hello I have a jacoco exec file(run time agent) generated from my application build done through jenkins which is on different machine.I am trying to import and view report using eclipse in my local machine.But is shows coverage as zero even though there is content in excec file.Any idea why and a resolution
Most likely because local class files in Eclipse are not the same as the ones that were used during creation of exec file. See http://www.eclemma.org/jacoco/trunk/doc/classids.html
Resolution is to have exact same classes during generation of report as during execution, e.g. by generating report directly in Jenkins.
I have a multi-module android project. I have a bunch of unit tests in each module and I have always been able to run them all at once using a run configuration like this one:
Many of my tests use a base class that runs with RobolectricTestRunner. This base class looks like this:
#Config(application = AndroidTest.ApplicationStub::class,
manifest = Config.NONE,
sdk = [21])
abstract class AndroidTest {
#Rule #JvmField val injectMocks = InjectMocksRule.create(this#AndroidTest)
fun application(): Application = ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext()
internal class ApplicationStub : Application()
**When running these tests using the above config, I get the error **
[Robolectric] NOTICE: legacy resources mode is deprecated; see http://robolectric.org/migrating/#migrating-to-40
This makes many of my tests fail with ResourceNotFoundException
However, when I run tests only in a specific module, everything passes. This is because Robolectric now uses Binary resources:
[Robolectric] sdk=21; resources=BINARY
I have followed the migration instructions in build.gradle files for each module, having added the following in each android block:
testOptions {
unitTests {
includeAndroidResources = true
returnDefaultValues = true
One clue I have found but have been unable to fix is this when I run the ALL UNIT TEST task:
WARNING: No manifest file found at build/intermediates/merged_manifests/debug/../../library_manifest/debug/AndroidManifest.xml.
Falling back to the Android OS resources only.
No such manifest file: build/intermediates/merged_manifests/debug/../../library_manifest/debug/AndroidManifest.xml
To remove this warning, annotate your test class with #Config(manifest=Config.NONE).
I have tried, as you have seen, to add the manifest=Config.NONE, which had no effect (and is now deprecated anyway).
Edit: Also tried android.enableUnitTestBinaryResources = true in settings.gradle, but this prevents the app from building due to it being a deprecated flag in the current gradle tools.
Thanks for any help provided!
So with the default unit test run platform being changed to Gradle in Android Studio, I managed to figure out a way to run unit tests in multiple modules all at once, circumventing the Robolectric bug.
First, go into run configurations and create a new Gradle Config.
Then, as the gradle project, select the top level project.
For arguments, use --tests "*"
And now for the gradle tasks, this is a little bit more error-prone. Here is an example of how I have it setup for my project:
:androidrma:cleanTestGoogleDebugUnitTest :androidrma:testGoogleDebugUnitTest
:calendar:cleanTestDebugUnitTest :calendar:testDebugUnitTest
:gamification:cleanTest :gamification:test
:player:cleanTest :player:test
:playlists:cleanTest :playlists:test
:sleepjournal:cleanTest :sleepjournal:test
:sound-content-filters:cleanTest :sound-content-filters:test
Please note that I inserted new lines between each module for more clarity here, in the tasks, just separate each entry with a space.
For your app module, in my case named androidrma, you must use your build variants name in the cleanTestUnitTest and testUnitTest , in my case being GoogleDebug.
If we look at the calendar module, it is an android module, , so it still operates with the same logic as the appModule.
However, if you look at player, playlists, sleepjournal, etc. those are pure kotlin modules. The tasks thus differ in their syntax.
Once you have entered all this information and everything is functioning, I recommend checking "store as project file" checkbox at the top right of the run config setup screen.
This works in Android Studio 4.2 as well as Arctic Fox, haven't tested on other versions.
I'd like to run a full synthesis pipeline for my Vivado project, from a script, using "project mode". The reason I want to use project mode is to get the exact same state if I decide to open the given project in the Vivado GUI, for e.g. simulations.
The problem is that the build script either fails or always rebuilds everything. My script is stripped down to its essentials:
open_project BlinkenLights/BlinkenLights.xpr
update_compile_order -fileset sources_1
launch_runs synth_1
launch_runs impl_1 -to_step write_bitstream
wait_on_run impl_1
With this version, if I re-run this script (using vivado -mode batch -source build.tcl) after a successful build, I get the following error message:
ERROR: [Common 17-69] Command failed:
Run 'synth_1' needs to be reset before launching.
The run can be reset using the Tcl command 'reset_run synth_1'.
But that's not what I want; if I add reset_run synth_1 before the launch_runs synth_1 line, it causes the build to always start from scratch, even if no source files have changed.
What I'd like instead is to SUCCEEDS without doing work if the bitstream is already up-to-date, instead of FAILING, since I'm integrating it into a larger build system.
I'm new to running SonarQube scans and I get this error message in the log in Jenkins:
16:17:39 16:17:36.926 ERROR - The only way to get an accurate analysis of your C/C++/Objective-C project is by using the SonarSource build-wrapper. If for any reason, the use of the build-wrapper is not possible on your project, you can bypass it with the help of the "sonar.cfamily.build-wrapper-output.bypass=true" property. By using that property, you'll switch to an "at best" mode that could result in false-positives and false-negatives.
Can someone please advise where I can find and run this SonarSource build-wrapper?
Thanks a lot for your help!
To solve this issue, download the Build Wrapper directly from your SonarQube Server, so that its version perfectly matches your version of the plugin:
Build Wrapper for Linux can be downloaded from URL
Unzip the downloaded Build Wrapper,
Configure it in your PATH because it's just more convenient
export PATH=$PATH:/path/where/you/unzip
Once done, Run below commands.
build-wrapper-linux-x86-64 --out-dir <dir-name> <build-command>
build-wrapper-linux-x86-64 --out-dir build_output make clean all
Once all this done, you have to modify your sonar-project.properties file with following line. Note the dir-name is same directory which we defined in previous command.
and then you can run the sonar scanner command.
this will do the analysis against your code. For more details, you can check this link.
Contacted support, turns out this was caused by missing the argument sonar.cfamily.build-wrapper-output in the scanner begin command.
Build wrapper downloads:
Linux: https://sonarcloud.io/static/cpp/build-wrapper-linux-x86.zip
macOS: https://sonarcloud.io/static/cpp/build-wrapper-macosx-x86.zip
Windows: https://sonarcloud.io/static/cpp/build-wrapper-win-x86.zip
Some links covering how to run the build wrapper:
I am running tests through Jenkins on a windows box. In my "Execute Windows Batch command" portion of the project configuration I have the following command:
nosetests --nocapture --with-xunitmp --eval-attr "%APPLICATION% and priority<=%PRIORITY% and smoketest and not dev" --processes=4 --process-timeout=2000
The post build actions have "Publish JUnit test result report" with the Test report XMLs path being:
When I do a test run, the nosetests.xml file is created, however it is empty, and I am not getting any Test Results for the build.
I am not really sure what is wrong here.
I ran the tests with just --with-xunit and REM'd out the --processes and got test results. Does anyone of problems with xunitmp not working with a Windows environment?
I unstalled an reinstalled nose and nose_xunitmp to no avail.
The nosetest plugin for parallelizing tests and plugin for producing xml output are incompatible. Enabling them at the same time will produce the exact result you got.
If you want to keep using nosetest, you need to execute tests sequentially or find other means of parallelizing them (e.g. by executing multiple parallel nosetest commands (which is what I do at work.))
Alternatively you can use another test runner like nose2 or py.test which do not have this limitation.
Apparently the problem is indeed Windows and how it handles threads. We attempted several tests outside of our Windows Jenkins server and they do not work either. Stupid Windows.
I have a strange problem,
my MSBuild runs tests, code-coverage and publishing fine (part of the build.txt shown):
Results Top Level Tests
------- ---------------
Passed BuildTestProject.UnitTest1.TestMethod1
Passed BuildTestProject.UnitTest1.TestMethod2
2/2 test(s) Passed
Results file: W:\BuildWorkspace\XXX\Test Release\TestResults\XXX_XXX 2009-08-20 11_47_09_Any CPU_Release.trx
Run Configuration: Local Test Run
Waiting to publish...
Publishing results of test run XXX#XXX 2009-08-20 11:47:09_Any CPU_Release to http://XXX:8080/Build/v1.0/PublishTestResultsBuildService2.asmx...
....Publish completed successfully.
When I import these testresults on my local machine i get to see the code coverage-data as expected. But the code-coverage details are not shown in the details of the build that Visual Studio shows when you expand the 'results details'.
Any tips?
Finally found the solution today, found out that my TeamFoundationServer itself had problems with publishing the results to my buildAgent. I read somewhere (after searching for CoverAn.exe) that it is installed as a service, then i checked the credentials for the service 'Code Coverage Analysis Service'.
These were running under TFSMachine\NETWORK instead of our service-account for the TeamFoundationServer. Changed this, reran a build with tests in it and it now publishes the results.
Check that the .testrunconfig used by the server has coverage enabled. It may be different than your local .testrunconfig.