Is there any way to maximize my application's timeslice on Windows? - c++

I have a 3D application that needs to generate a new frame roughly every 6ms or so. This frame-rate needs to be constant in order to not result in stuttering. To make matters worse, the application has to perform several moderately-heavy calculations (mostly preparing the 3D scene and copying data to the VRAM) so there is it consumes a fairly large amount of that ~6ms doing it's own stuff.
This has been a problem because Windows causes my application to stutter a bit when it tries to use the CPU for other things. Is there any way I could make Windows not "give away" timeslices to other processes? I'm not concerned about it negatively impacting background processes.

Windows will allow you to raise your application's priority. A process will normally only lose CPU time to other processes with the same or higher priority, so raising your priority can prevent CPU time from being "stolen".
Be aware, however, that if you go too far, you can render the system unstable, so if you're going to do this, you generally only want to raise priority a little bit, so it higher than other "normal" applications.
Also note that this won't make a huge difference. If you're running into small problem once in a while, increasing the priority may take care of the problem. If it's a constant problem, chances are that a priority boost won't be sufficient to fix it.
If you decide to try this, see SetPriorityClass and SetThreadPriority.

It normally depends on the scheduling algorithm used by your OS. Windows 7,8,XP,VISTA use the multilevel queue scheduling with round robin so increasing the priority of your application or thread or process will do what you want. Which version of Windows are u currently using?.. I can help u accordingly once i get to know that

You can raise your process priority, but I don’t think it will help much. Instead, you should optimize your code.
For a start, use a VS built-in profiler (Debug/Performance profiler menu) to find out where your app spends most time, optimize that.
Also, all modern CPUs are at least dual core (the last single-core Celeron is from 2013). Therefore, “there it consumes a fairly large amount of that ~6ms doing it's own stuff” shouldn’t be the case. Your own stuff should be running in a separate thread, not on the same thread you use to render. See this article for an idea how to achieve that. You probably don’t need that level of complexity, just 2 threads + 2 tasks (compute and render) will probably be enough, but that article should give you some ideas how to re-design your app. This approach however will bring 1 extra frame of input latency (for 1 frame the background thread will compute stuff, only the next frame the renderer thread will show the result of that), but with your 165Hz rendering you can probably live with that.


Analyzing spikes in performance measurement

I have a set of C++ functions which does some image processing related operation. Generally I see that the final output is delivered in 5-6ms time range. I am measuring the time taken using QueryPerformanceCounter Win32 API. But when running in a continuous loop with 100 images, I see that the performance spikes up to 20ms for some images. My question is how do I go about analyzing such issues. Basically I want to determine whether the spikes are caused due to some delay in this code or whether some other task started running inside the CPU because of which this operation took time. I have tried using GetThreadTimes API to see how much time my thread spent inside CPU but am unable to conclude based on those numbers. What is the standard way to go about troubleshooting these types of issues?
Reason behind sudden spikes during processing could be any of IO, interrupt, scheduled processes etc.
It is very common to see such spikes considering such low latency/processing time operations. IMO you can consider them because of any of the above mentioned reasons (There could be more). Simplest solution is run same experiment with more inputs multiple times and take the average for final consideration.
To answer your question about checking/confirming source of the spike you can try following,
Check variation in images - already ruled out as per your comment
Monitor resource utilization during processing. Check if any resource is choking (% util is simplest way to check and SAR/NMON utility on linux is best with minimal overhead)
Reserve few CPU's on system (CPU Affinity) for your experiment which are dedicated only for your program and no OS task will run on them. Taskset is simplest utility to try out. More details are here.
Run the experiment with this setting and check behavior.
That's a nasty thing you are trying to figure out, I wouldn'd even attempt to, since coming into concrete conlusions is hard.
In general, one should run a loop of many iterations (100 just seems too small I think), and then take the average time for an image to be processed.
That will rule out any unexpected exterior events that may have hurt performance of your program.
A typical way to check if "some other task started running inside the CPU" would be to run your program once and mark the images that produce that spike. Example, image 2, 4, 5, and 67 take too long to be processed. Run your program again some times, and mark again which images produce the spikes.
If the same images produce these spikes, then it's not something caused by another exterior task.
What is the standard way to go about troubleshooting these types of issues?
There are Real Time Operating Systems (RTOS) which guarantee those kind of delays. It is totally different class of operating systems than Windows or Linux.
But still, there are something you can do about your delays even on general purpose OS.
1. Avoid system calls
Once you ask your OS to read or write something to a disk -- there are no guarantees whatever about delays. So, avoid any system functions on you critical path:
even functions like gettimeofday() might cause unpredictable delays, so you should really avoid any system calls in time-critical code;
use another thread to perform IO and pass data via a shared buffer to your critical code.
If your code base is big, tools like strace on Linux or Dr Memory on Windows to trace system calls.
2. Avoid context switches
The multi threading on Windows is preemptive. It means, there is a system scheduler, which might stop your thread any time and schedule another thread on your CPU. As previously, there are RTOSes, which allow to avoid such context switches, but there is something you can do about it:
make sure there is at least one CPU core left for system and other tasks;
bind each of your threads to a dedicated CPU with SetThreadAffinityMask() (Windows) or sched_setaffinity() (Linux) -- this effectively hints system scheduler to avoid scheduling other threads on this CPU;
make sure hardware interrupts go to another CPU; usually interrupts go to CPU 0, so the easiest way would be to bind your thread with CPU 1+;
increase your thread priority, so scheduler less likely to switch your thread with another one.
There are tools like perf (Linux) and Intel VTune (Windows) to confirm there are context switches.
3. Avoid other non-deterministic features
Few more sources of unexpected delays:
disable swap, so you know for sure your thread memory will not be swapped on slow and unpredictable disk drive;
disable CPU turbo boost -- after a high-performance CPU boosts, there is always a slow down, so the CPU stays withing its thermal power (TDP);
disable hyper threading -- from scheduler point of view those are independent CPUs, but in fact performance of each hyper-thread CPU depend on what another thread is doing at the moment.
Hope this helps.

how to compute in game loop until the last possible moment

As part of optimizing my 3D game/simulation engine, I'm trying to make the engine self-optimizing.
Essentially, my plan is this. First, get the engine to measure the number of CPU cycles per frame. Then measure how many CPU cycles the various subsystems consume (min, average, max).
Given this information, at just a few specific points in the frame loop, the engine could estimate how many "extra CPU cycles" it has available to perform "optional processing" that is efficient to perform now (the relevant data is in the cache now), but could otherwise be delayed until some subsequent frame if the current frame is in danger of running short of CPU cycles.
The idea is to keep as far ahead of the game as possible on grunt work, so every possible CPU cycle is available to process "demanding frames" (like "many collisions during a single frame") can be processed without failing to call glXSwapBuffers() in time to exchange back/front buffers before the latest possible moment for vsync).
The analysis above presumes swapping back/front buffers is fundamental requirement to assure a constant frame rate. I've seen claims this is not the only approach, but I don't understand the logic.
I captured 64-bit CPU clock cycle times just before and after glXSwapBuffers(), and found frames vary by about 2,000,000 clock cycles! This appears to be due to the fact glXSwapBuffers() doesn't block until vsync (when it can exchange buffers), but instead returns immediately.
Then I added glFinish() immediately before glXSwapBuffers(), which reduced the variation to about 100,000 CPU clock cycles... but then glFinish() blocked for anywhere from 100,000 to 900,000 CPU clock cycles (presumably depending on how much work the nvidia driver had to complete before it could swap buffers). With that kind of variation in how long glXSwapBuffers() may take to complete processing and swap buffers, I wonder whether any "smart approach" has any hope.
The bottom line is, I'm not sure how to achieve my goal, which seems rather straightforward, and does not seem to ask too much of the underlying subsystems (the OpenGL driver for instance). However, I'm still seeing about 1,600,000 cycles variation in "frame time", even with glFinish() immediately before glXSwapBuffers(). I can average the measured "CPU clock cycles per frame" rates and assume the average yields the actual frame rate, but with that much variation my computations might actually cause my engine to skip frames by falsely assuming it can depend on these values.
I will appreciate any insight into the specifics of the various GLX/OpenGL functions involved, or in general approaches that might work better in practice than what I am attempting.
PS: The CPU clock rate of my CPU does not vary when cores are slowed-down or sped-up. Therefore, that's not the source of my problem.
This is my advice: at the end of the rendering just call the swap buffer function and let it block if needed. Actually, you should have a thread that perform all your OpenGL API calls, and only that. If there is another computation to perform (e.g. physics, game logic), use other threads and the operating system will let these threads running while the rendering thread is waiting for vsync.
Furthermore, if some people disable vsync, they would like to see how many frames per seconds they can achieve. But with your approach, it seems that disabling vsync would just let the fps around 60 anyway.
I'll try to re-interpret your problem (so that if I missed something you could tell me and I can update the answer):
Given T is the time you have at your disposal before a Vsync event happens, you want to make your frame using 1xT seconds (or something near to 1).
However, even if you are so able to code tasks so that they can exploit cache locality to achieve fully deterministic time behaviour (you know in advance how much time each tasks require and how much time you have at your disposal) and so you can theorically achieve times like:
You have to deal with some facts:
You don't know T (you tried to mesure it and it seems to hic-cup: those are drivers dependent!)
Timings have errors
Different CPU architectures: you measure CPU cycles for a function but on another CPU that function requires less or more cycles due to better/worse prefeteching or pipelining.
Even when running on the same CPU, another task may pollute the prefeteching algorithm so the same function does not necessarily results in same CPU cycles (depends on functions called before and prefetech algorihtm!)
Operative system could interfere at any time by pausing your application to run some background process, that would increase the time of your "filling" tasks effectively making you miss the Vsync event (even if your "predicted" time is reasonable like 0.85xT)
At some times you can still get a time of
while at the same time you didn't used all the possible CPU power (When you miss a Vsync event you basically wasted your frame time so it becomes wasted CPU power)
You can still workaround ;)
Buffering frames: you store Rendering calls up to 2/3 frames (no more! You already adding some latency, and certain GPU drivers will do a similiar thing to improve parallelism and reduce power consumption!), after that you use the game loop to idle or to do late works.
With that approach it is reasonable to exceed 1xT. because you have some "buffer frames".
Let's see a simple example
You scheduled tasks for 0.95xT but since the program is running on a machine with a different CPU than the one you used to develop the program due to different architecture your frame takes 1.3xT.
No problem you know there are some frames behind so you can still be happy, but now you have to launch a 1xT - 0.3xT task, better using also some security margin so you launch tasks for 0.6xT instead of 0.7xT.
Ops something really went wrong, the frame took again 1.3xT now you exausted your reserve of frames, you just do a simple update and submit GL calls, your program predict 0.4xT
surprise your program took 0.3xT for the following frames even if you scheduled work for more than 2xT, you have again 3 frames queued in the rendering thread.
Since you have some frames and also have late works you schedule a update for 1,5xT
By introducing a little latency you can exploit full CPU power, of course if you measure that most times your queue have more than 2 frames buffered you can just cut down the pool to 2 instead of 3 so that you save some latency.
Of course this assumes you do all work in a sync way (apart deferring GL cals). You can still use some extra threads where necessary (file loading or other heavy tasks) to improve performance (if required).

Multithreading crowds out other processes

I have added multithreading to a raytracer I am writing, and while it does run much faster now, when it's running, my computer is almost unusably slow. Obviously I want to use all my PC's compute power, but I don't want it to prevent any other application from getting access to the CPUs.
I thought about having the threads sleep, but unless they all sleep at the same time, then the other threads would just eat up the extra time. Also, I don't necessarily want to give up a certain percentage of available compute power if I'm not going to use it.
Also, (This is not my official question) I've noticed that for some reason the first thread launched does more work than the second, and the second more than the third, and so on until like the last 5 threads (out of 32) won't actually get a crack at any work, despite the fact that there's plenty to go a around (there's at least 0.5M work items for them to chew through). If someone would like to venture a guess in the comments, it would be appreciated.
If you use the standard threads, you could try to use thread::hardware_concurrency to find out an estimate of the maximul number of threads that are really supported by hardware, in order not to overload your cpu.
If it returns 0 the information is not available. In other cases you could limit yourself to this number or a little bit below (thinking that other processes might use these as well).
If limiting the number of threads does not improve responsiveness, you can also consider calling from time to time this_thread::yield() to give opportunity to reschedule threads. But depending on the kind of job and synchronisation you use, this second alternative might decrease performance.
As requested, my comment as an answer:
It sounds like you've oversubscribed your poor CPU. Try reducing the number of threads?
If there's significantly more threads than hardware cores, a lot of time is going to be wasted switching between threads, scheduling them in the OS, and in contention over shared variables. It would also cause the general slowdown of the other running programs, because they have to contend with the high number of threads from your program (which by default all have the same priority as the other programs' threads in the eyes of the OS scheduler).

Increasing C++ Program CPU Use

I have a program written in C++ that runs a number of for loops per second without using anything that would make it wait for any reason. It consistently uses 2-10% of the CPU. Is there any way to force it to use more of the CPU and do a greater number of calculations without making the program more complex? Additionally, I compile with C::B on a Windows computer. Essentially, I'm asking whether there is a way to make my program faster by increasing usage of CPU, and if so, how.
That depends on why it's only using 10% of the CPU. If it's because you're using a multi-CPU machine and your program is using only one CPU, then no, you will have to introduce concurrency into your code to use that additional horsepower.
If it's being limited by something else (e.g. copying data to and from the disk), then you don't need to focus on CPU, you need to focus on whatever the bottleneck is. Most likely, the limiter will be reading from the disk, which you can improve by using better caching mechanisms.
Assuming your application has the power (PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION access right), you can use SetPriorityClass to bump up your priortiy (to the usual detriment of all other processes, of course).
You can go ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS (try this one first), HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS (be very careful with this one) or REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS (I would strongly suggest that you probably shouldn't give this one a shot).
If you try the higher priorities and it's still clocking pretty low, then that's probably because you're not CPU-bound (such as if you're writing data to an output file). If that's the case, you'll probably have to find a way to make yourself CPU bound.
Just keep in mind that doing so may not be necessary (or even desirable). If you're running at a higher priority than other threads and you're still not sucking up a lot of CPU, it's probably because Windows has (most likely, rightfully) decided you don't need it.
It's really not the program's right or responsibility to demand additional resources from the system. That's the OS' job, as resource scheduler.
If it is necessary to use more CPU time than the OS sees fit, you should request that from the OS using the platform-dependent API. In this case, that seems to be something along the lines of SetPriorityClass or SetThreadPriority.
Creating a thread & giving higher priority to the thread might be one way.
If you use C++, consider using Intel Threading Building Block. You can find some examples here.
Some profilers give very nice indications of where bottlenecks in your code are. For example - the CodeAnalyst (for AMD chips only) has the instructions per cycle ratio. I'm sure intel profilers are similar.
As Billy O'Neal says though, if your runnning on an 8-core, being stuck on 10 percent of cpu is about right. If this is your problem then Windows msvc++ has a parallel mode (the parallel patterns library) for the standard algorithms. This can give parallelisation for free if have written your loops the c++ way (its still your responsibility to make sure your loops are thread safe). I've not used the msvc version but the gnu::__parallel_for_each etc work a treat.

Resource recommendations for Windows performance tuning (realtime)

Any recommendations out there for Windows application tuning resources (books web sites etc.)?
I have a C++ console application that needs to feed a hardware device with a considerable amount of data at a fairly high rate. (buffer is 32K in size and gets consumed at ~800k bytes per second)
It will stream data without under runs, except when I perform file IO like opening a folder etc... (It seems to be marginally meeting its timing requirements).
Anyway.. a good book or resource to brush up on realtime performance with windows would be helpful.
The best you can hope for on commodity Windows is "usually meets timing requirements". If the system is running any processes other than your target app, it will occasionally miss deadlines due scheduling inconsistencies. However, if your app/hardware can handle the rare but occasional misses, there are a few things you can do to reduce the number of misses.
Set your process's priority to REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS
Change the scheduler's granularity to 1ms resolution via the timeBeginPeriod() function (part of the Windows Multimedia libraries)
Avoid as many system calls in your main loop as possible (this includes allocating memory). Each syscall is an opportunity for the OS to put the process to sleep and, consequently, is an opportunity for the non-deterministic scheduler to miss the next deadline
If this doesn't get the job done for you, you might consider trying a Linux distribution with realtime kernel patches applied. I've found those to provide near-perfect timing (within 10s of microseconds accuracy over the course of several hours). That said, nothing short of a true-realtime OS will actually give you perfection but the realtime-linux distros are much closer than commodity Windows.
The first thing I would do is tune it to where it's as lean as possible. I use this method. For these reasons. Since it's a console app, another option is to try out LTProf, which will show you if there is anything you can fruitfully optimize. When that's done, you will be in the best position to look for buffer timing issues, as #Hans suggested.
Optimizing software in C++ from is a great optimization manual.
As Rakis said, you will need to be very careful in the processing loop:
No memory allocation. Use the stack and preallocated memory instead.
No throws. Exceptions are quite expensive, in win32 they have a cost even not throwing.
No polymorphism. You will save some indirections.
Use inline extensively.
No locks. Try lock-free approaches when possible.
The buffer will last for only 40 milliseconds. You can't guarantee zero under-runs on Windows with such strict timing requirements. In user mode land, you are looking at, potentially, hundreds of milliseconds when kernel threads do what they need to do. They run with higher priorities that you can ever gain. The thread quantum on the workstation version is 3 times the clock tick, already beyond 40 milliseconds (3 x 15.625 msec). You can't even reliably compete with user mode threads that boosted their priority and take their sweet old time.
If a bigger buffer is not an option then you are looking at a device driver to get this kind of service guarantee. Or something in between that can provide a larger buffer.