Can't compile fabric on windows - missing ltdl.h - c++

I am trying to build a chaincode using go build.
installed go 1.8.3 windows/amd
Windows 10
When I run go build I get the following error:
..\..\\hyperledger\fabric\vendor\\miekg\pkcs11\pkcs11.go:29:18: fatal error: ltdl.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
I checked and my GCC installation does not contain the ltdl.h file in the include folder.
I found a SO post with a solution for Linux, but not one for Windows.
Can someone help?

On windows you can build without PKCS
go build --tags nopkcs11

Try running the following command
sudo apt install libtool libltdl-dev
Make sure go get -u throws no error then go build it.


How I install wxWidgets in msys2 correctly?

I'm having trouble installing wxWidgets in msys2, I used pacman to install the library
pacman -S mingw-w64-clang-x86_64-wxwidgets3.0-msw
But when I try to execute a test file it gives me this error
fatal error: wx/wx.h: No such file or directory
Reading online I see that are in another methods of installing the library you have to compile it, but I can't find any information in regards to installing it with pacman.
I also tried to compile it myself with Cmake following the instructions in the wxwidgets page but I failed and I want to see what should I do now.
What I need to do to get this to work?

How to build PythonQt in ubutnu

I want to embed the python script in my c++ Qt application, By searching on the net I found that PythonQt is exactly what I am looking for but when I went to it's github repo there is build description given for windows system but not for ubuntu system so after cloning the repo if I include it's src in my Qt .pro file it gives me output that
Python.h not found, I think the reason is that I didn't build it in my system. Is there anyone who could tell me that how to build PythonQt in ubuntu. The link for their repo is this:
If this didn't work you can also suggest me some other thing which will help me to embed python scripts into my Qt c++ application.
First clone the repo by using the following command
After that cd into the clone folder and execute the below command to build it into your system.
This command will generate the MakeFile into your current directory run the following command to completely build the PythonQt in your system.
sudo make all
sudo make install
While executing those commands if you get the following error
fatal error: 'private/qmetaobjectbuilder_p.h'
Run the below command to solve this
sudo apt install qtbase5-private-dev

Configure error when installing FLTK library

I'm using Windows with Mingw, installed on path C:\mingw-w64
I installed Msys2 on C:\msys64
Now I want to install FLTK 1.4 following the guidelines from here:
But at the configure command I get this error:
$ ./configure
configure: loading site script /etc/
configure: error: cannot run /bin/sh ./config.sub
What should I do? Thanks!
It seems I can run /bin/sh (I don't get any error, but no other message either).
But config.sub doesn't exist...

Installing c++ boost using cygwin: can't find configure file

I'm trying to install Boost for c++. Since I use cygwin (on Windows 7) I follow these instructions for Unix.
I start by downloading from sourceforge. The instructions tell me to run tar --bzip2 -xf /path/to/ but this doesn't work (probably because the downloaded file is .zip and not .tar.bz2; I can't find the latter anywhere to download), so instead I use winrar and unzip it into /usr/local.
After this the header-only libraries work fine, but I need the ones where a build is necessary.
The instructions tells me to go to the boost folder and run./configure --help, but this doesn't work; I get the message -bash: ./configure: No such file or directory. So I locate the file configure in the folder /usr/local/boost_1_55_0/tools/build/v2/engine/boehm_gc, go there and try again, and this time it works: I get the help for configure.
I then try to run ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/boost_1_55_0 --enable-cplusplus but get the error message configure: error: cannot run /bin/sh ./config.sub. I try it with only one or none of the options too but that doesn't help.
Any ideas?
I don't know what guide you're following, but to install boost I have done:
cd boost
./b2 install
As report boost doc:
If you plan to build from the Cygwin bash shell, you're actually
running on a POSIX platform and should follow the instructions for
getting started on Unix variants. Other command shells, such as
MinGW's MSYS, are not supported—they may or may not work.

error while configuring Qt 4.6.2 on ubuntu - "You don't seem to have 'make' or 'gmake' in your PATH. cannot proceed"

I am trying to install Qt 4.6.2 on ubuntu. When I run the configure script I get the following error message "You don't seem to have 'make' or 'gmake' in your PATH. cannot proceed".
On echo of the PATH variable I get
on running the command
$which make , I get
How do I proceed with this issue? I seem to have the make in the path env variable but still the config script throws cannot find make or gmake?
It not the problem of make or gmake, nor PATH, Just because you unzip the tarball without -a option. so, to solve this problem, just use 'unzip -a *.zip', it will be fine.
I recently encountered this error in a fedora32 docker container, because the which utility was not installed. I was compiling Qt 5.12.9.
dnf install which fixed the problem.
You should have been installed build-essentials but did not restart try either to restart or type:
export MAKE=/usr/bin/make
and make sure with echo $MAKE
I downloaded the source again. I am able to run configure without any problems. Seems like there was an issue with the earlier source.
you should install build essentials
sudo apt-get install build-essential
and typesudo apt make install