Opencart Marketing Campaign is not tracking number of orders - opencart

I have created a marketing campaign in the Opencart (from Marketing/Marketing/add Champain) and I have used the URL correctly to order a product. but it seems only track the number of clicks, and it's not tracking number of ordered products, using the tracking ID in the URL. How to enable ordered product tracking using this marketing campaign?
there is same questions without any answer:
here and here

when you have an order in Sales/Orders, you should change the status to "Completed" at end. if you set the status to something else, it will not count into the campaign!!
seems it's a bug!


How to build events aggregation service for high load system with DynamoDB

I'm working on an Ad-tech system which serves millions of users.
Basically users (non anonymous users) can see different Ads that are being created by the marketing team.
Our marketing team want to be able to set some Frequency caps on those Ads (among other targeting rules they already have)
For example:
"We should not show this ad for a user if he already seen/click this ad more than X times in the last Y days"
Also ads can be grouped to campaigns, so rules like that are also possibile:
"We should not show this for a user if he viewed more than X times ads in this campaign in the last Y days".
Also our marketing might wanna know how many people viewed/click a specific add in the last Y days.
We have roughly 200K RPM and our responses should be very fast.
The smallest unit of time for our queries is one day and it will not change.
Few questions and thoughts:
Is DynamoDB a good fit?
I thought about creating a table for each event type (Click/View/Close..)
What is the best way to configure the primary key?
I thought about settings the primary key as the user id and the sort key as a combination of the ad id and the current day {dd/mm/yyyy}
I thought about use "ADD" operation to increase the counter when a user click/view/.. an Ad in a specific date. are they expensive operations? do I have an alternative?
What is the best way I can use to also be able to query per ad and campaigns as well (for example: "all users views for all ads in campaign" or "get all ad views in the last 40 days) ) ?
What other considerations should I take in mind?
Thanks a lot

Can the Facebook Marketing API return a list of objects that represent each individual click on an ad, including the FBCLID and spend for each click?

So far I've been able to get an overview of the total number of clicks during a specified time period using the Insights API:
What I would like instead is a list of objects that represent each individual click during that period, with fields like "fbclid", "date", "spend", etc:
{"fbclid":"jg4k0tkladskds08kds","spend":"0.75", "date":"2022-06-08 12:24:15"}
{"fbclid":"098okjfesdjflsdjffd","spend":"0.72", "date":"2022-06-08 18:36:02"}
{"fbclid":"04538hjfldkjlkdjfdfsdf","spend":"0.67", "date":"2022-06-08 21:12:12"}
Is this possible with either the Insights API or something else within the Marketing API? I'm using the Facebook Business SDK for PHP in case that's relevant. Thanks!

Strong Consistency when you need to query multiple entities (thousands)

In an application that has many 'shops' every registered admin user has a 'shop' entity, each shop sells items where each item belongs to a certain 'category'. Having multiple clients (100's in some cases) each client has an account to follow up on their purchases and past orders. Each shop generates invoices for their clients, clients pays the invoice.
Admin User -- > Shop
Shop ---> clients
|-> items Categories
|-> items
|-> invoices
|-> payments received
An admin page shows a report showing invoices within the year (from Jan to Dec) this page is a client requirement. The shop is able to manually generate a new invoice when a purchase is made, and records a payment when it is paid. Note: This all happens in the actual shop, there is no online client purchases.
As a single shop generates few invoices per month (~100's), and multiple payments per month (~100's), showing this per year easily goes to thousands entities to show on a single page.
To optimize loading the page and generating the sales year report (total sales, revenue, payment...etc.), we thought we'd structure the data in a way where each item category per year is also an entity. This means that whenever a purchase is made for an item in this category, we need to add the item's purchase price to the itemCategory at that year in this month.
itemCategory Model:
shopID = ndb.KeyProperty()
year = ndb.IntegerProperty()
monthly_sales = ndb.FloatProperty(repeated=True) #12 months
This way we can load the entire sales table by reading just the list of itemCategory for this shop for this year, instead of reading all individual purchases through the year. This would save lots of Datastore reads and decrease page load time on the expense of an extra read, sum & write to this summary like entity.
Category Jan Feb Mar ... Dec
Men's shoes 1000 1300 850 ... 1400
Kids shoes 600 850 650 ... 900
The challenge at this point is that strong consistency is quite essential, for individual purchases and for the itemCategory entities. Because if the shop tries to add multiple purchases in a successive short timed way, with eventual consistency itemCategory might have not been updated with the last purchase sum yet. Resulting in wrong sales values. Also the same for individual purchase if there was a requirement to edit one right after it was added, a query for the entity without its ID might have no results. So it seems that Ancestor queries is essential here with maybe the shop as the parent entity. Yet, this will result in a contention issue later on (at least until Datastore is migrated to Firestore) with all those entities (thousands in this case!) having one single parent!
The same goes for invoices, generating a new invoice means knowing the latest invoice number so that they are always in sequence without gaps. Querying invoice with eventual consistency may result in duplicate invoice numbers.
What is the optimum way to structure the data at this point for strong consistency? Unfortunately the project has been there for a few years, and was started using Google Datastore rather than Cloud SQL (which seem to be more appropriate for this kind of projects). Hopefully all these issues goes away after the migration to Firestore having Strong consistency for all reads
Consider exporting the data and then importing it into a Cloud Firestore in Datastore Mode project. No more eventual consistemcy issues.
There are certain ways you can achieve strong consistency.
Query using key. Whenever you try to read an object via its key it is strongly consistent.
Another approach would be to use NDB Asynchronous Operations. See related documentation here.
A really naive approach would be to provide a delay which could help you but the delay should be provided in such a way that it is sufficient for the object to get updated.
And the final approach could be to export data into Cloud Firestore. There you can achieve strong consistency always.
Hope this answers your question!!!

Set Sharepoint task due date based on workflow status

I'm new to SharePoint but most of it seems pretty straight forward but I've hit a problem and haven't been able to find a way around it so far.
I'm trying to set/enforce Service Level Agreements (SLA's) for different departments based on the department the task is assigned to. I was going to do this based on the workflow status that generates the task but am open to any other suggestions.
My workflow for requesting funds for an approved project goes through several stages (Project management validation, Finance Admin validation; Finance manager validation, Fixed assets authorization) and each one has a slightly different SLA. For this reason, I cant just add an arbitrary value to the start date for the calculated column associated to the task.
Any suggestions?
The option I'd go with here is to use If/Then blocks in my workflow code based on the current stage. Something like this:
If Stage = Project Management Validation Then
Set DueDate to Today+5
Else If Stage = Finance Admin Validation Then
Set DueDate to Today+3
Hope this helps!

How cashback websites track transaction summary on retailers shops?

I'm planning to build a cashback site, but I'm confused on how the system work.
After googling i found this answer on Quora:
There is a tracking mechanism into the process. When you sign up to cash back site like fatwallet, the site create for you an ID, this ID is passed through your cookies, when you click on the link of the cash back site to the retailer. When a sale take place, the tracking mechanism send the transaction summary to the rebate website with your id so the store can link it back to you.
Is it possible to track such information? If possible, how can I achieve this?