Unable to access Application Server with Port 9444 - wso2

I have change the carbon.xml, Offset 0 to 1
Server started with message:
[2017-08-03 11:51:56,169] INFO {org.wso2.carbon.ui.internal.CarbonUIServiceComponent} - Mgt Console URL : https://IP:9444/carbon/
But I am not able to access to Application server with the URL above

Issue have been resolved.
My LAN connection have blocked the port.


WSO2 5.11 Console trying to reach localhost instead server

I have WSO2 IS 5.11 installed on a server under https://server1.wso2.com.
When Im trying to reach new console app Im getting redirected to:
and then to authorize endpoint:
Why Im getting redirected to localhost:9443? I checked my configuration and there is no localhost in resident IdP.
This can happen due to the server configurations set on WSO2IS, to change that go to <IS-HOME>/repository/conf directory and open deployment.toml configuration file and change the
hostname = "https://server1.wso2.com"
Also, you can check load balancer configurations/ port mapping and opening ports from the server configurations from the server that you use.

WSO2 inaccessible from internet

I'm running WSO 5 components cluster (KeyManager, Gateway, Publisher, Store, Traffic Manager), each component has his own server and they are all exist in the same LAN.
Finally i got to a point where every component is running with no errors and i get this message below,
[2018-02-23 23:42:12,475] INFO - StartupFinalizerServiceComponent Server
: WSO2 API Manager-2.1.0
[2018-02-23 23:42:12,476] INFO - StartupFinalizerServiceComponent WSO2
Carbon started in 54 sec
[2018-02-23 23:42:12,720] INFO - CarbonUIServiceComponent Mgt Console URL
[2018-02-23 23:42:12,720] INFO - CarbonUIServiceComponent API Publisher
DefaultContext :
[2018-02-23 23:42:12,720] INFO - CarbonUIServiceComponent API Store Default
Context :
wget -O- https://localhost:9443/publisher --no-check-certificate - give me the page and i can see its running locally, however , i cant reach the url from its external IP
Firewall disabled on CentOS. (firewall--cmd not exist)
I've tried also to use reverse proxy to my LAN publisher address:9443 but still no luck.
Appreciate your assistance.
Found the issue, although there is no firewall not sure why publisher ui management was not accessible from internet through port 9443
Finally i changed the port to 8080 on repository/conf/tomcat/catalina-server.xml and it worked.

How can I enable my laptop to receive HTTP requests over port 8080 on my private network?

I'm behind a router and I have a web service hosted on Tomcat on my laptop. It's running on port 8080. I want my phone, also connected to my home network to be able to send HTTP requests to my laptop on port 8080. I installed a REST service app on my phone that allows me to send customized HTTP requests to wherever, and I tried sending it to, where is the address of my laptop on my home network and /web-service/test is the url I'm using to interact with the web-service, but I keep getting an "invalid request" message. When I access the web-service through that url using localhost:8080/web-service/test on my laptop the text that's printed in the browser is "running," but not when accessed through the phone.
I also tried pinging my laptop from my phone using another app and the ping is successful. The firewall is turned off and network sharing is on (windows 10). Anyone have any idea why I cannot access the web-service using
the problem was with the rest api testing app i was using on my phone. for some reason it was showing me an "invalid request" message even if the same url worked when i visited it from the chrome app. but basically it was working the entire time.

Server listening to localhost:8080 can Apache still listen to port 80?

I have a C++ server in linux using Mongoose listening on port 8080 for http requests. I'm using port 8080 because I have an Apache server already using port 80.
The reason I have my C++ server listening for http requests is so that I can receive the http GET sent by Facebook to get a user's Facebook info. For the Facebook server side Auth I'm redirecting to localhost:8080.
I am correctly getting the information sent from Facebook, but now Apache isn't serving up my html to the clients webpage (which works correctly if I only redirect to localhost).
Is it possible to make both of these work? Is the client still trying to get the index.html from port 80 or does it expect 8080 to now send this?
Is 80 equal 8080? Apparently no. So the both ports might be listened by different applications.
Try to inspect income requests with Wireshark (packet analyzer).

WebService timeout

I have a problem with deploying my web service in our Web server. In my
development machine (inside of our LAN), everything works fine. When I move
the application into our Web server (public addressed), I always get the
timeout exception. while i connecting the web service through my web browser it works fine with no issues, but through application am getting the timeout error. My app connects to our database server (inside of our LAN) to get statistical data in form of datasets. can i know the issue about this point.
That is most likely a firewall/port forwarding issue.
Did I understand you correctly: Your client application connects to the database server directly?
You should check which port you are using to connect to the database server.
Then check if the web server has an active firewall and if so, configure it properly to accept connections on that port.
You can always easily check if a port is open and reachable by using telnet:
On the command line type telnet MY_IP MY_PORT.
If a connection can be established the port is open.