I am testing an ember 2.13 app. I want to retrieve the value of the page title, but doing so as document.title from the test grabs the title from test suite page.
I may be overlooking a simple ember-qunit feature here. Any hint?
Might be overkill, but you could use http://tim-evans.github.io/ember-page-title/. And test it like they do:
// Testem appends progress to the title...
// and there's no way to stop this at the moment
function title() {
return findWithAssert('title', 'head').text().trim().replace(/^\(\d+\/\d+\)/, '');
test('the default configuration works', async function (assert) {
await visit('/posts');
assert.equal(title(), 'My App | Posts');
I am working on unit testing my code with Jest in my frontend Vue JS project, and one of the tests I want to write is:
it('should show the advanced filters if user_id exists', () => {
This is part of a created property in the Javascript code:
this.user_id = localStorage.getItem("user_id");
if (this.user_id) {
this.renderAdvancedFilters = true;
Also, below is part of the data that is being exported:
export default {
data: () => ({
renderAdvancedFilters: false,
user_id: localStorage.getItem("user_id"),
So, renderAdvancedFilters is originally set to false, but if a user id exists, then it is set to true, and the advanced filters are then displayed. How do I write a unit test where I am showing that if a user id exists, then advanced filters is shown on the app? Since this is a created property, there is no interaction with the app to test, so I think I should just be testing the data, but I'm not sure how to.
Should I be mocking the data of this.user_id? If so, how do I do that?
Thank you
I think you only need to mock this localStorage.getItem();.
Mock it to return a dummy user id and then you simply run the test and check that the outcome is what you expect.
Seems like that is the only dependency you need to mock.
Something like:
global.localStorage = {
getItem: jest.fn(() => 'some user id')
I am in the process of writing a number of jasmine tests for a Durandal based app that I am in the process of writing. The Durandal documentation suggests that the way to write tests is like
function (ko, router, unitofwork, logger, errorhandler, config) {
var uow = unitofwork.create();
var searchTerm = ko.observable();
var results = ko.observableArray([]);
var search = function () {
uow.myySearch(searchTerm).then(function (data) {
logger.log(data.length + ' records found', '', 'myViewModel', true);
var vm = {
search : search,
searchTerm : searchTerm,
results : results
define(['viewmodels/myViewModel'], function (myViewModel) {
describe('Stuff im testing', function(){
it('returns true', function () {
and for most of my tests this works great.
How do I mock/stub/fake a module that has been passed into ViewModel. For instance the UnitOfWork module so that it always returns a standard set of data.
For unit testing check out https://github.com/iammerrick/Squire.js/ a dependency mocker for requirejs. Another technique using require context is described in How can I mock dependencies for unit testing in RequireJS?.
For integration testing you might look into something like http://saucelabs.com (selenium based).
For some grunt tasks that helps setting up unit tests in phantomjs|browser see https://github.com/RainerAtSpirit/HTMLStarterKitPro (Disclaimer: I'm the maintainer of the repo). I'd love to see some mockup integration, so send a pull request if you feel inclined.
Check this out
this is a library that I'm working on, in a few days will have the ability to test widgets too.
Im working on a test suite for an existing Backbone application using Jasmine and Sinon and I am testing that my router performs the correct actions on a certain route. Here's the actual route function:
favourites: function()
//Dont re-initialize the favourites view as there is no need.
//Instead, just render the favourite movies
if ( ! this.favMoviesView)
this.favMoviesView = new cinephile.Views.FavouriteMoviesView({
collection: cinephile.favouriteMovies
In my test suite I want to assert that when navigating to to the favourites route this.favMoviesView will be created once and then, if it exists will not re-initialize but instead just call this.favMoviesView.renderFavourites() which is a method that iterates over the view's collection.
Here's my test spec:
describe('cinephile.Routers.CinephileRouter', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
this.router = new cinephile.Routers.CinephileRouter();
this.routeSpy = sinon.spy();
Backbone.history.start({ silent : true });
catch(e) {}
this.favouritesViewStub = sinon.stub(cinephile.Views, 'FavouriteMoviesView')
.returns(new Backbone.View());
afterEach(function () {
describe('Favourites Route', function() {
it('should load the favourites on /favourites', function () {
this.router.bind('route:favourites', this.routeSpy);
this.router.navigate('favourites', true);
it('creates a favourites view if one doesn\'t exist', function () {
it('Reuses the favourites view if one does exist and reset it\'s collection', function () {
My first two tests pass and I believe them to correctly describe the favourites method in my router. The third test is the the one giving me problems. As I understand it, because I am testing my router and NOT the FavouriteMoviesView I should be stubbing out the view to keep the test isolated. If that is the correct assumption, my issue becomes that the stub won't have a renderFavourites method as it is a stubbed out Backbone.View().
How can I fix this particular problem and if you are so inclined, I believe I'm missing something conceptual so feel free to explain what it is that I'm not understanding.
You problem is that you want to mock something inside a mock function. What I would suggest is that instead of this...
this.favouritesViewStub = sinon.stub(cinephile.Views, 'FavouriteMoviesView').returns(new Backbone.View());
...have this:
var StubView = Backbone.View.extend({
renderFavourites: sinon.stub()
this.favouritesViewStub = sinon.stub(cinephile.Views, 'FavouriteMoviesView').returns(new StubView());
Now your View "constructor" will return a StubView, which has the method you are calling stubbed out. So this Backbone View with the stubbed out method will be placed in the router.favMoviesView -property. The favouritesViewStub property still contains just the "constructor" -function, so you can't access this stubbed method from there. This is why you haveto change this from the last test:
to something like this:
This way you will actually check if the router's copy of the view has had the method called twice.
Hope this works for you, comment if it doesn't! I didn't test this out, so there could be some problems, but I'm sure the logic behind works.
I want to unit test a directive that emulates a placeholder, where the input value is cleared only on keyup/down events.
You need to create an event programatically and trigger it. To do so including jQuery for unit tests is quite useful. For example, you could write a simple utility like this:
var triggerKeyDown = function (element, keyCode) {
var e = $.Event("keydown");
e.which = keyCode;
and then use it in your unit test like so:
triggerKeyDown(element, 13);
You can see this technique in action in the http://angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap/ project here: https://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap/blob/master/src/typeahead/test/typeahead.spec.js
Disclaimer: let's be precise here: I'm not advocating using jQuery with AngularJS! I'm just saying that it is a useful DOM manipulation utility for writing tests interacting with the DOM.
To make the above code work without jQuery, change:
I had issues with using accepted answer. I found other soultion.
var e = new window.KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
shiftKey: true
delete e.keyCode;
Object.defineProperty(e, 'keyCode', {'value': 27});
Working example can be found here
I got something like this working.
element.triggerHandler({type:"keydown", which:keyCode});
if you are using angular2, you can trigger any event by calling dispatchEvent(new Event('mousedown')) on HTMLElement instance. for example: Tested with angular 2.rc1
it('should ...', async(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb:TestComponentBuilder) => {
return tcb.createAsync(TestComponent).then((fixture: ComponentFixture<any>) => {
let com = fixture.componentInstance;
/* query your component to select element*/
let div:HTMLElement = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('div');
/* If you want to test #output you can subscribe to its event*/
/* If you want to test some component internal you can register an event listener*/
/* if you want to trigger an event on selected HTMLElement*/
div.dispatchEvent(new Event('mousedown'));
/* For click events you can use this short form*/
I recently wanted to test this HostListener on a component (Angular 2):
#HostListener('keydown.esc') onEsc() {
And after searching for some time, this is working:
nativeElement.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {'key': 'Escape'}));
In my JS view-code I am using a jQuery UI Dialog component to render a popup.
I instantiate it like this:
var popupDialog = $("#myPopupDiv").dialog({
title: "My dialog",
dialogClass: "myDialogClass",
create: createHandler,
draggable: false,
width: width,
height: height,
autoOpen: false
Notice it's got autoOpen set to "false". I open it in the "create"-handler:
var createHandler = function(event, ui) {
//Vi venter litt for å sikre at popupen er "klar"
setTimeout(function () {
}, 5);
The open-logic is wrapped in a setTimeout to ensure the popup is ready.
The code works fine in app the browser, but when I run this code using Jasmine test-framework I get an error:
Error: cannot call methods on dialog prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'open'
The test actually passes, so clearly the item is rendered. But I don't like the error showing up when I run the tests!
I suspect that since the Jasmine tests run so fast, the component has not had time to initialize itself. So how can I assure that the component is initialized? I thought putting this logic in the "create"-handler would take care of that since that event is "Triggered when the dialog is created.", but clearly that is not the case.
Here is how I test it:
it("should show my popup", function () {
var myPopupLink = $('.popupLink');
//Wait until popup is shown
waitsFor(function () {
return !$('.myDialogClass').is(":hidden");
}, "Popupen didn't show", 1000);
//Check that the DOM is as expected
expect($('.myDialogClass .popupContentDiv')).toExist();
//Close popup
expect($('.myDialogClass .popupContentDiv')).not.toExist();
Anybody have a clue how I can verify the initialization-status of the popup-dialog?
Or any other workarounds?
The problem with your test is, that it is more an acceptance test then a unit test. Most of stuff that you try to test is functionality of jQueryUi. What you really wanna test is that the createHandler opened the dialog with a delay. So your popupDialog.dialog should be a spy where you can check that it was called after the delay.
At the moment your code is really hard to test cause it is based directly on jquery. You should think about to have functions where you can inject your depenedencies instead of relying on global variables like popupDialog.
Here is an example on how to mock out all dependencies:
//mock out setTimeout so you dont have to wait in your test
//create a mock that will return from $().dialog()
var mockDialog = jasmine.createSpy('dialog');
// mock $ to return {dialog: mock that return {dialog: mockDialog}}
var mock$ = spyOn(window, '$').andReturn({
dialog: mockDialog
// call the create function
As you can see its very complicated to mock out all the jQuery dependencies. So ether you rewrite your code for better testability or test this stuff as acceptance test with selenium capybara etc.