C++: How to pass user input through the system without using global variables? - c++

I am having the problem, that my application can has a lot of user input which determines how the application will be run. The application is an in memory database system and the user could for example invoke the program with commands like '--pagesize 16384' (sets the memory page size to use), '--alignment 4096' (sets the memory alignment to use) or '--measure' (sets a flag to measure certain routines).
Currently I save all the user input in global variables which are defined as extern in a header file:
//#file common.hh
extern size_t PAGE_SIZE_GLOBAL;
extern size_t ALIGNMENT_GLOBAL;
extern size_t RUNS_GLOBAL;
extern bool MEASURE_GLOBAL;
extern bool PRINT_GLOBAL;
extern const char* PATH_GLOBAL;
and in main source file:
#include "modes.hh"
const char* PATH_GLOBAL;
int main(const int argc, const char* argv[]){
//Initialize the globals with user input
PAGE_SIZE_GLOBAL = lArgs.pageSize();
ALIGNMENT_GLOBAL = lArgs.alignment();
MEMCHUNK_SIZE_GLOBAL = lArgs.chunkSize();
RUNS_GLOBAL = lArgs.runs();
VECTORIZE_SIZE_GLOBAL = lArgs.vectorized();
MEASURE_GLOBAL = lArgs.measure();
PRINT_GLOBAL = lArgs.print();
std::string tmp = lArgs.path() + storageModel + "/";
PATH_GLOBAL = tmp.c_str();
I then include the header file common.hh in each file, where a global variable is needed (which can be very deep down in the system).
I already read a dozen times to prevent global variables so this is obviously bad style. In the book 'Code Complete 2' from Steve McConnell the chapter about global variables also stated to prevent global variables and use access routines instead. In the section 'How to Use Access Routines' he writes
"Hide data in a class. Declare that data by using the static keyword
(...) to ensure only a single instance of the data exists. Write
routines that let you look at the data and change it."
First of all, the global data won't change (maybe this is changed later but at least not in the near future). But I don't get how these access routines are any better? I will also have a class I need to include at every file where the data is needed. The only difference is the global data are static members accessed through getter functions.
(Edited) I also thought about using a global data Singleton class. But an object with ALL the global data sounds overkill since only a few global variables of the object are needed at its different destinations.
My Question: Should I just stick to the global variables? Are there better solutions, what am I missing? What are the best practices?
If I would identify a few classes where the user input is needed the most, I could change the global data to member variables. What would be the best practice to pass the user input to these classes? Passing the data as parameters through the whole system down to the lowest layers sounds wrong. Is there are design pattern (thinking about something like a factory) which would be suited here?

How to pass user input through the system without using global
It is easy. Surprise, I created a class.
For a while, I called this class a travel case, because I considered it analogous to the needs of a suitcase during a trip. The TC_t is a non-standard container which held useful things for what is going on at your destination, and there is only one created, with references passed to any other objects that could use the information. Not global, in the strictest sense.
This TC_t is created in main() thread, while studying the command line options.
I recently wrote yet-another-game-of-life. User inputs included a) destination of output (i.e. a tty num), b) initial fill-pattern choices, c) 'overrides' for game board dimensions, d) test modes, including max speed, and vector vs. array options for cell behaviours.
The GOLUtil_t (Game Of Life Utility) (previously TC_t) includes methods that are useful in more than one effort.
For your question, the two typical globals I avoided are the a) gameBoard, and b) ansi terminal access.
std::cout << "accessing '" << aTermPFN << "' with std::ofstream "
<< std::endl;
std::ofstream* ansiTerm = new std::ofstream(aTermPFN);
if (!ansiTerm->is_open())
dtbAssert(nullptr != ansiTerm)(aTermPFN);
std::cerr << "Can not access '" << aTermPFN << "'" << std::endl;
assert(0); // abort
// create game-board - with a vector of cell*
CellVec_t gameBoard;
gameBoard.reserve (aMaxRow * aMaxCol);
GOLUtil_t gBrd(aMaxRow, aMaxCol, gameBoard, *ansiTerm);
This last line invoked the ctor of GOLUtil_t.
The instance "gBrd" is then passed (by reference) to the ctor of the game, and from there, to any aggregate objects it contained.
std::string retVal;
// initialize display, initialize pattern
GameOfLife_t GOL(gBrd, timeOfDay, fillPatternChoiceLetter, useArray);
std::string retValS = GOL.exec2(testMode);
retVal = gBrd.clearGameBoard(retValS); // delete all cells
// force GameOfLife_t dtor before close ansiTerm
Summary - No globals.
Every instance of any class that needed this info (where to output? what are dimensions?) has access to the GOLUtil_t for their entire lifetime. And GOLUtil_t has methods to lighten the coding load.
Note: because single output terminal, I used a single thread (main)
Your first refactor effort might be to:
a) remove the global classes,
b) and instead instantiate these in main() (for lifetime control)
c) and then pass-by-reference these formerly global instances to those non-global objects that make use of them. I recommend in the ctor(s).
d) remember to clean up (delete if new'd)
my environment: Ubuntu 15.10, 64 bit, g++ V5


How do define a constant value from user input after class construction

As part of personal Arduino project, I have added an initial "input" stage that asks the user to enter an integer representing the number of vials in their carousel (that particular info is not relevant to the issue, I just thought I'd better mention it.) This input is received via LCD button keypad.
This integer will be used solely in a custom class called Vial_Control.
Currently, if I'm using a 16-vial system, I hard code the "16" and use the '#define' directive throughout ('const int' would also work, but not solve the problem.)
The catch is that when I ask for user input, I have already created my global variables in my main file that represent the class constructor object for Vial_Control.
#ifndef Vial_Control_h
#define Vial_Control_h
#include "Arduino.h"
class Vial_Control
Vial_Control(); // constructor
void setSystemVialCount(int vialCount);
// bunch of other unrelated functions
#define VIAL_COUNT 16 // I used to use this
static const int VIAL_COUNT; // now I use this
// bunch of other...
now in my implementation file
// I used to assign 'static const int VIAL_COUNT' here
// but turned away from that.
// bunch of other...
void Vial_Control::setSystemVialCount(int vialCount)
/* I started to do this, even prior to defining the variable
* as 'static'. I added 'static' as per suggestion from the
* compiler, although I'm not entirely convinced that this is
* the best solution. */
VIAL_COUNT = vialCount;
So, in my ArdProj.c file, the Vial_Control constructor is made, then in the initial stage portion (Arduino calls this setup()) I ask for user input, then call the function setSystemVialCount(int vialCount), passing in the input.
Is this the best solution for what I'm after? Will the static const int VIAL_COUNT hold the value "16" for the entirety of runtime?
I received errors when I did not add the static, from what I've read, due to to the variable not being initialized upon construction.
If anything is unclear, let me know, I'll add more.
This is an interesting problem.
Is there any means by which you can obtain information from the hardware (the vial carousel) by which the device can tell you if it is a 16 vial system? If so, then you could use that in your ctor and VIAL_COUNT could be set there. Example:
Vial_Control::Vial_Control(int nVials=16): vialCount(nVials)
In this manner const members can be initialized at creation with their initial values. As I understand what you're doing, the user input is giving you the number of vials in use, and the member const int vialCount is the maximum number of vials available on the machine. (?)

DLL – static vector which is filled up at DLL’s initialization time, returns zero size to the client program

I am experiencing the following issue, in my DLL project:
At the DLL side :
Inside the DLL I have declared a static vector as follows :
static std::vector<FilterProcessor::FilterInfo*> TableOfContents;
At DLL’s initialization time of static members, I am adding some entries to the above vector.
I have defined an extern “C” global function (getTocPointer()) which is returning a pointer to the vector, when it called from the client program.
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) std::vector<FilterProcessor::FilterInfo*>* __cdecl getLibraryTOC();
At the client’s program side :
The DLL library is loaded without any problem
The address of getTocPointer() function is returned correctly to the client program, when the getProcAddress() function is called.
Indeed, when I am performing the debugging process in the DLL-side, the client program calls the above function and the execution process enters to it.
However, the vector has a zero size and, has no any contents which were added to it at initialization time. It seems it points to another vector object. . .
I can’t really understand what exactly goes wrong here.
The way of adding entries to this vector at initialization time, is the proper way?
If yes, what probably goes wrong when the client program calls the getLibraryTOC() function?
Thanks in advance
If that static global definition of the vector appears in a header file, then yes you do have multiple different vectors. Change the keyword static to extern to make the header file declare the vector rather than defining it, and then add exactly one definition in an implementation file.
Then, you may encounter the static initialization order fiasco. If the vector is defined in a different compilation unit than the code attempting to add entries to it, there's no guarantee that the vector object is alive yet. Attempting to use a vector whose constructor hasn't run is undefined behavior -- it might easily manifest as the constructor running afterward and setting the contents to zero length (as a default constructor should), but many other problems are possible.
You can avoid the SIOF by using a local static.
std::vector<FilterProcessor::FilterInfo*>& table_of_contents()
static std::vector<FilterProcessor::FilterInfo*> singleton;
return singleton;
In every location that would have accessed the global, including the initialization logic that fills the vector, and also your getLibraryTOC() exported function, call the accessor function instead.
That all is applicable to any C++ software having multiple compilation units. When you have a DLL, things get even more complicated, because the DLL and EXE are compiled and linked separately from each other, possibly with different settings, different compilers, or even entirely different languages. Sharing of complex objects across DLL boundaries is real trouble. If the DLL and EXE are always recompiled at the same time, it can work. But if you're trying to distribute the DLL for use by another party who writes the EXE code, the strong coupling will quickly become intolerable.
A better approach is to hide the library objects from the DLL boundary, and pass only primitive or OS-managed types across. For example:
#define DLLAPI __declspec(dllexport) __cdecl
extern "C" DLLAPI int32_t getLibraryTocCount()
{ return table_of_contents.size(); }
extern "C" DLLAPI BSTR getLibraryTocName(int index)
{ return ::SysAllocString(table_of_contents[index].name.c_str(); } // assumes std::wstring
// etc
The library I have implemented contains the following code (in a brief description) :
An Index class which implements the Table of contents of the library
A collection of audio filters named Filter01, Filter02 etc.
struct LIB_SPECS Library_TableOfContents
static bool addTOCEntry(FilterInfo* Filter_Info); // add an entry to the TOC
static std::vector<FilterInfo*> TableOfContents; // TOC
Called from the client program to return the pointer to TOC */
extern "C" LIB_SPECS std::vector<FlterInfo*>* __cdecl getLibraryTOC();
/* Define / Initialize static variables */
std::vector<FilterInfo*> Library_TableOfContents::TableOfContents = {};
bool Library_TableOfContents::addTOCEntry(FilterInfo* Filter_Info)
return false;
std::vector<FilterInfo*>* getLibraryTOC()
return &Library_TableOfContents::TableOfContents;
For each Audio Filter in the library :
class LIB_SPECS Filterxx
static struct FilterInfo
std::string filterName;
std::string filterDescription;
// other filter info
FilterInfo(); // FilterInfo constructor
} Filter_Info;
virtual String doSomeWork(int AvatarId);
virtual void deleteFilter() = 0;
Filterxx::FilterInfo Filterxx::Filter_Info("Filterxx", “A filter description e.g. Low pass Filter ” ); //
FilterInfo::FilterInfo(std::string name, std::string description)
Filter_Info.filterName = name;
Filter_Info.filterDescription = description;
// other filter functions
The getLibraryTOC() function, is called from the client program to get the table of contents in order to show it to the user.
As I said, indeed it is called by the client but, at the time of call, the table of contents seems to have a zero size.

How do I load custom "const" variables from a config file in C++?

I currently have a function which loads variables from a config file. It uses these to initialise a set of constant config variables.
// header file
namespace cfg {
extern const char *config_value;
// source file
namespace cfg {
const char *config_value;
bool load_config() {
cfg::config_value = load_config_line("config_value");
const char *load_config_line(const char *key) {
// read value from config.cfg...
This works pretty well. The problem is that now I want to reuse this code in several other projects, which means the constant values have to change. This means changing the config_value names in four different places each in the code. It also means I have several copies of essentially the same code to maintain in different projects.
Is there a way of setting different sets of constant values using the same code for the reading and parsing? Perhaps so that all I have to do is change the header file and it automatically finds those value names in the config file? The tricky part is that ideally the outward facing config values themselves should be constant and available at compile time (using a string to value map for example is undesirable, as I would prefer to have the compile time protection).
The solution here is to not use global variables, and instead have some settings struct which you explicitly initialize with values loaded from the file. The struct instance itself doesn't need to be const (you'll need to be able to load the values into it, unless you pass everything in on construction), but all access to it should be const. This last bit can be achieved by passing settings as e.g. a const settings& to wherever it is needed.
int main()
// Variant A: 2-step init
settings s;
// Variant B: 1-step init - can make instance itself const
const settings s(filename);
Thing worker(s); // Thing::Thing(const settings&)
Of course Worker can be anything your heart desires.
Note that settings itself needs no special constness whatsoever:
struct settings
std::string config_value;
It is the external const that guards access to the values contained within.

Init values by using (somewhat) global variables vs. static function variables?

I have some small helper functions needed throughout the code.
To work, they need to be initialized with some data once.
Where should I store the init data?
I've come up with two methods:
I create static variables in the scope of the helper.cpp file which I set with a dedicated setter function and then use in my helper function.
static int _initData = 0;
void initHelpMe(int initData)
_initData = initData;
void helpMe()
Or I use a static function variable inside the original helper function and a default parameter to it.
void helpMe(int initData = 0)
static int _initData = 0;
if (initData != 0)
_initData = initData;
(Lets asume that 0 is outside of the valid data range of initData and that I've not shown additional code to ensure an error is raised when the function is called for the first time without initiating it first.)
What are the advantages / disadvantages of those two methods and is there an even better way of doing it?
I of course like the second method, because it keeps all the functionality in one place. But I already know it is not thread-safe (which is not an issue a.t.m.).
And, to make this more interesting, albeit being C++ this is not to be used in object-oriented but in procedural code. So please no answers proposing objects or classes. Just imagine it to be C with the syntax of C++.
I was going to suggest that you wrap your data into an object, until I realized that you are asking for a C solution with a C++ tag...
Both of your solutions have their benefits.
The second one is the one I'd prefer, assuming we just go by "what it looks like/maintainability". However, there is a drawback if helpMe is called MANY times with initData == 0, because of the extra if, which isn't present in the first case. This may or may not be an issue if doSomethingWith() is long enough a function and/or the compiler has the ability to inline helpMe (and initData is constant).
And of course, something in the code will have to call initHelpMe too, so it may turn out to be the same anyway.
In summary: Prefer the second one, based on isolation/encapsulation.
I clearly prefer the second! Global static data in different compilation units are initialized in unspecified order (In one unit in order, though). Local static data of a function is initialized at first call.
If you have two translation units A and B. The unit A calls during initialization the function helpMe of unit B. Assume the order of initialization is A, B.
The first solution will set the zero initialized _initData to some initData. After that the initialization of unit B resets _initData back to zero and may produce a memory leak or other harm.
There is a third solution:
void helpMe(int initData = 0)
static std::once_flag once;
static int _initData = 0;
std::call_once(once, [&] {
_initData = initData;
I feel strongly both ways.
Prefer option 2 for the isolation, but option 1 lends itself to porting to a C++ class. I've coded both ways. It comes down to the SW architecture.
Let me offer another point.
Both options down side: You have not limited initialization to one occurrence. "need to be initialized with some data once". It appears OP's conditions insure a proper initialization of initHelpMe(123) or HelpMe(123) followed by helpMe(), but do not prevent/detect a secondary initialization.
Should a secondary need to be prevented/detected, some additional code could be used.
// Initialization
if (_initData != 0) {
; // Handle error
_initData = initData;
Another paradigm I've used follows. It may not be realizable in you code as it does not pass initData as a parameter but magically can get it.
void helpMe(void) {
static int Initialized = 0;
if (!Initialized) {
Initialized = 1;
_initData = initData();

My static map is always empty

I declared a static unordered map in a header file as follows:
static boost::unordered_map<KeyAction, sf::Key::Code> WindowKeyMap;
in that same header file, i have a function that fills the map with some values:
static void Initialize(std::string &file)
WindowKeyMap[MoveLeft] = sf::Key::Code::Left;
WindowKeyMap[MoveRight] = sf::Key::Code::Right;
WindowKeyMap[MoveUp] = sf::Key::Code::Up;
WindowKeyMap[MoveDown] = sf::Key::Code::Down;
std::cout << std::endl << WindowKeyMap.size() << std::endl;
Later on in my program, inside a seperate class/function, i attempt to read one of the values:
std::cout << std::endl << WindowKeyMap.size() << std::endl;
auto test2 = WindowKeyMap[MoveRight];
but the map is always empty. The output to the console is always 4 from the initialize routine then 0 from the second cout. I thought static maps were persistent across the program, so I'm a little confused as to how my static map becaomes empty. Can anyone shed some light?
When you declare your variable in the header like that each compilation unit (*.cpp) gets it's own local static copy. You have to declare it extern
extern boost::unordered_map<KeyAction, sf::Key::Code> WindowKeyMap;
and in one cpp put
boost::unordered_map<KeyAction, sf::Key::Code> WindowKeyMap;
Simple: just don't do it. While you can get rid of the initialization and scope as suggested by #Eelke, you will shoot yourself in the foot in the long term... Do you really want to have the hash table accessible by everybody and everywhere? Do you really accept the risk of uncontrollable access to the (apparently important) data? Do you really want to have an untestable global state all across your application? Do you really want to have all the dependencies introduced by <unordered_map> pulled into many translation units of your program? I could continue like that for a while but the point is: Wrap the logic and data into a class and provide the service via an interface. Create the instance of the interface via a factory or dependency container and manage the lifetime of that object explicitly.