AWS ECS Production Docker Deployment - amazon-web-services

I've recently started using Docker for my own personal website. So the design my website is basically
Nginx -> Frontend -> Backend -> Database
Currently, the database is hosted using AWS RDS. So we can leave that out for now.
So here's my questions
I currently have my application separated into different repository. Frontend and Backend respectively.
Where should I store my 'root' docker-compose.yml file. I can't decide to store it in either the frontend/backend repository.
In a docker-compose.yml file, Can the nginx serve mount a volume from my frontend service without any ports and serve that directory?
I have been trying for so many days but I can't seem to deploy a proper production with Docker with my 3 tier application in ECS Cluster. Is there any good example nginx.conf that I can refer to?
How do I auto-SSL my domain?
Thank you guys!

Where should I store my 'root' docker-compose.yml file.
Many orgs use a top level repo which is used for storing infrastructure related metadata such as CloudFormation templates, and docker-compose.yml files. So it would be something like. So devs clone the top level repo first, and that repo ideally contains either submodules or tooling for pulling down the sub repos for each sub component or microservice.
In a docker-compose.yml file, Can the nginx serve mount a volume from my frontend service without any ports and serve that directory?
Yes you could do this but it would be dangerous and the disk would be a bottleneck. If your intention is to get content from the frontend service, and have it served by Nginx then you should link your frontend service via a port to your Nginx server, and setup your Nginx as a reverse proxy in front of your application container. You can also configure Nginx to cache the content from your frontend server to a disk volume (if it is too much content to fit in memory). This will be a safer way instead of using the disk as the communication link. Here is an example of how to configure such a reverse proxy on AWS ECS:
I can't seem to deploy a proper production with Docker with my 3 tier application in ECS Cluster. Is there any good example nginx.conf that I can refer to?
The link in my last answer contains a sample nginx.conf that should be helpful, as well as a sample task definition for deploying an application container as well as a nginx container, linked to each other, on Amazon ECS.
How do I auto-SSL my domain?
If you are on AWS the best way to get SSL is to use the built in SSL termination capabilities of the Application Load Balancer (ALB). AWS ECS integrates with ALB as a way to get web traffic to your containers. ALB also integrates with Amazon certificate manager ( This service will give you a free SSL certificate which automatically updates. This way you don't have to worry about your SSL certificate expiring ever again, because its just automatically renewed and updated in your ALB.


how to deploy backend and frontend app in ecs?

I have dockersied our webapp into two different docker files, such as:
Both docker apps have their own .env files , i have to defined deployed server Ip address to connect them.
In frontend-env : configure backend ip
but deploying in ECS service, each container will be different ip ,how to solve this issue scale out and still connect the service each other.
so far :
Create spreate ecs cluster for both frontend and backend, with ALB.
Give the ALB in env files to connect them or hit the api.
any other solutions for this deployment?
You should be using Service Discovery to achieve this. You can read the announcement blog here. In a nutshell the way it works is that if you have two ECS services frontend and backend you want to expose frontend with an ALB for public access but enabling service discovery you will be able to have all tasks that belong to frontend to be able to connect to the tasks that belong to backend by calling backend.<domain> (where is the SD namespace you defined). When you do so ECS Service Discovery will resolve backend.<domain> to the private IP addresses of the tasks in backend thus eliminating the need for a load balancer in front of it.
If you want a practical example of how this works you can investigate this basic demo app:

Need Assistance Hosting on AWS

So I’ve just finished working on my first big personal project, bought a domain name, created an AWS account, watched a lot of AWS tutorials, but I still can’t figure out how to host my web app on AWS. The whole AWS thing is a mystery to me. No tutorial online seems to teach exactly what I need.
What I’m trying to do is this:
Host my dynamic web app on a secure https connection.
Host the web app using the personalized domain name I purchased.
Link my git repo to AWS so I can easily commit and push changes when needed.
Please assist me by pointing me to a resource that can help me achieve the above 3 tasks.
For now, the web app is still hosted on Heroku’s free service; feel free to take a look at the application, and provide some feedback if you can.
Link to web app:my web app
You mentioned - The web app is still hosted on Heroku’s free service
So, if you want the same thing in AWS, use Elastic Beanstalk.
First Question: How to host my web app on AWS?
There can be multiple options to host your web app:-
S3 Bucket to host your website. How to Host in S3
Elastic Beanstalk. Link
ECS - using containers
Single EC2 Server to host your website.
EKS - Kubernetes
By the way, there are many couples of things which you need to take care of before starting.
Second Question, Host the web app using the personalized domain name I purchased.
If you have used S3, the hosted URL will be in HTTP and you can create a route entry in your purchased domain settings. If it is AWS, create a new record in Route53.
If you host your website on EC2, you will get Public IP Address. Make a route entry with that Public IP.
If you have used ECS or EKS, you might require to use the Load Balancer and then you will have the Load Balancer DNS. Make a route entry with your Load Balancer DNS. Then again question will arise which kind of Load Balancer you want to use. [Like Application, Classic or Network Load Balancer]
If you use Elastic Beanstalk. It's a managed service, when you host you will directly get an endpoint. Make a route entry with that endpoint.
Third, Link my git repo to AWS so I can easily commit and push changes when needed.
For this, you have to use Code Build and connect Github as a Source while creating Code Build Project. Link
For CI-CD, there are multiple things again.
As Heroku’s is a PaaS, which provides you the platform and but when it comes to AWS, it is an IaaS. So you get the infrastructure and when you get the provisioned infrastructure, there are so many things which you need to take care of like you have to think like an Architect. Prepare the architecture and then proceed. It requires knowledge of other things also networking, security etc.
To answer your question, the best way to host a web app in AWS is Elastic Beanstalk
But what is AWS Elastic Beanstalk and what does it do?
AWS Elastic Beanstalk encompasses processes and operations connected with the deployment of web apps into the cloud environment, as well as their scaling.
Elastic Beanstalk automates the deployment by putting forward the required capacity, balancing the load, autoscaling, and monitoring software efficiency and performance. All that is left for a developer to do is to apply the code. In these conditions, the application owner has overall control over the capacity that AWS provides for the software and can access it at any time.
So this is the best way to deploy the app and let’s follow the steps.
Open the Elastic Beanstalk console and find the management page of your environment.
Select “Upload and Deploy”.
Select “Choose File” and choose the source bundle with the dialog box.
Deploy and select the URL to open the new website.
You can use CodeDeploy to connect your Github and deploy your code
I have taken a simplistic approach and told you exactly what you need to do the required task without going into the hus and fuss of AWS. Saying that there is still a lot that can be done to bring the real value of your application in terms of balancing the load, scaling or improving the performance.

I want to connect nginx and django on openshift

So I have an instance of nginx running on my openshift and another pod for a django app, the thing is I don't know how to connect both services. I'm able to access hte default url for nginx and the url for django. Both are working fine but I don't know how to connect both services. Is there a way to do it modifying the yaml of the services or the pods? I already try to build the container myself of nginx and is giving me permission issues, so I'm using a version of nginx thats comes preloaded in openshift. Any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you so much.
To have access between pods you have to have service created for every pod.
Then you can use service-name as DNS names to reach pods. If pods are placed in different projects you should additionally specify project name like .
Furthermore, there's environment variables for service discovery (see service discovery)
Objects examples check in Kubernetes documentation

How to set up an SSL reverse proxy within Amazon ECS?

I have a web app in a Docker container, and I want to proxy it via another container (running NGINX) that is exposed to the outside world and only handles HTTPS traffic. Both containers would be hosted by ECS on the same EC2 instance. What's the best way to make the NGINX container retrieve the SSL private key from S3 or IAM?
Note that I don't want to include the private key in the Docker image for security reasons. I want to retrieve the private key from S3 or IAM when the container is created, taking the AWS user credentials from environment variables.
Amazon Elastic Beanstalk has a nice way to achieve this, but I don't think there's anything like that for ECS. I'm thinking that I'll need to write a Docker entrypoint (or wrap the Nginx command) in order to install an S3/IAM client and then download the key using the credentials in the environment. Does AWS provide a nicer way? It seems like Elastic Load Balancing is a solution, but I can't find any information regarding the security measures between the LB and the EC2 instance.
There are a few parts to the question,
Placing Nginx and web app on the same instance can be achieved by defining both containers as part of the same ecs task. I would recommend creating a docker link from nginx to webapp container.This would allow you to avoid exposing the webapp container port externally. The only port exposed to the host will be the nginx port.
One of the ways to retrieve the Keys securely at the container startup is to have a custom shell script start the nginx service on the container. For this you will need to build your own docker container. In you docker build file define the start of the container using a custom shell script. In the shell script, you can have logic to retrieve the file from s3 using aws cli. After the retrieval you can start the nginx service. Using aws cli will allow you to use the credential available on the ec2 instance.
In case your base docker image does not have aws cli, you will need to add it.

Setting up an Amazon Server with Go Daddy

I am trying to set up an Amazon Server to host a dynamic website I'm currently creating. I have the domain bought on, and I believe that what I've done so far has linked the domain to my Amazon account.
I followed this tutorial :
In short, this walked me through setting up and Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) and Amazon Route 53. I then configured the DNS Servers, and my website now launches properly on the domain.
I'm not sure on the next step from here, but I would like to set up:
-A database server
-Anything else that might be necessary to run a dynamic website.
I am very new to hosting websites, and semi-new to web development in general, so the more in depth the better.
Thanks a lot
You have two options on AWS. Run an EC2 server and setup your application or continue to use the AWS managed services like S3.
Flask apps can be hosted on Elastic Beanstalk and
your database can be hosted on RDS (Relational Database Service). Then the two can be integrated.
Otherwise, spin up your own t2.micro instance in EC2. Log in via ssh and set up the database server and application like you have locally. This server could also host the (currently S3 hosted) static files too.
I have no idea what your requirements are, personally I would start with setting up the EC2 instance and go from there as integrating AWS services is without knowing what you need is probably not the easiest first step.
Heroku might be another option. They host their services on AWS and give you an end to end solution for deploying and running your python code without getting your hands dirty setting up servers.