Are packed structs portable? - c++

I have some code on a Cortex-M4 microcontroller and'd like to communicate with a PC using a binary protocol. Currently, I'm using packed structs using the GCC-specific packed attribute.
Here is a rough outline:
struct Sensor1Telemetry {
int16_t temperature;
uint32_t timestamp;
uint16_t voltageMv;
// etc...
} __attribute__((__packed__));
struct TelemetryPacket {
Sensor1Telemetry tele1;
Sensor2Telemetry tele2;
// etc...
} __attribute__((__packed__));
My question is:
Assuming that I use the exact same definition for the TelemetryPacket struct on the MCU and the client app, will the above code be portable accross multiple platforms? (I'm interested in x86 and x86_64, and need it to run on Windows, Linux and OS X.)
Do other compilers support packed structs with the same memory layout? With what syntax?
Yes, I know packed structs are non-standard, but they seem useful enough to consider using them.
I'm interested in both C and C++, although I don't think GCC would handle them differently.
These structs are not inherited and don't inherit anything.
These structs only contain fixed-size integer fields, and other similar packed structs. (I've been burned by floats before...)

Considering the mentioned platforms, yes, packed structs are completely fine to use. x86 and x86_64 always supported unaligned access, and contrary to the common belief, unaligned access on these platforms has (almost) the same speed as aligned access for a long time (there's no such thing that unaligned access is much slower). The only drawback is that the access may not be atomic, but I don't think it matters in this case. And there is an agreement between compilers, packed structs will use the same layout.
GCC/clang supports packed structs with the syntax you mentioned. MSVC has #pragma pack, which can be used like this:
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct Sensor1Telemetry {
int16_t temperature;
uint32_t timestamp;
uint16_t voltageMv;
// etc...
#pragma pack(pop)
Two issues can arise:
Endianness must be the same across platforms (your MCU must be using little-endian)
If you assign a pointer to a packed struct member, and you're on an architecture which doesn't support unaligned access (or use instructions which have alignment requirements, like movaps or ldrd), then you may get a crash using that pointer (gcc doesn't warn you about this, but clang does).
Here's the doc from GCC:
The packed attribute specifies that a variable or structure field
should have the smallest possible alignment—one byte for a variable
So GCC guarantees that no padding will be used.
To pack a class is to place its members directly after each other in
So MSVC guarantees that no padding will be used.
The only "dangerous" area I've found, is the usage of bitfields. Then the layout may differ between GCC and MSVC. But, there's an option in GCC, which makes them compatible: -mms-bitfields
Tip: even, if this solution works now, and it is highly unlikely that it will stop working, I recommend you keep dependency of your code on this solution low.
Note: I've considered only GCC, clang and MSVC in this answer. There are compilers maybe, for which these things are not true.

endianness is not an issue
both compilers handle packing correctly
the type definitions on both C implementations are accurate (Standard compliant).
then yes, "packed structures" are portable.
For my taste too many "if"s, do not do this. It's not worth the hassle to arise.

You could do that, or use a more reliable alternative.
For the hard core amongst the serialisation fanatics out there, there's CapnProto. This gives you a native structure to deal with, and undertakes to ensure that when it's transferred across a network and lightly worked on, it'll still make sense the other end. To call it a serialisation is nearly inaccurate; it aims to do a little as possible to the in-memmory representation of a structure. Might be amenable to porting to an M4
There's Google Protocol Buffers, that's binary. More bloaty, but pretty good. There's the accompanying nanopb (more suited to microcontrollers), but it doesn't do the whole of GPB (I don't think it does oneof). Many people use it successfully though.
Some of the C asn1 runtimes are small enough for use on micro controllers. I know this one fits on M0.

You should never use structs across compile domains, against memory (hardware registers, picking apart items read from a file or passing data between processors or the same processor different software (between an app and a kernel driver)). You are asking for trouble as the compiler has somewhat free will to choose alignment and then the user on top of that can make it worse by using modifiers.
No there is no reason to assume you can do this safely across platforms, even if you use the same gcc compiler version for example against different targets (different builds of the compiler as well as the target differences).
To reduce your odds of failure start with the largest items first (64 bit then 32 bit the 16 bit then lastly any 8 bit items) Ideally align on 32 minimum perhaps 64 which one would hope arm and x86 do, but that can always change as well as the default can be modified by whomever builds the compiler from sources.
Now if this is a job security thing, sure go ahead, you can do regular maintenance on this code, likely going to need a definition of each structure for each target (so one copy of the source code for the structure definition for ARM and another for x86, or will need this eventually if not immediately). And then every or every few product releases you get to be called in to do work on the code...Nice little maintenance time bombs that go off...
If you want to safely communicate between compile domains or processors the same or different architectures, use an array of some size, a stream of bytes a stream of halfwords or a stream of words. Significantly reduces your risk of failure and maintenance down the road. Do not use structures to pick apart those items that just restores the risk and failure.
The reason why folks seem to think this is okay because of using the same compiler or family against the same target or family (or compilers derived from other compilers choices), as you understand the rules of the language and where the implementation defined areas are you will eventually run across a difference, sometimes it takes decades in your career, sometimes it takes weeks...Its the "works on my machine" problem...

If you want something maximally portable, you can declare a buffer of uint8_t[TELEM1_SIZE] and memcpy() to and from offsets within it, performing endianness conversions such as htons() and htonl() (or little-endian equivalents such as the ones in glib). You could wrap this in a class with getter/setter methods in C++, or a struct with getter-setter functions in C.

It strongly depends on what struct is, bear in mind that in C++ struct is a class with default visibility public.
So you can inherit and even add virtual to this so this could break things for you.
If it is a pure data class (in C++ terms a standard layout class) this should work in combination with packed.
Also bear in mind, that if you start doing this you might get problems with strict aliasing rules of your compiler, because you will have to look at the byte representation of your memory (-fno-strict-aliasing is your friend).
That being said I would strongly advise against using that for serialization. If you use tools for this (i.e.: protobuf, flatbuffers, msgpack, or others) you get a ton of features:
language independence
rpc (remote procedure call)
data specification languages

Speaking about alternatives and considering your question Tuple-like container for packed data (for which I don't have enough reputation to comment on), I suggest having a look at Alex Robenko's CommsChampion project:
COMMS is the C++(11) headers only, platform independent library, which makes the implementation of a communication protocol to be an easy and relatively quick process. It provides all the necessary types and classes to make the definition of the custom messages, as well as wrapping transport data fields, to be simple declarative statements of type and class definitions. These statements will specify WHAT needs to be implemented. The COMMS library internals handle the HOW part.
Since you're working on a Cortex-M4 microcontroller, you may also find interesting that:
The COMMS library was specifically developed to be used in embedded systems including bare-metal ones. It doesn't use exceptions and/or RTTI. It also minimises usage of dynamic memory allocation and provides an ability to exclude it altogether if required, which may be needed when developing bare-metal embedded systems.
Alex provides an excellent free ebook titled Guide to Implementing Communication Protocols in C++ (for Embedded Systems) which describes the internals.

Here is pseudo code towards an algorithm that may fit your needs to ensure the use with the proper target OS and platform.
If using the C language you will not be able to use classes, templates and a few other things, but you can use preprocessor directives to create the version of your struct(s) you need based on the OS, the architect CPU-GPU-Hardware Controller Manufacturer {Intel, AMD, IBM, Apple, etc.}, platform x86 - x64 bit, and finally the endian of the byte layout. Otherwise the focus here would be towards C++ and the use of templates.
Take your struct(s) for example:
struct Sensor1Telemetry {
int16_t temperature;
uint32_t timestamp;
uint16_t voltageMv;
// etc...
} __attribute__((__packed__));
struct TelemetryPacket {
Sensor1Telemetry tele1;
Sensor2Telemetry tele2;
// etc...
} __attribute__((__packed__));
You could template these structs as such:
enum OS_Type {
// Flag Bits - Windows First 4bits
WINDOWS = 0x01 // 1
WINDOWS_7 = 0x02 // 2
WINDOWS_8 = 0x04, // 4
WINDOWS_10 = 0x08, // 8
// Flag Bits - Linux Second 4bits
LINUX = 0x10, // 16
LINUX_vA = 0x20, // 32
LINUX_vB = 0x40, // 64
LINUX_vC = 0x80, // 128
// Flag Bits - Linux Third Byte
OS = 0x100, // 256
OS_vA = 0x200, // 512
OS_vB = 0x400, // 1024
OS_vC = 0x800 // 2048
enum ArchitectureType {
ANDROID = 0x01
AMD = 0x02,
ASUS = 0x04,
NVIDIA = 0x08,
IBM = 0x10,
INTEL = 0x20,
enum PlatformType {
X86 = 0x01,
X64 = 0x02,
// Legacy - Deprecated Models
X32 = 0x04,
X16 = 0x08,
// ... etc.
enum EndianType {
LITTLE = 0x01,
BIG = 0x02,
MIXED = 0x04,
// ....
// Struct to hold the target machines properties & attributes: add this to your existing struct.
struct TargetMachine {
unsigned int os_;
unsigned int architecture_;
unsigned char platform_;
unsigned char endian_;
TargetMachine() :
os_(0), architecture_(0),
platform_(0), endian_(0) {
TargetMachine( unsigned int os, unsigned int architecture_,
unsigned char platform_, unsigned char endian_ ) :
os_(os), architecture_(architecture),
platform_(platform), endian_(endian) {
template<unsigned int OS, unsigned int Architecture, unsigned char Platform, unsigned char Endian>
struct Sensor1Telemetry {
int16_t temperature;
uint32_t timestamp;
uint16_t voltageMv;
// etc...
} __attribute__((__packed__));
template<unsigned int OS, unsigned int Architecture, unsigned char Platform, unsigned char Endian>
struct TelemetryPacket {
TargetMachine targetMachine { OS, Architecture, Platform, Endian };
Sensor1Telemetry tele1;
Sensor2Telemetry tele2;
// etc...
} __attribute__((__packed__));
With these enum identifiers you could then use class template specialization to set the up this class to its needs depending on the above combinations. Here I would take all the common cases that would seem to work fine with default class declaration & definition and set that as the main class's functionality. Then for those special cases, such as different Endian with byte order, or specific OS versions doing something in a different way, or GCC versus MS compilers with the use of __attribute__((__packed__)) versus #pragma pack() can then be the few specializations that need to be accounted for. You shouldn't need to specify a specialization for every possible combination; that would be too daunting and time consuming, should only need to do the few rare case scenarios that can occur to make sure you always have proper code instructions for the target audience. What also makes the enums very handy too is that if you pass these as a function argument, you can set multiple ones at a time as they are designed as bit flags. So if you want to create a function that takes this template struct as its first argument, then supported OS's as its second you could then pass in all available OS support as bit flags.
This may help to ensure that this set of packed structures is being "packed" and or aligned correctly according to the appropriate target and that it will always perform the same functionality to maintain portability across different platforms.
Now you may have to do this specialization twice between the preprocessor directives for different supporting compilers. Such that if the current compiler is GCC as it defines the struct in one way with its specializations, then Clang in another, or MSVC, Code Blocks etc. So there is a little overhead to get this initially set up, but it should, could highly ensure that it is being properly used in the specified scenario or combination of attributes of the target machine.

Not always. When you send data to different architect processor, you need to consider about Endianness, primitive data type, etc. Better to use Thrift or Message Pack. If not, create yourself Serialize and DeSerialize methods instead.


How to ensure certain struct layout across compilations?

The C++ standard says nothing about packing and padding of structs, because it is implementation defined.
If it is implementation defined, then for example, why it is safe to pass a struct to a DLL, if this DLL could have been compiled with a different compiler, which could have different methods for struct padding?
Is the struct padding method enforced by the OS's ABI (for example, the padding will be the same on all Windows platforms)?
Or, is there standard method for padding when compiling for a PC (x64 or x86_64 systems) that is used in every modern compiler?
If there is nothing that can guarantee the layout of variables, then is it safe to assume that each basic type in C++ (char, all numeric variables and pointers) must be aligned to an address that is a multiple of its size, and because of that, padding inside a struct can be done by hand without performance problems or UB?
From what I have checked, g++ compiles structs in such a way, that it inserts minimum amount of padding, just to ensure alignment of the next variable.
For example:
struct foo
char a;
// char _padding1[3]; <- inserted by compiler
uint32_t b;
There are 3 bytes of padding after a because that is the minimum amount that will give us a suitably aligned address for b.
Can we take for granted that compilers will do this that way? Or, can we force this kind of padding by hand without UB or performance issues?
By hand, I mean:
#pragma pack(1)
struct foo
char a;
char _padding1[3]; //<- manually adding padding bytes
uint32_t b;
#pragma pack()
Just to be clear: I am asking about behavior of compilers only on PC platforms : Windows, Linux distros, and maybe MacOS.
Sorry if my question is in category of "you dig into this too much". I just couldn't find a satisfying answer on the Internet. Some people say that it is not guaranteed. Others say that compiling with different compilers on systems that use the same ABI guarantee that the same struct will have the same layout. Others show how to reduce struct padding assuming that compilers pack structs the way that I described above (it is with minimum required padding to align variables).
If it is implementation defined, then for example, why it is safe to pass struct to dll
Because the dll and the caller follow the same Application binary interface (ABI) that defines the layout.
By the way, dll are a language extension and not part of standard C++.
if this dll could have been compiled with different compiler, which could have different method for struct padding?
If the library and the dependent don't follow an intercompatible ABI, then they cannot work together.
Is structpadding method enforced by the OS's ABI
Yes, class layout (structs are classes) is defined by the ABI.
For example padding will be the same on all Windows platforms
Not quite, since Windows on ARM has a different ABI for example. But within the same CPU architecture, the layout would be the same in Windows.
Or is there standard method for padding when compiling for PC (x64 or x86_64 systems) that is used in every modern compiler?
No, there is no universal class layout followed by OS, even within x86_64 architecture.
From what I checked, g++ compiles structs in such way, that it inserts minimum amount of padding, just to ensure alignment of next variable.
All objects in C++ must be aligned as per the alignment requirement of the type of the object. This guarantee isn't compiler specific. However alignment requirements of types - and even the sizes of types - vary across different ABIs.
Bonus info: Compilers have language extensions that remove such guarantee.
There are 3 bytes of padding after a because it is minimum amount that will give us suitably aligned address for b. Can we take for granted that compilers will do this that way?
In general no. On some systems, alignof(std::uint32_t) == 1 in which case there wouldn't be need for any padding.
Within a single ABI, you can take for granted that the layout is the same, but across multiple systems - which might not follow the same ABI - you cannot take it for granted.
When dealing with binary layout across systems (for example, when reading from a file or network), the standard compliant way is to treat the data as an array of bytes1, and to copy each sequence of bytes2 from pre-determined offsets onto fixed width3 fundamental objects (not classes whose layout may differ). In practice, you don't need to care about sign representation although that used to be a problem historically.
If the optimiser does its job, there ideally shouldn't be any performance penalty if the layout of input data matches the native layout. In case it doesn't match, then there may be a cost (compared to a matching layout) that cannot be optimised away.
1 This isn't sufficient when byte size differs across systems, but you don't need to worry about that since you care about x86_64 only.
2 In order to support systems with varying byte endianness, you must interpret the bytes in order of their significance rather than memory order, but you don't need to worry about that since you care about x86_64 only.
3 I.e. not int, short, long etc., but rather std::int32_t etc.
The C and C++ standards were written to describe existing languages. In situations where 99+% of implementations would do things a certain way, and it was obvious that implementations should do things that way absent a compelling reason for doing otherwise, the standards would generally leave open the possibility of implementations doing something unusual.
Consider, for example, given something like:
struct foo {int i; char a,b[4],c,d,e;}; // Assume sizeof (int) is 4
struct foo myFoo;
On most platforms, making bar be a three-word type which contains all of the individual bytes packed together may be more efficient than doing anything else. On the other hand, on a platform that uses word-addressed storages, but includes instructions to load or store bytes at a specified byte offset from a specified word address, word-aligning the start of b may allow a construct like myfoo.b[i] to be processed by directly using the value of i as an offset onto the word-aligned address of myFoo.b.
The standards were designed by people designing compilers for such platforms to weigh the pros and cons of following normal practice versus deviating from it to better fit the target architecture.
Machines that use word addresses but allow byte-based loads and stores are of course exceptionally rare, and very little code that isn't deliberately written from such machines for which compatibility with such them would offer any added value whatsoever.
The committees weren't willing to say that such machines should be viewed as archaic and not worth supporting, but that doesn't mean they didn't expect and intend that programs written for commonplace implementations could exploit aspects of behavior that were shared by all commonplace implementations, even if not by some obscure ones.

Typical case in padding of structures in c++ [duplicate]

If I have a struct in C++, is there no way to safely read/write it to a file that is cross-platform/compiler compatible?
Because if I understand correctly, every compiler 'pads' differently based on the target platform.
No. That is not possible. It's because of lack of standardization of C++ at the binary level.
Don Box writes (quoting from his book Essential COM, chapter COM As A Better C++)
C++ and Portability
Once the decision is made to
distribute a C++ class as a DLL, one
is faced with one of the fundamental
weaknesses of C++, that is, lack of
standardization at the binary level.
Although the ISO/ANSI C++ Draft
Working Paper attempts to codify which
programs will compile and what the
semantic effects of running them will
be, it makes no attempt to standardize
the binary runtime model of C++. The
first time this problem will become
evident is when a client tries to link
against the FastString DLL's import library from
a C++ developement environment other
than the one used to build the
FastString DLL.
Struct padding is done differently by different compilers. Even if you use the same compiler, the packing alignment for structs can be different based on what pragma pack you're using.
Not only that if you write two structs whose members are exactly same, the only difference is that the order in which they're declared is different, then the size of each struct can be (and often is) different.
For example, see this,
struct A
char c;
char d;
int i;
struct B
char c;
int i;
char d;
int main() {
cout << sizeof(A) << endl;
cout << sizeof(B) << endl;
Compile it with gcc-4.3.4, and you get this output:
That is, sizes are different even though both structs have the same members!
The bottom line is that the standard doesn't talk about how padding should be done, and so the compilers are free to make any decision and you cannot assume all compilers make the same decision.
If you have the opportunity to design the struct yourself, it should be possible. The basic idea is that you should design it so that there would be no need to insert pad bytes into it. the second trick is that you must handle differences in endianess.
I'll describe how to construct the struct using scalars, but the you should be able to use nested structs, as long as you would apply the same design for each included struct.
First, a basic fact in C and C++ is that the alignment of a type can not exceed the size of the type. If it would, then it would not be possible to allocate memory using malloc(N*sizeof(the_type)).
Layout the struct, starting with the largest types.
uint64_t alpha;
uint32_t beta;
uint32_t gamma;
uint8_t delta;
Next, pad out the struct manually, so that in the end you will match up the largest type:
uint8_t pad8[3]; // Match uint32_t
uint32_t pad32; // Even number of uint32_t
Next step is to decide if the struct should be stored in little or big endian format. The best way is to "swap" all the element in situ before writing or after reading the struct, if the storage format does not match the endianess of the host system.
No, there's no safe way. In addition to padding, you have to deal with different byte ordering, and different sizes of builtin types.
You need to define a file format, and convert your struct to and from that format. Serialization libraries (e.g. boost::serialization, or google's protocolbuffers) can help with this.
Long story short, no. There is no platform-independent, Standard-conformant way to deal with padding.
Padding is called "alignment" in the Standard, and it begins discussing it in 3.9/5:
Object types have alignment
requirements (3.9.1, 3.9.2). The
alignment of a complete object type is
an implementation-defined integer
value representing a number of bytes;
an object is allocated at an address
that meets the alignment requirements
of its object type.
But it goes on from there and winds off to many dark corners of the Standard. Alignment is "implementation-defined" meaning it can be different across different compilers, or even across address models (ie 32-bit/64-bit) under the same compiler.
Unless you have truly harsh performance requirements, you might consider storing your data to disc in a different format, like char strings. Many high-performance protocols send everything using strings when the natural format might be something else. For example, a low-latency exchange feed I recently worked on sends dates as strings formatted like this: "20110321" and times are sent similarly: "141055.200". Even though this exchange feed sends 5 million messages per second all day long, they still use strings for everything because that way they can avoid endian-ness and other issues.

Is there a way to enforce specific endianness for a C or C++ struct?

I've seen a few questions and answers regarding to the endianness of structs, but they were about detecting the endianness of a system, or converting data between the two different endianness.
What I would like to now, however, if there is a way to enforce specific endianness of a given struct. Are there some good compiler directives or other simple solutions besides rewriting the whole thing out of a lot of macros manipulating on bitfields?
A general solution would be nice, but I would be happy with a specific gcc solution as well.
Thank you for all the comments pointing out why it's not a good idea to enforce endianness, but in my case that's exactly what I need.
A large amount of data is generated by a specific processor (which will never ever change, it's an embedded system with a custom hardware), and it has to be read by a program (which I am working on) running on an unknown processor. Byte-wise evaluation of the data would be horribly troublesome because it consists of hundreds of different types of structs, which are huge, and deep: most of them have many layers of other huge structs inside.
Changing the software for the embedded processor is out of the question. The source is available, this is why I intend to use the structs from that system instead of starting from scratch and evaluating all the data byte-wise.
This is why I need to tell the compiler which endianness it should use, it doesn't matter how efficient or not will it be.
It does not have to be a real change in endianness. Even if it's just an interface, and physically everything is handled in the processors own endianness, it's perfectly acceptable to me.
The way I usually handle this is like so:
#include <arpa/inet.h> // for ntohs() etc.
#include <stdint.h>
class be_uint16_t {
be_uint16_t() : be_val_(0) {
// Transparently cast from uint16_t
be_uint16_t(const uint16_t &val) : be_val_(htons(val)) {
// Transparently cast to uint16_t
operator uint16_t() const {
return ntohs(be_val_);
uint16_t be_val_;
} __attribute__((packed));
Similarly for be_uint32_t.
Then you can define your struct like this:
struct be_fixed64_t {
be_uint32_t int_part;
be_uint32_t frac_part;
} __attribute__((packed));
The point is that the compiler will almost certainly lay out the fields in the order you write them, so all you are really worried about is big-endian integers. The be_uint16_t object is a class that knows how to convert itself transparently between big-endian and machine-endian as required. Like this:
be_uint16_t x = 12;
x = x + 1; // Yes, this actually works
write(fd, &x, sizeof(x)); // writes 13 to file in big-endian form
In fact, if you compile that snippet with any reasonably good C++ compiler, you should find it emits a big-endian "13" as a constant.
With these objects, the in-memory representation is big-endian. So you can create arrays of them, put them in structures, etc. But when you go to operate on them, they magically cast to machine-endian. This is typically a single instruction on x86, so it is very efficient. There are a few contexts where you have to cast by hand:
be_uint16_t x = 37;
printf("x == %u\n", (unsigned)x); // Fails to compile without the cast
...but for most code, you can just use them as if they were built-in types.
A bit late to the party but with current GCC (tested on 6.2.1 where it works and 4.9.2 where it's not implemented) there is finally a way to declare that a struct should be kept in X-endian byte order.
The following test program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
struct __attribute__((packed, scalar_storage_order("big-endian"))) mystruct {
uint16_t a;
uint32_t b;
uint64_t c;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
struct mystruct bar = {.a = 0xaabb, .b = 0xff0000aa, .c = 0xabcdefaabbccddee};
FILE *f = fopen("out.bin", "wb");
size_t written = fwrite(&bar, sizeof(struct mystruct), 1, f);
creates a file "out.bin" which you can inspect with a hex editor (e.g. hexdump -C out.bin). If the scalar_storage_order attribute is suppported it will contain the expected 0xaabbff0000aaabcdefaabbccddee in this order and without holes. Sadly this is of course very compiler specific.
No, I dont think so.
Endianness is the attribute of processor that indicates whether integers are represented from left to right or right to left it is not an attribute of the compiler.
The best you can do is write code which is independent of any byte order.
Try using
#pragma scalar_storage_order big-endian to store in big-endian-format
#pragma scalar_storage_order little-endian to store in little-endian
#pragma scalar_storage_order default to store it in your machines default endianness
Read more here
No, there's no such capability. If it existed that could cause compilers to have to generate excessive/inefficient code so C++ just doesn't support it.
The usual C++ way to deal with serialization (which I assume is what you're trying to solve) this is to let the struct remain in memory in the exact layout desired and do the serialization in such a way that endianness is preserved upon deserialization.
I am not sure if the following can be modified to suit your purposes, but where I work, we have found the following to be quite useful in many cases.
When endianness is important, we use two different data structures. One is done to represent how it expected to arrive. The other is how we want it to be represented in memory. Conversion routines are then developed to switch between the two.
The workflow operates thusly ...
Read the data into the raw structure.
Convert to the "raw structure" to the "in memory version"
Operate only on the "in memory version"
When done operating on it, convert the "in memory version" back to the "raw structure" and write it out.
We find this decoupling useful because (but not limited to) ...
All conversions are located in one place only.
Fewer headaches about memory alignment issues when working with the "in memory version".
It makes porting from one arch to another much easier (fewer endian issues).
Hopefully this decoupling can be useful to your application too.
A possible innovative solution would be to use a C interpreter like Ch and force the endian coding to big.
Boost provides endian buffers for this.
For example:
#include <boost/endian/buffers.hpp>
#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
using namespace boost::endian;
struct header {
big_int32_buf_t file_code;
big_int32_buf_t file_length;
little_int32_buf_t version;
little_int32_buf_t shape_type;
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(h) == 16U);
Maybe not a direct answer, but having a read through this question can hopefully answer some of your concerns.
You could make the structure a class with getters and setters for the data members. The getters and setters are implemented with something like:
int getSomeValue( void ) const {
#if defined( BIG_ENDIAN )
return _value;
return convert_to_little_endian( _value );
void setSomeValue( int newValue) {
#if defined( BIG_ENDIAN )
_value = newValue;
_value = convert_to_big_endian( newValue );
We do this sometimes when we read a structure in from a file - we read it into a struct and use this on both big-endian and little-endian machines to access the data properly.
There is a data representation for this called XDR. Have a look at it.
Though it might be a little too much for your Embedded System. Try searching for an already implemented library that you can use (check license restrictions!).
XDR is generally used in Network systems, since they need a way to move data in an Endianness independent way. Though nothing says that it cannot be used outside of networks.

Struct padding in C++

If I have a struct in C++, is there no way to safely read/write it to a file that is cross-platform/compiler compatible?
Because if I understand correctly, every compiler 'pads' differently based on the target platform.
No. That is not possible. It's because of lack of standardization of C++ at the binary level.
Don Box writes (quoting from his book Essential COM, chapter COM As A Better C++)
C++ and Portability
Once the decision is made to
distribute a C++ class as a DLL, one
is faced with one of the fundamental
weaknesses of C++, that is, lack of
standardization at the binary level.
Although the ISO/ANSI C++ Draft
Working Paper attempts to codify which
programs will compile and what the
semantic effects of running them will
be, it makes no attempt to standardize
the binary runtime model of C++. The
first time this problem will become
evident is when a client tries to link
against the FastString DLL's import library from
a C++ developement environment other
than the one used to build the
FastString DLL.
Struct padding is done differently by different compilers. Even if you use the same compiler, the packing alignment for structs can be different based on what pragma pack you're using.
Not only that if you write two structs whose members are exactly same, the only difference is that the order in which they're declared is different, then the size of each struct can be (and often is) different.
For example, see this,
struct A
char c;
char d;
int i;
struct B
char c;
int i;
char d;
int main() {
cout << sizeof(A) << endl;
cout << sizeof(B) << endl;
Compile it with gcc-4.3.4, and you get this output:
That is, sizes are different even though both structs have the same members!
The bottom line is that the standard doesn't talk about how padding should be done, and so the compilers are free to make any decision and you cannot assume all compilers make the same decision.
If you have the opportunity to design the struct yourself, it should be possible. The basic idea is that you should design it so that there would be no need to insert pad bytes into it. the second trick is that you must handle differences in endianess.
I'll describe how to construct the struct using scalars, but the you should be able to use nested structs, as long as you would apply the same design for each included struct.
First, a basic fact in C and C++ is that the alignment of a type can not exceed the size of the type. If it would, then it would not be possible to allocate memory using malloc(N*sizeof(the_type)).
Layout the struct, starting with the largest types.
uint64_t alpha;
uint32_t beta;
uint32_t gamma;
uint8_t delta;
Next, pad out the struct manually, so that in the end you will match up the largest type:
uint8_t pad8[3]; // Match uint32_t
uint32_t pad32; // Even number of uint32_t
Next step is to decide if the struct should be stored in little or big endian format. The best way is to "swap" all the element in situ before writing or after reading the struct, if the storage format does not match the endianess of the host system.
No, there's no safe way. In addition to padding, you have to deal with different byte ordering, and different sizes of builtin types.
You need to define a file format, and convert your struct to and from that format. Serialization libraries (e.g. boost::serialization, or google's protocolbuffers) can help with this.
Long story short, no. There is no platform-independent, Standard-conformant way to deal with padding.
Padding is called "alignment" in the Standard, and it begins discussing it in 3.9/5:
Object types have alignment
requirements (3.9.1, 3.9.2). The
alignment of a complete object type is
an implementation-defined integer
value representing a number of bytes;
an object is allocated at an address
that meets the alignment requirements
of its object type.
But it goes on from there and winds off to many dark corners of the Standard. Alignment is "implementation-defined" meaning it can be different across different compilers, or even across address models (ie 32-bit/64-bit) under the same compiler.
Unless you have truly harsh performance requirements, you might consider storing your data to disc in a different format, like char strings. Many high-performance protocols send everything using strings when the natural format might be something else. For example, a low-latency exchange feed I recently worked on sends dates as strings formatted like this: "20110321" and times are sent similarly: "141055.200". Even though this exchange feed sends 5 million messages per second all day long, they still use strings for everything because that way they can avoid endian-ness and other issues.

Is it possible to share a C struct in shared memory between apps compiled with different compilers?

I realize that in general the C and C++ standards gives compiler writers a lot of latitude. But in particular it guarantees that POD types like C struct members have to be laid out in memory the same order that they're listed in the structs definition, and most compilers provide extensions letting you fix the alignment of members. So if you had a header that defined a struct and manually specified the alignment of its members, then compiled two apps with different compilers using the header, shouldn't one app be able to write an instance of the struct into shared memory and the other app be able to read it without errors?
I am assuming though that the size of the types contained is consistent across two compilers on the same architecture (it has to be the same platform already since we're talking about shared memory). I realize that this is not always true for some types (e.g. long vs. long long in GCC and MSVC 64-bit) but nowadays there are uint16_t, uint32_t, etc. types, and float and double are specified by IEEE standards.
As long as you can guarantee the exact same memory layout, including offsets, and the data types have the same sizes between the 2 compilers then yes this is fine. Because at that point the struct is identical with respect to data access.
Yes, sure. I've done this many times. The problems and solutions are the same whether mixed code is compiled and linked together, or when transmitting struct-formatted data between machines.
In the bad old days, this frequently occurred when integrating MS C and almost anything else: Borland Turbo C. DEC VAX C, Greenhills C.
The easy part is getting the number of bytes for various data types to agree. For example short on a 32-bit compiler on one side being the same as int on a 16-bit compiler at the other end. Since common source code to declare structures is usually a good thing, a number of to-the-point declarations are helpful:
typedef signed long s32;
typedef signed short s16;
typedef signed char s8;
typedef unsigned long u32;
typedef unsigned short u16;
typedef unsigned char u8;
Microsoft C is the most annoying. Its default is to pad members to 16-bit alignment, and maybe more with 64-bit code. Other compilers on x86 don't pad members.
struct {
int count;
char type;
char code;
char data [100];
} variable;
It might seem like the offset of code should be the next byte after type, but there might be a padding byte inserted between. The fix is usually
#ifdef _MSC_VER // if it's any Microsoft compiler
#pragma pack(1) // byte align structure members--that is, no padding
There is also a compiler command line option to do the same.
The way memory is laid out is important in addition to the datatype size if you need struct from library 1 compiled by compiler 1 to be used in library 2 compiled by compiler 2.
It is indeed possible, you just have to make sure that all compilers involved generate the same data structure from the same code. One way to test this is to write a sample program that creates a struct and writes it to a binary file. Open the resulting files in a hex editor and verify that they are the same. Alternatively, you can cast the struct to an array of uint8_t and dump the individual bytes to the screen.
One way to make sure that the data sizes are the same is to use data types like int16_t (from stdint.h) instead of a plain old int which may change sizes between compilers (although this is rare on two compilers running on the same platform).
It's not as difficult as it sounds. There are many pre-compiled libraries out there that can be used with multiple compilers. The key thing is to build a test program that will let you verify that both compilers are treating the structure equally.
Refer to your compiler manuals.
most compilers provide extensions letting you fix the alignment of members
Are you restricting yourself to those compilers and a mutually compatible #pragma align style? If so, the safety is dictated by their specification.
In the interest of portability, you are possibly better off ditching #pragma align and relying on your ABI, which may provide a "reasonable" standard for compliance of all compilers of your platform.
As the C and C++ standards allow any deterministic struct layout methodology, they're essentially irrelevant.