Remove processed source files after AWS Datapipeline completes - amazon-web-services

A third party sends me a daily upload of log files into an S3 bucket. I'm attempting to use DataPipeline to transform them into a slightly different format with awk, place the new files back on S3, then move the original files aside so that I don't end up processing the same ones again tomorrow.
Is there a clean way of doing this? Currently my shell command looks something like :
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eu -o pipefail
aws s3 cp s3://example/processor/transform.awk /tmp/transform.awk
for f in "${INPUT1_STAGING_DIR}"/*; do
unzip -p "$f" | awk -f /tmp/transform.awk | gzip > ${OUTPUT1_STAGING_DIR}/$basename.tsv.gz
I could use the aws cli tool to move the source file aside on each iteration of the loop, but that seems flakey - if my loop dies halfway through processing, those earlier files are going to get lost.

Few possible solutions:
Create a trigger on your s3 bucket.. Whenever any object added to the bucket --> invoke lambda function which can be a python script which performs transformation --> copies back to another bucket. Now, on this other bucket again lambda function is invoked which deletes file from first bucket.
I personally feel; what you have achieved is good enough..All you need is exception handling in the shell script and delete the file ( never loose data ) ONLY when output file is successfully created ( probably u can check the size of output file also )


how to access files in s3 bucket for other commands using cli

I want to use some commands with the aws cli on large files that are stored in a s3 bucket without copying the files to the local directory
(I'm familiar with the aws cp command, it's not what I want).
For example, let's say I want to use a simple bash commands like "head" or "more".
If I try to use it like this:
head s3://bucketname/file.txt
but then I get:
head: cannot open ‘s3://bucketname/file.txt’ for reading: No such file or directory
How else can I do it?
How else can I do it?
Thanks in advance.
Wether a command will be able to access a file over s3 bucket or not depends entirely on the command. Under the hood, every command is just a program. When you run something like head filename, the argument filename is passed as an argument to the head command's main() function. You can check out the source code here:
Essentially, since the head command does not support S3 URIs, you cannot do this. You can either:
Copy the s3 file to stdout and then pipe it to head: aws s3 cp fileanme - | head. This doesn't seem the likely option if file is too big for the pipe buffer.
Use s3curl to copy a range of bytes: how to access files in s3 bucket for other commands using cli

automating file archival from ec2 to s3 based on last modified date

I want to write an automated job in which the job will go through my files stored on the ec2 storage and check for the last modified date.If the date is more than (x) days the file should automatically get archived to my s3.
Also I don't want to convert the file to a zip file for now.
What I don't understand is how to give the path of the ec2 instance storage and the how do i put the condition for the last modified date.
aws s3 sync your-new-dir-name s3://your-s3-bucket-name/folder-name
Please correct me if I understand this wrong
Your requirement is to archive the older files
So you need a script that checks the modified time and if its not being modified since X days you simply need to make space by archiving it to S3 storage . You don't wish to store the file locally
is it correct ?
Here is some advice
1. Please provide OS information ..this would help us to suggest shell script or power shell script
Here is power shell script
$fileList = Get-Content "c:\pathtofolder"
foreach($file in $fileList) {
Get-Item $file | select -Property fullName, LastWriteTime | Export-Csv 'C:\fileAndDate.csv' -NoTypeInformation
then AWS s3 cp to s3 bucket.
You will do the same with Shell script.
Using aws s3 sync is a great way to backup files to S3. You could use a command like:
aws s3 sync /home/ec2-user/ s3://my-bucket/ec2-backup/
The first parameter (/home/ec2-user/) is where you can specify the source of the files. I recommend only backing-up user-created files, not the whole operating system.
There is no capability for specifying a number of days. I suggest you just copy all files.
You might choose to activate Versioning to keep copies of all versions of files in S3. This way, if a file gets overwritten you can still go back to a prior version. (Storage charges will apply for all versions kept in S3.)

How to clean up S3 files that is used by AWS Firehose after loading the files?

AWS Firehose uses S3 as an intermittent storage before the data is copied to redshift. Once the data is transferred to redshift, how to clean them up automatically if it succeeds.
I deleted those files manually, it went out of state complaining that files got deleted, I had to delete and recreate Firehose again to resume.
Deleting those files after 7 days with S3 rules will work? or Is there any automated way, that Firehose can delete the successful files that got moved to redshift.
Discussing with Support AWS,
Confirmed it is safe to delete those intermediate files after 24 hour period or to the max retry time.
A Lifecycle rule with an automatic deletion on S3 Bucket should fix the issue.
Hope it helps.
Once you're done loading your destination table, execute something similar to (the below snippet is typical to a shell script):
aws s3 ls $aws_bucket/$table_name.txt.gz
if [ "$?" = "0" ]
aws s3 rm $aws_bucket/$table_name.txt.gz
This'll check whether the table you've just loaded exists on s3 or not and will drop it. Execute it as a part of a cronjob.
If your ETL/ELT is not recursive, you can write this snippet towards the end of the script. It'll delete the file on s3 after populating your table. However, before execution of this part, make sure that your target table has been populated.
If you ETL/ELT is recursive, you may put this somewhere at the beginning of the script to check and remove the files created in the previous run. This'll retain the files created till the next run and should be preferred as the file will act as a backup in case the last load fails (or you need a flat file of the last load for any other purpose).

How to perform files integrity check between Amazon-S3 and Google Cloud Storage

I am migrating my data from Amazon-S3 to Google-Cloud Storage.
I have copied my data using gsutil:
$ gsutil cp -R s3://my_bucket/* gs://my_bucket
What I want to do next is to check if all the files in S3 is properly exist in Google Storage.
At the moment all I did is to do print file list in file and then do simple Unix diff but that doesn't really check the file integrity.
What's the good way to check that?
gsutil verifies MD5 checksums on objects copied between cloud providers, so if the recursive copy command completes successfully (shell return code 0), you should have copied everything successfully. Note that gsutil isn't able to compare checksums for S3 objects larger than 5 GiB (which have a non-MD5 checksum that gsutil doesn't support), and will print a warning for cases it encounters.

aws s3 mv/sync command

I have about 2 million files nested in subfoldrs in a bucket and want to move all of them to another bucket. Spending much of time on searching ... i found a solution to use AWS CLI mv/sync command. use move command or use sync command and then delete all the files after successfully synced.
aws s3 mv s3://mybucket/ s3://mybucket2/ --recursive
or it can be as
aws s3 sync s3://mybucket/ s3://mybucket2/
But the problem is how would i know that how many files/folders have moved or synced and how much time would it take...
And what if some exception occurs(machine/server stops/ internet disconnection due to any reason )...i have to again execute the command or it will for surely complete and move/sync all files. How can i be sure about the number of files moved/synced and files not moved/synced.
or can i have something like that
I move limited number of files e.g 100 thousand.. and repeat until all files are moved...
or move files on the basis of uploaded time.. e.g files uploaded from starting date to ending date
if yes .. how?
To sync them use:
aws s3 sync s3://mybucket/ s3://mybucket2/
You can repeat the command, after it finish (or fail) without issue. This will check if anything is missing/different to the target s3 bucket and will process it again.
The time depends on what size are the files, how much objects you have. Amazon counts directories as an object, so they matter too.