Cannot create new AWS account in newly created AWS organization - amazon-web-services

I am receiving the following when I try to add new AWS accounts to my newly created organization. Any thoughts on how to tackle this problem?

Make sure that your account has a complete billing profile, including payment information. If that is the case, and you are still having issues, AWS support will be able to help you identify the issue.

If this error occurs, wait for few minutes and retry. If it comes again contact AWS support. They will fix the issue mostly in 24hours time.

There is a clear message on the top, that your organization is in initialization status. Because of that you should wait until it's done initializing (in some cases it could take about an hour) and try again. AWS Documentation states (see step #7. Create), that
If you get an error that indicates that you can't add an account
because your organization is still initializing, wait one hour and try
Therefore there is no need to contact a support for this kind of problems.


How exactly iam-user-unused-credentials-check works?

I've recently implemented some compliance in a company but one rule messed up my mind.
It is about iam-user-unused-credentials-check that, at least according to docs, should enter non-compliant if IAM user has used neither password not access key for configured amount of time.
Well, I do have a user that used his login credentials to access web console and it's stil
marked as non-compliant? I ran manually re-evaluate couple of minutes after that fact but still resource is non-compliant :/.
Should I give it more time and re-eveluate again in few hours? Or did I misunderstood what this rule does or how does it to that?
Ok, I understand what happened.
With this particular rule, AWS Config does not rely on configuration changes it records but on AWS Cloud Trail to see an activity. That's one.
The other one was the timeout that had to pass to pick up a trail (heh). After a while, resource just went compliant.

Sorry, you've reached your maximum limit of Lightsail Instances : 2

In a normal account (no AWS Free Tier), when attempting to create more than two Lightsail instances in the same region I get
CreateInstances [eu-west-2]
Sorry, you've reached your maximum limit of Lightsail Instances : 2.
If you're new to Lightsail, please try again later. If the issue
persists, please contact Customer Support.
Thing is, in the Service Quotas page can read that the Number of instances per Region is 20.
Can see that I can request an increase in this limit and could create the instance in a different location - I've tested and that's allowed - but want all services/products in the same region so that's not an option for me).
Shouldn't I be allowed 20 per region? What am I missing here?
As stated in the error message, considering I'm new to Lightsail (less than one month of usage), will "try again later" and see if that solves.
Following John Rotenstein's suggestion, I went to the AWS's Contact Page and under Billing/Account Support raised in 2020-10-03 a case with the following text
Hi AWS support team
In a normal account (no AWS Free Tier), when attempting to create more than two Lightsail instances in the same region I get
> "CreateInstances [eu-west-2]
> Sorry, you've reached your maximum limit of Lightsail Instances : 2. If you're new to Lightsail, please try again later. If the issue persists, please contact Customer Support."
Thing is, in the Service Quotas page can read that the Number of instances per Region is 20. Shouldn't I be allowed 20 per region? What am I missing here?
As stated in the error message, considering I'm new to Lightsail (less than one month of usage), I "tried again" after 8 hours and then after 21 hours but the problem remained and hence the question.
Tiago Peres
and one day after received a response including
Thank you for reaching us regarding this matter, and we apologize for any inconvenience. In order to reach a resolution to this matter, I have engaged our Service Team to dive deep into this request.
Rest assured, I have shared the necessary details to make sure that the investigation is completed as effectively as possible, if there's any information missing from your end I will be reaching you directly.
Since I understand how important this is for you, I will be requesting periodical updates in order to ensure a prompt resolution. Once we have received information, we will be reaching back to you.
The problem now solved. The limit of LightSail instances has been updated successfully to 20 on the EU (London) region.
In my case, I submitted the support ticket asking for more instances. After a few NEXT buttons, the support guy over the chat told me:
"please check again".
He said there is a validation process for your account, after submitting the request for more instances. It takes a few minutes.
I just tried the same again, and it worked.

Is it still possible to utilize a GPU on GCP on a individual account?

I have already activated billing but every time I tried to expand the quota it tells me:
'Unfortunately, we are unable to grant you additional quota at this time. If this is a new project please wait 48h until you resubmit the request or until your Billing account has additional history'
I used to be able to get a GPU, but I can't seem to get one right now.
The message is quite clear. The GPU quota increase will be gradually allowed as your Billing account will accumulate additional history
If you want to speed up the process, you might want to get in touch with the
Google Sales Team
As previously mentioned. There is really not much that you can do except for two things:
Reply back to that email so your case gets reopened and you get to talk with a real person and not a bot.
If the real person still tells you that it's not possible to grant you the quota, then consider requesting a lower quantity, if you're already requesting only 1 GPU, then yes, go to the Sales Team and explain your need, they may be able to vouch for you.

How can I run a follow-up survey HIT with the same set of Workers in Amazon Mechanical Turk?

I'm working on a longitudinal research study where we need to re-survey the same set of Workers.
A complication: I'm doing this with a new MTurk Requester account, as access to the original one isn't readily available. Therefore the previous project & batch are not there. I'm making a new project.
I have the MTurk IDs for the past Workers though.
Will this be enough, or will I need to access the old MTurk Requester account? If it is enough, how can I do this?
So far, I attempted to import the Worker list, and set a qualification that only those workers could participant in this next HIT. But I'm not sure how I can notify those specific Workers that there is a follow-up intended for them.
Thanks for you help in advance.
You cannot contact workers who have not worked for you (on that requester account) previously.
What I would do if I were you would be to name the qualification something like "Follow-up HIT posted just for you please check it out". Turkers get an email when a qualification is granted, so this will notify them and they'll be curious enough to check it out.
If I didn't get enough Ps, I'd log into the old account and send a message to the workers through the API asking them to participate in the new HIT.

How to deactivte\close an Amazon AWS user (or at least the billing)?

I had last semester a university course where I used AWS to do the homework, and later I deleted all instances, all volumes, everything. But it for some reason still counts hours (for now without charging me).
But I would like to know how can I disable every possibility to get charged, just in case I forgot something (cannot find something)
As stated I don't want to use their services anymore, so a brute-force account delete\disable is the best option for me.
Just contact AWS and request them to close it.