Publish option missing in visual studio - amazon-web-services

I am trying to deploy an application to aws from within visual studio (2017), but the publish and publish to aws beanstalk options do not appear when I right click the project in the solution explorer. I have installed the aws toolkit, and when working with other projects, the options are present. I'm still new to visual studio, so it's possible I'm missing a simple step, but any help would be appreciated, as I have spent several hours searching for an answer.


Using AWS Toolkit in Visual Studio 2019 for LocalStack?

Can the AWS Toolkit in Visual Studio 2019 be used to access LocalStack running on my development machine?
I have been trying to do this for a long time now. But unfortunately, I have gone through a significant number of configuration permutations without luck.
I believe that as long as custom endpoints are not allowed on AWS Toolkit, the answer will be "no."
Keep an eye on

publish vs 2017 project without Azure or continuous delivery

To deploy and publish a website in visual studio I get a message telling "the solution needs to be under source control on VSTS or GitHub".
what if I ignore this kind of publishing and publish it as before versions of VS and how can I ignore it?
Chick the publish Button next to Profile and not the Start button. They are 2 different publish options.

VS2017 not showing Report Viewer in prerequisites

I am trying to deploy a wpf application with an embedded rdlc report using clickonce. The previous version of report viewer (in VS2015) was built-in so it was easy and convenient to use and I had no issues deploying this project.
Now since easy and convenient is not the goal anymore, in vs2017 after a failed deploy with an error message that gave me absolutely no help, I have come to realize that apparently you have to install 2 additional VS extensions and a report viewer runtime on every machine where an app uses and rdlc reports (feels like crystal reports all over again) and you have to exclude the automatically included Chinese localization files in your clickonce deployment (which cause a manifest parse error). Anyway, the instructions on MS website say that click once should have a "Microsoft Visual Studio Report Viewer" prerequisite option to select as requirement of installing your app. However, after installing the runtime on my development machine, restarting visual studio, this option is not available. Does anyone know how to get this to work?
I used Project|Manage NuGet Packages to add this package to my project.
If you search with Manage NuGet Packages, there's quite a few ReportViewer related items. I'm not sure which ones are appropriate to your WPF app.
Anyway, the deployment project picked up the various ReportViewer assembly dependencies and everything seems to be working without the EXE redist from MS.

Unable To Publish To AWS Lambda From Visual Studio 2017

I am trying to take an existing .net core API project and run it as a lambda function (Which should be possible).
I have installed the VS 2017 SDK for AWS. While following tutorials, I am supposed to be able to right click my project and select deploy to AWS Lambda. The only option I have is "Publish To Elastic Beanstalk"
However, when I create a brand new empty function in Visual Studio (New Project). I do have the ability to Publish To Lambda
But I can't seem to figure out the difference between the projects. Every nuget/tooling reference between the two projects is identical when it comes to AWS Packages.
My answer was the following, in my csproj I had the following line :
<DotNetCliToolReference Include="Amazon.Lambda.Tools " Version="1.5.0" />
Notice there is a small space after Tools. No complains from VS though so it was super hard to spot, and only exists because you have to edit the csproj manually when adding DotNetCliTools.

Is it possible to use Web Deploy from Visual Studio Online?

I would like to build in Visual Studio Online and then Web Publish to Amazon.
Is this possible? Or does it only publish to Azure?
It publishes to wherever you like.
Use the PowerShell, Batch, or ShellScript task to deploy to whatever system you like in whatever way that you want.
Better yet, create a professional release pipeline with release management and deploy to many environments.
I ran MSBuild with the following parameters added...