Using simple grid with Foundation 6 Zurb Stack - zurb-foundation

I'm trying to prototype a site using the Zurb Stack project (since I want SASS and Handlebars), and I need to use the plain vanilla grid in order to support IE9. However my layout isn't working (even when copied direct from the tutorials), and looking into dist/assets/css/app.css I've discovered that it lacks the necessary classes such as .row and .column. Is there a setting I need to configure in order to switch from the newer grids to the old row/column version? I've searched the Zurb site and the wider internet in vain.

In order to change the framework to use the legacy Float Grid, you need to go to app.scss remove comment on the line where shows #include foundation-grid;, and comment the one with #include foundation-xy-grid-classes;, then rebuild framework.
Hope this helps


How to safely style when using Zurb Foundation for your website?

I'm new to foundation, and using the latest version. I would like to add various kinds of styling to my pages, e.g. make some or all input boxes rounder or thicker, apply specific colors to specific elements (and of course, choose between custom color pallets that come along with Zurb if any, to begin with).
Should I use plain styles of my own? or should I use existing foundation classes? Is there also a collection of built-in color pallet or style themes to choose from?
I should say I'm not sure whether I have to use/download the Sass version for any of that, as it is left rather ambiguous on the download page to me, whether Sass/SCSS is a separate version or download of Foundation.
Of course I can role my own styles, but I'd like to learn whether there's a cleaner or more productive approach.
If you don't know sass, use the regular css files. If you want to change things, create a separate css file and override the css rules. As long as you reference the css file with the overridden rules after the main css file, you should be good to go.
If you do know Sass, just edit the Sass file and when you're done, compile it to CSS using any number of tools available (Google "Sass to Css").
Whenever I've worked with Foundation, I've downloaded the whole job lot, but you can download a custom build from Here.

How to Take Screenshots of openGL with calabash

How can I take screenshots of openGL with calabash while using the ios simulator?
In the past I could do it with (localhost:37265/screenshot2), but now it is deprecated.
Since most likely you use UIViews to render OpenGL content, you could create a category on UIView that creates a screenshot of the current state (e.g. by drawing the content to an image). You can call the category using the map method of calabash, e.g.
# the following assumes your OpenGL view has an accessibility label 'OpenGL view'
# you also have a category 'UIView+Calabash' with a method '-(void)takeScreenshot;'
map("UIView marked:'OpenGL view'", :takeScreenshot)
You might also want to read the following topic:
Programmatically take a screenshot combining OpenGL and UIKit elements
Calabash iOS 0.18.2 and above now supports OpenGL screenshots.
The following information is out of date, but possibly useful.
The screenshot2 route was deprecated in this PR to provide Xcode 5.1.1 and 64-bit support.
This is the first report we've had of someone who was using this route.
For iOS 7 only, we have some options, but I haven't settled on a solution. This is being tracked in the calabash-ios issues and in this calabash-ios-server branch. Feel free to weigh in with your opinion.
On a side note, the calabash.framework now ships header files that allow users to implement their own routes. It is beyond the scope of this question to provide details, but we have one example of a user implementing OpenGL screenshots using the header files.

confusions using zurb foundation

After many projects writing my own responsive design i got a bit tired of it, after researching popular responsive frameworks decided to go with Zurb Foundation.
First i went for the css ready to go download. Then i tried to use the GEM, where i got a bit of resistance in trying to figure out things on my own. It seems the docs are not explaining enough scenarios, they are just raw docs.
First what i miss is a search for all the classes to find explanations fast, something like jquery's website has.
Many googling and reading to figure out i need to install ruby on windows. Then i ended thinking that my webserver also needs ruby installed, but figured out that SASS is just a preprocesor so it is only helping me write and maintain better code on my side :)
Here are some other problems i just can't figure out easy, without searching google for each thing:
1) I have configured dreamweaver to open .scss files also. Then each day i'm developing, i need to open ruby-console, navigate to project dir and put: compass watch. Now each time i save every modifications (so i can test i the browser), dreamweaver pops out message box: "file has been modified outside of dreamweaver, you want to save..blabla" - very very enoying
2) app.scss only holds a lot #import statements. _settings.scss holds the code i can change the default looks (this was my primary reason to use the gem since not a SASS guru yet). Should i uncomment some statement and change themn to my needs inside _settings.scss and will i lose all these changes after one day i succesfully update zurb with: gem update zurb-foundation? If so, is it better practice to create a new scss which holds all my overrides?
3) how to create new .scss file which should override some defaults that _settings.scss listens.
4) should i override the app.css or the _settings.scss
5) when changing top-bar links hover colors, why aren't these applied??? example: $topbar-link-color-hover: #fff; (_settings.scss)
6) i did not have an /img or /images folder in my project after creating it. Hence, i created one myself "/images"
7) any books to buy on foundation 4 with a lot of best practices and tutorials???
I'm sorry but for me honestly it seems way to much time to spend learning the very basics for zurb. I have a lot of experience in c++ projects as in mobile and desktop web projects, so i realy don't feel like a newby but it's almost like i'm pushed to buy support
First I will start off by saying, if you are new to frameworks try something that has a ton more documentation like Twitter-Bootstrap. However since you decided to use Foundation here are the answers to your questions.
1) Setup compass to write the files to another directory that Dreamweaver does not watch. Use a proxy like Charles Proxy to proxy in the files when you are developing locally. This will get rid of the annoying do you want to save this file message. Make the compilation of the SCSS files part of your build process before you deploy your application somewhere other than local.
2) Yes, app.scss has all the import statements. Some of which you might want to comment out if you are looking for raw speed, just fyi. In terms of overrides one thing that you can do is use the Mixins that are provided to you in the other files. Button.scss for example has some fantastic button mixins that allow you to not only create your own flair but inherit most of the Foundation Awesomeness. Another thing, if you notice how all of the variables have a !default. That means that if they are declared somewhere else(read import your variable first), the Default value will be overridden.
3) just make the file and add it as an import before the _settings.scss
4) app.scss has a ton of imports for all the parts of foundation, some you are most likely using and some maybe not.
5) Would need to see the compiled CSS for this one, my guess though without seeing anything is that you missed a variable.
6) Created it because Compass was looking for it? Unless you are planning on using images or creating a sprite (compass can create sprites, which is AWESOME) you can just comment or remove that from the config.rb.
7) Have not seen any. Foundation has much less of a community at this time when compared to Bootstrap. However you can get a leg up by studying up on SASS and SCSS, there is a lot more available on that part.

ipad 3 with cocos2d 0.99.5

Is there any way to make my app work on ipad 3 without updating to cocos2d 1.0.1 or higher?
I am using cocos2d 0.99.5 and a third party framework (not mine) which uses cocos2d 0.99.5
Updating to cocos2d 1.0.1 or higher would be a colossal work.
My app is working in ipad 1 and ipad 2, but in ipad 3 i just see a black screen (and listen to the music)
Thank you!!
Possibly, if you can retrace what has been done to add iPad 3 support between 0.99.5 and v1.0.1. You can use the github commit history. Though this will not be an easy task, and possibly cost you more time than updating to v1.0.1.
Why would updating be a colossal task? If you tried it and found hundreds if not thousands of errors, this does not mean you'll have to apply the same number of fixes. One renamed cocos2d class can already give you dozens and more errors depending on the class and your project.
To update cocos2d follow the steps described here. Especially important and often forgotten is to actually delete all the old cocos2d files, otherwise you may still be using old version source files in your project causing all kinds of trouble.
From what I recall when I updated the first edition of my book (cocos2d 0.99) to the second edition (cocos2d 1.0.1) there was very little code between those two cocos2d versions that actually forced me to write new code. 99% of the changes are merely renamed classes, methods and properties - renaming them accordingly fixes 80% of the issues, and the rest are new or removed or re-arranged parameters of methods, almost as easily fixed though not as easily because you can't always use refactor respectively search & replace to fix those.
I suggest to fix the easy ones first (renamed classes, methods, properties) and then get to the rest. If you need help, you already know how to use SO. ;)

Browser Helper Object UI

I am a newbie working towards developing an IE extension that would appear as an overlay in certain webpages. I am getting started by creating a simple BHO in VS2008 (using C++), but I am wondering how UI may be incorporated within the project. Any ideas?
Just to give you an idea, I'm looking for overlays similar to what was developed by stickis
You have two real options:
1> Inject your UI into the page as HTML.
2> Overlay your UI (using Windows graphics APIs) over top of the page.
Neither of these is super-simple, I'm afraid. Unfortunately, doing UI is usually the hardest part of building IE addons.
The key question is whether you need a BHO at all. Between context-menu extensions and IE8 Accelerators, you may find that you can let IE do all of the heavy lifting. See for more info.
Using CreateWIndowEx() was what I was looking for :)