Download c++ in existing visual studio 2017 - c++

I downloaded the visual studio 2017 with c# and xamarin when it gave me a lot of choices at installation time, now I want to install c++ also in existing vs2017. How can I do that? I don't want to install the whole visual studio again.

1.Go to Control panel
2.In the Add or Remove Programs dialog box, select the product you want to repair and then click Change/Remove
3.In the Setup wizard, click Next
4.Click Repair
5.Then Modify it by selecting C++ to add it.
Note : This work in Window OS only

Alternative answer (less searching needed) : Visual Studio 2017 also adds the " Visual Studio Installer" directly to the Windows Start Menu (this is the same executable used by #John Joe's answer).


ResXFileCodeGeneratorEx is not working for Visual Studio 2017

I use ResXFileCodeGeneratorEx for generating ids. This was working till the time I used Visual Studio 2010 IDE but it is not working for Visual Studio 2017.
Please help for the same.
Extension for Visual Studio 2019 can be found here
Extension for Visual Studio 2017 can be found here
The deleted answer to this question pointed to the location of a newly built ResXFileCodeGeneratorEx but was deleted because it only contained a single link and no context. I'm not the original answerer, but figured that it may still be valuable to have this information:
It seems to have been renamed to ResXCodeFileGeneratorEx, and if you search through the menu in Visual Studio under Tools > Extension and Updates, you need to search for "Extended Strongly Typed Resource Generator".
However, the internal name is still the same, so the Custom Tool action should remain ResXFileCodeGeneratorEx.
I'm not aware whether or not it works on Visual Studio 2019, but since the original source is still around, it oughtn't be too hard to resolve that yourself if you need it.
To install it, simply doubleclick the VSIX file, it will popup with the VS Version Instance Selector, where you can select to which of your VS 2017 instances (pro, community, preview) you want to install the extension to.

MFC development in vs2017

When I installed vs2017, I did select Windows development with C++ option. After installation, however, I don't see the MFC has been added. Sure enough, I get errors when I compile my application,
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'afxwin.h': No such file or directory
I cannot find the Change/Modify option with my vs2017 installation in Control Panel. How can I add "Microsoft Foundation Classes for C++" package?
If you look near the top of the VS Installer window, you'll see Workloads, Individual Components and Language Packs.
At least as far as I can see, none of the "Workloads" will include MFC in your installation. To get it, you first have to click on "Individual Components", then scroll quite a ways down to get to the "SDKs, libraries and frameworks" section. In there, you'll find a list of components for ATL and MFC support:
In the VS 2019 installer, the list of possibilities has gotten even longer. There are versions for ARM, ARM64, and x86/x64 both with and without Spectre mitigations, for each of the 141 and 142 build sets:
That's not necessarily the end of the story though: by default, even when you install that, it only installs the version Unicode build of MFC. If you want the narrow-character version, you have to install that separately. I don't think there's any entry in the installer to do this at all--but if you try to build a project that uses narrow-character MFC, you'll get an error message that includes a link to download it.
In Windows 10 with Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition to modify the Visual Studio 2017 installation, I had to go into Settings from the Windows Start menu then in the search box enter "Apps & Features" to bring up the list of installed applications (just typing in "apps" was enough to bring it up in the list).
I then looked for Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 in the list of apps, clicked on that entry which then displayed the Modify button. Clicking on the Modify button will bring up the installer to allow you to modify the various components.
I have seen cases where the installer wants to do an Update of Visual Studio 2017 before allowing you to do the Modify action. Depends on the last time you used it and the last time you did an update.
So instead of a Modify button there may instead be an Update button.
Note: see also How to install (v142) Build tools in Visual studio which describes issues seen with install order when installing both VS 2017 and VS 2019.
The VS 2017 Modify dialog has three tabs, "Workloads", "Individual components", and "Language packs". Click on the "Individual components" then scroll down to the section titled "SDKs, libraries, and frameworks" which is the last section in my install. There should be an entry for "MFC and ATL support (x86 and x64)" with a checkbox near the end.
There is a lot of stuff available from this "Individual components" view of the "Modify installation" dialog.
Just to add a tip for VS 2019:
#Jerry Coffin's answer does a good job of laying out the explosion of MFC/ATL options in VS 2019. Since there are many options and each MFC pack is 1.1+GB, here is how to pick the right one.
Platform: Hopefully you know this :) but it is in project properties.
Version: For an existing project, it is found in the project properties under "Configuration Properties -> General -> Platform Toolset"
Below is a screenshot showing both (Win32=x86 in this case). In this case I needed "C++ MFC for v141 build tools (x86 & x64)":
You should use Visual Studio Installer to make changes.
To create an MFC project, you just need to select Win32 project/Win32 Console Application for your application type, and then click OK. In Application Wizard, click next, in Application Settings, check MFC under Add common header files for:.

Source file inclusion in visual studio

I've just Installed visual studio express 2015 on my PC and when I try to add a new source file to a project by right clicking on the 'source files' option in the solution explorer , the dialog box shows "no items found" instead of showing installed visual C++ templates. What could the problem be?
You most probably have not installed VC++ has while installing Visual Studio. It is sad that C++ is now not installed by default. You might have selected "Default" while installing VS - you should have chosen Custom and selected Visual C++ development. You need to re-install it (just re-launch setup).
If this doesn't help, please post the screenshot.

Can't install missing features on Visual Studio 2015 on Windows 10

I'm working with cocos2d-x framework for c++ using Visual Studio 2015 Community on Windows 10.
When I try to open a solution for a created project, visual studio says some projects are unavailable. When I right click and go to "install missing feature(s)", visual studio says I have to install "Windows XP support for C++".
When I click to install I get a "Setup - Usage" window(that seems to be bigger than my screen). I don't see any button, so I hit enter, but nothing happens. Nothing downloads and nothing installs...
Does anyone have a solution to this?
The message is as follows:
Install Windows XP support for C++
Windows 7.1 SDK for targeting Windows XP
The following projects will not be loaded unless you install the above
All that's needed is to add in Windows XP Support via the installation tool accessible from Control Panel. Steps:
Close Visual Studio 2015
Open Control Panel
Select 'Programs and Options'
Right click on 'Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2016'
Select 'Change' from the menu (the only option)
Once the installation tool has set up, select 'Modify'
Expand Programming Languages --> Visual C++
Select 'Windows XP Support for C++'.
Proceed with the update.
Note that selecting 'Windows XP Support for C++' automatically selects its dependencies, 'Windows 8.1 SDK and Universal CRT SDK' and 'Common Tools for Visual C++ 2015'.
What I think might have happened for the OP was that in selecting Universal Windows App Development Tools and various C++ options, they hit upon 'Windows XP Support for C++' itself or something that had it as a dependency. So they may have various components installed unnecessarily now. :-(
got your point.
Here are the steps to install it properly.
Go to the below site and try to install it. & select the option as per the snapshot attached here.
Also, if required, please refer to the below blog.

Using Visual Studio 2012 IDE, but compile with Visual Studio 2008

Where I work, we are stuck on VS2008 and will be for quite some time as converting the projects/solutions and integrating them back into our build process would take significant time; we're planning on moving to 2013 at some point though. However, I use VS2012 at home and love a lot of the features in the IDE that are missing in 2008.
I've read that you can use 2012 as an IDE and build with the 2008 compiler, but I can't find details on how this is accomplished. Any ideas? If I open one of the masterbuild files in 2012, it inevitably asks to convert them to the 2012 format, which I really don't want to do.
Thoughts? Thanks!
Yes it is possible as can be found on the Visual Studio site. However, I believe it will only give you options of the versions you have currently installed on the machine in question.
Here are the steps as laid out in the link, provided here to ensure the information link does not get broken:
(authored and published by Microsoft)
To change the target Framework
In Visual Studio, in Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for your project and then choose Unload project. This unloads the project (.vcxproj) file for your project.
Note: A C++ project cannot be loaded while the project file is being modified in Visual Studio. However, you can use another editor such as Notepad to modify the project file while the project is loaded in Visual Studio. Visual Studio will detect that the project file has changed and prompt you to reload the project.
On the menu bar, select File, Open, File. In the Open File dialog box, navigate to your project folder, and then open the project (.vcxproj) file.
In the project file, locate the entry for the target Framework version. For example, if your project is designed to use the .NET Framework 4.5, locate v4.5 in the element of the element. If the element isn't present, your project doesn't use the .NET Framework and no change is required.
Change the value to the Framework version you want.
Save the changes and close the editor.
In Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for your project and then choose Reload Project.
In Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for your project and then choose Properties. In the Property Pages dialog box, in the left pane, expand Common Properties and then select Framework and References. Verify that Targeted framework shows the new Framework version.
To change the project toolset
In Visual Studio, in Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for your project and then choose Properties.
In the Property Pages dialog box, open the Configuration drop-down list and then select All Configurations.
In the left pane of the dialog box, expand Configuration Properties and then select General.
In the right pane, select Platform Toolset and then select the toolset you want from the drop-down list. For example, if you want to compile with the Visual Studio 2010 toolset, select Visual Studio 2010 (v100).
Choose the OK button.
Try to use CMake. It could manage out of source build. You could create a VS2012 for edit and another VS2008 based for compiling. The source will be common.
From Visual Studio 2012 Compatibility page on MSDN
Some solutions, projects, files, and other assets that you created in
Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) will run without modification
in Visual Studio 2012, but others have to be upgraded.
If your original project is 2008 then you won't be able to use it in 2012, sorry.