Can I use a variable as a text property when calling class window? - regex

I have a child object class window with a parameter regexptitle, so text being changed dynamically depending on the regular expression. I need to check if this window is opened and active using variable. I tried to put there string but it didn't help. Please help me find a solution.
Example of code repeated:
If Window("Excel").Window("Prompts for Project Analysis"). Exist Then ...
If Window("Excel").Window("Prompts for Engagements"). Exist Then ...

Assuming I read your question correctly, you should be able to achieve the goal using descriptive programming with this:
If Window("Excel").Window("regexptitle:=Prompts for.*"). Exist Then
Or if you have at least one version of the window learned in the object repository, add the regexptitle property to the test object details under Description properties, set it to a regular expression and set its value to be "Prompts for.*" - this will cause UFT to recognise all windows of this class with a regexptitle beginning "Prompts for" as this object (assuming the other recognition properties match up as well, and you get to use the OR-friendly object name in your code.
Let me know if that works for you, or if you need further help.


Webstorm helper for requiring module

I'm looking for a way to require module easily with Webstorm (shortcut, plugin, intention, ...). Here is my use case :
Given my cursor located at the end of a unknown variable myVar somewhere in my JS file.
When I press a shortcut, I jump at the top of the file and var myVar = require('') is inserted with the cursor inside the empty string.
Then I type the name of the module and I press enter.
Then the cursor go back at the end of the variable.
Is there a way to do that ?
Please vote for WEB-14430.
You can try developing a custom intention - code intentions use the regular API for intentions. The intention classes need to implement the IntentionAction interface and to be registered using the bean in the plugin.xml (
See - intention sample for Groovi.
See also,
Live Templates is another option, but it just allows expanding certain abbreviation into a code snippet - no jumping, etc. - snippet will be expanded 'in-place'

Is there anyway to rename the "Source" button to something like "HTML"?

Is there anyway to rename the "Source" button to something like "HTML", I ask this as users are confused at how to add html code using the editor?
Yes, inside of the "lang" folder you will see all of the various language files.
For my case, and probably yours, You will want to edit the file "en.js". The file is "compressed" to some degree so it may be difficult to read, but it's still not too difficult to change one string. If you do plan on changing multiple strings you will most likely want to use a service to format Javascript.
Search for the following segment of code. It was one of the very last lines in the file.
change it to
Avoid This Method Unless Required
And as for a very unsuggested method, since you can't modify the language files for some reason, you can modify the ckeditor.js file and force a specific label.
Inside of "ckeditor.js" change the line below
to the follow code
The only thing modified is the "label" value in the above line. We remove the reference to the a.language.sourcearea.toolbar and insert a string in it's place instead.

Inkscape inx param defaults

I am developing a extension for Inkscape and would like to set a param value based on a value that is set on a object. For example if the ID of the selected object is set to "myRect" how would I display that value in the extension dialog? Seems to me that there should be a way to tell Inkscape that I want a value displayed here from attribute "id", I have read through the documentation on Inkscapes wiki and searched the web but couldn't find any answers.
I don't think it's possible.
The extension UI is built from the static .inx file. There's no way for your extension code to modify that AFAIK.
It might be possible to have your extension rewrite the .inx file all the time. But I imagine that this would be a horrible horrible approach. Also I'm not sure how frequently inkscape reloads the .inx file.

How to load qt linguist dynamically changed label text

In my project i'm trying to use qt linguist. When i change the language from English to Turkish, it is working all constant label.
But some labels i m loading them dynamically according to scenario of use cases.
Whatever i do with qt linguist, it doest workthe texts of these label.
How can i get rid of this problem?
Any help will be apprecialted
Qt has a guide to internationalization, which includes the basic information: to wrap your string in a tr function call.
label->setText( tr( "Hello, World!" ) );
In addition to this, if you want the language to change on the fly, you'll need to identify when the context has changed, and update your labels appropriately. Unfortunately, I can't easily put my hands on the signal that indicates when to do so.

How to override the default text in MATLAB

In MATLAB, when you click File -> New -> Function M-File, you get a file with the following contents:
function [ output_args ] = Untitled( input_args )
%UNTITLED Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
Is it possible to override this behaviour, and specify your own text?
(The motivation is that I'm trying to persuade my colleagues to document their m-files more thoroughly, and having default text for them to fill in might encourage them.)
I didn't even know File->New->Function did that.
The way I solved the issue was to write a function that you call via
>>newFunction myNewFunctionName
It then
pops up an inputdlg window, which asks the user for the synopsis and the H1 line and allows to already write help to explain input and output arguments. There, the user also selects whether myNewFunctionName is a function or a class in order to choose the right header and 'function call'
checks whether a function of the same name exists already
asks for a folder to save the function, and
opens the function in the editor
The header is set up so that it's easy to fill in info about input and output. It also automatically lists the username of the person who created the file as well as the date and the Matlab version.
For new classes, the template function automatically makes sure that they subclass my general superclass that implements methods such as 'help' (which calls doc(class(obj)) )
Now if the template functionwould also write the algorithm part of the function, it would be really convenient. :)
Here's a link to the function on the file exchange.
I would suggest making your own default m-file template, called default.m for example, and placing it in a folder on the MATLAB path where your colleagues can access it. You should then set the file to be read-only. Your colleagues can then execute any one of the following commands in the MATLAB Command Window when they want to create a new function m-file:
open default.m
edit default.m
The functions OPEN and EDIT will open a file in the MATLAB Editor. Since the file default.m is read-only, if anyone tries to save over it they will get a dialog box warning them as such and asking them to save to a new file (or overwrite it). That should keep them from accidentally modifying the template.
I searched through all text files starting from matlabroot folder, but could not find that template. Seems it's hard-coded, which is weird.
I like Jonas approach. As my two cents, you can download a function (not mine) doing similar things with some customization from here.
After more pondering, I've come up with a solution that I'm happy with, combining Jonas' and gnovice's answers. It's a function that creates a new m-file (with template documentation), and opens it in the editor. It is available from the Matlab Central File Exchange.