Access CouchDB with external URL - amazon-web-services

I have installed CouchDB in my AWS server. When I run the command
curl localhost:5984
then I got a response like:
But when I run this command:
curl ip_address:5984
then it gives:
curl: (7) Failed to connect to Ip-address port 5984: Connection refused

Your CouchDB is not listening on all interfaces. Edit your couch.ini file and modify the line to:
bind_address =
and restart couch service. If it still doesn't work, post the output of netstat -plan | grep 5984.
Clearly explained here: CouchDB HTTP Server
bind_address : Defines the IP address by which CouchDB will be accessible:
bind_address =
To let CouchDB listen any available IP address, just set up value:
bind_address =


Attempting to ssh tunnel to another server within the vpc to a specific port to access my api

This is an odd scenario. Essentially, within a vpc, I am attempting to create an ssh tunnel from server A to server B in which server B hosts the api at port 9000, and server A wants to be able to reverse proxy to port say 5000 which should pass the query to server B's port 9000, and return data. I have been tearing my hair out. I currently have gotten this far:
ssh 3000:localhost3000 -vvv -N -i rsa.pem serverB#serverBIP
after which I have attempted to access the port 22 on server A using a curl request but I got a response -- curl: (1) Received HTTP/0.9 when not allowed
I also tried specifying a port
ssh -vvv -N -i rsa.pem serverB#serverBIP -p3000
which quits on me entirely with the response: ssh: connect to host serverBIp port 3000: No route to host
Finally, I tried
ssh -vvv -N -i workstation_pem.pem 3000:localhost:3000 serverBUser#serverBID
which results in Could not resolve hostname 3000:localhost:3000: Name or service not known
Please advise, I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I feel like this should be simple, but I am struggling to get it to work - a simple tunnel from one instance to another at a port to port on server B where serverB has a gunicorn server running
You would need to login to ServerA and then run this command:
ssh -i key.pem -N -L 5000:serverBIP:9000 serverBUser#serverBIP
This tells the computer on which it is run (which is ServerA) to listen on port 5000 and send any incoming requests to port 9000 on ServerB.
Detailed explanation: - ssh -i key.pem -N -L 5000:serverBIP:9000 serverBUser#serverBIP
See also: SSH/OpenSSH/PortForwarding - Community Help Wiki

code-server WebSocket close with status code 1006

I am trying to install code-server 3.6.2 on a cloud platform. I have tried both AWS and digitalocean machines but in both systems, I can open code server but it gives an error "WebSocket close with status code 1006".
I have followed the procedure from
code-server uses websocket to connect.Do you use HTTPS?
If so, you should Use wss to forward this:
// forward websocket (wss -> ws)
httpsServer.on('upgrade', function (req, socket, head) {, socket, head, {
target: 'ws://...',
ws: true
Usually this and other errors happen when you use code server locally
To solve it you can use the --link parameter that gives you a url with temporary https, or you can also use ngrok
//Option 1
code-server --host --bind-addr --auth password --link
//Option 2
code-server --host --bind-addr --auth password
ngrok http 9000

How to run daphne in localhost with https and mkcert

I am trying to run a django-channels project locally using https (the app has a facebook login that requires https).
I have followed the instructions for generating a key and certificate using mkcert ( ) and have attempted to use the key and certificate by running daphne -e ssl:443:privateKey=localhost+1-key.pem:certKey=localhost+1.pem django_project.asgi:application -p 8000 -b
The server seems to be starting OK however when I try to visit nothing happens and eventually I get a 'took too long to respond' message.
No new output is added to the standard daphne output that appears when I start up the server:
2019-07-16 19:23:27,818 INFO HTTP/2 support enabled
2019-07-16 19:23:27,818 INFO Configuring endpoint ssl:8443:privateKey=../sec/localhost+1-key.pem:certKey=../sec/localhost+1.pem
2019-07-16 19:23:27,823 INFO Listening on TCP address
2019-07-16 19:23:27,823 INFO Configuring endpoint tcp:port=8000:interface=
2019-07-16 19:23:27,824 INFO Listening on TCP address
Can anyone help with this?
You should map the 8000 host port to port 443 of the container while runnig the server.
docker run ... -p 8000:443 ...
Turns out that setting up the Twisted ssl stuff overrides the port that you're setting up in daphne, so in the example above, the site would be shown on port 443

python flask does not work behind HTTP proxy

I suspect the issue is the HTTP proxy in the server. But I am not sure.
I set up a hello world Flask app on Ubuntu, I was able to access the page by
elinks http://localhost:5000, # and
elinks, # but not
elinks http://<server_ip_in_LAN>:5000 # I was also not able to remote access the page on another machine
Then I looked at my proxy settings, in /etc/environment, it has the following:
Further, I use ufw to control the firewall, port 5000 is allowed from anywhere.
And I was able to see the following by running nmap -Pn localhost
$ nmap -Pn localhost
Starting Nmap 7.01 ( ) at 2017-08-04 21:09 EDT
Nmap scan report for localhost (
Host is up (0.00016s latency).
Other addresses for localhost (not scanned): ::1
Not shown: 994 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
3000/tcp open ppp
5000/tcp open upnp
5432/tcp open postgresql
8080/tcp open http-proxy
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.09 seconds
However, if I run
nmap -Pn <server_ip_in_LAN>,
the "5000/tcp open upnp" line was missing, implying the port number seems only open to my localhost, but not open to LAN.
Why? How can I solve it?
Thanks in advance.
Flask often use internal host:
. So you can connect by server_ip_in_LAN by change host IP: '')
I have faced the similar kind of issue when I was trying to set my first pycharm project for flask.
Things you need to check
HTTP Proxy(if you are behind a proxy)
Verify the proxy details if proxy added
Check for port if not already used.
for flask specific(if you want to run on specific host and port)'',port='5000', debug=True)
It gets started on you can change it to localhost.

Amazon AWS EC2 ports: connection refused

I have just created an EC2 instance on a brand new AWS account, behind a security group, and loaded some software on it. I am running Sinatra on the machine on port 4567 (currently), and have opened that port in my security group to whole world. Further, I am able to ssh into the EC2 instance, but I cannot connect on port 4567. I am using the public IP to connect:
shakuras:~ tyler$ curl **.***.**.***:22
SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.2p2 Ubuntu-6ubuntu0.1
curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
shakuras:~ tyler$ curl **.***.**.***:4567
curl: (7) Failed connect to **.***.**.***:4567; Connection refused
But my webserver is running, since I can see the site when I curl from localhost:
ubuntu#ip-172-31-8-160:~$ curl localhost:4567
Hello world! Welcome
I thought it might be the firewall but I ran iptables and got:
ubuntu#ip-172-31-8-160:~$ sudo iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
I'm pretty lost on what is going on here. Why can't I connect from the outside world?
Are you sure that the web server is listening on other interfaces than localhost?
Check the output of
netstat -an | grep 4567
If it isn't listening on then that is the cause.
This sounds like issue with the Sinatra binding. Could check this and this and even this link which talks about binding Sinatra to all IP addresses.
You are listening on based on your netstat command. This is what the output should be something like this:
tcp 0 0 :::8080 :::* LISTEN
Can you post your Sinatra configs? What are you using to start it ?
This doesnot work on a simple Amazon AMI , with installation as shown in
Step 1 , 2, 3 works (agent installation and starting demon ) as shown
[ec2-user#ip-<ip> ~]$ curl http://localhost:51678/v1/metadata
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 51678: Connection refused
infact netstat shows some listening tcp ports but one able to connect , definitely not 51678 tcp .
If you're using Amazon EC2 and make sure that you have security rule in Custom TCP for in security groups, and still can't connect; try adding to first line of the /etc/hosts by
sudo nvim /etc/hosts
add space to the last ip on the first line, and it should look like localhost