What does this regular expression mean - '(?<word'? [duplicate] - regex

This question already has answers here:
Reference - What does this regex mean?
(1 answer)
Can I use named groups in a Perl regex to get the results in a hash?
(5 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I found this regular expression in Raisin code:
my ($a, $b, $r) = ("(?<$token>", ')', undef);
In this case $token is some word (param name). This code used in functon for creating regular expression. Sample result for /users/:id is:
I dont understand what does its mean: (?<id> ?
I know positive and negative look-behind - (?<= and (?<!. But i don`t know this.


Extract all chars between parenthesis [duplicate]

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Regular Expression to get a string between parentheses in Javascript
(10 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I used
let regExp = /\(([^)]+)\)/;
to extract
aaaaa (test(())) bbbb
but I get only this
How can I fix my regex ?
Don't use a negative character set, since parentheses (both ( and )) may appear inside the match you want. Greedily repeat instead, so that you match as much as possible, until the engine backtracks and finds the first ) from the right:
'aaaaa (test(())) bbbb'
Keep in mind that this (and JS regex solutions in general) cannot guarantee balanced parentheses, at least not without additional post-processing/validation.

How can I remove a certain pattern from a string? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Reference - What does this regex mean?
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have this string like "682_2, 682_3, 682_4". (682 is a random number)
How can i get this string "2, 3, 4" using regex and ruby?
You can do this in ruby
input="682_2, 682_3, 682_4"
output = input.gsub(/\d+_/,"")
puts output
A simple regex could be
/_([0-9]+)$/ and in the match group of the result you will have 2 for 682_2 and 3 for 682_3
Ruby code snippet would be "64532_2".match(/_([0-9]+)/).captures[0]
you can use scan which returns an array containing the matches:
(?<=_) tells to find a pattern that has a given pattern (_ in this case) before itself but wont capture that, it captures only \d. if it can have more than 1 digit like 682_13,682_33 then \d+ is necessary.

notepad++ REGEX how to find matched string and keep it (delete all surrounding text) [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Delete all content but keeping matched
(1 answer)
Can't use ^ to say "all but"
(4 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I am trying to use regex function to find the following string AAA and delete everything else (except the ending part of this string)
eenqowtnorynwny55w4oynw AAABBB ewtenoqtn3oyn AAACCC 4et3o4ny3ny AAADDD 3to3n4yon45yo
wetn3o4tn3o5yn AAAZZZ wn3otn3on AAANNN
expected outpout

How to get values inside of brackets according to BODMAS rule [duplicate]

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PHP regular expression to replace nested () with []
(5 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I tried and stuck to this formula which only only work on 1 pair of brackets:
preg_match('#\((.*?)\)#', $text, $match);
print $match[1];
What I want to do is parse the text after the last open parenthesis before the first close parenthesis.
For example, I have equation like this:
The text that would be parsed is "5-6".
Match ( > anything except ( or ) > )
$text = '1+(2+(3+(5-6)))+(7-8)';
preg_match('/\(([^\(\)]+)\)/', $text, $match);

What does it mean $1Z in regular expression [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Reference - What does this regex mean?
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
I'm not familiar with regex, but I have the following string
d.$filter = d.$filter.replace(/TutoringSince le '(.+?)'/g, "TutoringSince ge $1Z");
Is anybody know what does it mean this Z char after $1 ?
$1 is a reference to the first group - in this case: (.+?)
Z is just a Z letter.
It replaces the captured text in the d.$filter, with TutoringSince ge, plus itself then adds a Z. I.e. the text
TutoringSince le 'whatever'
would turn into
TutoringSince ge whateverZ
"The captured text" would be anything inside the single quotes.