AWS t2.micro instance - amazon-web-services

I have one service running on my t2.micro instance. How can i confirm if there is any bandwidth and storage limit or not.
Attached is that status screen shot of it.
Please guide me on this.

The only bandwidth limitation in AWS is related to the Instance Type of Amazon EC2 instances.
Put simply, smaller instances have less bandwidth than larger instances. You'll see this in the Launch Instance screen (right column):
The documentation doesn't specifically say what bandwidth you are given, but you can run some performance tests to determine available throughput.
There are two types of disk storage for Amazon EC2 instances:
Instance Storage
Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)
Instance Storage is disk storage that is directly-attached to the instance (or, more accurately, to the host computer running the instance). As you'll see in the Instance Storage column in the above picture, not all EC2 instances have Instance Storage -- some of them just say "EBS only", meaning that it is not available.
For instance types that provide Instance Storage, the size is fixed and is again based on the Instance Type.
The most important thing to know about Instance Storage is that it is lost when an instance is stopped/terminated. This is because the virtual machine is deleted, which gives back the CPU, RAM and Instance Storage. Thus, it is only useful for temporary files, virtual memory swap files and local cache. Do not store the only copy of important data on Instance Storage.
Amazon EBS is network-attached storage. Data is retained when instances are stopped. When they are later started, the disks are exactly the same as when the instance was turned off. When an instance is Terminated, the EBS volume can optionally be kept or deleted.
EBS volumes have the advantage that you can configure a disk of any size up to 16TB and there are various different types of volumes to trade-off cost/performance.
Bottom line: Your t2.micro instance has no Instance Storage. It has EBS volumes that you have attached (at whatever size you configured). It has Low to Moderate network bandwidth.


AWS EC2 Local Storage Volumes/nvme volume

I am using "m5d.8xlarge" ec2 instance, which comes ready with 2*600G SSD Volumes, directly attached. They are appearing on the OS, however no mention on the console, as I can't retrieve any info about them.
And it is showing as well the serial of the volumes as AWS-*** not as normal EBS volumes vol***.
I read that these are ephemeral or something; I want to have any AWS official docs that thoroughly explain how this local storage works, as we are hosting prod workload on it, appreciate if someone can explain or provide docs.
"m5d.8xlarge" ec2 instances comes with 2 ephimeral storage which are instance store volume.
Instance store volumes (docs) are directly attached to underlying hardware to reduce latency and increase IOPS and data throughput.
However there is a caveat, if you ec2 instance is terminated,stops, hibernated or stopped or underlying hardware gets shutdown due to some glitch all the data stored on on these ephemeral storage will be lost.
Generally instance store volumes are used for buffer,cache.
In order to confirm you can follow this :-
ssh into ec2 instance
install nvme-cli tool -> sudo yum instal nvme-cli
sudo nvme list - to list all instance store volumes
if you want data to persist you should go for EBS or EFS
EBS docs, EFS docs
In short If you want to access data with super low latency and you can afford to loose data go for instance store but if it is business critical data for example database workload go for EBS, YOu can still achieve very high IOPS and throughput using IO1,IO2 volume types or if you have a want to go even further use nitro ec2 instance type which gives maximum 64000 IOPS.
Play with EBS volume types to increase IOPS and throughput

EC2 Instance Storage: pricing and persistence

I have purchased an EC2 Reserved Instance. Its a t3large in some region, lets say r1. I want to install MySQL on this instance.
Now when I create the EC2 instance (t3large in r1), I come to the Storage tab:
8GB is too small for this server, I want the instance to have 100GB storage.
If I change the storage from default 8GB to 100GB, would the instance attribute still match my reserved instance? Or because the storage is different I will be charged the On Demand rate?
Lets assume I change the default 8GB to 100GB, is this storage persistence? I have heard that instance store is not persistence... but I am not really sure if this 100GB is within the instance store? Also if this storage is not persistence, how should I add persistence storage to my EC2?
I'm pretty sure reserved instances don't cover the cost of EBS, but I can't find any document that states that at the moment. So you can choose however much storage you need. You'll pay for that separately.
t3.large doesn't have instance storage (list of instances that do). You're adding EBS storage which is network attached. It will be deleted when the instance is deleted (unless it's a secondary drive where you chose not to delete it with the instance).

Unable to identify ephemeral storage on EC2 t2.small instance running on Linux

I am trying to create swap memory on an EC2 instance as RAM utilization is quite high.
As per recommendations to do it on ephemeral storage, I am trying to find out which mount point is ephemeral storage?
This is the fstab entry on my instance:
Now I need to know which one is ephemeral storage so that I can use it for swap. If any of these is not ephemeral then how can I get it?
You are using a t2.small instance type.
The T2 instance family does not have an Instance Store (also known as Ephemeral Storage).
To discover which instance types have Instance Store, see: Amazon EC2 Instance Types
On that page, you will notice that the T2 instances say EBS-Only in the Storage column. If you wish to have an Instance Store, select a different instance type that includes an Instance Store. Alternatively, just use a normal Amazon EBS volume for swap space, since the main reason for using a T2 instance is for cost savings.

Where OS and its settings are stored in EC2 instance

Using ec2 Windows instance with Instance storage (let's say 32GB SSD) - where OS and its settings are stored? Like Program Files, User profiles. Are they all stored on Instance Storage? As far as I understood from other topics Instance storage is not-persistent and doesn't survive shutdowns/terminations. Does that mean I will lose everything under C: drive if I turn it off?
Can I use EBS storage as a default storage for OS (C drive)? Can I map multiple EBS storages to one Windows storage?
If above is true, then I will be charged for the capacity used by OS on EBS instance? It would be around 20GB I believe. Is that correct?
I am quite new in aws, and before paying for such instances or EBS I would like to know how this technical and billing model is working.
Thank you!
The Storage for the Root device is dependent on the AMI (EBS-Backed or Instance Store-Backed) used to launch the instance.
As far as I understood from other topics Instance storage is
not-persistent and doesn't survive shutdowns/terminations.
If the Root storage device is Instance Store, Stopping (shutdown) the instance is not possible. On termination, Both the storage and Instance does not survive. The Instance does not survive once terminated even if the AMI is EBS-Backed, but you can persist the Root Volume by setting the DeleteOnTermination flag set to False.
Does that mean I will lose everything under C: drive if I turn it off?
You cannot turn off (shutdown) an Instance Store-backed instance.
Can I use EBS storage as a default storage for OS (C drive)?
Yes, Choose an EBS backed Windows AMI.
Can I map multiple EBS storages to one Windows storage?
Yes, multiple EBS Volumes can be attached to one EC2 Windows Instance.
If above is true, then I will be charged for the capacity used by OS
on EBS instance?
You will be charged for the total size of the EBS volumes attached to the instance including the Root Device.
It would be around 20GB I believe. Is that correct?
The EBS Volume Size is adjustable. The upper Size limit is 16TiB.
Read Storage for Root Device and Ec2 Root Device Volume
Please spend more time on the AWS documentation, I don't think here is enough to cover all your question.
Only for specify EC2 instance come with attached SSD storage AKA instance storage. Bare in mind that, this instance storage doesn't come with Snapshot capabilities, so you must backup the file yourself. This is mean for people who need fastest disk access to process their data.
Only EBS allow you do multiple snapshot.
You can always create an AMI image for your instance after complete the deployment. AMI image is store inside EBS, so you will not lost the initial instance if you do this, so for new instance, you just trigger load it from AMI.
If you "Terminate" an instance, it will delete the virtual image. There is no way to recover it even with EBS, unless you make a snapshot. However, attached EBS storage will not be deleted.
EBS is calculate by Per GB and give you 1GB x 3 IOPS, with base 100 IOPS given. This is not enough if anyone want to carry out disk I/O intensive task.

Difference between Memory, Instance Storage and Volume in AWS

I am new to AWS functionality and is confused in these 3 things.
To me if I consider
Memory as the RAM
Instance Storage as the hard disk space
then what is size and volume type means?
When you launch an instance on EC2, Amazon has to look for a physical server that will host your instance with enough unallocated capacity to be able to run your instance.
In the case of an m1.medium instance, this physical host would need to have enough unallocated resources so that the m1.medium instance specs would fit into it:
at least 1 unallocated core
at least 3.7 GiB of unallocated RAM
at least 1 disk with 410 GiB of unallocated space
So, from this description you see that "Memory" is the amount of RAM and "Instance Storage" is the amount of disk space inside the physical host that is running your instance.
Note that, I insist, this "Instance Store" is disk space local to the physical host. What does this imply? Well, if you stop the instance, you will deallocate all those resources so that another customer can use them. This means that you will deallocate the cores, the RAM and the disks. Which means the data saved on Instance Store is lost when you stop/terminate the instance, or whenever the physical host running the instance fails for whatever reason ("Everything fails, all the time" -- Werner Vogels, CTO at Amazon). This is why Instance Store is called ephemeral storage.
If you want persistent storage, then you'd need to use a service called Amazon EBS -- Amazon Elastic Block Store. In EBS, you create volumes. EBS Volumes are a kind of network attached storage. You can attach a Volume to any EC2 Instance in the same Availability Zone, then you can detach without losing data, then attach to another instance, and so on. When you stop an Instance, you don't lose data stored on EBS Volumes -- this is why they are called persistent storage.
In the screenshot in your question, what you see is that the Root volume (i.e., the "disk" where your operating system will be running) is an standard EBS volume (there's another kind of EBS volume, called PIOPS). This implies that any OS settings you change (and save to the root volume) will be persisted and survive an stop-start sequence, or instance restarts due to crashes.
There are some AMIs (Amazon Machine Images) that use Instance Store as the Root Volume. Instances launched with those AMIs won't persist any changes to the OS settings that are saved to the root volume -- therefore, if you stop them and start them again, you'd get a fresh OS.
I hope this answers your questions.