Gimp Image->Guides menu item disappeared - menuitem

I wanted to use the guides in Gimp but I cannot find it at their traditional place.
The Image menu contains all the usual items (Duplicate, Mode, ..., Configure Grid, Image Properties), apart from the Guides which is supposed to be right above the Configure Grid.
How can I get this menu item back?
It is Windows 7 and Gimp 2.8.22.

I couldn't find any solution in Gimp to change the content of the menus so I decided to reinstall Gimp. That is, I used the official Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel to delete it and then I executed the installer.
It did not solve the problem, ie. the Image->Guides menu item was still missing.
So, I
uninstalled Gimp again
I used regedit.exe to remove all the references to Gimp (there were some so the uninstall was not totally clean)
I deleted the folder called .gimp-2.8 from the C:\Users\<username>\ directory (it was still there so the uninstall did not do a perfect job).
then I installed it again.
This solved the problem so it seems that the registry or the .gimp-2.8 folder got corrupted.


Sitecore 8.1 Rich Text Editor Image error

I'm developing a Sitecore 8.1 Initial Release site and have run into an issue with the Rich Text Editor and images.
When a user adds an image to the editor, everything works fine. However, if the user checks the Properties of the image in the editor, clears the Properties dialog, and accepts the RTE's changes, the image disappears and a browser error occurs saying the image cannot be found. This also happens if the Image Map Editor is opened.
Looking at the markup generated, the working src value is "-/media/.ashx". After looking at the properties, the src value is changed to "-/media/.ashx&h=230&w=375".
Any idea where this "&h=230&w=375" is coming from and how to stop or correct it?
I contacted Sitecore Support. What I found was a bug in 8.1 initial release which has been fixed in later versions. I was given an updated file to replace some Rich Text Editor javascript and that fixed it for me.
We're already committed to this release of Sitecore for now. For others, I'd probably recommend updating Sitecore to a later release.

In Sitecore 7.1 when I try to open the media library browser to insert an image a popup says the item was deleted

I have a simple template inheriting from Standard Template with an Image field. After creating a new item, when I go to add content and click on the field's toolbar item Open Media Library I get a message telling me The selected item could not be found. and suggesting that another use deleted it.
I am the only user on the installation, and the item is definitely there. I have done a few other Sitecore installs to make sure it's not just a corrupt project, and I've checked the logs to no avail.
I'm using Sitecore 7.1 rev. 130926 (the latest version as of this writing). I've done extensive searching and can't find anybody reporting a similar issue - my guess is it's a simple configuration (botched ID or path?), but I can't seem to locate it by scanning the configs for relevant keywords.
There are other issues with using the Browse editor, but I believe this is related to the missing Media Library item. The File Selector and other reasonably equivalent editors do not fail so I don't think it's a browser configuration. I've tried on Chrome, IE and Firefox and all respond the same way.
Any suggestions on further courses of action would be greatly appreciated!
I was also facing the same error, following are the step i have done to resolve.
1) I upload all my Images in the Media image folder
2) I have publish this folder.
3) Clicked on the Browse Button-> My Images
4) On Right hand side you will find the Tree view Icon above the Search Box
5) Click on it will see the Media Library with Tree consisting of all the Images.
6) Select the Image from that.
7) After this image get displayed in Image box,
8) Now click on Open Media Library Box and it will not give the error.
On your 'simple template' check the standard value for your Image field on your data template. It may be that it is pointing to a path which does not exist in your media library.
Figured it out, but it took an install on a completely separate machine and a comparison of the entire folder/file structure. There are two Sitecore XMLs that get written to the bin folder: Sitecore.Client.XML and Sitecore.Kernel.xml - both contain Sitecore assembly definitions, but the ones on my machine were not being generated properly. Once I copied the files over to my local install everything started working as expected.
So, the short answer is: a corrupted installation.
I frankly have no idea why the files would differ from my machine to another - once this project is finished, I'll have to do some research and report back. I have several Sitecore versions installed, and it could be a conflict between versions or dependencies? If I find anything, I'll make notes here.

App Shortcut without pinning to Start Screen in Windows 8 using C++

Our company has an installer written in C++ that creates program shortcuts using IShellLink as described in:
On Windows 8 all shortcuts created in the Start Menu will also show as titles on the Start Screen. What we're looking to do is programmically control which icons are shown on the Start Screen. In the following article it describes the option "System.AppUserModel.StartPinOption" as:
To create add an app shortcut without pinning it to the Start screen
view, you can set the following property on the shortcut:
System.AppUserModel.StartPinOption = 1. The symbolic name for 1 is
This appears to be possible using the Windows Installer, however I haven't found a way to accomplish the same functionality programmatically in C++ given our context.
If anyone has any information about this, or an example of some sort, it would be much appreciated.
One thing I found was that "..NewInstall" literally means that. User customizations to the tiles seem to be retained even after you delete/update the .lnk files. This is probably a good thing as updates won't reset the user's environment, but it does mean that I needed to use fresh installs of Windows 8 during testing. I used a VM box to minimize the pain. At least I don't know how to delete the properties once set from within the environment.

Eclipse CDT: How can I change background color of tooltip in editor?

I'm using eclipse for coding C++ and Java. When declaration or definition is shown, background is black. It happens only in C++ srouce file. I dont have this problem while editing Java source files.
I have installed Eclipse Color Theme. I'm not able to find where i can set background color of this window. I have been searching in General/Appearance/Colors and Fonts and C/C++/Editor/Syntax Coloring without result.
Switching to a clean workspace might help but I found the curprit if you want to manually edit it. Look in:
[my workspace]/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.eclipse.cdt.ui.prefs
and make it "true". Restart Eclipse. Of course this assumes that your system default background colour is not black.
I had this problem because I installed this plugin. I tried out the themes but when I decided on the original and swapped back to it the tool tips were broken in this fashion. Unfortunately the only way I managed to fix it was by "reinstalling" eclipse.

Qt Dropsite Example

In QtDemo there is an example called Dropsite in which an image can be dragged and dropped into the field to be displayed. This example used to work in an older version of Qt and works initially in 4.6 if you run it from qt\examples\draganddrop\dropsite\release folder. But if you load the project file into Qt Creator and recompile it, it no longer displays the image correctly and gives a generic image in the box. I cannot figure out how to fix this and I need to use drag and drop in a project I am working on. Please help. Thank you.
Drag and drop an image into the drop area, you'll not able to get "application/x-qt-image" in minedata since Qt4.6. But if you drag&drop an image from web page, you'll still be able to see the image. I think it's reasonable for drop area to check if the dropped file is an image or not, instead of depending on mine data.