I'm trying to fit line charts into some very small table cells:
As you can see, the rightmost point's tooltip gets slightly cut off. This is the only one that causes a problem.
The easiest fix would probably be to put a higher z-index on the tooltip, but I've googled it and I don't think that's possible. Instead, is it possible to make the tooltip display on the left side of the point instead of below it? That's what the second to last point does:
Here are my chart options:
public lineChartOptions:any = {
responsive: false,
tooltips: {
yPadding: 2,
xPadding: 2,
caretPadding: 5,
caretSize: 3,
displayColors: false,
layout: {
padding: {
left: 5,
right: 5,
top: 5,
bottom: 5,
scales: {
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
//stepSize: 50,
max: 150,
beginAtZero: true,
display: true,
xAxes: [{
display: false,
Any help is appreciated.
Im using react-chartjs-2 and trying to create dashed gridlines on the y-axis
I tried to look on Chart Config Web: https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/axes/styling.html#grid-line-configuration
But cant find the trick
Here is my code:
import { Chart } from 'react-chartjs-2';
import {Chart as ChartJS, registerables} from 'chart.js';
const data = {
labels: ["Label1", "Label2", "Label3"],
datasets: [{
label: 'legend1',
data: [12, 19, 3],
label: 'legend2',
data: [22, 9, 13],
const options = {
scales: {
y: {
grid: {
tickBorderDash: [4, 4],
tickColor: '#000',
tickWidth: 2,
offset: true,
drawTicks: true,
drawOnChartArea: true
beginAtZero: true,
x: {
display: false
const BarChart = (props : Props) => {
return (
<Chart type='bar' data={data} options={options} />
Thank you!
By looking at the source code, I gathered that for some reason y.grid.tickBorderDash option only applies to the tick marks, not for the grid lines. Actually, the option is applied only for lines that are not affected by drawOnChartArea: true.
To make y axis gridlines dashed, one has to set y.border.dash option. This doesn't seem very consistent to me, but that's the way the code currently functions.
So this should work:
const options = {
scales: {
y: {
border:{dash: [4, 4]}, // for the grid lines
grid: {
color: '#aaa', // for the grid lines
tickColor: '#000', // for the tick mark
tickBorderDash: [2, 3], // also for the tick, if long enough
tickLength: 10, // just to see the dotted line
tickWidth: 2,
offset: true,
drawTicks: true, // true is default
drawOnChartArea: true // true is default
beginAtZero: true,
x: {
display: false
Note: I tested with charts.js 4.2.0 (latest at the time of posting).
I want the x-axis of the my chart to be at the top.
I will attach the source code.
Please help me.
current chart :
what I want :
borderSkipped: false,
indexAxis: 'y',
// aspectRatio: 4,
scales: {
y: {
beginAtZero: true
// suggestedMax: 24,
x: {
suggestedMax: 24,
ticks: {
stepSize: 1
try adding to scales.x.position : ‘top’
I'm using the latest chart.js to draw a simple histogram.
The histogram is fine but I actually need the x labels to be between the borders of every bar like this histogram_right_labels, are there any methods to approach this?
I've tried offsetGridLines: true and offsetGridLines: false, but what they actually did is moving the grid lines and not the labels, unlike what I read about their actual behaviors, I think it might be a conflict in my option settings but I don't know which, any help would be appreciated.
options: {
maintainAspectRatio: false,
layout: {
padding: {
left: 10,
right: 25,
top: 25,
bottom: 0
scales: {
xAxes: [{
gridLines: {
//display: false,
drawBorder: false,
padding: 20,
offsetGridLines: true
ticks: {
beginAtZero: true,
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
padding: 10,
gridLines: {
color: "rgb(234, 236, 244)",
zeroLineColor: "rgb(234, 236, 244)",
drawBorder: false,
borderDash: [2],
zeroLineBorderDash: [2]
legend: {
labels: {
boxWidth: 20
display: false
tooltips: {
backgroundColor: "rgb(255,255,255)",
bodyFontColor: "#858796",
titleMarginBottom: 10,
titleFontColor: '#6e707e',
titleFontSize: 14,
borderColor: '#dddfeb',
borderWidth: 1,
xPadding: 15,
yPadding: 15,
displayColors: false,
intersect: false,
mode: 'index',
caretPadding: 10,
You can add a second x-axis of type: 'linear' as follows.
type: 'linear',
ticks: {
min: 0,
max: labels.length,
stepSize: 1,
callback: (v, i) => i == 0 ? '' : labels[i - 1]
Note that I use a ticks callback method in order to provide the desired tick label at given index.
Then you should also hide the grid lines and ticks of the default x-axis.
gridLines: {
display: false
ticks: {
display: false
Please take a look at below runnable sample code and see how it works.
const labels = ['4.80', '9.60', '14.40', '19.20', '24.00', '28.80'];
new Chart(document.getElementById('myChart'), {
type: 'bar',
data: {
labels: labels,
datasets: [{
label: "My Dataset",
data: [4, 8, 5, 7, 2, 4],
backgroundColor: 'orange',
categoryPercentage: 1,
barPercentage: 1
options: {
scales: {
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
beginAtZero: true
xAxes: [{
gridLines: {
display: false
ticks: {
display: false
type: 'linear',
ticks: {
min: 0,
max: labels.length,
stepSize: 1,
callback: (v, i) => i == 0 ? '' : labels[i - 1]
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/2.9.4/Chart.js"></script>
<canvas id="myChart" height="90"></canvas>
you can use this to put the tooltips to the right. Possibilities are top, left, right and bottom
options: {
title: {
display: true,
position: 'right'
I am using ChartJS but I can't figure out how to get rid of the white box in the tooltip. What setting/option will set remove the border/white outline or at least let me set the color?
Thank you!
data: date_list["data_counts"],
label: date_list["name"],
fill: true,
backgroundColor: transparentizeColor,
borderColor: newColor,
pointBackgroundColor: newColor,
pointBorderColor: newColor,
my_chart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'line',
data: {
labels: data["date_labels"],
datasets: data_sets
options: {
tooltips: {
intersect: false,
elements: {
point: {
radius: 0
legend: {
display: false
scales: {
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
precision: 0,
suggestedMax: 3,
beginAtZero: true
xAxes: [{
gridLines: {
display: false
}, );
There's indeed no option for this, but you can workaround it.
The color of the white outline is controlled by the multiKeyBackground tooltip option. By setting this to be fully transparent (#00000000 or rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), and disabling the border on the dataset, it'll at least look better (though still not perfect).
As of this writing (Chart.js 3.9.1), control over the display properties of the tooltip legend items can be done using tooltip callbacks. There are a few examples in the docs.
tooltip: {
intersect: false,
mode: 'index',
labelColor: function(context) {
return {
borderColor: 'rgba(0, 150, 0)',
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 150, 0)',
borderWidth: 3,
borderRadius: 2,
For example, like the legend item Current is here:
Callbacks are an extremely powerful way to customize charts in Charts.js
I remember I once had this problem as well, but I can't remember an answer, neither I found one after I searched for it...
The only solution I have is using an custom tooltip.
You can alter this JSFiddle I found. They use a circle with border-radius: 5px in the css-class .chartjs-tooltip-key. Remove this line and you have a rectangle.
Either take the whole custom tooltip or use the parts you need.
I'm using ChartJS to create a line chart with elements. I'm wondering if it possible to set borders on left and right of a element? This is my chart and it gets confusing if you have two elements next to each other and they have the same color.
I've found nothing in the docs that supports it, so I figure that I have to draw it myself using js but I was hoping someone had an solution first :)
In case I have to draw it myself I would run into a problem since every element can have different widths due to the time axis (X). What would be your idea to solve that?
Every element in the chart is a new dataset and gets a gradient object as backgroundColor and fill sets as true. Here is an example of me pushing a new dataset into the chart
fill: true,
backgroundColor: gradient,
data: [
x: aIstartX,
y: yAxis_value,
.. Other attributes
x: newEntryXend,
y: yAxis_value,
..Other attributes
xAxes: [
stacked: false,
type: 'time',
unit: 'minute',
position: 'bottom',
scaleLabel: {
display: true
time: {
displayFormats: {
'minute': 'mm:ss'
ticks: {
autoSkip: true,
beginAtZero: true,
stepSize: 2,
autoSkipPadding: 5,
padding: 10,
labelOffset: 5,
gridLines: {
display: false,
tickMarkLength: 20
Here is a fiddle of my issue
Any reason why you can wanted to keep the same background colors for ,
Why cant you try as below
fill: true,
backgroundColor: 'red',
I've found a solution to my problem. The issue was that I was trying to create some space between my datasets and my datas attribute Y doesnt start and end at 0. Therefor I added two extra datapoints in each dataset with a borderWidth of 3 and borderColor that matches the backgroundColor of the chart. Each extra added datapoint will have a Y with the value of 0. An example of adding a dataset to my chart is below.
fill: true,
backgroundColor: gradient,
borderWidth: 3,
borderColor: '#333',
data: [
x: startXvalue,
y: 0
x: startXvalue,
y: startY,
.. Other attributes
x: newEntryXend,
y: endY,
.. Other attributes
x: newEntryXend,
y : 0