'Wit' object has no attribute 'message' - python-2.7

Just trying to experiment with Wit.ai & Python but getting the following error. What am I doing wrong here??
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Python27/mx1.py", line 7, in <module>
resp = client.message(my_message)
AttributeError: 'Wit' object has no attribute 'message'
from wit import Wit
client = Wit(access_token)
my_message='who are you?'
resp = client.message(my_message)

So, it seems like you're using an older (actually unofficial) version of the Python pywit package, last updated on 2015-11-07 (version 0.4.0).
You should remove the pywit package and install wit, just like they say in the docs/install section:
pip uninstall pywit
pip install wit
Just for completeness, if you look inside the wit.py of your older pywit package, inside your python2.7/site-packages/wit/wit.py, you'll see the definition of old Wit class, with a get_message() method instead of the current message(). So, in the pywit, your code will run if you say:
resp = client.get_message(my_message)
instead of
resp = client.message(my_message)
But you should really switch to the current (official) version.


Unsolved Reference IP() and TCP() When Using Scapy

I copied the codes from the example to learn scapy. But realized the IDE showed the error with unsolved reference for IP() & TCP(). Anyone know how to fix this?
Here are the codes:
#! /usr/bin/env python
from scapy.all import *
import logging
dst_ip = ""
src_port = RandShort()
tcp_connect_scan_resp = sr1(IP(dst=dst_ip)/TCP(sport=src_port,dport=dst_port,flags="S"), timeout=10)
if(tcp_connect_scan_resp.getlayer(TCP).flags == 0x12):
send_rst =sr(IP(dst=dst_ip)/TCP(sport=src_port,dport=dst_port,flags="AR"),timeout=10)
elif (tcp_connect_scan_resp.getlayer(TCP).flags ==0x14):
I'm using Pycharm IDE. Python2.7 and scapy 2.4.0. I searched on stackoverflow and found someone asked the same question before but no answer.....
Here is the error after I tried to run the codes:
/Users/chenneyhuang/PycharmProjects/Scanner/venv/bin/python /Users/chenneyhuang/PycharmProjects/Scanner/TCP.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/chenneyhuang/PycharmProjects/Scanner/TCP.py", line 12, in <module>
tcp_connect_scan_resp = sr1(IP(dst=dst_ip)/TCP(sport=src_port,dport=dst_port,flags="S"), timeout=10)
File "/Users/chenneyhuang/PycharmProjects/Scanner/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scapy/sendrecv.py", line 393, in sr1
s=conf.L3socket(promisc=promisc, filter=filter, nofilter=nofilter, iface=iface)
File "/Users/chenneyhuang/PycharmProjects/Scanner/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scapy/arch/bpf/supersocket.py", line 58, in __init__
(self.ins, self.dev_bpf) = get_dev_bpf()
File "/Users/chenneyhuang/PycharmProjects/Scanner/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scapy/arch/bpf/core.py", line 98, in get_dev_bpf
raise Scapy_Exception("No /dev/bpf handle is available !")
scapy.error.Scapy_Exception: No /dev/bpf handle is available !
Process finished with exit code 1
I answered the same Unsolved Reference issue last week here:
vscode import error: from scapy.all import IP
In short, don't worry about that error, it's a limitation of Pylint (or similar). I propose a workaround in the other question, if you'd like to remove the error/warning.
For the No /dev/bpf handle is available error, have you tried running the script as root? I see that suggested as a solution over on this GitHub issue: https://github.com/secdev/scapy/issues/1343

Creating a single executable .exe from Python script that uses PuLP

I have been struggling with this for a while. I have used py2exe and cx_freeze to package everything. I am using a 32 bit machine and Everything works fine and the interface opens up and everything just that I know the entire puLP package is not being copied correctly into the package. I know this because the solver does not work. Inside both library zips in the packages created by py2exe and cx_freeze, there are only .pyc files included where PuLP has cbc.exe and other file types that make the solver work.
Is there any work around this? I have tried copying the actual PuLP package into the library.zip as well as into the dist folder and that didn't work.
Here is the setup I used for py2exe:
import sys
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
# Dependencies are automatically detected, but it might need fine tuning.
build_exe_options = {"packages": ["pulp"],
"icon": "icon.ico",
"include_files": ["icon.ico","cbc.exe","cbc-32","cbc-64","cbc-osx-64","CoinMP.dll"]}
# GUI applications require a different base on Windows (the default is for a
# console application).
base = None
if sys.platform == "win32":
base = "Win32GUI"
setup( name = "my_app",
version = "0.1",
options = {"build_exe": build_exe_options},
executables = [Executable("my_app.py", base=base)])
I received the following error:
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Tkinter.pyc", line 1470, in __call__
File "my_app.py", line 796, in <lambda>
File "my_app.py", line 467, in branchAndBound
File "pulp\pulp.pyc", line 1619, in solve
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'actualSolve'
I tried to change the paths to cbc.exe and CoinMP.dll but that didn't really work either. I am probably missing something.
I changed the following inside solvers.py in the PuLP package:
coinMP_path = config.get("locations", "CoinMPPath").split(', ')
except configparser.Error:
coinMP_path = ['/Users/al/Desktop/my_app/build/exe.win32-2.7']
cbc_path = config.get("locations", "CbcPath")
except configparser.Error:
cbc_path = '/Users/al/Desktop/my_app/build/exe.win32-2.7'
pulp_cbc_path = config.get("locations", "PulpCbcPath")
except configparser.Error:
pulp_cbc_path = '/Users/al/Desktop/my_app/build/exe.win32-2.7'
What am I missing or doing wrong?

Error with GDAL

I have tried and run this script from Rutger Kassies.
import gdal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ds = gdal.Open('HDF4_SDS:sample:"A2002037045000.L2_LAC.SAMPLE.hdf":01')
data = ds.ReadAsArray()
ds = None
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,6))
ax.imshow(data[0,:,:], cmap=plt.cm.Greys, vmin=1000, vmax=6000)
But then an error always occured:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\path\to\python\stackoverflow.py", line 5, in <module>
data = ds.ReadAsArray()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'ReadAsArray'
What's wrong with the script? Am I missing something? In installing GDAL I have followed this instruction http://pythongisandstuff.wordpress.com/2011/07/07/installing-gdal-and-ogr-for-python-on-windows/
Am using windows 7/32 bit/Python 2.7.
gdal.Open() is failing and returning 'None'. This produces the sometimes counterintuitive message "NoneType' object has no attribute ...". Quoting from Python: Attribute Error - 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'something', "NoneType means that instead of an instance of whatever Class or Object you think you're working with, you've actually got None. That usually means that an assignment or function call up above failed or returned an unexpected result."
Apparently GDAL is correctly installed. It could be that the file is not readable or that there is an issue with the HDF driver. Are you getting any error message like:
`HDF4_SDS:sample:"A2002037045000.L2_LAC.SAMPLE.hdf":01' does not
exist in the file system, and is not recognised as a supported dataset
To get additional information you can try something like this instead of the gdal.Open() line in your script:
ds = gdal.Open('HDF4_SDS:sample:"A2002037045000.L2_LAC.SAMPLE.hdf":01')
except RuntimeError, err:
print "Exception: ", err
Also, there's an extra '}' at the end of the script.
By default, osgeo.gdal returns None on error, and does not normally raise informative exceptions. You can change this with gdal.UseExceptions().
Try something like this:
from osgeo import gdal
source_path = r'HDF4_SDS:sample:"D:\path\to\file\A2002037045000.L2_LAC.SAMPLE.hdf":01'
ds = gdal.Open(source_path)
except RuntimeError as ex:
raise IOError(ex)
The last bit just re-raises the exception as an IOError rather than a RuntimeException.
The solution is to modify source_path to a working path to your data source, e.g., I see
IOError: `HDF4_SDS:sample:"A2002037045000.L2_LAC.SAMPLE.hdf":01' does not exist in the file system, and is not recognised as a supported dataset name.

During migrating tool from windows to linux lxml error

I have developed a tool in python 2.7 that take xsd file as input ,
and give the process data into a test file
During processing the xsd file I used lxml, I am unable to resolve this sort of error.
AttributeError: 'Element' object has no attribute 'iterdescendants'
I don`t know what wrong with the lxml lib.
I want to know is there any lxml Linux compatible version for python 2.7
I have imported in the file like below:
from lxml import etree
except ImportError:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
I have imported only in file , and sending the element tree pointer to process the the element into another file ,
it is OK in the declared file , giving error in another file only.
the code throw the error is :
for tdocNode in lincFileRootNode:
rootNode = tdocNode.getroot()
lchildren = rootNode.getchildren()
for elt in lchildren:
if 'complex' == elt.tag:
if 'name' in elt.attrib:
if 'element' == item.tag:
if 'type' in item.attrib:
if elt.attrib['name'] == item.attrib['type']:
for key in elt.iterdescendants(tag='element'):
bIsElemTypeSimple = false
bIsElemTypeSimple = process_elementtype(key, lincFileRootNode)
where :
lincFileRootNode --> is list that containe the xsd file pointer to be processed
the error thrown is :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "run.py", line 1210, in <module>
iret = xsd2dic_main()
File "run.py", line 71, in xsd2dic_main
iRet = yxsdtodic()
File "run.py", line 352, in yxsdtodic
iret = process_xsdfile(sXsdPath)
File "run.py", line 485, in xsdfile
sRet = process_dic_elementtype(item,lincFileRootNode)
File "run.py", line 817, in process_dic_elementtype
for key in elt.iterdescendants(tag='element'):
AttributeError: 'Element' object has no attribute 'iterdescendants'
i tired in the both the cases :
1:writing all code in a same file
2:writing different files
still i am getting the same error
This is mostly a guess, but look into it.
You appear to be calling iterdescendants from lxml's implementation of the Element type. However, if lxml fails to import, you fall back on Python's built in xml library instead. But it's implementation of Element doesn't have an iterdescendants methods of any kind. In other words, the two implementations have different public APIs. Add some print statements to see which library you're importing and do some additionally checking to see exactly what type elt is. If you want to be able to fall back on Python's built in xml, you'll need to structure your code to accommodate the different APIs.

Buildout and django-registration from repository for Django 1.5

I'd like to use Buildout to get django-registration with Django 1.5, and I have a custom user using MyUser(AbstractUser). I used to get it from the recipe v0.8 and it was great. Since, I switched to 1.5, remove my UserProfile and use this custom MyUser.
django-registration no longer work. I've been told I should get it from the repository, and that's what I'm trying to do. I've in the past used mr.developer to get a newer version of django-tastypie, and I tried to reproduce the same with django-registration. I have an error while calling bin/buildout tho. Let's first check the buildout config:
extensions = mr.developer
parts = myquivers
eggs =
include-site-packages = false
versions = versions
sources = sources
auto-checkout =
django-registration = hg https://bitbucket.org/ubernostrum/django-registration
django = 1.5
recipe = djangorecipe
settings = development
eggs = ${buildout:eggs}
project = myquivers
Pretty simple config. It used to work with tastypie like I said, and I'm trying to do the same steps:
- python2.7 bootstrap.py
- bin/buildout
- bin/develop activate django-registration
- bin/develop checkout django-registration
- bin/myquivers syncdb
- bin/myquivers runservser
But it fails at the bin/buildout steps:
$ bin/buildout
Getting distribution for 'mr.developer'.
Got mr.developer 1.25.
mr.developer: Creating missing sources dir /home/damien/Documents/projects/myquivers/src.
mr.developer: Queued 'django-registration' for checkout.
mr.developer: Cloned 'django-registration' with mercurial.
Develop: '/home/damien/Documents/projects/myquivers/src/django-registration'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/tmpzLDggG", line 13, in <module>
exec(compile(open('/home/damien/Documents/projects/myquivers/src/django-registration/setup.py').read(), '/home/damien/Documents/projects/myquivers/src/django-registration/setup.py', 'exec'))
File "/home/damien/Documents/projects/myquivers/src/django-registration/setup.py", line 30, in <module>
version=get_version().replace(' ', '-'),
File "/home/damien/Documents/projects/myquivers/src/django-registration/registration/__init__.py", line 5, in get_version
from django.utils.version import get_version as django_get_version
ImportError: No module named django.utils.version
Processing develop directory '/home/damien/Documents/projects/myquivers/src/django-registration'.
An internal error occured due to a bug in either zc.buildout or in a
recipe being used:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/damien/Documents/projects/myquivers/eggs/zc.buildout-2.1.0-py2.7.egg/zc/buildout/buildout.py", line 1923, in main
getattr(buildout, command)(args)
File "/home/damien/Documents/projects/myquivers/eggs/zc.buildout-2.1.0-py2.7.egg/zc/buildout/buildout.py", line 466, in install
installed_develop_eggs = self._develop()
File "/home/damien/Documents/projects/myquivers/eggs/zc.buildout-2.1.0-py2.7.egg/zc/buildout/buildout.py", line 707, in _develop
zc.buildout.easy_install.develop(setup, dest)
File "/home/damien/Documents/projects/myquivers/eggs/zc.buildout-2.1.0-py2.7.egg/zc/buildout/easy_install.py", line 871, in develop
File "/home/damien/Documents/projects/myquivers/eggs/zc.buildout-2.1.0-py2.7.egg/zc/buildout/easy_install.py", line 129, in call_subprocess
% repr(args)[1:-1])
Exception: Failed to run command:
'/usr/bin/python2.7', '/tmp/tmpzLDggG', '-q', 'develop', '-mxN', '-d', '/home/damien/Documents/projects/myquivers/develop-eggs/tmpYM_dR9build'
Checking at the error, first Django seems not to be in the system, and that's right, when entering python2.7 and try >>> import django, it fails. But that's normal and that's why I'm using buildout, to not install system-wide Django, just locally for my project.
Any idea how to fix this? Is there a better alternative than taking this repo version? Please let me know, again, custom user/django 1.5/django-registration.