Error with H20 - Python init(): Server Error - python-2.7

This is a totally newbie question to see if I am missing something key (like there is more to install?).
After installing H20 (python 2.7) on a 9 node Hadoop / Spark cluster
using pip install of the whl file (h2o- (which says it installed correctly).....
I can import h2o successfully.
But, when I run h2o.init() then I get:
"Checking whether there is an H20 instance running at http://localhost:54321. connected."
But then an error is thrown:
H2oServerError: HTTP 500 Server Error: u'Error: 500'
Should I be able to run H20 by simply pip installing that whl or is there more? The documentation seems outdated and there are lots of different versions found online. Anyone have any experience with this?

It's most likely that you got this problem solved, but maybe someone else may benefit. Use the install in Python Tab on the following website :


PySpark ModuleNotFoundError on GCP

I'm trying to run a Pyspark Streaming program on GCP Dataproc. I pip install mmh3 in ssh already, running pyspark then type import mmh3 caused no problem. But when I started running sc.start() and send info over from another ssh terminal, it starts saying the module not found. Any idea why this happened or how to fix it? Thanks.
By installing the package via SSH, you're just install it on the "driver" node. You'll need to install the package for the whole cluster (i.e. all worker nodes) as well. Try following the documentation

Amazon Lambda unable to import [python windows .pyd pip]

I am trying to write to my PostgreSQL database with AWS Lambda using the python2.7 runtime. I care very little about how I do this, so if anyone has a different way that I can understand that works, I'd love to hear it.
The method I'm currently trying is to use psycopg2, as this is the only way I know. In order to do this, I need to upload the psycopg2 module to my environment on AWS Lambda. As per instructions, I've created a directory with my source and psycopg2 using pip install psycopg2 -t ..\my-project, zipped my-project, and uploaded it.
My error message is this from within the AWS Lambda console: Unable to import module 'lambda_function': No module named _psycopg
The code runs on my windows machine. I think the issue is that when I import psycopg2 from my local windows machine, the _psycopg module is being imported from _psycopg.pyd, and .pyd files are windows specific. I may be wrong about this.
I'm really just looking for any way to achieve the desired result described in my first paragraph, but here's a more specific question: How do I tell windows to pip install and compile psycopg2 without using .pyd files? Is this possible? Do I have something completely wrong?
I know the formatting of this question is a little unorthodox, I think I've given all the necessary information, let me know if there's anything else I can provide.
I solved the problem by opening an ubuntu instance on VirtualBox, pip installing the package there, pulling the relevant folders out, and placing them in my-project before zipping and uploading to AWS Lambda.
See these instructions.

Openshift Bcrypt error

I have a python app deployed on openshift. For some weird reason, I keep getting internal server error. I checked my logs to see that it said cannot find module named flask-Bcrypt. However, when I ssh into the app and do a pip freeze, I see flask-bcrypt installed.

Fatal Python error: PyEval_AcquireThread

I just put up a django application online and i'm getting this error in my error log
Fatal Python error: PyEval_AcquireThread: NULL new thread state
I have seen a few similar questions online, but they do not explain this error.
The problem can appear if apache mod_wsgi and mod_python are both enabled.
sudo a2dismod python
sudo service apache2 restart
This tends to indicate that your mod_wsgi is compiled for a different Python version and/or a different Python installation than the Python virtual environment or Python installation it is trying to use at runtime.
In other words, you are mixing compiled shared library and extension modules from different Python installations. This can cause all sorts of problems.
Go through the checks in:
to understand how your mod_wsgi has been built and verify it is what you expect it to be.
In my case it was permissions for the directories where Django or Flask project are. They were created from root, so I changed them to www-data in my case.

webfaction hosted django app, shopify module will not import

I've recently created a site with a django app hosted by webfaction. In general, things are running as expected, but I am also trying to use the ShopifyAPI, and get "Import error, no module named shopify" traced to one of my Everything worked when developing on localhost.
I SSHed into the host server and tried to install the ShopifyAPI with easy_install. It seemed to have reported being successfully installed, but I'm not sure if this actually does anything real on an external server?
Does anybody have suggestions? Any limitations on ShopifyAPI that I may not have considered?
The easy_install command will install the module for Python2.4. You are likely using Python2.6 or Python2.7. If you are using Python2.6, enter:
easy_install-2.6 ShopifyAPI instead of easy_install ShopifyAPI.
If you are using Python2.7, enter:
easy_install-2.7 ShopifyAPI insead of easy_install ShopifyAPI.
You can read more about using easy_install on Webfaction here
After installing the API, restart your Apache instance and it should see the module as expected.