C++ , how come I do not get the value "123456" - c++

I am trying to print out value 123456, but it gives me the garbage value. How can I fix it? And Can you please explain why it gives the wrong value?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct MyInfo
int private_key = 123456;
int setkey(int value)
private_key = value;
int GetScore()
return private_key;
void main()
MyInfo* pMyInfo;
pMyInfo = (MyInfo*)malloc(sizeof(MyInfo));
printf("%d\n", pMyInfo->GetScore());

Don't use malloc/free but rather pMyInfo = new MyInfo() and delete pMyInfo. Only new will call the constructor which initializes the value; only delete will call the destructor.
Regarding the comment, what is meant is, you can also have it on the stack, i.e. MyInfo pMyInfo;, i.e. not a pointer. That will automatically call the constructor and when it goes out of scope, the destructor.

int private_key = 123456;
This really is just a camouflaged constructor initialization which means it's the same as:
MyInfo() : private_key(123456) {}
Since malloc and friends are inherited from C and C has no classes (and thus no special member functions) whatsoever malloc and friends won't call these necessary special member functions to set up your object. The C++ equivalent new does however which is why you should always use new over malloc and delete over free.
But wait, there's more...
Actually, you shouldn't ever use new either, there are always better alternatives than using raw dynamic allocation. If you really need dynamic memory allocation then use std::unique_ptr or for multiple objects std::vector but most of the time you don't even need these ( there are tons of posts on here that explain when dynamic allocation is a must, for all the other cases just use storage with automatic lifetime) all you need in this case is a local object:
MyInfo myInfo;
printf("%d\n", myInfo.GetScore());
See how your code just got shorter, easier to maintain and cleaner to achieve the same?

When you declare a pointer of type MyInfo, it does not mean that the object it points to will actually be your struct, it just assumes it will be.
When you do malloc(sizeof(MyInfo)), you simply allocate memory of the size which your struct might take, it does not create an object. Hence, when you try to do GetScore(), it accesses memory location which it assumes contains your private_key, but instead it simply contains garbage.

Don't mix C and C++
You should avoid malloc/alloc etc in C++ and opt for new operator if you want to work with dynamically allocated objects.
Add a constructor to initialize the value
int private_key;
MyInfo () {
private_key = 123456;
And implement the main like
// without pointer
void main () {
MyInfo myinfo;
printf("%d\n", myinfo.GetScore());
// with pointer
void main () {
MyInfo *myinfo = new MyInfo();
printf("%d\n", myinfo->GetScore());

Just for reference, it is possible to initialize an object in raw storage, but it would be overkill and rather stupid for this use case. As malloc only allocate raw memory and does not construct an object, you could use a placement new to build the object in a second time:
int main() // I can't stand void main
MyInfo* pMyInfo;
pMyInfo = (MyInfo*)malloc(sizeof(MyInfo)); // only allocate raw memory
new((void *) pMyInfo) MyInfo; // construct the object
std::cout << pMyInfo->GetScore() << std::endl; // no reason for C printf here
pMyInfo->~MyInfo(); // placement new requires explicit destructor call if not trivial
return 0;
DO NOT DO THAT for such a simple case. Placement new should only be used in very special cases where the allocation is not trivial, for example when you use share memory. But here the correct way is to simply use an automatic object:
int main() // I can't stand void main
MyInfo pMyInfo;
std::cout << pMyInfo.GetScore() << std::endl;
return 0;


Deleting dynamic array in C++ causes an error

I have a class called Myclass. In the main function, I have created an array object for this class. Whenever I try to delete this dynamically allocated array, the visual studio will say, Error: Debug Assertion Failed!. Expression: is_block_type_valid(header->_block_use). Can you please tell me what is causing this or show me an example of fixing this issue.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Myclass
void print()
cout << "Hello from Myclass" << endl;
int main()
Myclass *obj[3] = { new Myclass, new Myclass, new Myclass };
// Call each object's print function.
for (int index=0; index < 3; index++)
delete[] obj; //Error
return 0;
Myclass *obj[3] = { new Myclass, new Myclass, new Myclass };
is not a dynamically allocated array. It is an array with automatic storage, holding pointers to dynamically allocated objects. To properly clean up, you need:
delete obj[0];
delete obj[1];
delete obj[2];
Because every new must be matched with a delete, and you can only delete via delete[] something that was allocated via new[].
There is no need for any dynamic allocation here, just do:
Myclass obj[3] = {};
The delete[] operator should only be used for arrays created using the new[] operator, which your obj isn't. You have a fixed array of pointers to objects, each of which must be deleted as such:
for (int index=0; index < 3; index++)
delete obj[index];
Alternatively, you can create your object array using the new[] operator, then delete the array with delete[]:
int main()
Myclass* obj = new Myclass[3];
// Call each object's print function.
for (int index = 0; index < 3; index++) {
obj[index].print(); // Note: Use "." here, not "->"
delete[] obj;
return 0;
The variable obj is declared as an array with automatic storage duration with the element type Myclass *.
Myclass *obj[3] = { new Myclass, new Myclass, new Myclass };
That is it is an array of pointers not a pointer.
Each element of the array is indeed a pointer that points to a dynamically allocated memory. So as the array contains three elements you need to call the operator delete three times for each element.
It is simpler to do that in the range-based for loop.
For example
for ( auto &item : obj )
delete item;
item = nullptr;
I think you allocated the array wrong.
You should write Myclass* obj = new Myclass[3];
The above answer is perfect.
I would only add this is not a good style code, if you "think in C++". This is a rather C style code.
First of all, when you are coding in C++ and is not obligued to use C-compatible code, be cautious whenever you see yourself using a C pointer.
In this case, if instead of using a C array of C pointers, you had used a std::vector of MyClass objects, the vector destructor would have called your class destructor for each element, which I think is what you wanted.
My suggestion: change the C array to std::vector and you will be happier. Look how you could have implemented it, using C++11 features and forgetting old C stuff:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <vector>
class Myclass
void print()
cout << "Hello from Myclass" << endl;
int main()
cout<<"Hello World" << endl;
vector<Myclass> obj(3);
// Call each object's print function.
for (auto instance : obj)
return 0;
In this case you don't even need to worry about deleting the objects, since the vector destructor will be called when the function goes out of scope, and it will take care of calling Myobjects' destructors. Much cleaner and safer code.
Or, in case performance is a very bottleneck for you and you need a static array, if you are using C++11 or later, you also can use std::array, a less "wild" option (https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/array).
So that is the tip I leave for you, if coding in C++, use the best this language can offer, and try to forget dangerous and wild old C features. C is good as a lightweight and simpler language, when you need it. But everyone knows it is dangerous (and you have just stumbled on it).
This book of the Bjarne focuses on teaching C++ from scratch, leaving behind the not always productive C legacy:
Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++

What to give a function that expects a raw pointer?

I'm using a library that, in order to construct some object that I use, expects a raw pointer to an object. I'm not sure what it will do with the pointer, to make my code as safe as possible, what should I pass to this function?
Use a unique pointer - if they decide to delete the pointer, I will do a double-delete
Keep track of a raw pointer - bad because I have to remember to write delete, but it could still be a double-delete
Use auto duration and give them a pointer Give them a reference - their code will error if they call delete
Use a shared pointer - same double-delete problem as unique pointer, but now my scope won't hurt their pointer
Based on my reading, option 3 seems like what I should do - they shouldn't be calling delete on the pointer, and this format enforces that. But what if I don't know whether they now or in the future will call delete on the reference I gave them? Use a shared pointer and say "not my fault about the double delete"?
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
class ComplexObj {
ComplexObj() : m_field(0) {}
ComplexObj(int data) : m_field(data) {}
void print() { std::cout << m_field << std::endl; }
int m_field;
class BlackBox {
BlackBox(ComplexObj* data) {
m_field = *data;
// Do other things I guess...
delete data;
std::cout << "Construction complete" << std::endl;
void print_data() { m_field.print(); }
ComplexObj m_field;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// Use a smart pointer
std::unique_ptr<ComplexObj> my_ptr(new ComplexObj(1));
BlackBox obj1 = BlackBox(my_ptr.get());
my_ptr->print(); // Bad data, since BlackBox free'd
// double delete when my_ptr goes out of scope
// Manually manage the memory
ComplexObj* manual = new ComplexObj(2);
BlackBox obj2 = BlackBox(manual);
manual->print(); // Bad data, since BlackBox free'd
delete manual; // Pair new and delete, but this is a double delete
// Edit: use auto-duration and give them a pointer
ComplexObj by_ref(3);
BlackBox obj3 = BlackBox(&by_ref); // they can't call delete on the pointer they have
// Use a shared pointer
std::shared_ptr<ComplexObj> our_ptr(new ComplexObj(4));
BlackBox obj4 = BlackBox(our_ptr.get());
our_ptr->print(); // Bad data, they have free'd
// double delete when our_ptr goes out of scope
return 0;
Other questions I read related to this topic...
unique_ptr.get() is legit at times
I should pass by reference
I think I am case 2 and should pass by reference
You cannot solve this problem with the information you have. All choices produce garbage.
You have to read the documentation of the API you are using.
Doing any of your 4 answers without knowing if they take ownership of the pointer will result problems.
Life sometimes sucks.
If you have a corrupt or hostile API, the only halfway safe thing to do is to interact with it in a separate process, carefully flush all communication, and shut down the process.
If the API isn't corrupt or hostile, you should be able to know if it is taking ownership of the pointed to object. Calling an API without knowing this is a common mistake in novice C++ programmers. Don't do it. Yes, this sucks.
If this API is at all internal and you have any control, seek to make all "owning pointer" arguments be std::unique_ptr<>s. That makes it clear in the API that you intend to own the object and delete it later.

Syntax to heap allocate anything?

Is there a syntax, template or function that allows me to essentially turn any value into a pointer to that value? I.e. copy it to the gc heap and return a pointer to it? "new" doesn't work for all types, std.experimental.allocator doesn't work in ctfe, and both seem to have troubles making pointers to delegates.
You can put the data in question inside a struct, then use the new keyword on that struct.
T* copy_to_heap(T)(T value) {
// create the struct with a value inside
struct S {
T value;
// new it and copy the value over to the new heap memory
S* s = new S;
s.value = value;
// return the pointer to the value
return &(s.value);
void main() {
// example use with a delegate:
auto dg = copy_to_heap(() { import std.stdio; writeln("test"); });
That assumes you already have a value to copy but that's probably easier and the way you'd do it anyway. But you can also tweak the code to remove that requirement if you want (perhaps just pass typeof.init for example).

Using a Constructor through pointer

I have a problem.
The compiler keeps warning me for invalid use of the constructor.
All i wanted to do is to create a new course in the class. whats wrong?
int StArray::addCS_Course(int id, int CourseNum, char* CourseName,int HwNum, float HwWeigh, bool Takef, char* BookName){
int i;
CS_Course* course;
if ((CourseNum<0)||(HwNum<0)||(HwWeigh<0)||(HwWeigh>1))
return 0;
for (i=0;i<StudentNum_;i++){
if (Arr_[i]->getID()==id) {
if (course==NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"Malloc failed\n");
course->CS_Course::CS_Course(CourseNum,CourseName,HwNum,HwWeigh,Takef, BookName);
if (Arr_[i]->addCS_Course(course)==1)
return 1;
return 0;
return 0;
To create a new object in C++, you don't do this:
course = (CS_Course*) malloc(...);
you do this:
course = new CS_Course(...);
That code looks after both allocating memory and calling the constructor.
You then delete your object with delete course; rather than free(course);
(But as juanchopanza points out in the comments, it's considered bad form to create objects on the heap in C style like this - you should prefer to use standard library containers and avoid the use of new. That's a whole nother discussion - you might want to read a tutorial on modern C++.)
Edit by #RemyLebeau: If you need to construct an object in existing memory, use placement new instead:
buffer = malloc(...);
course = new (buffer) CS_Course(...);
But then you have to call the destructor manually:
malloc(sizeof(CS_Course*)) allocates enough space for a pointer to a CS_Course, not a CS_Course itself. If malloc were the right way to dynamically allocate memory for an object, you would need to call it like this:
However, malloc isn't the right way to do this; in C++, you use new to dynamically allocate memory for objects:
course = new CS_Course; //Use the default constructor
//Use constructor with 2 parameters
course = new CS_Course(constructor_param1, constructor_param2);
Of course, if you don't need a pointer, you can (and should) create a CS_Course object like this (generally referred to as allocating on the stack):
CS_Course course; //default constructor
//constructor with 2 parameters
CS_Course course2(constructor_param1, constructor_param2);

Appropriate destruction of certain class members

I have a class with several pointer members that can be reallocated. When I use the LoadOBJ() function, I'm supposed to replace the already held data but I'm having trouble with garbage collection. Below is some code.
class Object3d{
int nVertex;
int nFace;
int nVertexNormal;
Vector3d *vertex;
Vector3d *vertexNormal;
Face3d *face;
void LoadOBJ(char*);
Object3d():nVertex(0), nFace(0), vertex(NULL), face(NULL){}
struct Face3d{
int nFaceV;
int *iVertex;
int *iVertexNormal;
Everytime I load a new object with the LoadOBJ() function, I want to delete the previously allocated memory, rather than just use new and leak previously allocated memory.
I'm not sure how to do this. This is what I thought of for now:
void *vGarbage, *vGarbage2,
*iGarbage, *iGarbage2;
//nFace is the previous number of faces; in the case of a new object, it's 0
for(int i=0; i<nFace; i++)
delete[] iGarbage;
delete[] iGarbage2;
delete[] vGarbage;
delete[] vGarbage2;
delete[] fGarbage;
The above code runs everytime I use LoadOBJ(), but there still is memory leak. I'm also wondering if this is the right way to do it?
To clarify where the problem/question is: why do I still have memory leak? And, is there better/cleaner way to delete the previously allocated memory?
Check out C++11's smart_pointers, they provide the ability of allocating memory which, when the object goes out of scope, will be freed automatically.
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
struct Foo {
Foo() { std::cout << "Foo...\n"; }
~Foo() { std::cout << "~Foo...\n"; }
struct D {
void operator()(Foo* p) const {
std::cout << "Call delete for Foo object...\n";
delete p;
int main()
std::cout << "constructor with no managed object\n";
std::shared_ptr<Foo> sh1;
std::cout << "constructor with object\n";
std::shared_ptr<Foo> sh2(new Foo);
std::shared_ptr<Foo> sh3(sh2);
std::cout << sh2.use_count() << '\n';
std::cout << sh3.use_count() << '\n';
std::cout << "constructor with object and deleter\n";
std::shared_ptr<Foo> sh4(new Foo, D());
constructor with no managed object constructor with object Foo... 2 2
~Foo... constructor with object and deleter Foo... Call delete for Foo
object... ~Foo...
Remember that for each new a delete should be called when freeing memory. Local pointers can be dangerous if they get destroyed and you didn't free memory before that point.
The RAII paradigm in object-oriented C++ has been designed specifically to make resource management (and also memory management) easy.
If disaster has already been done, you can clean your code up with something like http://deleaker.com/ or equivalent memory leak-seeker software.
Also: if you can't use C++11 or you can't use a C++11-supporting compiler, take a chance of implementing smart pointers yourself, it shouldn't be too hard and will surely help your memory problems.
I understand you want to free the memory occupied by Object3d::vertex, Object3d::vertexNormal and Object3d::face before reasigning these members. First, you should provide a custom destructor for your Face3d so that you no longer need to care for it's members in the containing class. That is:
face3d::~face3d() {
if (iVertex) delete[] iVertex;
if (iVertexNormal) delete[] iVertexNormal;
In your Object3d class, you can use a dedicated clean-up function:
void Object3d::cleanup() {
if (face) delete[] face;
face = nullptr;
if (vertex) delete[] vertex;
vertex = nullptr;
if (vertexNormal) delete[] vertexNormal;
vertexNormal = nullptr;
nVertex = 0;
nFace = 0;
nVertexNormal = 0;
Btw, In the destructor Object3d::~Object3d() you must call that function as well.
This question might answer yours. I think that you have to cast the void pointer to a specific one, like int*, to make it work. But the behaviour is highly dependent of the compiler you use.
edit: the advice of using smart pointers is probably the easiest and safest way of solving your problem.
Use std::vector instead of manually managed arrays:
struct Face3d{
int nFaceV;
std::vector<int> iVertex;
std::vector<int> iVertexNormal;
class Object3d{
std::vector<Vector3d> vertex;
std::vector<Vector3d> vertexNormal;
std::vector<Face3d> face;
void LoadOBJ(char*);
Object3d():nVertex(0), nFace(0), vertex(NULL), face(NULL){}
This frees you from the burden to write destructors. As already said above, this is exemplifies the RAII pattern in C++ which should be used instead of manual resource management.
As a general comment, public data members are almost always a bad idea because it breaks encapsulation. Object3d should provide some services to clients and keep its internal private.