Cost-effectively store volumes that I won't need for a few months? - amazon-web-services

I have two EC2 instances I created this summer for personal use while learning basic ML concepts and doing Kaggle competitions. I'd like to save the work on them on eventually be able to use them again if I'm interested in competing in a Kaggle competition again without having to setup a new instance, but probably won't need them for a few months (and when I do need them, it won't be at a moment's notice).
Each instance has an 128gb EBS gp2 volume that's costing me ~$13/month. I was wondering if there's a way that I could pull these off AWS so that I'm not still paying for them when I don't need them. Is there a feature where I can store a snapshot outside of AWS and eventually upload it to AWS and restore the volumes if I need them?
Or is there a much cheaper (slower) storage method for keeping them on AWS? (sc1 volumes are $0.025/GB-month, but is there something even cheaper?)
Edit: Clarified volume type ($0.10/GB-month gp2)
Edit2: I think my best bet for now is to snapshot them since each only has ~30GB of used space (60GB*$0.05 = $3/month) and delete the original volumes.

If you wish to retain the exact contents of the disk volumes, the choice really comes down to:
Amazon EBS volume snapshots
ISO images
Amazon EBS volume snapshots are only charged for blocks that are used. They are the easiest to create and restore. It is not possible to export an Amazon EBS snapshot.
If you wish to move a disk image out of Amazon EC2 (eg to download, or to store in Amazon S3), use a standard disk utility to create a .iso image of the disk. This can later be restored to a new disk volume, and can even be directly mounted in read-only mode using disk utilities.

You can put all this data into Amazon Glacier which is far more cheaper ( around 10% cost )


Automate AWS AMI creation without downtime and Data loss

I wanted to know is it possible to automate the creation of AMI in AWS without downtime and data loss, if possible how can we achieve it.
I have use system manager-> maintenance window in which i have set the reboot to true for data integrity, but i need a way so that the data is not lost.
Any help will be appreciated.
Answering it as per comments discussion, question is somehow still vague to me
You have EBS right now. I'm not sure if your Instances are in Same AZ or not. If they are in same AZ then you can use EBS multi attach feature (available for IO volumes only) to share same storage with all of them.
Regarding backup you can choose EBS snapshots
Ideally my suggestion to you would be create a launch template, use EFS that can be mounted to multiple instances in same region, if you want it across regions then create mount targets. EFS is natively integrated with AWS backup.
Whenever any failover happens or your EC2 crashes for any reason and it goes less than your target capacity, auto scaling would automatically provision a new instance using launch template which would be using same EFS
but i need a way so that the data is not lost.
if you want to achieve this, then According to Docs, you need to ensure that application or os is not writing to ebs, which can be managed by either a script or a custom logic.
You can take a snapshot of an attached volume that is in use. However, snapshots only capture data that has been written to your Amazon EBS volume at the time the snapshot command is issued. This might exclude any data that has been cached by any applications or the operating system. If you can pause any file writes to the volume long enough to take a snapshot, your snapshot should be complete. However, if you can't pause all file writes to the volume, you should unmount the volume from within the instance, issue the snapshot command, and then remount the volume to ensure a consistent and complete snapshot.
if you achieved the above then you can automate the creation, retention, and deletion of EBS snapshots and EBS-backed AMIs it using Data Lifecycle Manager
I haven't tried this but I think exporting VM to S3 and then automating the entire pipeline with Ec2 image builder should do the trick, you can customise your further images with build components
Refers importing and exporting vm's
Unfortunately there is not of box solution other than compromising data integrity but you can try above mentioned which can ensure data integrity and automation

EBS Snapshots, who manages backups?

I'm starting with AWS and I've been taking my first steps on EC2 and EBS. I've learnt about EBS snapshots but I still don't understand if the backups, once you've created a snapshot, are managed automatically by AWS or I need to do them on my own.
AWS just introduced a new feature called Lifecycle Manager (in the EC2 Dashboard, at the bottom left) that allows you to create automated backups for your volumes. Once you configure a policy, AWS will handle the backup process for your volumes.
This is only a couple of weeks old so just wanted to mention here.
Snapshots are managed by AWS
snapshot of an EBS volume, can be used as a baseline for new volumes or for data backup. If you make periodic snapshots of a volume, the snapshots are incremental—only the blocks on the device that have changed after your last snapshot are saved in the new snapshot. Even though snapshots are saved incrementally,
the built in durability of EBS is comparable to a RAID in the physical sense. The data itself is mirrored (think more like a RAID stripe though) in the availability zone where the volume exists. Amazon states that the failure rate is somewhere around 0.1-0.5% annually. This is more reliable than most physical RAID setups

Best option to take complete Backup of EC2 instance?

Currently I am taking manual backup of our EC2 instance by zipping the data and downloading it locally as well as on DropBox.
But I am wondering, can I have an option where I just take a complete copy of the whole system automatically daily so if something goes wrong/crashes, I can replace it with previous copy immediately rather than spending hours installing and configuring things ?
I can see there is an option of take "Image" but can I automated them to have just 1 latest image and replace the system with single click ?
You can create a single Image of your instance as Backup of your instance Configuration.
To keep back up of your data you can use snapshots of your volumes.
snapshots store data in incremental format whenever you make any changes.
When ever needed you can just attach the volume from the snapshot to your Instance.
It is not a good idea to do "external backup" for EC2 instance snapshot, before you read AWS pricing details.
First, AWS is charging every GB of data your transfer OUTside AWS cloud. Check out this pricing. Generally speaking, after the 1st GB, the rest will be charge at least $0.09/GB, against S3-standard pricing ~ $0.023/GB.
Second, the snapshot created is actually charges as S3 pricing(Check :
Copying an Amazon EBS Snapshot), not EBS pricing. After offset the transfer cost, perhaps you should consider create multiple snapshot than keep doing the data transfer out backup.
HOWEVER, if you happens to use an instance that use ephemeral storage, snapshot will not help. You need to copy the data out from ephemeral storage yourself. Then it is your choice to store under S3 or other place.
Third. If you worry the AWS region going down, check the multiple AZ option. Or checkout alternate AWS region option.
Fourth. When storing backup data in S3, you can always store them under Infrequent-Access, which save you some bucks, and you don't need to face an insane Glacier bills during emergency restore(Avoid Glacier, unless you are pretty sure about your own requirement).
Fifth, after done your plan of doing everything inside AWS, you can write bash script (AWS CLI) or use boto3, etc API to do the automatic backup.
Lastly , here is way of AWS create and maintain snapshot. Though each snapshot are deem "incremental", when u delete old snap shot :
the snapshot deletion process is designed so that you need to retain
only the most recent snapshot in order to restore the volume.
You can always "test" restore by create another EC2 instance that load the backup snapshot. Or you can mount the snapshot volume from another EC2 instance to check the contents.

amazon ec2 free server with persistent data

I will install a website in the free EC2 from amazon but I read something not good: I have a simple website which uses a database. Users come inside my website and post information, send commetns... if for some reason the instance breaks or amazon shuts it down, will I lose all information posted in my website and database? All files users uploaded and information saved will be gone?
If so, why would someone use EC2 if you lose all your data if some problem happens, and because problems always happen, sometime I will certainly lose my data!
I know I can save an image of my current OS in AWS but do I need to save the image everytime a user posts something to my website? It's ridiculous. I know I am missing something here, but I looked into google and people all the time say I should use EBS but it's not in the free plan. So how is it good idea using AWS EC2 free plan if my data will always be at risk of being lost?
Typically you would want to use an EBS backed instance. Since the free tier does not support that, but does offer EBS storage, create your database on an EBS partition for data you cannot lose
30 GB of Amazon Elastic Block Storage, plus 2 million I/Os and 1 GB of snapshot storage*
You should have a means to quickly launch a new instance, and you should back up the data on your EBS partition because EBS volumes can and do fail from time to time.
It seems that Micro instances are in fact EBS backed.
It is still advisable to attach a separate EBS volume, because it makes it much more convenient to backup the database (you create a snapshot of the EBS volume... you can find scripts online to accomplish that, which vary a bit depending on your choice of database and file system).

How stable is EBS?

I'm thinking about saving data from EC2 instances to the EBS and later save the result on S3. I don't have a lot of experience working with EBS, so my questions are:
How stable they are? I mean how often (if any) you had problem with EBS. Do they crash if overloaded or something like this?
What are the chances of loosing data from EBS?
Is it possible to mount one EBS to the multiple Instances? (let's say two ec2 share the same ebs )
I assume you've read AWS's take on EBS
Pretty stable. Last year, 10% of EBS volumes failed in 2-3 data centers in us-east for a couple hours. This is the only issue I've ever had with them.
I've never lost data from EBS. Even if I had, I take hourly snapshots (stored in s3), so I would have been just fine.
Not at the same time. To attach it to another instance, you must detach from the currently attached one.
Perhaps what you're look is s3fs - a way to mount s3 as a filesystem.
EBS is quite stable and every data you write is redundantly copied in 3 disks inside a AZ. If you take regular snapshots of your EBS volumes you can protect your data more. Since EBS operate in AZ scope it is recommended to moves assets like user documents, images, videos to Amazon S3. S3 offer more redundancy and availability than an EBS Volume.
You cannot mount single EBS volume to Multiple EC2 instances. You will have to use Solution like GlusterFS on AWS so that multiple EC2 instances can talk to common storage pool.