How to wait for signal in long running method? - c++

At the moment I am developing a simple programming language on the basis of flex&bison.
For this I first build the abstract syntax tree (AST) and continue with its evaluation. During the evaluation it shall be possible to receive user input. The user input is done in a Qt-GUI. The ast-evaluation-procedure runs in a thread-worker-object, that is created by the GUI.
My problem: Which one is the best way, to "block" the running flex&bison evaluation-procedure to then receive a user input from the GUI and afterwards continue with executing the procedure?
Unfortunately I have no idea, how to split the evaluation procedure into two parts to catch the user input-signal from the GUI and then to continue with the "splitted procedure" in a slot.
My current solution works (to my opinion poor) with an infinite loop within the evaluation procedure and this runs until a boolean member variable (_hasUserInput) in the thread worker-object is set to true. After the user input the GUI emits the signal. The corresponding slot is inside the thread worker-object. The slot receives the user input e.g. as a QString and sets a corresponding member variable. Additionally the boolean variable is set to true, so the infinite loop of the evaluation-procedure can be left, the user input can be processed and the evaluation can be continued.
Functional principle:
GUI --> starts Thread (Worker-Object) --> starts the longterm running procedure
Example in pseudo code:
class ThreadWorker : public QObject {
// Slot, that reacts to the signal from the GUI
void userInput(const QString &input) {
_userInput = input;
_hasUserInput = true;
// evaluation-procedure
void doEvaluation() {
// evaluation of the AST
emit userInputRequired();
while (!hasUserInput){ // Check if user input has been done
qApp -> processEvents(); // to react to events
do something with user input;
continue valuation; // Processing of user input and continuation of the procedure
I tried to give a description of my problem as good as possible and hope it worked. Please ask, in case you need more detailed information.
Thanks very much in advance for your assistance!

Since you've already factored out the worker into a QObject, you should never need to call processEvents(). Instead, break down the AST evaluation into small chunks that are performed as long as necessary. I've also made the public interface thread-safe - thus you can call it directly from any thread.
// see
bool isSafe(QObject * obj);
template <typename Class, typename... Args> void postCall(Class * obj, void (Class::*method)(Args...), Args&& ...args);
class ASTWorker : public QObject {
QBasicTimer m_evaluateTimer; // a bit lower overhead than QTimer
void timerEvent(QTimerEvent * ev) override {
if (ev->timerId() == m_evaluateTimer.timerId())
void evaluateImpl() {
bool evaluationDone = {};
QThread::msleep(10); // emulate evaluating a chunk of AST
if (!evaluationDone && !m_evaluateTimer.isActive())
m_evaluateTimer.start(0, this);
else if (evaluationDone)
using QObject::QObject;
/// Thread-safe
Q_SLOT void setUserInput(const Data & data) {
if (!isSafe(this))
return postCall(this, &ASTWorker::setUserInput, data);
QThread::msleep(1); // emulate processing user data
/// Thread-safe
Q_SLOT void evaluate() {
if (!isSafe(this))
return postCall(this, &ASTWorker::evaluate, data);


How can I communicate back the result from a std::thread to the Gui main thread in Qt?

In order to learn about threading in Qt and C++ I am creating a small example program.
It has a Gui with a button and a text field:
When the user presses the Calculate button it calculates pi using a sum formula.
In order for the Gui to be responsive during this lengthy operation the calculation will be performed in a separate thread.
First I created a subclass of QThread that does the calculation in its run() method and emits the signal void resultReady(double value); when it is finished.
This signal I connected to the slot void setResult(double value); in my Dialog Gui class.
This approach works fine.
Now I want to do the same thing using std::thread. How do I do this?
I am having problems communicating the result back to the Gui. I tried this:
class StdThreadStrategy : public QObject {
void doTheWork() {
double pi = pi_sum();
QTimer::singleShot(0, this, [=] { dialog->setResult(pi); });
// This is called by Dialog when the user presses the Calculate button:
void calculatePi(Dialog* dialog) {
this->dialog = dialog;
std::thread t(&StdThreadStrategy::doTheWork, this);
thread = std::move(t);
Dialog* dialog;
std::thread thread;
A StdThreadStrategy object is constructed in the constructor of Dialog:
Dialog::Dialog() : QDialog() {
// .. create gui code
calculatePiStrategy = new StdThreadStrategy();
// this is the slot I want called from the other thread:
void Dialog::setResult(double value) {
// Called by Calculate button:
void Dialog::calculate() {
I was hoping using QTimer::singleShot in the doTheWork() method would allow me to post to the event queue of the Gui from another thread.
Unfortunately I get the error message: QObject::startTimer: Timers can only be used with threads started with QThread.
How can I communicate back the result from a std::thread to the Gui main thread in Qt?
Add a signal to your instance of StdThreadStrategy, and connect that via an explicitly deferred connection to the handler living in the UI thread. That way, you can safely call the signal from any thread, Qt takes care of sending it where it should go.
Also don't forget to join() your thread in the destructor of StdThreadStrategy. You also need to be aware that recycling a single instance like that is going to end up in race conditions. Just go and try what happens when you click the button again before pi had been fully computed.
There is no general answer to this kind of design problems. I give you just some tips here to show that c++11 provides a higher level of abstraction that can ease the manipulation of thread lifetime.
In your main GUI thread, run the async task (here I use std::async what gives you a std::future for further manipulation)
auto fut = std::async(std::launch::async, [=]() {
// do some work
Now, your UI is alive, run a Qtimer in the main thread with a callback that will check for the async procedure.
// callback content will be something like this
// checking via the future the state of the async task
if (fut.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(25)) !=
std::future_status::ready) {
// not yet finished
// No do what you want with the result
auto res = fut.get();
// emit a signal to refresh the gui etc.
You could send a custom QEvent that carries the result from the worker thread to the thread your QObject lives in. See QEvent and QCoreApplication::postEvent()
Create your event class:
class MyEvent : public QEvent
MyEvent(double result) : QEvent(QEvent::User), mResult(result) {
double result() {
return mResult;
double mResult;
Post the event to the event loop and override the event() function to catch it:
class StdThreadStrategy : public QObject {
void doTheWork() {
double pi = pi_sum();
QCoreApplication::postEvent(this, new MyEvent(pi));
bool event(QEvent *event) override {
if (event->type() == QEvent::User) {
const auto result = static_cast<MyEvent*>(event)->result();
return QObject::event(event);

How to prevent GUI from hanging while allowing 2nd operation to be performed alongwith 1st operation in Qt

Here I am explaining my problem statement in detail and the efforts I have put so far
A) Problem Statement : During printing if 'Stop Printing' pushbutton is pressed, the printing should stop at that moment!
B) My Work :
1. StartPrinitng_Pressed :
void MainWindow :: on_StartPrinitng_Pressed()
{QSqlquery studentList;
studentList("SELECT Name, address FROM class WHERE Roll No = some variable")
QTimer:: singleShot(1000,this,SLOT(StopNow())); //calling stopNow function
{ //** I am printing the fetched data (in a string) by setting GPIO pins HIGH **// }
2. StopPrinting_Pressed :
void MainWindow::on_StopPrinting_Pressed()
3. StopNow Function Declaration :
void MainWindow::StopNow()
{ //** I have reset all serials ports; Break; **// }
else if(StopPrintingNow==0)
{ QTimer::singleShot(1000,this,SLOT(on_startPrinting_pressed())); }
C) Flow of program execution : As and when "StartPrinting" pushbutton is pressed, the query shown in my question executes which fetches data from database and perform simultaneous printing.
D)Problem Faced -
1.GUI is getting hanged while printing, hence StopPrinting button doesn't respond.
Qtimer is not calling "StopNow function " while printing (though I have called it at correct position)enter image description here
Handling of timers and button presses is both covered by the Qt event loop -- which is blocked while you are looping over that SQL query. You have two options:
1) Periodically dispatch events in your while loop.
This is as simple as
But you have to be careful, however: any events you trigger due to user interaction (or a timer) will block and your while loop will not run until the event is finished. In your case especially, you could end up running a second copy of your on_StartPrinitng_Pressed function.
2) Do the printing on a separate thread.
This involves some more code, but the gist of it is that you create a SqlPrinter object with a startPrinting slot and stopPrinting slot. You then create a QThread and change its owner thread to that thread. Slot invocations will happen across the thread boundary and all will be fine.
class SqlPrinter : public QObject {
SqlPrinter(QObject* parent = nullptr) : QObject(parent) {}
public slots:
void startPrinting();
void stopPrinting();
In your main code, then do something like this, assuming that you have the two buttons named MainWindow_StartButton and MainWindow_StopButton:
QThread* printerThread = new QThread(qApp);
SqlPrinter* printer = new SqlPrinter;
QObject::connect(MainWindow_StartButton, &QPushButton::clicked, printer, &SqlPrinter::StartPrinting);
QObject::connect(MainWindow_StopButton, &QPushButton::clicked, printer, &SqlPrinter::StopPrinting);
Don't forget to clean up SqlPrinter afterwards!

How can I provide feedback from a non-Qt C++ library class to a Qt GUI?

I am developing a C++ class library for some computing-intensive tasks (machine vision).
// I am a part of a Qt-agnostic library
class Cruncher
/* ... */
void doStuff();
Then there's a Qt GUI using that library. I'm creating a worker thread to call the heavy-lifting routines from the library:
// I am a part of a Qt-based GUI which utilizes the library
class Worker : public QThread
/* ... */
virtual void run()
/* ... */
Cruncher c;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
c.doStuff(); // takes some time, and while it's working
// it should communicate status changes which should
// become visible in the GUI
Now inside doStuff() a lot happens and I want to provide some feedback to the user on what is going on without waiting for doStuff() to return. For one, maybe some finer progress reporting than just increasing the meter by one step after a each call to doStuff(). Also, doStuff() may encounter non-critical failures which let it continue a part of the work, but I'd like a message to appear in the GUI when this happens as Cruncher is working (and Worker is currently busy with a call to doStuff()).
I want the library to remain Qt-independent so I'm not willing to add signals and slots to Cruncher. Any other way to enable it to provide feedback to the GUI to report on its work when it's not a Qt class?
I was considering creating a QTimer which would poll some "status" and "errorMsg" members of Cruncher at fixed intervals while Worker is running, but this seems highly sub-optimal.
I am posting my own answer because though I took #Nim's advice, I'd like the answer to be a little more verbose and hence more useful if someone should have the same problem.
I created the skeleton of a message dispatcher in the library:
// doesn't need to know about Qt
class MessagePort
virtual void message(std::string msg) = 0;
Next, I added a handle to this object to Cruncher and spiced doStuff() with occasional calls to message():
// now with Super Cow powers!
class Cruncher
MessagePort *msgPort_;
Cruncher(MessagePort *msgPort) : msgPort_(msgPort) {}
void doStuff()
msgPort_->message("Foo caused an overload in Bar!");
Finally, I crafted an implementation of MessagePort inside the GUI using all necessary Qt goodness:
class CruncherMsgCallback : public QObject, public MessagePort
CruncherMsgCallback() : QObject(), MessagePort()
connect(this, SIGNAL(messageSignal(const QString &)),
GUI, SLOT(messageShow(const QString &)),
virtual void message(std::string msg)
emit messageSignal(QString::fromStdString(msg));
void messageSignal(const QString &msg);
Finally when the Worker creates an instance of Cruncher, it also gives it a pointer to a working MessagePort:
class Worker
virtual void run()
CruncherMsgCallback msgC;
Cruncher c(&msgC); // &msgC works as a pointer to a
// generic MessagePort by upcasting
c.doStuff(); // Cruncher can send messages to the GUI
// from inside doStuff()
Use a callback function (class) etc, and pass that in during construction. Things you need to report, report via that callback.
You can safely emit signals from the run() method, I think that's the best way to pass information from worker thread to the main thread. Just add the signals to your QThread subclass (avoid adding slots, if you're at all unsure how QThread threading works).
Better make the connections from these signals explicitly queued, to avoid problems. Though the default, automatic connection type should also work and do Queued signal emit, but I think it's better to be explicit in cases like this. Actually also direct signals should work as such, but then you have to take care of thread safety yourself instead of letting Qt handle it for you, and you can't connect to slots which use any of the QtGui classes which only work in the main thread, so it's better to stick to queued connections.
To pass simple information to the run() method, and if immediate reaction is not needed, maybe use a few shared QAtomicInt variables or something like that as flags, which the worker thread checks when convenient. Slightly more complex method, still requiring polling, is to have shared data structure which you protect with mutex. More complex way of communicating to that direction would involve some kind of message queue (just like Qt uses in the event loop of the main thread, when you emit signal to that direction).

Application->Processmessages in QT?

In Borland 6 I often use this to unstuck program action:
Now, with QT 4.8.1, I don't have found in this foreign (for me) documentation of QT.
Can anyone help me?
In Qt, you'd use the static function QApplication::processEvents().
Alas, your issue is that the design of your code is broken. You should never need to call processEvents simply to "unstuck" things. All of your GUI code should consist of run-to-completion methods that take a short time (on the order of single milliseconds: ~0.001s). If something takes longer, you must split it up into smaller sections and return control to the event loop after processing each section.
Here's an example:
class Worker: public QObject
int longWorkCounter;
QTimer workTimer;
Worker() : ... longWorkCounter(0) ... {
connect(workTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(longWork());
public slots:
void startLongWork() {
if (! longWorkCounter) {
private slots:
void longWork() {
if (longWorkCounter++ < longWorkCount) {
// do a piece of work
} else {
longWorkCounter = 0;
A zero-duration timer is one way of getting your code called each time the event queue is empty.
If you're calling third party blocking library code, then the only (unfortunate) fix is to put those operations into slots in a QObject, and move that QObject to a worker thread.

Creating a custom message/event with Qt

I have an RPC thread that is calling back to me from that thread. I need to somehow inform Qt that it needs to make a function call from the main thread. In straight Windows I could do this by using a custom message and then posting that message to the message queue, e.g., I could create a WM_CALLFUNCTION message and pass the function pointer through wParam and the parameter (class pointer) through lParam.
Has anyone an idea how I could do this with Qt? I've come across QCustomEvent but I have no idea how to use it or how to process it. Any help would be hugely appreciated!
In the end I went with QMetaObject::invokeMethod which works perfectly.
Using custom events generally involves creating your own QEvent subclass, overriding customEvent() in the QObject class that will receive the event (often the main window class) and some code that "posts" the event from your thread to the receiver.
I like to implement the event posting code as a method of the receiver class. That way, the caller only has to know about the recevier object and not any of the "Qt" specifics. The caller will invoke this method which will then essentially post a message to itself. Hopefully the code below will make it clearer.
// MainWindow.h
// Define your custom event identifier
const QEvent::Type MY_CUSTOM_EVENT = static_cast<QEvent::Type>(QEvent::User + 1);
// Define your custom event subclass
class MyCustomEvent : public QEvent
MyCustomEvent(const int customData1, const int customData2):
int getCustomData1() const
return m_customData1;
int getCustomData2() const
return m_customData2;
int m_customData1;
int m_customData2;
void postMyCustomEvent(const int customData1, const int customData2);
void customEvent(QEvent *event); // This overrides QObject::customEvent()
void handleMyCustomEvent(const MyCustomEvent *event);
The customData1 and customData2 are there to demonstrate how you might pass some data along in your event. They don't have to be ints.
// MainWindow.cpp
void MainWindow::postMyCustomEvent(const int customData1, const int customData2)
// This method (postMyCustomEvent) can be called from any thread
QApplication::postEvent(this, new MyCustomEvent(customData1, customData2));
void MainWindow::customEvent(QEvent * event)
// When we get here, we've crossed the thread boundary and are now
// executing in the Qt object's thread
if(event->type() == MY_CUSTOM_EVENT)
handleMyCustomEvent(static_cast<MyCustomEvent *>(event));
// use more else ifs to handle other custom events
void MainWindow::handleMyCustomEvent(const MyCustomEvent *event)
// Now you can safely do something with your Qt objects.
// Access your custom data using event->getCustomData1() etc.
I hope I didn't leave anything out. With this in place, code in some other thread just needs to get a pointer to a MainWindow object (let's call it mainWindow) and call
where, just for our example, 1 and 2 can be any integer data.
In Qt 3, the usual way to communicate
with the GUI thread from a non-GUI
thread was by posting a custom event
to a QObject in the GUI thread. In Qt
4, this still works and can be
generalized to the case where one
thread needs to communicate with any
other thread that has an event loop.
To ease programming, Qt 4 also allows
you to establish signal--slot
connections across threads. Behind the
scenes, these connections are
implemented using an event. If the
signal has any parameters, these are
also stored in the event. Like
previously, if the sender and receiver
live in the same thread, Qt makes a
direct function call.