Autodesk Datamanagement API: Store Custom Objects - autodesk-data-management

I am currently trying to integrate the Autodesk Datamanagement API in my application. Now I am wondering, if I can use it as a kind of a database to store objects.
Is this possible or would it be a misue of this API?
So basically I want to create custom items like in sharepoint. Let's say I want to create an item "Task" with the attributes "Title", "Deadline", "assigned To", "status" and store them in the Autodesk Cloud via Autodesk Datamanagement API

You can upload a file and create a relationship between them. This file can be a TXT, for instance, but cannot yet add metadata to it. If you change the TXT, you'll need to upload and create a new version.


How to get the widget data using rest api or some other ways in ESB6.5?

I want use another dashboard project based on Javascript to show data ,but I don`t know how to get the Statistical data. Is there any api or some way to get the data?
It would be better if you can share what kind of data do you want to portrait in your dashboard. Anyhow you can use the admin services available in ESB 6.5 to get the available data.

Where are attachments stored in a SharePoint list?

I have a list in Sharepoint where one can add attachments, like this:
The problem I have is that I don't know where exactly Sharepoint stores these attachments because I didn't have to create a column for attachments.
I want to write a webpart in Vue.js where I can either access these attachments or manually add attachments.
Does anyone know where the attachments of the list are stored?
As far as accessing them via the APIs, they are stored as part of the list item. Physically, they are stored in a SQL table.
List attachments are accessible via the various APIs including REST web service calls.
A few examples:
Get a list of attachments:
Info about a single attachment:
You can upload, download and delete files via direct URLs and web services.

Does managed property required full crawl?

I am using SharePoint Search REST API. I am referring SharePoint Search REST API overview
Suppose we have created managed property or lets suppose managed property gets automatically created for site columns. Suppose each column which has managed property has some data.
I want data to be returned using SharePoint Search REST API. So while querying SharePoint Search REST API on managed properties, do we require full crawl or incremental crawl?
If you add/edit managed property, you need full crawl usually.
Check below official guideline.

vTiger API - Add Product To Contact

I'm currently evaluating vTiger CRM, and therefore I want some test data in.
The data is ingested via the API which works fine (Products, Organizations, Contacts).
Is there a way to use the API to assign a product to a contact (and vice versa) - as in the Web-View?
This is the only point I was not able to achieve with the API.

Role Manager using SPEAK

I am trying to develop a role manager app in SPEAK where users can view the list of available roles and add/modify roles.
I know that we can get the list of current roles by using the API like this ,
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.RolesInRolesManager.GetUsersInRole(Role.FromName("Content Authors"), true);
How do I achieve this in SPEAK ? As there is no controller where I get the model properties and return it to view, how do I get to bind this list to the list page in SPEAK ? Or is there a better way of doing this?
Have a look at my following example SPEAK examples.
Here is a SPEAK list control with custom data binding. You can use this to display your data in the list you mention.
As for exposing the data you require, EntityService allows you to implement custom code and expose any data you wish from your custom controller. There is a JavaScript API allowing you to access the JSON data directly in your SPEAK PageCode.
I have also created some videos on this subject.
SPEAK List Control and Databinding:
Entity Service: