach since fees are nominal and the alternative is a loss of service, however, AWS does offer APIs to help you do this through CloudWatch.
CloudWatch exposes pretty much all of the billable metrics on a service-by-service basis, for example here are the metrics for EC2, and here are the metrics for S3. After starting your services through beanstalk, just look up all the services you're using via the billing page of the AWS console, look up the CloudWatch APIs for each, then check them.
At least for EC2, there are even customizable alarms and actions, including shutting down the instance. See the Monitoring tab at the bottom of the EC2 console. Not sure, but you might have to manually throw status updates to their status system for some of the other metrics. If so, it's not that difficult. You'd set up an access key for some IAM identity so you can check CloudWatch stuff from command line. Then, you'd write a watchdog script to run on that instance using AWSCLI to regularly ping CloudWatch and call your shutdown code or modify your status if you're over some percentage of your quota.


AWS vs GCP Cost Model

I need to make a cost model for AWS vs GCP. Currently, our organization is using AWS. Our biggest services used are:
AWS Gateway
I have very limited knowledge of cloud platforms. However, I have access to:
AWS Simple Monthly Calculator
Google Cloud Platform Pricing Calculator
MAP AWS services to GCP products
I also have access to CloudHealth so that I can get a breakdown of costs per services within our organization.
Of the 8 major services listed above are main usage and costs go to EC2, S3, and RDS.
Our director of engineering mentioned that I should be most concerned with vCPU and memory.
I would appreciate any insight (big or small) that people have into how I can go about creating this model, any other factors I should consider, which functionalities of the two providers for the services are considered historically "better" or cheaper, etc.
Thanks in advance, and any questions people may have, I am more than happy to answer.
You should certainly cost-optimize your resources. It's so easy to create cloud resources that people don't always think about turning things off or right-sizing them.
Looking at your Top 5...
Amazon EC2
The simplest way to save money with Amazon EC2 is to turn off unused resources. You can even stop instances overnight and on the weekend. If they are only used 8 hours per workday, then that is only 40 out of 168 hours, so you can save 75% by turning them off when unused! For example, Dev and Test instances. People have written various types of automated utilities to turn instances on and off based on tags. Try search the Internet for AWS Stopinator.
Another way to save money on Amazon EC2 is to use spot instances. They are a fraction of the price, but have a risk that they might be turned off when demand increases. They are great where it is okay for systems to be terminated sometimes, such as automated testing systems. They are also a great way to supplement existing capacity at a fraction of the price.
If you definitely need the Amazon EC2 instances to keep running all the time, purchase Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances, which also offer a price saving.
Chat with your AWS Account Manager for help with the above options.
Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)
Again, Amazon RDS instances can be stopped overnight/on weekends and turned on again when needed. You only pay while the instance is running (plus storage costs).
Examine the CloudWatch metrics for your RDS instances and determine whether they can be downsized without impacting applications. You can even resize them when they are used less (eg over weekends). Everything can be scripted, so you could trigger such downsizing and upsizing on a schedule.
Also look at the Engine used with RDS. Commercial offerings such as Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server are more expensive than open-source offerings like MySQL and PostgreSQL. Yes, your applications might need some changes, but the cost savings can be significant.
AWS Lambda
It is most unusual that Lambda is #3 in your list. In fact, some customers never get a charge for Lambda because it falls in the monthly free usage tier. Having high charges means you're making good use of Lambda (which is saving you EC2 costs), but take a look at which applications are using it the most and see whether they are using it wisely.
When correctly used, a Lambda function should only ever run for a few seconds, so check whether any application seem to be using it outside this pattern.
AWS API Gateway
Once again, these costs tend to be low ($3.50/million calls) so again I'd recommend trying to figure out how this is being used. If you really need that many calls, it would also explain the high Lambda costs. It would probably be more expensive if you were providing such functionality via Amazon EC2.
Amazon S3
Consider using different Storage Classes to reduce your costs. Costs can be reduced by:
Moving infrequently-accessed data to a different storage class
Moving data to One-Zone (if you have a copy of the data elsewhere, so don't need the redundancy)
Archiving infrequently-accessed data to Amazon Glacier, which offers much cheaper storage but does not have instant access
With GCP, you can benefit by receiving discounts such as the Committed Use Discount and the Sustained Use Discount.
With a Committed Use Discount, you can receive a discount of up to 70% if your usage is predictable.
With the Sustained Use Discount, there is an incremental discount if you reach certain usage thresholds.
On your concern with vCPU and memory, you may use predefined machine types. They are cheaper than custom machine types.
Lastly, you can also test the charges by trying out the Google Cloud Platform Free Tier.

Turn off Amazon EC2/RDS

I am in the process of learning more about Amazon AWS. I want to turn off my Amazon Elastic Beanstalk EC2/RDS services. I have selected the minimum service entries, but I am still racking up small service charges. How do I do this?
have selected the minimum service entries, but I am still racking up
small service charges.
It isn't clear what you are saying with that sentence. Do you mean to say that you are within the limits of the free tier and yet you are still getting charged?
If you want to just "turn off" your EC2 and RDS instances then delete/terminate them. Afterwards look at the EBS snapshots and volumes, and the RDS snapshots and delete any of those that are still there. That will most likely stop the charges.
If you want to know exactly what you are being charged for so that you can zero in on the culprit you can enable detailed billing.
AWS has pretty good documentation on setting up and terminating instances. Here's a page with instructions on how to terminate an environment using the AWS Management Console:

AWS Cloudwatch Monitoring

Just wondering if the AWS cloudwatch runs on the same VPC where i have all my applications are running?
Is there any chance that AWS cloudwatch might go down and we may loose the monitoring capability?
Do we need to have a monitoring mechanism to check the Cloudwatch health?
AWS Cloudwatch isn't run on your instances. Its infrastructure is fully managed by Amazon and independent from your VPC. You can see it as a SaaS (Software as a Service).
So you don't have to worry about that. For more informations, please see:
Cloudwatch collects data from the host OS, where your VMs are actually running.
If the physical server had a significant issue both cloudwatch and your VM would go down but in that case the VM would get started automatically on another physical server. In such a case, recovery would be usually quite quickly.
You don't need to check Cloudwatch at all because AWS handles that but you could add alerts for things such as CPU usage on your VMs.
Because Cloudwatch doesn't run on your machines it can't know some things such as memory usage, disk space usage or others so if you need more advanced monitoring capabilities you might consider running something like collectd inside your virtual machine.
Just wondering if the AWS cloudwatch runs on the same VPC where i have all my applications are running?
If you chose to install CloudWatch Agent on your EC2 then only it runs in your EC2 and thus in the VPC your EC2 is provisioned.
CloudWatch service that publishes/maintain logs, metrics, alarms etc is managed by AWS and runs outside your VPC.
CloudWatch has a SLA of 99.9%
Is there any chance that AWS cloudwatch might go down and we may loose the monitoring capability?
CloudWatch like any other service can have outages and it did have some in the past but I have never seen any data getting lost, only temporarily not being available or slow to retrieve during the outage.
Do we need to have a monitoring mechanism to check the Cloudwatch health?
SLA is already 99.9% for CloudWatch Service so chances of catching a blip is very rare on your own monitoring mechanism.
If you are using CloudWatch Agent then consider checking health of agent to make sure it is in running state (you can use AWS System Manager Run command).

Amazon EC2 Instance Monitoring?

I am in need of a fairly short/simple script to monitor my EC2 instances for Memory and CPU (for now).
After using Get-EC2Instance -Region , it lists all of the instances. from here where can i go?
Cloudwatch is the monitoring tool for AWS instances. While it can support custom metrics, by default it only measures what the hypervisor can see for your instance.
CPU utilization is supported by default, this is often a more accurate way to see your true CPU utilization since the value comes from the hypervisor.
Memory utilization however is not. This depends largely on your OS and is not visible to the hypervisor. However, you can set up a script that will report this metric to Cloudwatch. Some scripts to help you do this are here:
There are a few possibilities for monitoring EC2 instances.
Nagios -
StackDriver -
CopperEgg -
But my favorite is Datadog - - (not just because I work here, but its important to disclose I do work for Datadog.) 5 hosts or less is free and I bet you can be up and running in less than 5 minutes.
Depends what your requirements are for service availability of the monitoring solution itself, as well as how you want to be alerted about host/service notifications.
Nagios, Icinga etc... will allow you to customise an extremely large number of parameters that can be passed to your EC2 hosts, specifying exactly what you want to monitor or check up on. You can run any of the default (or custom) scripts which then feed data back to a central system, then handle those notifications however you want (i.e. send an email, SMS, execute an arbitrary script). Downside of this approach is that you need to self-manage your backend for all of the aggregated monitoring data.
The CloudWatch approach means your instances can push metric data into AWS, then define custom policies around thresholds. For example, 90% CPU usage for more than 5 minutes on an instance or ASG, which might then push a message out to your email via SNS (Simple Notification Service). This method reduces the amount of backend components to manage/maintain, but lacks the extreme customisation abilities of self-hosted monitoring platforms.

amazon aws billing clients per usage

suppose you have an app on aws and you want to charge for storage to clients for each gb they use. is there a way to get this info from amazon or collect it yourself if you are using your own aws account for this (clients have no amazon aws accounts).
for example: 10gb spent at the end of the month. have to charge it. how to figure out what to bill each of the 5 clients?
can amazon give this info? if amazon can't provide this, how to do it?
same question for storage / bandwidth and processing time.
basically do what amazon does :P
even if that is hard, how to ensure if you sell a package of 1gb / month (storage example) that the customer doesn't go over. any patterns for handling this (as in code patterns i can use)?
Amazon provides a service that I think does exactly what you want called "DevPay" that has the ability to track and charge users S3 usage.
From the DevPay documentation:
"Amazon DevPay is a simple-to-use online billing and account management service that makes it easy for businesses to sell applications that are built in, or run on top of, Amazon Web Services. It is designed to make running applications in the cloud and on demand easier for developers."
If you can't use this for some reason then it's up to you track users usage within your application...