Django Channels: How to flush send buffer - django

I'm using Django 1.10 with Channels as a backend for an app I'm building.
I've set up websocket communication between my client (Angular 4) and Django. Everything works, but I'm a bit confused.
Consider the following code:
def ws_receive(message):
for a in range(10):
message.reply_channel.send({'text': json.dumps({'test': '123'})})
Im receiving the respons on the client after the for-loop has completed iterations, in this example after 10 seconds.
Question: Is it possible to flush the send 'buffer', meaning the message.reply_channel.send function will send immediately?

For instant reply set immediately=True:
message.reply_channel.send({'text': json.dumps({'Hejsa!!': 'hihi'})}, immediately=True)


How to use aiogram + flask (or only aiogram) for payment processing in telegram bot?

I have a telegram bot, it is written in python (uses the aiogram library), it works on a webhook. I need to process payments for a paid subscription to a bot (I use yoomoney as a payment).
It’s clear how you can do this on Flask: through its request method, catch http notifications that are sent from yoomoney (you can specify a url for notifications in yoomoney, where payment statuses like "payment.succeeded" should come)
In short, Flask is able to check the status of a payment. The bottom line is that the bot is written in aiogram and the bot is launched by the command:
if __name__ == '__main__': try: start_webhook( dispatcher=dp, webhook_path=WEBHOOK_PATH, on_startup=on_startup, on_shutdown=on_shutdown, skip_updates=True, host=WEBAPP_HOST, port=WEBAPP_PORT ) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): logger.error("Bot stopped!")
And if you just write in this code the launch of the application on flask in order to listen for answers from yoomoney, then EITHER the commands (of the bot itself) from aiogram will be executed OR the launch of flask, depending on what comes first in the code.
In fact, it is impossible to use flask and aiogram at the same time without multithreading. Is it possible somehow without flask in aiogram to track what comes to my server from another server (yoomoney)? Or how to use the aiogram + flask bundle more competently?
I tried to run flask in multi-threaded mode and the aiogram bot itself, but then an error occurs that the same port cannot be attached to different processes (which is logical).
It turns out it is necessary to change ports or to execute processes on different servers?

Set Django Rest Framework endpoint a timeout for a specific view

I'm running Django 4.0.5 + Django Rest Framework + Nginx + Gunicorn
Sometimes, I'm going to need to handle some POST requests with a lot of data to process.
The user will wait for a "ok" or "fail" response and a list of ids resulting from the process.
Everything works fine so far for mid size body requests (this is subjective), but when I get into big ones, the process will take 1min+.
It's in these cases when I get a 500 error response from DRF, but my process in the background will keep running till the end (but user will not know it finished successfully).
I was doing some investigation and changed the Gunicorn timeout parameter (to 180), but didn't change the behavior in the service.
Is there a way to set a timeout larger than 60s at the #api_view or somewhere else?
Use celery async tasks to process such requests as background tasks.

Execute code after Response using Django's Async Views

I'm trying to execute a long running function (ex: sleep(30)) after a Django view returns a response. I've tried implementing the solutions suggested to similar questions:
How to execute code in Django after response has been sent
Execute code in Django after response has been sent to the
However, the client's page load only completes after the long running function completes running when using a WSGI server like gunicorn.
Now that Django supports asynchronous views is it possible to run a long running query asynchronously?
Obviously, I am looking for a solution regarding the same issue, to open a view which should start a background task and send a response to the client without waiting until started task is finished.
As far as I understand yet this is not one of the objectives of async view in Django. The problem is that all executed code is connected the the worker started to handle the http request. If the response is sent back to the client the worker cannot handle any other code / task anymore started in the view asynchronous. Therefore, all async functions require an "await" in front of. Consequently, the view will only send its response to the client if the awaited function is finished.
As I understand all background tasks must be pushed in a queue of tasks where another worker can catch each new task. There are several solution for this, like Djangp Channels or Django Q. However, I am not sure what is the most lightweighted solution.

django websockets cannot dispatch message on channel

I am using web sockets with Redis on Django. Django is running fine on macOS server but I started running it on Redhat Linux server and now the server gives me this error whenever I send a package over websockets:
ERROR - server - HTTP/WS send decode error:
Cannot dispatch message on channel
u'daphne.response.fzdRCEVZkh!nqhIpaLfWb' (unknown)
Note: while I get the error, the package will be received correctly.
I couldn't find any resources for this error.
I followed official instructions for channels.
According to Andrew Godwin (the developer of the channels package), this message is logged when you have a channel that was disconnected, but not removed from channel group(s):
Ah yes, that's Daphne being a little bit more verbose than before, I need to remove that. Don't worry about it - it's perfectly normal after you disconnect a channel that's still in a group. You might want to add a Group.discard call in a disconnect handler to stop it, though.
I had the same error, using a custom impl of channels.generic.websockets.WebsocketConsumer. After cleaning up channels from groups in disconnect callback, the message disappeared.
A short example with a class-based consumer: assuming you add clients to the broadcast group named foo on connection establishing. Then, on client disconnect, remove its channel from the group:
from channels import Group
from channels.generic.websockets import JsonWebsocketConsumer
class MyConsumer(JsonWebsocketConsumer):
groupname = 'foo'
def connect(self, message, **kwargs):
# send an accept or the connection will be dropped automatically
self.message.reply_channel.send({"accept": True})
# add the channel to the broadcast group
# do the rest of logic that should happen on connection established
def disconnect(self, message, **kwargs):
# do the rest of logic that should happen on disconnect

creating a web url that listens to redis pubsub published message

OK I have a long polling from javascript that talks to a django view. The view looks as follows. It loses some messages that I publish from redis client in the channel. Also I should not be connecting to redis for every request (Perhaps the redis variables can be saved in session?)
If someone can point out the changes I need to make this view work with long polling, it would be awesome! Thank you!
def listen (request):
if request.session: 'request session: %s' %(request.session))
channel = request.GET.get('channel', None)
if channel:'not in cache - first time - constructing redis object')
r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
p = r.pubsub()'subscribing to channel: %s' %(channel))
p.psubscribe(channel)'subscribed to channel: %s' %(channel))
message = p.listen().next()'got msg %s' %(message))
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(message));
return HttpResponse('')
----Original question---
I am trying to create a chat application (using django, python) and am trying to avoid the polling mechanism. I have been struggling with this now - so any pointers would be really appreciated!
Since web sockets are not supported in most browsers, I think long polling is the right choice. Right now I am looking for something that scales better than regular polling and is easy to integrate with python django stack. Once I am done with this development, I plan to evaluate other python frameworks (tornado twister, gevent etc.) come to mind.
I did some research and liked the redis pubsub mechanism. The chat message gets published to a channel to which both users have already subscribed to. Following are my questions:
From what I understand, apache would not scale well since long polling would soon run into process/thread limits. Hence I have decided to switch to nginx. Is this rationale correct? Also are there any issues involved in nginx that I am worried about? In particular, I am worried about the latest version not supporting http 1.1 for proxy passing as mentioned in the blog post at
How do I create the client portion of the subscription of messages on the browser side? In my mind, it would be a url to which the javascript code would "long poll". So at the javascript level, the client would poll a url which gets "blocked" in a "non blocking way" at the server side. When a result (in this case a new chat message) appears, server returns the result. Javascript does what it needs to and then again polls the same url. Is this thinking correct? What happens in between the intervals when the javascript loop is pausing - do we loose any messages from the server side.
In essence, I want to create the following:
From redis, I publish a message to a channel "foo" (can use redis-cli also - easy to incorporate it later in python/django)
I want the same message to appear in two browser windows that use the same js code to poll. Assume that the browser code knows the channel name for test purpose
I publish a second message that again appears in two browser windows.
I am new to real time apps, so apologies for any question that may not make sense.
Thank you!
Well just answering your question partly and mentioning one option out of many: Gunicorn being used with an async worker class is a solution for long-polling/non-blocking requests that is really easy to setup!