How to get street name from postcode using maps API? - postal-code

I'm looking for solution to change post code e.g DD3 7BN, but not using geo position. I found one solution using url
One guy was provide another solution but its not work for me.
But it shows error GRPS Failed. What is the best solution for my problem?
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
public void getAddressByPostalCode(String val_pcode) {
Geocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(this.getApplicationContext(), Locale.getDefault());
try {
List<Address> addresses1 = geocoder.getFromLocationName (val_pcode, 1);
Address obj1 = addresses1.get(0);
List<Address> addresses = geocoder.getFromLocation(obj1.getLatitude(), obj1.getLongitude(), 1);
Address obj = addresses.get(0);
/*TextView street = (TextView)findViewById(;
TextView pcode = (TextView)findViewById(;
TextView blk = (TextView)findViewById(;
TextView build = (TextView)findViewById(;
} catch (IOException e) {
Toast.makeText(this, e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

Be aware that UK postcodes don't always relate to single street, HD7 5UZ covers 7 and as a result google API doesn't return the "route" element -
I don't think there are any open datasets that offer the link between postcode and street, there are ones that have a complete list of streets or postcodes along with other geo data though.
Another solution for the UK is to use an API that looks at the Royal Mail PAF dataset, this will have linkage between postcodes and the streets they relate to. This will come with a cost however typically if you are after only the street name, not premise level data the cost is quite low.
An example would be the "street" endpoint from Allies Computing (who I work for) which will return an array of the streets. Which you can either get the user to select the right one or if there is only one, auto select it for them.
Most other PAF resellers also offer a street level search and they can be found via the Powered by PAF website.


Retrieve item from db using ObjectMapper

I'm totally new to coding in general, so this is really my first attempt, so don't shoot me if I ask stupid questions ;) Right now I'm having trouble even understanding the the vast world of backend.
So I'm having some problems in my service, and even deciding which way is the best to go, scanning, querying... what?
So I -think- the way to go for me is scanning... I'm having trouble to retrieve an item from the database, based on the id of that item. Retrieving all items works like a charm, and I need something similar for getting one item. I'm getting confused when searching the web, and not really even understanding the difference for example scanfilter, scanexpression? That's why I haven't even come up with a good attempt... but what I need is scan the table and retrieve the item with the matching id. I tried looking at my method for retrieving all searchCases, and implement it for retrieving one it, as it should look quite the same, but no success...
EDITED method a bit: Method I need help with:
public SearchCase getSearchCase(String id){
//this is obviously for a list, but how do I do it for ONE item?
HashMap<String, AttributeValue> sc = new HashMap<String, AttributeValue>();
sc.put("scId", new AttributeValue().withS(id));
ScanRequest scanRequest = new ScanRequest()
.withFilterExpression("id = scId");
ScanResult scanResult = client.scan(scanRequest);
return searchCase;
As a reference here is the method for retrieving all items, that does work:
public List<SearchCase> getSearchCases() {
final List<SearchCase> cases = new ArrayList<SearchCase>();
ScanRequest scanRequest = new ScanRequest()
ScanResult result = client.scan(scanRequest);
try {
for (Map<String, AttributeValue> item : result.getItems()) {
SearchCase searchCase = mapper.readValue(item.get("payload").getS(), SearchCase.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return cases;
It has been forever, but thought I'd post the correct answer I fought with for a long time back in June. So this was the solution that worked for me for retrieving a single item:
public SearchCase getSearchCase(String id) throws Exception {
Table t = db.getTable(searchCaseTableName);
GetItemSpec gis = new GetItemSpec()
.withPrimaryKey("id", id);
Item item = t.getItem(gis);
SearchCase searchCase = mapper.readValue(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJson(item.getJSON("payload").substring(1)), SearchCase.class);
return searchCase;
This method actually took a whole another approach then the way I originally thought I would solve this. So no Scanrequest, but using GetItemSpec and Item instead. This thus caused some funky backslashes in the JSON, so my frontend wouldn't accept before I ran it through StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJson, otherwise worked like a charm.
I'm having trouble to retrieve an item from the database, based on the id of that item
If you want to retrieve an item from DynamoDB based on some unique ID, then use load, which "Loads an object with the hash key given".

jpa FlushModeType COMMIT

In FlushModeType.AUTO mode, the persistence context is synchronized with the database at the following times:
before each SELECT operation
at the end of a transaction
after a flush or close operation on the persistence context
In FlushModeType.COMMIT mode, means that it does not have to flush
the persistence context before executing a query because you have indicated that there is no changed data in memory that would affect the results of the database query.
I have made an example in jboss as 6.0:
public class SessionBeanTwoA implements SessionBeanTwoALocal {
#PersistenceContext(unitName = "entity_manager_trans_unit")
protected EntityManager em;
private SessionBeanTwoBLocal repo;
public void findPersonByEmail(String email) {
1. List<Person> persons = repo.retrievePersonByEmail(email);
2. Person person = persons.get(0);
3. System.out.println(person.getAge());
4. person.setAge(2);
5. persons = repo.retrievePersonByEmail(email);
6. person=persons.get(0);
7. System.out.println(person.getAge());
public class SessionBeanTwoB extends GenericCrud implements SessionBeanTwoBLocal {
public List<Person> retrievePersonByEmail(String email) {
Query query = em.createNamedQuery("Person.findAllPersonByEmail");
query.setParameter("email", email);
List<Person> persons;
persons = query.getResultList();
return persons;
FlushModeType.COMMIT does not seem to work. At line 1., the person's age is taken from the database and print 35 at line3. At line 4., the person is updated within the persistent context but in line 7. the person's age is 2.
The jpa 2.0 spec says:
Type.COMMIT is set, the effect of updates made to entities in the persistence context upon queries is
But in many books, they explains what I wrote in the beginning of this post.
So what FlushModeType COMMIT really does?
Tks in advance for your help.
The javadocs mentions this here for FlushModeType COMMIT
Flushing to occur at transaction commit. The provider may flush at
other times, but is not required to.
So if the provider thinks it should then it can flush even though it is configured to flush on commit. Since for AUTO setting, the provider typically flushes at various times ( which requires expensive traversal of all managed entities - especially if the number is huge- to check if any database updates/deletes needs to be scheduled) so if we are sure that there are no database changes happening then we may use COMMIT setting to cut down on frequent checks for any changes and save on some CPU cycles.

Map two templates for different sites

We are developing a multisite sitecore solution where each sites can have have their own News as well as able to display the combined news from other Sites.
Each site have their unique News requirements where 90% of the template fields matches but rest 10% are different.
For example, Site-A has news template with Authors drop down list where Author List are authored on Configuration Node. Where as Site-B has news template where Author is a FREE TEXT Field.
Therefore, when Glass Mapper automatically tries to Map Authors field it fails for Free Text one.
This can be resolved either by creating a Author as drop down on all Sites but Product owners don't want this.
The other solution is manual mapping of news fields from both sources or use AUTOMAP etc.
Desired Solution:
Glassmapper automatically resolves and populates the Author Text Field or Drop Down Field on the fly.
Is above possible?
Thank you.
I would solve this by "fluent configuration",
Combined with the new Delegate feature added to the Glass Mapper recently.
The Delegate feature was originally introduced and described here:
Nuget package for the Delegate feature:
You can use Infer types as follows:
public interface IBaseNews
string Author {get; set;}
//List all other shared fields below
[SitecoreType(TemplateId="....", AutoMap = true)]
public class NewsSiteA : IBaseNews
public string Author {get; set;}
//List all fields which are unique for SiteA
[SitecoreType(TemplateId="....", AutoMap = true)]
public class NewsSiteB : IBaseNews
public string Author {get; set;}
//List all fields which are unique for SiteB
Now, Your code should be:
IBaseNews newsClass = NewsItem.GlassCast<IBaseNews>(true,true);
//You can use Author property now
Firstly, I would recommend updating to the latest version of Glass for many other reasons including the delegate feature.
From the infer type example in the comment - you shouldn't use GlassCast, use CreateType(Item item) from the sitecore service / context. If you adopt the version with Delegate in, there is now an official Cast(Item item) on the sitecore service instead.
Also the example there uses a would not solve the difference in type. Delegate would make this very easy. Remember with delegate that there is no lazy loading, this shouldn't matter in this case.
public interface INews
// All my other fields
string Author { get; set; }
The fluent configuration would be something like (to be done in GlassScCustom)
SitecoreType<INews> = new SitecoreType<INews>();
sitecoreType.Delegate(y => y.Author).GetValue(GetAuthor);
private string GetAuthor(SitecoreDataMappingContext arg)
Item item = arg.Item;
if(item.TemplateID == <templateid>)
// return the value from the drop link
return item["Authors"];

JPA - How to avoid getting an empty list?

I'm creating a sort of a social networking site, like Facebook, as a university project. Users can upload photos, but I'm somehow unable to retrieve the list of photos for a particular user.
Here's how I'm doing it right now:
#Table(name = "users")
public class User implements Serializable {
private String emailAddress;
private String password;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "owner", fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private List<Photo> photos;
public User() {
public void addPhoto( Photo photo){
public List<Photo> getPhotos() {
return photos;
And here's the Photo entity:
public class Photo implements Serializable {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long id;
private String url;
private String label;
private User owner;
public Photo() {
public User getOwner() {
return owner;
Each photo is uploaded by creating a post that contains it. Here's the EJB that does it:
public class PublicPost implements PublicPostRemote {
EntityManager em;
public void createPost(LoginUserRemote loginUserBean, String targetEmail, final String content, final String photoURL) {
if (loginUserBean.isLoggedIn()) {
final User author = loginUserBean.getLoggedUser();
final User target = em.find(User.class, targetEmail);
if (author != null && target != null) {
//See if there's a photo to post as well
Photo photo = null;
if (photoURL != null) {
photo = new Photo(photoURL, author, content);
MessageBoard publicMessageBoard = target.getPublicMessageBoard();
Post post = new Post(author, content);
if (photo != null) {
//Send an e-mail to the target (if the author and the target are different)
if (!author.getEmailAddress().equals(target.getEmailAddress())) {
final String subject = "[PhaseBook] " + author.getEmailAddress() + " has posted on your public message board.";
Thread mailThread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
GMailSender.sendMessage(target.getEmailAddress(), subject, content);
} catch (MessagingException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(PublicPost.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
So what happens is: I create a new post that contains a photo, yet later, when I use this, on the web tier...
LoginUserRemote lur = (LoginUserRemote)session.getAttribute("loginUserBean");
User user = lur.getLoggedUser();
List<Photo> photos = user.getPhotos();
System.out.println("This user has this many photos: " + photos.size()); always tells me that the user has 0 photos. Why is this? Am I defining the relationship between user and photo incorrectly? Am I forgetting to persist/refresh anything? Or does the problem lie somewhere else?
If you store a detached User object (the logged in user) in the HTTP session, and then create and persists photos having this detached user as owner, JPA won't automatically add the photo to the detached user. For the entity manager, this detached user doesn't exist: it's not under its responsibility anymore.
Even if User was still attached, it's your responsibility to maintain the coherence of the object graph. If you modify one side of the association (by setting the user as owner of the photo), you should also modify the other side (by adding the photo to the list of photos of the owner).
I'm not absolutely sure this is the cause of the problem, because you haven't shown us what the loginUserBean was and did to get the logged in user, but it might be the answer.
There is a series of issues here:
Are photos actually stored in the database? Maybe you don't have a transaction open?
You are not updating both sides of the association.
Theoretically you only need to update the owning side, but better be safe than sorry:
photo = new Photo(photoURL, author, content);
You are fetching the user from a session and then retrieving associated collection of photos. Do you really know what this means? If the user has hundreds of photos, do you really want to store them in HTTP session along with the user all the time? This is not how Facebook works ;-).
I think refreshing your entity (with em.refresh(lur.getLoggedUser())) might work, but only at university, not in real life. Loading all the user photos at once into memory is an overkill. Personally I would even remove photos association from user to avoid this. Load one page at a time and only on demand.
Even if you know what you are doing or such a behaviour is acceptable, objects stored in HTTP session are so called detached from persistence context, meaning your persistence provider does no longer keep track of them. So adding a photo does not mean that the photos collection will be magically updated in every object. I think about carefully, this would be even worse.
Last but not least, your createPost() really needs some code review. It does at least 4 things at once, System.out, one time threads created on demand, silently doing nothing when preconditions are not met (like user not being logged in, missing parameters), mixing concerns on different level of abstraction. Don't want to be too meticulous, but your grade might be influenced by the quality of code.

Finding the phone company of a cell phone number?

I have an application where people can give a phone number and it will send SMS texts to the phone number through EMail-SMS gateways. For this to work however, I need the phone company of the given number so that I send the email to the proper SMS gateway. I've seen some services that allow you to look up this information, but none of them in the form of a web service or database.
For instance, provides such a service. Example output from my phone number:
Where do they get the "Current Telephone Company" information for each number. Is this freely available information? Is there a database or some sort of web service I can use to get that information for a given cell phone number?
What you need is called a HLR (Home Location Register) number lookup.
In their basic forms such APIs will expect a phone number in international format (example, +15121234567) and will return back their IMSI, which includes their MCC (gives you the country) and MNC (gives you the phone's carrier). The may even include the phone's current carrier (eg to tell if the phone is roaming). It may not work if the phone is currently out of range or turned off. In those cases, depending on the API provider, they may give you a cached result.
The site you mentioned seems to provide such functionality. A web search for "HLR lookup API" will give you plenty more results. I have personal experience with CLX's service and would recommend it.
This would be pretty code intensive, but something you could do right now, on your own, without APIs as long as the site is around:
Why not have IE open in a hidden browser window with the URL of the phone number? It looks like the URL would take the format of where # represents a number. So you need a textbox, a label, and a button. I call the textbox "txtPhoneNumber", the label "lblCarrier", and the button would call the function I have below "OnClick".
The button function creates the IE instance using MSHtml.dll and SHDocVW.dll and does a page scrape of the HTML that is in your browser "object". You then parse it down. You have to first install the Interoperability Assemblies that came with Visual Studio 2005 (C:\Program Files\Common Files\Merge Modules\vs_piaredist.exe). Then:
1> Create a new web project in Visual Studio.NET.
2> Add a reference to SHDocVw.dll and Microsoft.mshtml.
3> In default.aspx.cs, add these lines at the top:
using mshtml;
using SHDocVw;
using System.Threading;
4> Add the following function :
protected void executeMSIE(Object sender, EventArgs e)
SHDocVw.InternetExplorer ie = new SHDocVw.InternetExplorerClass();
object o = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
TextBox txtPhoneNumber = (TextBox)this.Page.FindControl("txtPhoneNumber");
object url = "" + txtPhoneNumber.Text);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (ie != null) {
ie.Navigate2(ref url,ref o,ref o,ref o,ref o);
ie.Visible = false;
IHTMLDocument2 d = (IHTMLDocument2) ie.Document;
if (d != null) {
IHTMLElementCollection all = d.all;
string ourText = String.Empty;
foreach (object el in all)
//find the text by checking each (string)el.Text
if ((string)el.ToString().Contains("Current Phone Company"))
ourText = (string)el.ToString();
// or maybe do something like this instead of the loop above...
// HTMLInputElement searchText = (HTMLInputElement)d.all.item("p", 0);
int idx = 0;
// and do a foreach on searchText to find the right "<p>"...
foreach (string s in searchText) {
if (s.Contains("Current Phone Company") || s.Contains("Original Phone Company")) {
idx = s.IndexOf("<strong>") + 8;
ourText = s.Substring(idx);
idx = ourText.IndexOf('<');
ourText = ourText.Substring(0, idx);
// ... then decode "ourText"
string[] ourArray = ourText.Split(';');
foreach (string s in ourArray) {
char c = (char)s.Split('#')[1];
// sb.ToString() is now your phone company carrier....
if (sb != null)
lblCarrier.Text = sb.ToString();
lblCarrier.Text = "No MSIE?";
For some reason I don't get the "Current Phone Company" when I just use the site directly, though, only the Original. So you might want to have the code test what it's getting back, i.e.
bool currentCompanyFound = false;
if (s.Contains("Current Telephone Company")) { currentCompanyFound = true }
I have it checking for either one, above, so you get something back. What the code should do is to find the area of HTML between
<p class="lt">Current Telephone Company:<br /><strong>
I have it looking for the index of
and adding on the characters of that word to get to the starting position. I can't remember if you can use strings or only characters for .indexOf. But you get the point and you or someone else can probably find a way to get it working from there.
That text you get back is encoded with char codes, so you'd have to convert those. I gave you some code above that should assist in that... it's untested and completely from my head, but it should work or get you where you're going.
Did you look just slightly farther down on the result page?
Need API access? Contact
[Disclosure: I work for Twilio]
You can retrieve phone number information with Twilio Lookup.
If you are currently evaluating services and functionality for phone number lookup, I'd suggest giving Lookup a try via the quickstart.