GLFW directory not found with CMake and vcpkg - c++

I have been unable to figure out how to get CMake to find and set correct GLFW CMake constants when using CMake in VS2017. Any help will be greatly appreciated :).
I downloaded glfw3 through Microsoft's vcpkg tool. I have checked that files do physically exist in the directory that vcpkg puts them in (~\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows\include). I set up my CMakeSettings.json as per their docs here. I used that tutorial as a basis for getting GLFW to be set up correctly.
I then use find_package(glfw3 REQUIRED) to find the glfw3 library. This does not spit out any errors. Actually the CMakeLists.txt doesn't complain at all. It's at the compile stage where it complains.
After that I add glfw3 with target_link_libraries(exe ${GLFW3_LIBRARIES}) to the executable.
Then when I try and build a simple example (including the header file), the compilation fails because it cannot find GLFW/glfw3.h.
The error from MSVC:
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'GLFW/glfw3.h': No such file or directory
Here is my CMakeLists.txt for added reference:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7)
find_package(glfw3 REQUIRED)
add_executable(learn-opengl main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(learn-opengl ${GLFW3_LIBRARIES})
GLFW3_LIBRARIES I got from glfw3Config.cmake by snooping around what vcpkg puts in the installed directory (~\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows\share\glfw3)
And just in case, the main.cpp:
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
int main()
return 0;
I have tried calling cmake from the command line as well, but to no avail that didn't work either.
Am I missing something? Did I perhaps misunderstand something in vcpkg documentation? I have really no idea what I am missing... :/ I should say, in addition, that I am fairly new to CMake as well.

Reformulating my previous comment as answer:
You should add the imported target glfw to your target_link_libraries command instead of ${GLFW3_LIBRARIES}.
The find_package(glfw3) generates an import target glfw. By making your target learn-opengl dependent on this imported target you specify both the library to link with and the include directories to use.


CLion Not Finding GLUT with CMake

I have a problem that I can't seem to find the settings to modify.
When attempting to find the GLUT package using CLion's CMake utilities on Ubuntu, it does not find GLUT. Using command-line CMake and Makefile commands, however, finds the dependencies perfectly and allows the following to generate and compile:
# CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED) # Works in CLion and terminal
find_package(GLUT REQUIRED) # Works only in terminal
add_executable(mre mre.cpp)
target_link_libraries(mre -lglut -lGLU -lGL)
// mre.cpp
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glut.h>
int main()
return 0;
Whereas attempting to use these files in a CLion project would cause errors (first unable to find GLUT, mitigated by manually setting library and include variables; then GL/glut.h: No such file or directory, which I am unable to fix).
Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm assuming it's something to do with a working directory or prefixes, but CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH is unset in CLion, and setting it to various values does nothing to solve the problem.
You know something has gone wrong when you write include_directories or -l flags by hand. You should absolutely always link to libraries via their imported targets.
See the documentation:
OpenGL package:
GLUT package:
Try this revision:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED)
find_package(GLUT REQUIRED)
add_executable(mre mre.cpp)
target_link_libraries(mre PRIVATE OpenGL::GL OpenGL::GLU GLUT::GLUT)
target_compile_features(mre PRIVATE cxx_std_20)
As for not being able to find GLUT... just set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH in CLion's settings to whichever directory on your system contains include/GL/glut.h.
Alternative solution
CLion was installed through the Software Center via Flatpak, which uses some kind of filesystem sandboxing that may be interfering with paths. I tried explicitly allowing /usr and related paths, but had no effect.
I have reinstalled via JetBrains's official archive, which correctly detects GLUT and OpenGL. Their official snap also works properly.

Imported target "Boost::system" includes non-existent path "/include"

I am a newbie with CMake please bear with me. I have a library (libvpop) which I created in c++ using some Boost components (system and date_time). I can link to it without a problem in windows but on Ubuntu, I am getting an error that implies the path to the boost include files cannot be found. Here is the simple CMakeLists.txt file.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.0)
set (Boost_DEBUG 1)
find_package(fmt CONFIG REQUIRED)
find_package(Boost CONFIG REQUIRED system )
find_package(Boost CONFIG REQUIRED date_time)
add_executable(vpoplibuser vpoplibuser.cpp vpoplib.h)
find_library(VPLIB libvpop HINTS ~/projects/vpoplibuser/ )
message(STATUS "VPLib include dir: ${VPLIB}")
target_include_directories(vpoplibuser PUBLIC ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} )
target_link_libraries(vpoplibuser PUBLIC ${VPLIB})
target_link_libraries(vpoplibuser PRIVATE fmt::fmt)
target_link_libraries(vpoplibuser PRIVATE Boost::system Boost::date_time)
When I run CMake, I get message:
CMake Error in CMakeLists.txt
Imported target "Boost::system" includes non-existent path "/include"
in its INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES. Possible reasons include:
The path was deleted, renamed, or moved to another location.
An install or uninstall procedure did not complete successfully.
The installation package was faulty and references files it does not provide.
I have removed and reinstalled Boost. My Boost libraries are at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu. I cannot figure out exactly where CMake is searching for the boost include file. When I inspect the _BOOST_INCLUDEDIR variable in boost_header-1.71.0/boost_headers-config.cmake it tells me _BOOST_INCLUDEDIR is "/include". I have read something about the PATH variable being an issue so I added /usr to the beginning of my PATH (there is a folder /usr/include/boost which has the boost .hpp files so I was making an assumption that is what CMake is looking for). I have been stuck on this for a couple of days so I would appreciate any advice from the expert community.
I have found a work around thanks to this article:
Something in the Boost cmake process is causing boost to look for the include files at /include when they are really at /usr/include. I created a symbolic link for /include to point to /usr/include and this allowed cmake to find everything. I have not solved the root cause but can move forward with this approach.

How resolve the error find_package not providing in CMake [duplicate]

I wrote a CMakeLists.txt for a project in C++, which uses OpenCV libraries. When I try to create the project using cmake, I get the next configuration problem:
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:15 (find_package):
Could not find module FindOpenCV.cmake or a configuration file for package
Adjust CMAKE_MODULE_PATH to find FindOpenCV.cmake or set OpenCV_DIR to the
directory containing a CMake configuration file for OpenCV. The file will
have one of the following names:
The fact is that I have an environment variable for the path which I use in Visual Studio with no problems. If I don't include OpenCV, then I can configure and generate with no problem, but I need to solve the problem. I don't understand why cmake cannot find the OpenCV path or how to fix it.
I also used the recommendations mentioned in this link:
Does anybody had this problem too?
The error you're seeing is that CMake cannot find a FindOpenCV.cmake file, because cmake doesn't include one out of the box. Therefore you need to find one and put it where cmake can find it:
You can find a good start here. If you're feeling adventurous you can also write your own.
Then add it somewhere in your project and adjust CMAKE_MODULE_PATH so that cmake can find it.
e.g., if you have
Then you should do a
In your CMakeLists.txt file before you do a find_package(OpenCV)
If you are on Linux, you just need to fill the OpenCV_DIR variable with the path of opencv (containing the OpenCVConfig.cmake file)
export OpenCV_DIR=<path_of_opencv>
apt-get install libopencv-dev
export OpenCV_DIR=/usr/share/OpenCV
the header of cpp file should contain:
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
not original cv.h
find / -name "OpenCVConfig.cmake"
export OpenCV_DIR=/path/found/above
I had this exact same problem. I fixed it by adding the following line to my FindOpenCV.cmake file. Put it anywhere at the top before the rest of the code.
set (OpenCV_DIR /home/cmake/opencv/compiled) #change the path to match your complied directory of opencv
Basically you are telling FindOpenCV.cmake where to find opencv files assuming the other compilation can find the FindOpenCV.cmake
I faced the same error. In my case this "OpenCVConfig.cmake" file is located in /usr/local/share/OpenCV. In CMakeLists.txt add the line
set(OpenCV_DIR /usr/local/share/OpenCV)
as suggested by the error message.
if you are on windows, you can add opencv path to OpenCV_DIR yourself.
(OpenCV_DIR is in the red region)
the path is like "D:/opencv244/build".
you can find file "OpenCVConfig.cmake" under the path.
Another possibility is to denote where you can find OpenCV_DIR in the CMakeLists.txt file. For example, the following cmake scripts work for me:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
set(OpenCV_CUDA OFF)
set(OpenCV_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../install")
find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)
file(GLOB my_source_files ./src/*)
add_executable( performance_test ${my_source_files})
target_link_libraries(performance_test ${OpenCV_LIBS})
Just to remind that you should set OpenCV_STATIC and OpenCV_CUDA as well before you invoke OpenCVConfig.cmake. In my case the built library is static library that does not use CUDA.
On my Fedora machine, when I typed "make" I got an error saying it could not find "cv.h". I fixed this by modifying my "OpenCVConfig.cmake" file.
SET(OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS "${OpenCV_INSTALL_PATH}/include/opencv;${OpenCV_INSTALL_PATH}/include")
SET(OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS "/usr/include/opencv;/usr/include/opencv2")
SET(OpenCV_LIB_DIR "/usr/lib64")
I am using Windows and get the same error message. I find another problem which is relevant.
I defined OpenCV_DIR in my path at the end of the line. However when I typed "path" in the command line, my OpenCV_DIR was not shown. I found because Windows probably has a limit on how long the path can be, it cut my OpenCV_DIR to be only part of what I defined. So I removed some other part of the path, now it works.
I had the same error, I use windows. I add "C:\opencv\build" (opencv folder) to path at the control pannel.
So, That's Ok!!
For me (on Ubuntu), I just run:
sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev
Followed #hugh-pearse 's and #leszek-hanusz 's answers, with a little tweak. I had installed opencv from ubuntu 12.10 repository (libopencv-)* and had the same problem. Couldn't solve it with export OpenCV_DIR=/usr/share/OpenCV/ (since my OpenCVConfig.cmake whas there). It was solved when I also changed some lines on the OpenCVConfig.cmake file:
# ======================================================
# Include directories to add to the user project:
# ======================================================
# Provide the include directories to the caller
#SET(OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS "${OpenCV_INSTALL_PATH}/include/opencv;${OpenCV_INSTALL_PATH}/include")
SET(OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS "/usr/include/opencv;/usr/include/opencv2")
# ======================================================
# Link directories to add to the user project:
# ======================================================
# Provide the libs directory anyway, it may be needed in some cases.
SET(OpenCV_LIB_DIR "/usr/lib")
And that worked on my Ubuntu 12.10. Remember to add the target_link_libraries(yourprojectname ${OpenCV_LIBS}) in your CMakeLists.txt.
When you install the libraries in the c drive (windows). the CMakeLists.txt shoud be looking like below:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.0)
project(test_opencv VERSION 0.1.0)
find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)
add_executable(test_opencv main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(test_opencv ${OPENCV_LIBS})
finding the package and include directories
when building the project in VS code. Run the visual studio code with admin rights as the OpenCV is installed inside C drive.

Link External Library when using CMakeLists used by CLion

I have build libmemcached.a and copied it to /usr/local/lib on my mac and I have tried all the following options to link libmemcached.a and yet get compile time errors that libmemcached/memcached.h is not found.
link_libraries (${libmemcached})
include_directories(SYSTEM ${libmemcached})
find_package(libmemcached.a REQUIRED)
link_libraries`enter code here`(libmemcached.a)
find_library(RESULT libmemcached.a PATHS /usr/local/lib)
target_link_libraries(dnsa_pcl libmemcached.a)
It is a simple -L -l using MakeFile. Not sure what needs to be done to make this work using CMakeLists. Any help is much appreciated.
you should use so called imported library, like it's described in the official documentation
The solution that worked for me is a bit weird. I had to both set the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to the directory that has the lib and also have include_directories() with the include folder of the source. For some reason, I was under the impression that the libmemcached.a had the header files as well.

How to make Cmake to include gl/GL.h?

Hello I am new to Linux development, and just recently switched from Windows MSVS c++ development to Linux-based vim+cmake+gcc. I am using Debian Sid(unstable).
I am trying to get code on subdivision, I have gotten from a friend to run. I am not really used to Cmake, and googling for help often is troublesome, since every other dist seems to have different packages and different solutions.
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6) project (Benchmark)
Find_Package(Qt4 REQUIRED)
find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED)
File(GLOB SRC ".cpp")
File(GLOB HEAD ".h")
add_executable(Benchmark ${SRC})
target_link_libraries(Benchmark ${CORELIBS})
That is my current Cmake, I want to use find_package(), GLOB etc to make it as dynamic as possible, and not use absolute paths.
I get the following error when trying to build.
subdivbench/Matrix4x4.h:4:19: fatal error: gl/GL.h: No such file or directory #include gl/GL.h
compilation terminated. make[2]: [CMakeFiles/Benchmark.dir/Matrix4x4.cpp.o] Error 1 make[1]: [CMakeFiles/Benchmark.dir/all] Error 2
The code is fairly irrelevant, since it's working perfectly in windows, all I need to do is to make the include etc work for Linux.
Include GL/gl.h instead of gl/GL.h
From what hanslovsky said:
I have mesa installed on my system and made a small sample
MESSAGE("${OPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR}") The output is: /usr/include --
Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written
to: /home/phil/local/tmp/opengl So your cmake code appears correct to
What I found out: I need to include GL/gl.h, not gl/GL.h. edit:
Sorry for that formatting, I did not know it does not work in
This worked. Thanks a tons hanslovsky, it was just a capitalization problem.