Can't select VS2017 in build definition - visual-studio-2017

I have installed a build agent on my build server (WS2016)
I have installed Visual Studion 2017 Professional to my build server
Why can't I select Visual Studio 2017 in my build definition?
I have selected "Latest" now, but the build fails due to
"my file".cs (240, 65)
"my file".cs(240,65): Error CS1525: Invalid Expressiong '.'.
The Code in this Line:
private void OnOutput(EbcMessage message) { this.Output?.Invoke(message);}
I also get the warning "Visual Studio not found. Try installing a supported version of Visual Studio. See the task definition for a list of supported versions."
On My Workstation the Code builds fine.

After I updated my TFS to current version, things worked fine.


Visual Studio compiles with CMake in x64-Debug mode but in x64-Release mode "could not find any instance of Visual Studio"

I'm using Visual Studio to open a CMake C++ project. When I set it to x64-Debug mode at the top and compile, it works fine. However, when I change it to x64-Release, it suddenly tells me:
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:5 (project):
Visual Studio 16 2019
could not find any instance of Visual Studio.
I'm literally using Visual Studio, why does CMake not find it anymore when building in release mode? I know that this code base compiled perfectly fine before and I didn't make any changes to it since then. Also, I tried to repair/reinstall Visual Studio but the issue persists. Can I verify some environment variables or whatever CMake checks?
When running CMake from CMD directly to generate a Visual Studio solution (cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019"), I get the same error as above. Running from x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022" or Developer Command Prompt for VS 2022 does not help either.
Desktop development with C++ and C++ CMake tools for Windows are both installed.
>cmake --version
cmake version 3.24.2
CMake suite maintained and supported by Kitware (
It turns out that deleting all Visual Studio generated files/folders and setting up a new x64-Release configuration solved the problem.

Failed Install of SSDT for Visual Studio 2017

I am trying to install SSDT for VS 2017 (15.5.1), and I get this error:
"The requested metafile operation is not support (0x800707D3)".
The Microsoft page states that this was fixed in the current release but apparently that isn't true. From Microsoft's change log: Fix an issue where setup fails with the following error message:
"The requested metafile operation is not support (0x800707D3)".
I have Visual 2017 installed and working and all updates to it have been installed
I am running Windows 7 Enterprise (company machine out of my control)
Has anyone figured out a work around?
The method I successfully used after encountering the failure message cited above was to uninstall the Visual Studio 2015 shell using add / remove programs (Win 10 Pro); rebooting, and then reinstalling SSDT for Visual Studio 2017 (Community Ed).
I am not sure how the Visual Studio 2015 Shell got installed: I previously removed all prior versions of SQL Server, and Visual Studio from the machine. I did build out the machine again by first installing SQL Server 2017 Dev, Visual Studio 2017 Comm Ed.
Same issue, Windows 10 Ent. Ended up installing SSDT for VS2015.

Visual Studio - "Unknown Compiler version" after upgrading

I have a Visual Studio 2015 C++ project which I wanted to upgrade to VS 2017. I had already denied the automatic prompts to upgrade my project when I first opened my project in VS 2017 (wasn't sure I wanted to upgrade at the time) so I couldn't update my project that way. Instead, I just went to my project's:
Properties->Configuration Properties->General
And in there I updated the 'Platform Toolset' option to 'Visual Studio 2017 (v141)' and also changed the 'Window SDK Version' to 10.0.16299.0 from windows 8.1. After performing this manual upgrade I now get the warning when building:
Unknown compiler version - please run the configure tests and report the results
Why am I getting this warning? I thought by changing the 'Platform Toolset' to VS2017 I would be using the VC2017 compiler. How do I fix this warning?
This line is from boost/config/compiler/visualc.hpp so the solution would be to upgrade to the boost 1.65.1 which properly acknowledges new version of Visual C++ compiler.

VS 2015: TF900547: The directory containing the assemblies for the Visual Studio Test Runner is not valid ''

I Have VS 2015 only installed on my TFS 2013 build server, and get the following error:
TF900547: The directory containing the assemblies for the Visual Studio Test Runner is not valid ''.
Other sites say to install VS 2013, but why would I have to install VS 2013 on the build server to run unit tests when I have VS 2015 installed?
I have the following switches on my build:
/p:VisualStudioVersion=14.0 /tv:14.0
(This is not a duplicate question as I am using TFS 2013 and am trying to use the Agile Test Runner not MS Test)
Check the solution in this case:
Install VS 2015 or Microsoft Build Tools 2015.
Edit build to use a build process template called TfvcTemplate.12.xaml.
Set MSBuild arguments to /tv:14.0.
But this setting only works for build, not test. As there is no way to set the tool version or tool path for "Run VS Test Runner" activity, installing VS 2013 should be the only way to get rid of this error.
I had a similar problem - was getting the error
TF900547: The directory containing the assemblies for the Visual Studio Test Runner is not valid 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TestWindow'.
It ended up being that even though Visual Studio 2015 was installed on the build agent, the user that the Build Agent was running as didn't have read/execute permissions to that folder.

MSBuild configuration error WDK 8.1 Visual Studio 2015 to build kernel mode driver

I'm struggling with VS 2015 C++ 'Platform Toolset' configuration property to build a test *.sys kernel driver I want play around this night.
So, this is a fresh new installation of VS 2015 Pro (update 1) plus WDK 8.1 (just downloaded) running on clean Win 8.1
All libs and headers like ntddk.h are in place.
But C++ Solution Explorer -> General -> Platform Toolset does not eat every option:
Visual Studio 2015 (v140) -- ok
Visual Studio 2015 - Windows XP (v140_xp) -- ok
WindowsApplicationForDrivers8.1 -- error
WindowsKernelModeDriver8.1 -- error (need this one)
WindowsUserModeDriver8.1 -- error
Nags as follows:
One or more values are invalid. MSBuild returned the following error:
The imported project "C:\Program Files
(x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\v120\Microsoft.cpp.props" was not
found. (Directory exists though!) Confirm that the path in the
declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.
C:\Program Files
I don't know what it could be. Am I supposed to have WDK 10 towards to VS2015?!
Anyway, I need the ability to build the driver on VS 2015.
Could it be directed compiler scripts?
Any ideas?
Moving to WDK 10 helped!
Ensure that you have the same version of SDK and WDK installed on your
You need to install the driver update for visual studio if you are working on visual studio then you have to get the proper update for it. I've a link please follow this link and you will get rid off from this problem..enter link description here
enter link description here