I want to keep the object permanently at a certain distance from the camera. How i can made this? I tried this:
vec3 obj_pos = -cam->Get_CameraPos() ;
obj_pos .z -= 10.0f ;
o_modelMatrix = glm::translate(o_modelMatrix, obj_pos);
but it's not working; The object simply stands on the determined position and not moving
Full code of render:
void MasterRenderer::renderPlane() {
glm::mat4 o_modelMatrix;
glm::mat4 o_view = cam->Get_ViewMatrix();
glm::mat4 o_projection = glm::perspective(static_cast<GLfloat>(glm::radians(cam->Get_fov())),
static_cast<GLfloat>(WIDTH) / static_cast<GLfloat>(HEIGHT), 0.1f, 1000.0f);
glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(PlaneShader->ShaderProgramID, "projection"), 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(o_projection ));
glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(PlaneShader->ShaderProgramID, "view"), 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(o_view ));
vec3 eye_pos = vec3(o_view [3][0], o_view [3][1], o_view [3][2]); //or cam->getCameraPosition();
glm::vec3 losDirection = glm::normalize(vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f) - eye_pos);
vec3 obj_pos = eye_pos + losDirection * 1.0f;
b_modelMatrix = scale(o_modelMatrix, vec3(20.0f));
b_modelMatrix = glm::translate(b_modelMatrix, obj_pos );
"model"), 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(o_modelMatrix));
/// draw
Maybe this is a shot from the hip, but I suppose that you set up a lookat matrix and that you the position of your object is defined in world coordinates.
Commonly a camera is defined by a eye position, at target (center) position and an up vector.
The direction in which the camera looks is the line of sight, which is the unit vector from the eye position to the target position.
Calcualte the line of sight:
glm::vec3 cameraPosition ...; // the eye position
glm::vec3 cameraTarget ...; // the traget (center) posiiton
glm::vec3 losDirection = glm::normalize( cameraTarget - cameraPosition );
Possibly the camera class knows the direction of view (line of sight), then you can skip this calculation.
If the object is always to be placed a certain distance in front of the camera, the position of the object is the position of the camera plus a distance in the direction of the line of sight:
float distance = ...;
float objectPosition = cameraPosition + losDirection * distance;
glm::mat4 modelPosMat = glm::translate( glm::mat4(1.0f) , objectPosition );
glm::mat4 objectModelMat = ...; // initial model matrix of the object
o_modelMatrix = modelPosMat * objectModelMat;
Note the objectModelMat is the identity matrix if the object has no further transformations glm::mat4(1.0f).
so you want to move the object with camera (instead of moving camera with object like camera follow). If this is just for some GUI stuff you can use different static view matrices for it. But if you want to do this in way you suggested then this is the way:
First we need few 3D 4x4 homogenuous transform matrices (read the link to see how to disect/construct what you need). So lets define some matrices we need for this:
C - inverse camera matrix (no projection)
M - direct object matrix
R - direct object rotation
Each matrix has 4 vectors X,Y,Z are the axises of the coordinate system represented by it and O is the origin. Direct matrix means the matrix directly represents the coordinate system and inverse means that it is the inverse of such matrix.
so we want to construct M so it is placed at some distance d directly in front of C and has rotation R. I assume you are using perspective projection and C viewing direction is -Z axis. So what you need to do is compute position of M. That is easy you just do this:
iC = inverse(C); // get the direct matrix of camera
M = R; // set rotation of object
M.O = iC.O - d*iC.Z; // set position of object
The M.O = (M[12],M[13],M[14]) and iC.Z = (iC.Z[8],iC.Z[9],iC.Z[10]) so if you got direct access to your matrix you can do this on your own in case GLM does not provide element access.
Beware that all this is for standard OpenGL matrix convention and multiplication order. If you use DirectX convention instead then M,R are inverse and C is direct matrix so you would need to change the equations accordingly. Sorry I do not use GLM so I am not confident to generate any code for you.
In case you want to apply camera rotations on object rotations too then you need to change M = R to M = R*iC or M = iC*R which depends on what effect you want to achieve.
It's work fine with not multiplication, but addition
obj_pos = glm::normalize(glm::cross(vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f), vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)));
o_modelMatrix[3][0] = camera_pos.x;
o_modelMatrix[3][1] = camera_pos.y;
o_modelMatrix[3][2] = camera_pos.z + distance;
o_modelMatrix = glm::translate(o_modelMatrix, obj_pos);
I'm trying to visualize a simple quad made of -1 to 1 vertices along x and y axis. Why opengl clips the object? The code seems correct to me
glm::mat4 m = glm::translate(glm::mat4{1.0f}, toGlmVec3(objectPosition));
glm::mat4 v = glm::lookAtLH(toGlmVec3(cameraPosition), toGlmVec3(objectPosition), glm::vec3(0, 1, 0));
glm::mat4 p = glm::perspective(glm::radians(50.f), float(640.f) / 480.f, 0.0001f, 100.f);
glm::mat4 mvp = /* p* */ v * m; // when I take p back, the object disappears completely
testShader.setVector4("u_color", math::Vector4f(0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f));
testShader.setMatrix4("u_mMVP", mvp);
in shader's code only a line
gl_Position = u_mMVP * vec4(a_Pos, 1.0);
after moving the camera a bit along z axis
if I comment out v *, then it works fine and object moves along x and y axis on the screen
without view matrix, only model:
move the object along x and y
so it looks like the rendering code is working fine but what is wrong with view and projection matrices?
The object is clipped by the near and far plane of the Orthographic projection. If you don't explicitly set an projection matrix, the projection matrix is the Identity matrix. The near plane far pane are at +/- 1.
Use glm::ortho to define a different projection matrix. e.g.:
glm::mat4 p = glm::ortho(-1, 1, -1, 1, -10, 10);
The orthographic projection matrix defines a cuboid viewing volume around the position of the viewer. All geometry outside of this volume is clipped.
I need to extract the transform matrix from my camera to assign it to a mesh.
I'm working in a computational graphics project in school, the objective is to simulate the arms of a character in first person perspective.
My camera implementation includes a vector3 for the camera position, so i can assign that to my mesh, the problem is that i can't extract the rotation of the camera from my view matrix yet.
I calculate my final pitch and yaw in the rotation function this way, x and y are the current mouse position in the screen
m_yaw += (x - m_mouseLastPosition.x) * m_rotateSpeed;
m_pitch -= (y - m_mouseLastPosition.y) * m_rotateSpeed;
This is how i update the view matrix when it changes
glm::vec3 newFront;
newFront.x = -cos(glm::radians(m_yaw)) * cos(glm::radians(m_pitch));
newFront.y = sin(glm::radians(m_yaw)) * cos(glm::radians(m_pitch));
newFront.z = sin(glm::radians(m_pitch));
m_front = glm::normalize(newFront);
m_right = glm::normalize(glm::cross(m_front, m_worldUp));
m_up = glm::normalize(glm::cross(m_right, m_front));
m_viewMatrix = glm::lookAt(m_position, (m_position + m_front), m_up);
Right now I can assign the position of the camera to my mesh, like this
m_mesh.m_transform = glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0f), m_camera.m_position);
I can assign the camera position successfully, but not rotation.
What i expect is to assign the full camera transform to my mesh, or to extract the rotation independently and assign it to the mesh after.
The steps to setting up the model view projection matrix, that I have always followed (which doesn't mean it's 100% right), which appears to be what you are having problems with is:
// Eye position is in world coordinate system, as is scene_center. up_vector is normalized.
glm::dmat4 view = glm::lookat(eye_position, scene_center, up_vector);
glm::dmat4 proj = glm::perspective(field_of_view, aspect, near_x, far_x);
// This converts the model from it's units, to the units of the world coordinate system
glm::dmat4 model = glm::scale(glm::dmat4(1.0), glm::dvec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
// Add model level rotations here utilizing glm::rotate
// offset is where the objects 0,0 should be mapped to in the world coordinate system
model = glm::translate(model, offset);
// Order of course matters here.
glm::dvec3 mvp = proj * view * model;
Hope that helps.
Thank you so much for your answers, they helped a lot.
I managed to solve my problem in a very simple way, i just had to directly assign the final transform to my mesh using the separate properties of my camera.
glm is so new to me, i wasn't familiar with the way it handles matrix multiplications.
The final code takes a translation matrix with the camera position, then i rotated the resulting matrix in the Y axis with my pitch and finaly the resulting one rotates in the X axis with my yaw.
m_mesh.m_transform = glm::rotate(glm::rotate(glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0f), camera.m_position), glm::radians(-camera.m_yaw), glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)), glm::radians(-camera.m_pitch), glm::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
I am building a modeling program and I'd like to do transformations on objects in their own space and then assign that single object to a group to rotate around another axis which the group rotates around. However, I'd also like to be able to do transformations in the object's own space when it's combined.
Manipulating the individual object, I pick the object's center.
glm::mat4 transform;
transform = glm::translate(transform, - obj.meshCenter);
glm::mat4 transform1;
transform1 = glm::translate(transform1, obj.meshCenter);
obj.rotation = transform1*obj.thisRot*transform;
I then send this off to the shader,
glUniformMatrix4fv(modelLoc, 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(obj.translation*obj.rotation*objscale);
I would now like to rotate this object around another axis, say an axis of (5,0,0) of 45 degrees.
I now have:
glm::mat4 groupR;
groupR = glm::rotate(groupR,glm::degrees(45.0f),glm::vec3(5,0,0));
obj.groupRotation = groupR;
glUniformMatrix4fv(modelLoc, 1, GL_FALSE,
I've now moved the object from it's local space to the Group space.
I'm having a bit of difficulty now operating tranformations in the object's own space when combined with the Group's rotation.
I've had limited success when I set the groupR axis to (0,1,0) like so:
///Translating object in its own space///
glm::mat4 R = obj.groupRotation;
obj.translation = glm::inverse(R) * obj.translate * R;
the problem here is that this will only translate the object correctly in it's own space if the axis of rotation of R (Group's rotation) is equal to (0,1,0):
///Rotating object in its own space///
glm::mat4 R = obj.groupRotation;
obj.rotation = glm::inverse(R) * obj.rot * R;
Again, the rotations are incorrect. I'm thinking that maybe I have to undo the groupR's axis translation? and then re-apply it somewhere?
Let's assume we have an object that is moved, rotated and scaled, and we define a transformation matrix as follows:
glm::mat4 objTrans ...; // translation
glm::mat4 objRot ...; // roation
glm::mat4 objScale ...; // scaling
glm::mat4 objMat = objTrans * objRot * objScale;
And we have rotation matrix that we want to run on the object. In this case we have rotation around the Z-axis:
foat angle ...; // rotation angle
glm::mat4 rotMat = glm::rotate( angle, glm::vec3( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) );
We have several rotations we can do with this information.
First we want to rotate the object on its local axis:
glm::mat4 modelMat = objMat * rotMat;
A Rotation around the worlds origin can be performed like this:
glm::mat4 modelMat = rotMat * objMat;
In order to rotate around the origin of the object in the world coordinate system, we must eliminate the rotation of the object:
glm::mat4 modelMat = objMat * (glm::inverse(objRot) * rotMat * objRot);
A Rotation around the worlds origin in relation to the object you have to do the opposite:
glm::mat4 modelMat = (objRot * rotMat * glm::inverse(objRot)) * objMat;
If you have a complete transformations matrix for an object and you do not know the rotation part, then it can be easily determined.
Note that a transformation matrix usually looks like this:
( X-axis.x, X-axis.y, X-axis.z, 0 )
( Y-axis.x, Y-axis.y, Y-axis.z, 0 )
( Z-axis.x, Z-axis.y, Z-axis.z, 0 )
( trans.x, trans.y, trans.z, 1 )
To generate a rotation only matrix you have to extract the normalized axis vectors:
glm::mat4 a ...; // any matrix
glm::vec3 x = glm::normalize( a[0][0], a[0][1], a[0][2] );
glm::vec3 y = glm::normalize( a[1][0], a[1][1], a[1][2] );
glm::vec3 z = glm::normalize( a[2][0], a[2][1], a[2][2] );
glm::mat4 r;
r[0][0] = x[0]; r[0][1] = x[1]; r[0][2] = x[2]; r[0][3] = 0.0f;
r[1][0] = y[0]; r[1][1] = y[1]; r[1][2] = y[2]; r[0][3] = 0.0f;
r[2][0] = z[0]; r[2][1] = z[1]; r[2][2] = z[2]; r[0][3] = 0.0f;
r[3][0] = 0.0f; r[3][1] = 0.0f; r[3][2] = 0.0f; r[0][3] = 1.0f;
Here is a partial answer to the behavior I want and the setup I used. This seems to be what I need to do to get the correct transforms in object space while apart of a group rotation.
Here I have a model composed of 7 different individual meshes that is rotated around the origin of (0,5,0) on the y Axis, this is just an arbitrary rotation I choose for testing.
for (int i = 0; i < models.at(currentSelectedPointer.x)->meshes.size()i++)
glm::mat4 rotMat;
rotMat = glm::translate(rotMat, glm::vec3(5, 0, 0));
rotMat = glm::rotate(rotMat, f, glm::vec3(0, 1.0, 0.0));
rotMat = glm::translate(rotMat, glm::vec3(-5, 0, 0));
models.at(currentSelectedPointer.x)->meshes.at(i).groupRotation = rotMat;
all the meshes are now rotating around (0,5,0) as a group, not at (0,5,0), on the Y axis.
to do the correct rotation transform on a single object in it's own object space, I have to undo the location of the groupRotation's origin (Sorry for the messy code, but I did it in steps like this to keep everything seperated and easily disectable). Also the individual object has an identity matrix for both it's translation and it's scale.
//These will be used to shift the groupRotation origin back to the
// origin in order to rotate around the object's origin.
glm::mat4 gotoGroupAxis;
gotoGroupAxis= glm::translate(gotoGroupAxis, glm::vec3(5, 0, 0));
glm::mat4 goBack ;
goBack = glm::translate(goBack , glm::vec3(-5, 0, 0));
////////Group rotation and it's inverse
glm::mat4 tempGroupRot = goBack *obj.groupRotation*gotoGroupAxis;
glm::mat4 tempGroupRotInverse= glm::inverse(tempGroupRot);
//thisRot and lastRot are matrix variables I use to accumulate and
//save rotations
obj.thisRot = tempGroupRotInverse*
glm::toMat4(currentRotation)*tempGroupRot *
//now I translate the object's rotation origin to it's center.
glm::mat4 transform = glm::translate(transform, -obj.meshCenter);
glm::mat4 transform1 = glm::translate(transform1, obj.meshCenter);
//Finally I rotate the object in it's own space.
obj.rotation = transform1*obj.thisRot*transform;
//Translation works as well with
obj.finalTranslation= tempGroupRotInverse*
obj.translation * tempGroupRot ;
This is only a partial answer because I'm going to be doing transforms on an object level and group level and I'm almost certain that something will go wrong down the line that hasn't been taken into account by the answer I've posted.
I am using glm to create a camera class, and I am running into some problems with a lookat function. I am using a quaternion to represent rotation, but I want to use glm's prewritten lookat function to avoid duplicating code. This is my lookat function right now:
void Camera::LookAt(float x, float y, float z) {
glm::mat4 lookMat = glm::lookAt(position, glm::vec3(x, y, z), glm::vec3(0, 1, 0));
rotation = glm::toQuat(lookMat);
However when I call LookAt(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f), my camera is not rotated to that point. When I call glm::eulerangles(rotation) after the lookat call, I get a vec3 with the following values: (180.0f, 0.0f, 180.0f). position is (0.0f,0.0f,-10.0f), so I should not have any rotation at all to look at 0,0,0. This is the function which builds the view matrix:
glm::mat4 Camera::GetView() {
view = glm::toMat4(rotation) * glm::translate(glm::mat4(), position);
return view;
Why am I not getting the correct quaternion, and how can I fix my code?
You have to invert the rotation of the quaternion by conjugating it:
using namespace glm;
quat orientation = conjugate(toQuat(lookAt(vecA, vecB, up)));
The lookAt function is a replacement for gluLookAt, which is used to construct a view matrix.
The view matrix is used to rotate the world around the viewer, and is therefore the inverse of the cameras transform.
By taking the inverse of the inverse, you can get the actual transform.
I ran into something similar, the short answer is your lookMat might need to be inverted/transposed, because it is a camera rotation (at least in my case), as opposed to a world rotation. Rotating the world would be a inverse of a camera rotation.
I have a m_current_quat which is a quaternion that stores the current camera rotation. I debugged the issue by printing out the matrix produced by glm::lookAt, and comparing with the resulting matrix that I get by applying m_current_quat and a translation by m_camera_position. Here is the relevant code for my test.
void PrintMatrix(const GLfloat m[16], const string &str)
printf("%s:\n", str.c_str());
for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
//for (int j=i*4+0; j<i*4+4; j++) // row major, 0, 1, 2, 3
for (int j=i+0; j<16; j+=4) // OpenGL is column major by default, 0, 4, 8, 12
//printf("%d, ", j); // print matrix index
printf("%.2f, ", m[j]);
void CameraQuaternion::SetLookAt(glm::vec3 look_at)
m_camera_look_at = look_at;
// update the initial camera direction and up
//m_initial_camera_direction = glm::normalize(m_camera_look_at - m_camera_position);
//glm::vec3 initial_right_vector = glm::cross(m_initial_camera_direction, glm::vec3(0, 1, 0));
//m_initial_camera_up = glm::cross(initial_right_vector, m_initial_camera_direction);
m_camera_direction = glm::normalize(m_camera_look_at - m_camera_position);
glm::vec3 right_vector = glm::cross(m_camera_direction, glm::vec3(0, 1, 0));
m_camera_up = glm::cross(right_vector, m_camera_direction);
glm::mat4 lookat_matrix = glm::lookAt(m_camera_position, m_camera_look_at, m_camera_up);
// Note: m_current_quat quat stores the camera rotation with respect to the camera space
// The lookat_matrix produces a transformation for world space, where we rotate the world
// with the camera at the origin
// Our m_current_quat need to be an inverse, which is accompolished by transposing the lookat_matrix
// since the rotation matrix is orthonormal.
m_current_quat = glm::toQuat(glm::transpose(lookat_matrix));
// Testing: Make sure our model view matrix after gluLookAt, glmLookAt, and m_current_quat agrees
GLfloat current_model_view_matrix[16];
//Test 1: gluLookAt
gluLookAt(m_camera_position.x, m_camera_position.y, m_camera_position.z,
m_camera_look_at.x, m_camera_look_at.y, m_camera_look_at.z,
m_camera_up.x, m_camera_up.y, m_camera_up.z);
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, current_model_view_matrix);
PrintMatrix(current_model_view_matrix, "Model view after gluLookAt");
//Test 2: glm::lookAt
lookat_matrix = glm::lookAt(m_camera_position, m_camera_look_at, m_camera_up);
PrintMatrix(glm::value_ptr(lookat_matrix), "Model view after glm::lookAt");
//Test 3: m_current_quat
glMultMatrixf( glm::value_ptr( glm::transpose(glm::mat4_cast(m_current_quat))) );
glTranslatef(-m_camera_position.x, -m_camera_position.y, -m_camera_position.z);
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, current_model_view_matrix);
PrintMatrix(current_model_view_matrix, "Model view after quaternion transform");
Hope this helps.
I want to use glm's prewritten lookat function to avoid duplicating code.
But it's not duplicating code. The matrix that comes out of glm::lookat is just a mat4. Going through the conversion from a quaternion to 3 vectors, only so that glm::lookat can convert it back into an orientation is just a waste of time. You've already done 85% of lookat's job; just do the rest.
You are getting the (or better: a) correct rotation.
When I call glm::eulerangles(rotation) after the lookat call, I get a
vec3 with the following values: (180.0f, 0.0f, 180.0f). position is
(0.0f,0.0f,-10.0f), so I should not have any rotation at all to look
at 0,0,0.
glm is following the conventions of the old fixed-function GL. And there, eye space was defined as the camera placed at origin, with x pointng to the right, y up and looking in -z direction. Since you want to look in positive z direction, the camera has to turn. Now, as a human, I would have described that as a rotation of 180 degrees around y, but a rotation of 180 degrees around x in combination with another 180 degrees rotation aroundz will have the same effect.
When multiplied by the LookAt view matrix, the world-space vectors are rotated (brought) into the camera's view while the camera's orientation is kept in place.
So an actual rotation of the camera by 45 degress to the right is achieved with a matrix which applies a 45 degree rotation to the left to all the world-space vertices.
For a Camera object you would need to get its local forward and up direction vectors in order to calculate a lookAt view matrix.
viewMatrix = glm::lookAtLH (position, position + camera_forward, camera_up);
When using quaternions to store the orientation of an object (be it a camera or anything else), usually this rotation quat is used to calculate the vectors which define its local-space (left-handed one in the below example):
glm::vec3 camera_forward = rotation * glm::vec3(0,0,1); // +Z is forward direction
glm::vec3 camera_right = rotation * glm::vec3(1,0,0); // +X is right direction
glm::vec3 camera_up = rotation * glm::vec3(0,1,0); // +Y is up direction
Thus, the world-space directions should be rotated 45 degress to the right in order to reflect the correct orientation of the camera.
This is why the lookMat or the quat obtained from it cannot be directly used for this purpose, since the orientation they describe is a reversed one.
Correct rotation can be done in two ways:
Calculate the inverse of the lookAt matrix and multiply the world-space direction vectors by this rotation matrix
(more efficient) Convert the LookAt matrix into a quaternion and conjugate it instead of applying glm::inverse, since the result is a unit quat and for such quats the inverse is equal to the conjugate.
Your LookAt should look like this:
void Camera::LookAt(float x, float y, float z) {
glm::mat4 lookMat = glm::lookAt(position, glm::vec3(x, y, z), glm::vec3(0, 1, 0));
rotation = glm::conjugate( glm::quat_cast(lookMat));
It does look at the target when I move to the target to the right and looks at it up until it goes 180 degrees of the -zaxis and decides to go the other way.
Matrix4x4 camera::GetViewMat()
Matrix4x4 oRotate, oView;
Vector3 lookAtDir = m_targetPosition - m_camPosition;
Vector3 lookAtHorizontal = Vector3(lookAtDir.GetX(), 0.0f, lookAtDir.GetZ());
float angle = acosf(Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f).Dot(lookAtHorizontal));
Quaternions horizontalOrient(angle, Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
ori = horizontalOrient;
oRotate = ori.ToMatrix();
Vector3 inverseTranslate = Vector3(-m_camPosition.GetX(), -m_camPosition.GetY(), -m_camPosition.GetZ());
oRotate.Set(0, 3, inverseTranslate.GetX());
oRotate.Set(1, 3, inverseTranslate.GetY());
oRotate.Set(2, 3, inverseTranslate.GetZ());
oView = oRotate;
return oView;
As promised, a bit of code showing the way I'd make a camera look at a specific point in space at all times.
First of all, we'd need a method to construct a quaternion from an angle and an axis, I happen to have that on pastebin, the angle input is in radians:
Make sure you don't input the axis (0,0,0), which wouldn't make any sense whatsoever.
Now the actual update method, we need to get the quaternion rotating the camera from default orientation to pointing towards the target point. PLEASE note I just wrote this out of the top of my head, it probably needs a little debugging and may need a little optimization, but this should at least give you a push in the right direction.
void camera::update()
// First get the direction from the camera's position to the target point
vec3 lookAtDir = m_targetPoint - m_position;
// I'm going to divide the vector into two 'components', the Y axis rotation
// and the Up/Down rotation, like a regular camera would work.
// First to calculate the rotation around the Y axis, so we zero out the y
// component:
vec3 lookAtHorizontal = vec3(lookAtDir.x, 0.0f, lookAtDir.z).normalize();
// Get the quaternion from 'default' direction to the horizontal direction
// In this case, 'default' direction is along the -z axis, like most OpenGL
// programs. Make sure the projection matrix works according to this.
float angle = acos(vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f).dot(lookAtHorizontal));
quaternion horizontalOrient(angle, vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
// Since we already stripped the Y component, we can simply get the up/down
// rotation from it as well.
angle = acos(lookAtDir.normalize().dot(lookAtHorizontal));
if(angle) horizontalOrient *= quaternion(angle, lookAtDir.cross(lookAtHorizontal));
// ...
m_orientation = horizontalOrient;
Now to actually take m_orientation and m_position and get the world -> camera matrix
// First inverse each element (-position and inverse the quaternion),
// the position is rotated since the position within a matrix is 'added' last
// to the output vector, so it needs to account for rotation of the space.
mat3 rotationMatrix = m_orientation.inverse().toMatrix();
vec3 inverseTranslate = rotationMatrix * -m_position; // Note the minus
mat4 matrix = mat3; // just means the matrix is expanded, the last entry (bottom right of the matrix) is a 1.0f like an identity matrix would be.
// This bit is row-major in my case, you just need to set the translation of the matrix.
matrix[3] = inverseTranslate.x;
matrix[7] = inverseTranslate.y;
matrix[11] = inverseTranslate.z;
EDIT I think it should be obvious but just for completeness, .dot() takes the dot product of the vectors, .cross() takes the cross product, the object executing the method is vector A, and the parameter of the method is vector B.