Check the existence of a template function - c++

How can I check the existence of a template function like this: Checking if reader struct has read arithmetic value
struct reader {
template<typename T>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, T> read() {
return {};
I use a checker like this:
template <typename T>
struct test_read {
static constexpr auto value = std::is_convertible<decltype(std::declval<T>().read<int>()),int>::value;
But the compiler complains:
error: wrong number of template arguments (1, should be 2)
static constexpr auto value = std::is_convertible<decltype(std::declval<T>().read<int>()),int>::value;
Please give me your advice on that.
Thank you.
Update: Here is the final version I got after discussion, I hope everyone will find it helpful for your code
struct not_reader {
struct reader {
template<typename T>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, T> read() {
return {};
template<class T, class Elem>
struct has_read {
template<class C, typename=void>
struct test_read : std::false_type {
template<class C>
struct test_read<C, typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<decltype(std::declval<C>().template read<Elem>()), Elem>::value>::type>
: std::true_type {
using type = typename test_read<T>::type;
static constexpr bool value = test_read<T>::value;
static_assert(has_read<reader, int>::value, "reader should have int read()");
static_assert(!has_read<not_reader, int>::value, "not_reader should not have int read()");

You forgot template before read()
static constexpr auto value
= std::is_convertible<
decltype(std::declval<T>().template read<int>()),int>::value;
// .................................#########
But I don't think that your code can check " if reader struct has read arithmetic value": try calling test_read with type int and you should get a compilation error.
The following is an example of an alternative solution
#include <type_traits>
struct reader
template<typename T>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, T> read()
{ return {}; }
template <typename, typename = void>
struct readTypeRet
{ using type = void; };
template <typename T>
struct readTypeRet<T, decltype(std::declval<T>().template read<int>(), void())>
{ using type = decltype(std::declval<T>().template read<int>()); };
template <typename T>
struct test_read
: public std::is_convertible<typename readTypeRet<T>::type, int>
{ };
int main ()
static_assert(test_read<reader>::value == true, "!");
static_assert(test_read<int>::value == false, "!");

To briefly restate your problem in terms that are a bit clearer:
You have some function that will return T if T satisfies is_arithmetic, otherwise it returns void
You want to assert that calling this function with int will return a type convertible to int
I think the shortest path to fix your code is to take advantage of std::result_of (C++11/14, use std::invoke_result_t in C++17):
template<class T>
struct test_read {
static constexpr auto value = std::is_convertible<
typename std::result_of<decltype(&T::template read<int>)(T)>::type, int
Live Demo
Some notes about this solution:
When specifying the read member function of T (reader), we need to use the template keyword to inform the compiler that the name reader is a template.
Use of result_of requires a function-like syntax of F(Args), so here we are getting the type of reader::read as the F portion, and then passing reader as the Args portion
we must pass an instance of T (reader) to read because it is a member function (rather than static or free), and member functions implicitly take a reference to the instance of the class they're being called on.


Extracting the underlying type in the template

I am new to C++20. The intention here is to have a template class which has value whose type would be the underlying type of T that's passed in.
So in case of T being:
std::optional<char>, it's char value
int, it's just int value.
Is there any better way to extract the types than through struct TypeExtract? More or a generic solution in C++20 perhaps? Given if the class could take more than just std::optional<int> or just a primitive type?
Can the condition in foo be improved specially with the way val is initialized?
template<typename T>
constexpr bool is_optional = false;
template<typename T>
constexpr bool is_optional<std::optional<T>> = true;
template<typename T>
struct TypeExtract
using type = T;
template<typename T>
struct TypeExtract<std::optional<T>>
using type = T;
template <typename T>
concept is_integral = std::is_integral_v<typename TypeExtract<T>::type>;
template <is_integral T>
class A
using Type = typename TypeExtract<T>::type;
Type val;
void foo(T value)
if constexpr (is_optional<T>)
val = *value;
val = value;
int main()
A<char> a1;
A<std::optional<int>> a2;
// A<double> a3; // fails
It looks like you're trying to extract first template parameter from a class template and keep on unwinding templates until you get to a non-template type. In that case you could make a type trait that is specialized for types instantiated from templates:
// primary template
template<class T, class...>
struct type {
using value_type = T;
// specialization for template instantiated types
template<template<class, class...> class T, class F, class... Rest>
struct type<T<F, Rest...>> {
using value_type = typename type<F>::value_type;
// helper alias
template<class... Ts>
using type_t = typename type<Ts...>::value_type;
You could then use it like so:
int main() {
type_t<char> a1;
type_t<std::optional<int>> a2;
type_t<double, int> a3;
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(a1), char>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(a2), int>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(a3), double>);
There is no good or bad here, it's a matter of style and convention, but personally I would get rid of if constexpr and take advantage of trailing requires for the sake of reducing function's cyclomatic complexity. On the other hand, that add some boilerplate. The choice is yours.
Not much can be done about type extraction, though I would probably use a templated base and import its member(s) instead of importing the type into the class. Not a big deal, but it feels more idiomatic to me.
As for concepts, I'd probably use more library-provided ones in the place of type traits.
Side note: consider using assert, .value() or similar function when assigning from the optional to ensure it's not empty.
All in all, I'd probably write your code somewhat this way:
#include <concepts>
#include <type_traits>
#include <optional>
template<typename T>
concept StdOptional = std::same_as<std::optional<typename T::value_type>, T>;
template<typename T>
concept OptionalIntegral = StdOptional<T> and std::integral<typename T::value_type>;
template<typename T>
concept OptionalOrOptionalIntegral = std::integral<T> or OptionalIntegral<T>;
struct ABase;
template<std::integral T>
struct ABase<T>
T value;
template<OptionalIntegral T>
struct ABase<T>
typename T::value_type value;
template<OptionalOrOptionalIntegral T>
class A : ABase<T>
using ABase<T>::value;
void setValue(T val) requires(std::integral<T>)
value = val;
void setValue(T val) requires(OptionalIntegral<T>)
value = val.value();

Detecting a member function in a class which uses CRTP

I am trying to customize a base classes' implementation based on the functions available in a child class using CRTP.
Basic idea of what I want:
// has_inc_function<Child, void> should detect the presence of a member function void Child::inc()
template<class Child, bool = has_inc_function<Child, void>::value>
struct base
// ... base implementation stuff
template<class Child>
struct base<Child, true>
// ... base specialization implementation stuff
struct empty : public base<empty>
struct has_inc
void inc()
struct has_inc_and_crtp : public base<has_inc_and_crtp>
void inc()
struct has_inc_and_misuse_crtp : public base<has_inc_and_misuse_crtp, true>
void inc()
struct has_inc_and_misuse_crtp2 : public base<has_inc_and_misuse_crtp, false>
void inc()
struct no_inc_and_misuse_crtp : public base<no_inc_and_misuse_crtp, true>
int main()
static_assert(has_inc_function<empty, void>::value == false, "");
static_assert(has_inc_function<has_inc, void>::value == true, "");
static_assert(has_inc_function<has_inc_and_crtp, void>::value == true, "");
static_assert(has_inc_function<has_inc_and_misuse_crtp, void>::value == true, "");
static_assert(has_inc_function<has_inc_and_misuse_crtp2, void>::value == true, "");
static_assert(has_inc_function<no_inc_and_misuse_crtp, void>::value == false, "");
I've tried a variety of different implementations for has_inc_function<Child, void>, but all of them seem to fail on the case has_inc_and_crtp, and I can't figure out why. I tested with several different compilers via Compiler Explorer, and they all seem to give the same results.
How would I implement has_inc_function so that it works as I would expect in all these test case, or is what I want just not possible?
Implementations I've tried
jrok's solution (Compiler Explorer link):
template <class C, class Ret>
struct has_increment<C, Ret>
template <class T>
static constexpr auto check(T*) -> typename std::is_same<
decltype(std::declval<T>().inc()), Ret>::type;
template <typename> static constexpr std::false_type check(...);
typedef decltype(check<C>(nullptr)) type;
static constexpr bool value = type::value;
TartanLlama's solution (Compiler Explorer link):
note: that is implementation doesn't match the return type. I've also included sample implementations of stuff in Library fundamentals TS v2 to make this work in C++14
struct nonesuch
~nonesuch() = delete;
nonesuch(nonesuch const&) = delete;
void operator=(nonesuch const&) = delete;
namespace detail {
template <class Default, class AlwaysVoid,
template<class...> class Op, class... Args>
struct detector {
using value_t = std::false_type;
using type = Default;
template <class Default, template<class...> class Op, class... Args>
struct detector<Default, std::void_t<Op<Args...>>, Op, Args...> {
using value_t = std::true_type;
using type = Op<Args...>;
} // namespace detail
template <template<class...> class Op, class... Args>
using is_detected = typename detail::detector<nonesuch, void, Op, Args...>::value_t;
template <template<class...> class Op, class... Args>
using detected_t = typename detail::detector<nonesuch, void, Op, Args...>::type;
template <class Default, template<class...> class Op, class... Args>
using detected_or = detail::detector<Default, void, Op, Args...>;
template<class...> struct disjunction : std::false_type { };
template<class B1> struct disjunction<B1> : B1 { };
template<class B1, class... Bn>
struct disjunction<B1, Bn...>
: std::conditional_t<bool(B1::value), B1, disjunction<Bn...>> { };
template <typename T>
using has_type_t = typename T::inc;
template <typename T>
using has_non_type_t = decltype(&T::inc);
template <typename T, class RetType>
using has_inc_function =
disjunction<is_detected<has_type_t, T>, is_detected<has_non_type_t, T>>;
Valentin Milea's solution (Compiler Explorer Link):
template <class C, class RetType>
class has_inc_function
template <class T>
static std::true_type testSignature(RetType (T::*)());
template <class T>
static decltype(testSignature(&T::inc)) test(std::nullptr_t);
template <class T>
static std::false_type test(...);
using type = decltype(test<C>(nullptr));
static const bool value = type::value;
Boost TTI (I couldn't figure out how to get Boost to work with Compiler Explorer):
#include <boost/tti/has_member_function.hpp>
What you want is in this form plainly not possible. The parent of a class has to be known before the class is complete, and hence before it is known whether the class has such a member function or not.
What you can do is a bit dependent on how different the different instantiations of base are. If they are basically the same interface with different implementation details, you can write another class that has the same interface and a variant member (std::variant is sadly C++17, but you could do the same with dynamic polymorphism) to which all calls are forwarded. Then the decision which to use can be done when instantiating.
You could also try something in this direction:
#include <type_traits>
#include <iostream>
template<class Child>
struct base {
int foo();
struct has_inc: base<has_inc> {
void inc();
struct has_not_inc: base<has_not_inc> {
template<class Child, class = std::void_t<decltype(std::declval<Child>().inc())>>
struct mock {
int foo(base<Child>*) { return 1;}
template<class Child>
struct mock<Child> {
int foo(base<Child>*) { return 0;}
template<class Child>
int base<Child>::foo() {
return mock<Child,void>().foo(this);
int main() {
has_inc h;
has_not_inc n;
std::cout << << " " << << '\n';
Here you only use the complete child of type in the definition, not in the declaration. To the point of the definition, the complete child is available, which it was not during declaration.
There are also other ways (I think, everything is not that easy) and what you can use really depends on your use-case, I would think.
PS: std::void_t is C++17, but it is only template<class...> using void_t = void;.
I've tried a variety of different implementations for has_inc_function<Child, void>, but all of them seem to fail on the case has_inc_and_crtp, and I can't figure out why.
The problem (if I understand correctly) is that, in the has_inc_and_crpt case, the value of has_inc_function is first evaluated to determine the default value for the Childs second template parameter
template<class Child, bool = has_inc_function<Child, void>::value>
struct base
that is when Child (that is has_inc_and_crpt) is still incomplete, so the value if false, and in the following use
static_assert(has_inc_function<has_inc_and_crtp, void>::value == true, "");
remain false.
How would I implement has_inc_function so that it works as I would expect in all these test case, or is what I want just not possible?
A quick and dirty solution could be add an additional dummy defaulted template parameter to has_inc_function.
By example
// ................................VVVVVVV dummy and defaulted
template <typename C, typename RT, int = 0>
struct has_inc_function
then use it in base explicating a special (different from the default) parameter
// ........................................................V different from the default
template<class Child, bool = has_inc_function<Child, void, 1>::value>
struct base
So, when you use has_inc_functin in the static assert,
static_assert(has_inc_function<has_inc_and_crtp, void>::value == true, "");
the class is different, is evaluated in that moment and has_inc_and_crpt is detected with inc() method.
But this only resolve the problem at test case (static_assert()) level.
Still remain the problem (a problem that I don't how to solve) that, declaring base, the default value remain false. So (I suppose) has_inc_and_crpt still select the wrong base base.
The following is a full compiling example, following the jrok's solution.
#include <type_traits>
template <typename C, typename RT, int = 0>
struct has_inc_function
template <typename T>
static constexpr auto check(T *) ->
typename std::is_same<decltype(std::declval<T>().inc()), RT>::type;
template <typename>
static constexpr std::false_type check(...);
using type = decltype(check<C>(nullptr));
/// #brief True if there is an inc member function
static constexpr bool value = type::value;
template <typename Child, bool = has_inc_function<Child, void, 1>::value>
struct base
{ };
template <typename Child>
struct base<Child, true>
{ };
struct empty : public base<empty>
{ };
struct has_inc
{ void inc() {} };
struct has_inc_and_crtp : public base<has_inc_and_crtp>
{ void inc() {} };
struct has_inc_and_misuse_crtp : public base<has_inc_and_misuse_crtp, true>
{ void inc() {} };
struct has_inc_and_misuse_crtp2 : public base<has_inc_and_misuse_crtp, false>
{ void inc() {} };
struct no_inc_and_misuse_crtp : public base<no_inc_and_misuse_crtp, true>
{ };
template <typename C, typename RT>
constexpr auto hif_v = has_inc_function<C, RT>::value;
int main ()
static_assert(hif_v<empty, void> == false, "");
static_assert(hif_v<has_inc, void> == true, "");
static_assert(hif_v<has_inc_and_crtp, void> == true, "");
static_assert(hif_v<has_inc_and_misuse_crtp, void> == true, "");
static_assert(hif_v<has_inc_and_misuse_crtp2, void> == true, "");
static_assert(hif_v<no_inc_and_misuse_crtp, void> == false, "");

Trying to specialize a template function based on the presence of a typedef within class

I want to be able to customize handling of a struct based on the presence of a type within the struct (without writing any additional code per custom struct), like:
struct Normal_t
struct Custom_t
using my_custom_type = bool;
It seems like I should be able to do something like this, but it doesn't work:
template <class T, typename Enabler = void>
struct has_custom_type
bool operator()() { return false; }
template <class T>
struct has_custom_type<T, typename T::my_custom_type>
bool operator()() { return true; }
bool b_normal = has_custom_type<Normal_t>()(); // returns false
bool b_custom = has_custom_type<Custom_t>()(); // returns false, INCORRECT? should return true?
What I don't understand is that the standard library uses something similar but seemingly more convoluted for its type traits. For example, this works:
template<bool test, class T = void>
struct my_enable_if
template<class T>
struct my_enable_if<true, T>
using type = T;
template <class T, class Enabler = void>
struct foo
bool operator()() { return false; }
template <class T>
struct foo<T, typename my_enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value>::type>
bool operator()() { return true; }
bool foo_float = foo<float>()(); // returns false
bool foo_int = foo<int>()(); // returns true
In both cases, the specialization is happening based on the presence of a type within a struct, in one case typename T::my_custom_type and in the other typename my_enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value>::type. Why does the second version work but not the first?
I came up with this workaround using the ... parameter pack syntax, but I'd really like to understand if there is a way to do this using normal template specialization without using the parameter pack syntax, and if not, why.
template<typename ...Args>
bool has_custom_type_2(Args&& ...args) { return false; }
template<class T, std::size_t = sizeof(T::my_custom_type)>
bool has_custom_type_2(T&) { return true; }
template<class T, std::size_t = sizeof(T::my_custom_type)>
bool has_custom_type_2(T&&) { return true; } /* Need this T&& version to handle has_custom_type_2(SomeClass()) where the parameter is an rvalue */
bool b2_normal = has_custom_type_2(Normal_t()); // returns false
bool b2_custom = has_custom_type_2(Custom_t()); // returns true - CORRECT!
The problem is that you specify default void type for Enabler, but T::my_custom_type is not void. Either use bool as default type, or use std::void_t that always returns void:
template <class T, typename = void>
struct has_custom_type : std::false_type { };
template <class T>
struct has_custom_type<T, std::void_t<typename T::my_custom_type>> : std::true_type { };
This answer explains why types should match.
As explained by others, if you set a void default value for the second template parameter, your solution works only if my_custom_type is void.
If my_custom_type is bool, you can set bool the default value. But isn't a great solution because loose generality.
To be more general, you can use SFINAE through something that fail if my_custom_type doesn't exist but return ever the same type (void, usually) if my_custom_type is present.
Pre C++17 you can use decltype(), std::declval and the power of comma operator
template <class T, typename Enabler = void>
struct has_custom_type
{ bool operator()() { return false; } };
template <class T>
struct has_custom_type<T,
decltype( std::declval<typename T::my_custom_type>(), void() )>
{ bool operator()() { return true; } };
Starting from C++17 it's simpler because you can use std::void_t (see Evg's answer, also for the use of std::true_type and std::false_type instead of defining an operator()).
template <class T, typename Enabler = void> // <== void set as default template parameter type
struct has_custom_type
bool operator()() { return false; }
template <class T>
struct has_custom_type<T, typename T::my_custom_type>
bool operator()() { return true; }
The specialization matches when it gets the template parameters <T, bool>. However, when you just specify <T>, without a second type, then it goes to the default type you specified =void to come up with the call <T, void>, which doesn't match your bool specialization.
Live example showing it matches with explicit <T, bool>:

How do I declare SFINAE class?

Something is not working quite well for me. Is this the way to declare a class, that accepts only floating point template parameter?
template <typename T, swift::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value> = nullptr>
class my_float;
I fail to define methods outside this class. Doesn't compile, not sure why
Well... not exactly SFINAE... but maybe, using template specialization? Something as follows ?
template <typename T, bool = std::is_floating_point<T>::value>
class my_float;
template <typename T>
class my_float<T, true>
// ...
If you really want use SFINAE, you can write
template <typename T,
typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>::type>
class my_float
// ...
or also (observe the pointer there isn't in your example)
template <typename T,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>::type * = nullptr>
class my_float // ------------------------------------------------^
-- EDIT --
As suggested by Yakk (thanks!), you can mix SFINAE and template specialization to develop different version of your class for different groups of types.
By example, the following my_class
template <typename T, typename = void>
class my_class;
template <typename T>
class my_class<T,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>::type>
// ...
template <typename T>
class my_class<T,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value>::type>
// ...
is developed for in two versions (two different partial specializations), the first one for floating point types, the second one for integral types. And can be easily extended.
You can also use static_assert to poison invalid types.
template <typename T>
class my_float {
"T is not a floating point type");
// . . .
It's a little bit more direct, in my opinion.
With either of the other approaches, e.g.
template <typename T, bool = std::is_floating_point<T>::value>
class my_float;
template <typename T> class my_float<T, true> { /* . . . */ };
my_float<int,true> is a valid type. I'm not saying that that's a bad approach, but if you want to avoid this, you'll have to encapsulate
my_float<typename,bool> within another template, to avoid exposing the bool template parameter.
indeed, something like this worked for me (thanks to SU3's answer).
template<typename T, bool B = false>
struct enable_if {};
template<typename T>
struct enable_if<T, true> {
static const bool value = true;
template<typename T, bool b = enable_if<T,is_allowed<T>::value>::value >
class Timer{ void start(); };
template<typename T, bool b>
void Timer<T,b>::start()
{ \* *** \*}
I am posting this answer because I did not want to use partial specialization, but only define the behavior of the class outside.
a complete workable example:
typedef std::integral_constant<bool, true> true_type;
typedef std::integral_constant<bool, false> false_type;
struct Time_unit {
struct time_unit_seconds : public Time_unit {
using type = std::chrono::seconds;
struct time_unit_micro : public Time_unit {
using type = std::chrono::microseconds;
template<typename T, bool B = false>
struct enable_if {
template<typename T>
struct enable_if<T, true> {
const static bool value = true;
template<typename T,
bool b = enable_if<T,
struct Timer {
int start();
template<typename T, bool b>
int Timer<T, b>::start() { return 1; }
int main() {
Timer<time_unit_seconds> t;
Timer<time_unit_micro> t2;
// Timer<double> t3; does not work !
return 0;

Howto check a type for the existence of parameterless operator()

I'm trying to check whether a functor is compatible with a given set of parametertypes and a given return type (that is, the given parametertypes can be implicitely converted to the actual parametertypes and the other way around for the return type). Currently I use the following code for this:
template<typename T, typename R, template<typename U, typename V> class Comparer>
struct check_type
{ enum {value = Comparer<T, R>::value}; };
template<typename T, typename Return, typename... Args>
struct is_functor_compatible
struct base: public T
using T::operator();
std::false_type operator()(...)const;
enum {value = check_type<decltype(std::declval<base>()(std::declval<Args>()...)), Return, std::is_convertible>::value};
check_type<T, V, Comparer>
This works quite nicely in the majority of cases, however it fails to compile when I'm testing parameterless functors like struct foo{ int operator()() const;};, beccause in that case the two operator() of base are apperently ambigous, leading to something like this:
error: call of '(is_functor_compatible<foo, void>::base) ()' is ambiguous
note: candidates are:
note: std::false_type is_functor_compatible<T, Return, Args>::base::operator()(...) const [with T = foo, Return = void, Args = {}, std::false_type = std::integral_constant<bool, false>]
note: int foo::operator()() const
So obvoiusly I need a different way to check this for parameterless functors. I tried making a partial specialization of is_functor_compatible for an empty parameterpack, where I check if the type of &T::operator() is a parameterless memberfunction, which works more or less. However this approach obviously fails when the tested functor has several operator().
Therefore my question is if there is a better way to test for the existence of a parameterless operator() and how to do it.
When I want to test if a given expression is valid for a type, I use a structure similar to this one:
template <typename T>
struct is_callable_without_parameters {
template <typename T1>
static decltype(std::declval<T1>()(), void(), 0) test(int);
template <typename>
static void test(...);
enum { value = !std::is_void<decltype(test<T>(0))>::value };
Have you tried something like:
class Discrim
template<typename T>
std::true_type hasFunctionCallOper( T*, Discrim<sizeof(T()())>* );
template<typename T>
std::false_type hasFunctionCallOper( T*, ... );
After, you discriminate on the return type of
hasFunctionCallOper((T*)0, 0).
EDITED (thanks to the suggestion of R. Martinho Fernandes):
Here's the code that works:
template<size_t n>
class CallOpDiscrim {};
template<typename T>
TrueType hasCallOp( T*, CallOpDiscrim< sizeof( (*((T const*)0))(), 1 ) > const* );
template<typename T>
FalseType hasCallOp( T* ... );
template<typename T, bool hasCallOp>
class TestImpl;
template<typename T>
class TestImpl<T, false>
void doTellIt() { std::cout << typeid(T).name() << " does not have operator()" << std::endl; }
template<typename T>
class TestImpl<T, true>
void doTellIt() { std::cout << typeid(T).name() << " has operator()" << std::endl; }
template<typename T>
class Test : private TestImpl<T, sizeof(hasCallOp<T>(0, 0)) == sizeof(TrueType)>
void tellIt() { this->doTellIt(); }