can not access environment variable specified by user provided service with java - cloud-foundry

I have created a user provided service as follows:
cf cups myservice -p '{"db": "text"}'
and I bind this service to my app, the service name is myservice.
When i use cf env command, i can see the message:
"user-provided": [{
but when i access this variable with java
is null. Why can't I access the db value?

When you do cf env on your app, you see an environment variable named VCAP_SERVICES that contains a JSON data structure like you showed:
"user-provided": [
"credentials":{ "db":"text" },
Your application can retrieve this JSON structure with System.getenv("VCAP_SERVICES"). You can then parse the JSON returned from that call into a Map, for example, and retrieve the values needed.
There is no environment variable available to your app named, so System.getenv("") won't return anything useful.
Spring Boot parses the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable and creates Spring environment properties like and These properties can't be retrieved with System.getenv() because they exist only in the Spring environment abstraction, not in the OS environment. This is described nicely in a Spring blog post. More details are in the Spring Boot javadoc.

Services In CloudFoundry are presented JSON blob in the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable.
In Java you will be able to get an object with all the services with:
JSONObject vcap = new JSONObject(System.getenv("VCAP_SERVICES")); for more information on provided environment variables.

Related The Application Default Credentials are not available

I am fairly new to GCP API functions.
I am currently trying to the use text-to-speech module following these steps:
I did not set up the environmental variable since I used the authExplicit(String jsonPath) for its authentication:
my code looks like following;
public void main() throws Exception {
String jsonPath = "/User/xxx/xxxx/xxxxxx/xxxx.json";
//calling the text-to-speech function form the above link.
text2speech("some text");
authExplicit(jsonPath) goes through without any problem and prints a bucket. I thought the credential key in JSON was checked. However, text2speech function returns the error as follows: The Application Default Credentials are not available. They are available if running in Google Compute Engine. Otherwise, the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS must be defined pointing to a file defining the credentials. See for more information.
I want to get the text2speech function work by call Google Cloud API functions.
Please let me know how to solve this issue.
Your advice would be highly appreciated.
It's confusing.
Application Default Credentials (ADC) is a process that looks for the credentials in various places including the env var GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDNTIALS.
If GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDNTIALS is unset and the code is running on a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Compute Engine (GCE) service (e.g. Compute Engine), then it use the Metadata service to determine the credentials. If not, ADC fails and raises an error.
Your code fails because, authExplicit does not use ADC but loads the Service Account key from the file and creates a Storage account client using these credentials. Only the Storage client is thus authenticated.
I recommend a (simpler) solution: Use ADC and have Storage and Text2Speech clients both use ADC.
You will need to set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS env var to the path to a key if you run your code off GCP (i.e. not on GCE or similar) but when it runs on GCP, it will leverage the service's credentials.
You will need to create both the Storage and Text2Speech clients to use ADCs:
Cloud Storage
Storage storage = StorageOptions.getDefaultInstance().getService();
TextToSpeechClient textToSpeechClient = TextToSpeechClient.create()

Druid can not see/read GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS defined on env path

I installed apache-druid-0.22.1 as a cluster (master, data and query nodes) and enabled “druid-google-extensions” by adding it to the array druid.extensions.loadList in
Finally I defined GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS ( which has the value of service account json as defined in )as an environment variable of user that run the druid services.
However, I got the following error when I try to ingest data from GCR buckets:
Error: Cannot construct instance of,
problem: Unable to provision, see the following errors: 1) Error in
custom provider, The Application Default
Credentials are not available. They are available if running on Google
App Engine, Google Compute Engine, or Google Cloud Shell. Otherwise,
the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS must be
defined pointing to a file defining the credentials. See
for more information. at
(via modules:$OverrideModule ->
org.apache.druid.common.gcp.GcpModule) at
(via modules:$OverrideModule ->
org.apache.druid.common.gcp.GcpModule) while locating for the 3rd
parameter of
(via modules:$OverrideModule -> while
locating 1 error at
[Source: (org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpInputOverHTTP); line: 1,
column: 180] (through reference chain:
A case reported on this matter caught my attention. But I can not see
any verified solution to that case. Please help me.
We want to take data from GCP to on prem Druid. We don’t want to take cluster in GCP. So that we want solve this problem.
For future visitors:
If you run Druid by systemctl you then need to add required environments in service file of systemctl, to ensure it is always delivered to druid regardless of user or environment changes.
You must define the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS that points to a file path, and not contain the file content.
In a cluster (like Kubernetes), it's usual to mount a volume with the file in it, and to se the env var to point to that volume.

Retrieving an RDS endpoint from within USER DATA

I have a single MySQL RDS instance and an AMI containing a Grails application. I would like to use the User Data function to populate the Grails application.yml file with the RDS endpoint. How do I retrieve RDS the endpoint from within User Data?
There are two ways to use User Data:
Just as data: The contents of User Data is accessible via, so your application could just parse the contents and do what you wish with it.
As an executable script: On Linux, starting User Data with #! will cause it to be executed, so you could write a script to update the application.yml file.
An alternate concept would be to store the RDS Endpoint in the AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. Then, use a User Data script to extract it from there and store it in application.yml. This way, the endpoint can be easily updated in Parameter Store without modifying any scripts.
User Data is nothing but shell script while runing on Linux AMI.
You can edit appication.yml file using shell script and add you parameters.

Load JSON file's content to Heroku's environment variable

I am using Google Speech API in my Django web-app. I have set up a service account for it and am able to make API calls locally. I have pointed the local GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to the service account's json file which contains all the credentials.
This is the snapshot of my Service Account's json file:
I have tried setting heroku's GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable by running
$ heroku config:set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="$(< myProjCreds.json)"
$ heroku config
^^ It gets terminated at the first occurrence of " in the json file which is immediately after {
$ heroku config:set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS='$(< myProjCreds.json)'
$ heroku config
^^ The command gets saved into the environment variable
I tried setting heroku's GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS env variable to the content of service account's json file but it didn't work (because apparently the this variable's value needs to be an absolute path to the json file) . I found a method which authorizes a developer account without loading json accout rather using GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_TYPE, GOOGLE_CLIENT_EMAIL and GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY. Here is the GitHub discussion page for it.
I want something similar (or something different) for my Django web-app and I want to avoid uploading the json file to my Django web-app's directory (if possible) for security reasons.
Depending on which library you are using for communicating with Speach API you may use several approaches:
You may serialize your JSON data using base64 or something similar and set resulting string as one environment variable. Than during you app boot you may decode this data and configure your client library appropriately.
You may set each pair from credentials file as separate env variables and use them accordingly. Maybe library that you're using support authentication using GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_TYPE, GOOGLE_CLIENT_EMAIL and GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY similar to the ruby client that you're linking to.
Assuming that you are using google official client library, you have several options for authenticating your requests, including that you are using (service account): You may save your credentials to the temp file and pass it's path to the Client object (but it seems to me that this is very hacky workaround). There is a couple of other auth options that you may use.
I've found one more link with the more robust approach There is ruby code, but you may do something similar in Python for sure.
Let's say the filename is key.json
First, copy the content of the key.json file and add it to the environment variable, let's say KEY_DATA.
Solution 1:
If my command to start the server is node app.js, I'll do echo $KEY_DATA > key.json && node app.js
This will create a key.json file with the data from KEY_DATA and then start the server.
Solution 2:
Save the data from KEY_DATA env variable in the some variable and then parse it to JSON, so you have the object which you can pass for authentication purposes.
Example in Node.js:
const data = process.env.KEY_DATA;
const dataObj = JSON.parse(data);

Obtain VCAP_APPLICATION's application_name value on Spring's application.yml

I'm trying to set a logging pattern using 'logging.pattern.console' that needs to include the CloudFoundry's application name of a given application. I know that application names can be found as part of the VCAP_APPLICATION env variable with the 'application_name' key, and I can resolve env variables on Spring Cloud applications using the standard Spring placeholder notation, available on the application.yml file; but as the variable is a Json, I can't parse it nor use SpEL to obtain the requested value only.
Is there any other way to obtain the application name as set on the manifest.yml file in the application.yml?
If you are using Spring Boot, you can access the application name with the property You should be able to reference this anywhere that properties are available, like #Value annotations or in
Spring Boot's CloudFoundryVcapEnvironmentPostProcessor takes the VCAP_SERVICES & VCAP_APPLICATION environment variables and makes them available as properties through Spring's Environment api. This should happen automatically, no config or work necessary.