how to insert single checkbox value in coldfusion code - coldfusion

I have a single checkbox, I want that when I check the checkbox it
should insert 1 else 0 in the database. How can I do that? This was
earlier a radio button field which is getting converted to check box so
already entry in the database is working good, I am posting my database
code as well.
<td class="leftFormLabelCell extrasmalltextbold" style="border-
left:1px solid ##9c9c9c;" width="15%">
#mocTrans.Translate("Required template Action Item?")#
<input type="checkbox" name="reqtempactionitem" value="0">
Databse code:
<cfif StructKeyExists(URL, "reqtempactionitem") and
, #reqtempactionitem#
, 0

The way html checkboxes work is that if checked, the browser will submit [checkboxname]=[value] to the webserver. If the box is not checked, the browser does not submit anything at all to the server.
So the easiest solution uses cfparam, which will give the submitted checkbox a default value.
Thus, in your html, you should have:
<input type="checkbox" name="reqtempactionitem" value="1">
(As has been noted in comments, your value was 0 and should be 1.)
Then, in the database code:
<cfparam name="reqtempactionitem" default="0">
dbfield = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_bit" value="#reqtempactionitem#">
Note the use of cfqueryparam, which is strongly recommended in all queries for both performance and security reasons.


Coldfusion Server Side Validation Sometimes Required sometimes not depending on radio buttons

I am trying to get a better understanding of server side validation. I have been writing a lot of client side validation using JavaScript but did not realize if the user just turns JavaScript off the whole app does not validate any field. This is what I am looking into doing for ColdFusion Server side validation.
What I am wondering is how would you toggle on and off making a field required or not based on lets say a radio buttons yes or no. Say you have a radio button the if yes is chosen it makes another input required but if no is chosen it makes another field required. I was just wondering how you would do something like that with the _cf format of toggling on and off. Would you just create if statements on hidden fields to do so or something?
I have been researching it a lot and just was looking for some input on how people are achieving things like this because it just seems like you can do so much through client side but then its all pointless because they can just turn it off.
<td><input type="text" name="date" size="20"></td>
<strong class="delete me and add my line number to the highlight in my pre tag">
<input type="hidden" name="date_cfformrequired" value="You must enter a date.">
<input type="hidden" name="date_cfformdate" value="The date you entered is not a valid date."></strong>
<td><input type="text" name="distance" size="20"></td>
<strong class="delete me and add my line number to the highlight in my pre tag">
<input type="hidden" name="distance_cfformrequired" value="You must enter a distance.">
<input type="hidden" name="distance_cfformfloat" value="The distance you entered is not a valid number."></strong>
<td><input type="text" name="time" size="20"></td>
<strong class="delete me and add my line number to the highlight in my pre tag">
<input type="hidden" name="time_cfformrequired" value="You must enter a time.">
<input type="hidden" name="time_cfformregex" value="^\d{1,3}:\d{0,2}$"></strong>
<td><input type="text" name="comments" size="50"></td>
<strong class="delete me and add my line number to the highlight in my pre tag">
<input type="hidden" name="comments_cfformrequired" value="You must enter a comment.">
<input type="hidden" name="comments_cfformmaxlength" value="50"></strong>
<td colspan="2" align="right">
<input type="submit" name="Add Entry">
Your understanding of the difference between client and server side validation is correct. Consider that client side validation can be chalked up to a feature. Rather than the user entering information, submitting the form, and then being told something was incorrect, Javascript validation can guide them, but because it can be disabled, it's not good to rely on.
Server side validation always happens as dictated.
The code is pretty easy
As an example - HTML
<input type="text" name="myname">
Were you referred by a current user?
<input type="radio" name="Referred" value="0" checked> No
<input type="radio" name="Referred" value="1"> Yes
Who referred you?
<input type="text" name="ref_user">
Form processing
<cfset Err = {Messages = []}> // creates a struct named Err with an array names Messages.
<cfif len(trim(form.myname)) eq 0>
<cfset ArrayAppend(Err.Messages,"Please enter your name!">
<cfif form.Referred eq 1 and len(trim(form.ref_user)) eq 0>
<cfset ArrayAppend(Err.Messages,"You said someone referred you, who was it?">
<cfif ArrayLen(err.messages) eq 0> errors, we can do form processing...
And then, when outputting your errors, if they exist
<cfif ArrayLen(err.messages) gt 0>
Sorry, an error occurred.<br>
<cfloop array="#err.messages#" index="cError">
- #cError#.<br>
On the first line of the last code snippet, you'll see gt 0 at the end of the line. This is not necessary and most people will leave it off. You seem familiar with javascript, cf works the same way in that in that you might say
if (Err.Messages.length) {
... show
In cf, you can do similar, <cfif ArrayLen(Err.Messages)>.
Remember to either cfparam your variables or check for their existence in your form processing, like this..
<cfif not StructKeyExists(form, "Referred") or (form.Referred eq 1 and len(trim(form.ref_user)) eq 0)>
<cfset ArrayAppend(Err.Messages,"You said someone referred you, who was it?">

ColdFusion form - display error details from database table

I have a database table with error id and error details for form validation errors.
In my ColdFusion form page, I have a list of error numbers 2,4,7 available. But I want to display errors like "Please enter name" etc.
I want to compare my list of errors with error id's in the database table and display the corresponding error in my form. Please let me know if there is any better way to do it. Thanks in advance!!
<form name = "empform" action="empform.cfm" method="post">
<table border="0">
<tr><td colspan="4" align="center" style="padding-bottom:20px;"><h2>Add Employee</h2></td></tr>
<cfif (structKeyExists(rc,"addemp"))>
<cfif rc.result.hasErrors()>
<td colspan="4" style="border:2px solid red;">
Please review the following:
<cfloop array="#rc.result.getFailureMessages()#" index="message">
<cfset myArray = rc.result.getFailureMessages()>
<cfset myList = ArrayToList(myArray, ",")>
<cfquery name="qErrorMessages" datasource="#dsn#" >
Select * from ErrorMessages
<td><label><b>Emp Last Name</b></label></td>
<td><input name="lastname" type="text" value="" /></td>
<td><label><b>First Name</b></label></td>
<td><input name="FirstName" type="text" value="" /></td>
<td><label><b> Emp Birth Date</b></label></td>
<td><input name="birthdate" type="text" value="" /></td>
<td><input name="salary" type="text" value="" /></td>
<tr><td style="padding-top:10px;">
<input type="submit" name = "addemp" value ="AddEmp /></td>
I can display errors as shown above
Now I want to show actual messages. I am stuck up here.
My issue is not solved. I am able to loop through the table of errors only. Probably I need to loop through my list of error ids and then I need another loop to look up for the table errorId's to match then display the error.
I got it fixed with the below code.
<cfloop index="ind" list=#mylist#>
<cfquery datasource= "#dsn#" name="emperrors">
Select errorid,errmessage from errorcodes where errorid = #ind#
Your question is short on details, but I'd probably query the table with the error messages, convert it to a struct, then drop that struct into a persistent scope that I could then reference later.
Something like:
<cfset errorStruct={}>
<cfloop query="qFormErrorMsgs">
<cfset errorStruct[error_id]=error_msg>
<cfset application.errorStruct=errorStruct>
Then, when you want to display the error:
<p>Please fix the following error: #application.errorStruct[variables.error_id]#</p>
But that's just one way you might do it. Without more information in your question all you're going to get is guess (if you're lucky).
Alright, your answer detailing code should have been appended to your question via an edit, and still that's really not enough code. How are you determining your errors?
It sounds like your errors are something like this:
Please review the following:
When what you want is error messages.
An easy way to update this is to load all your messages into an array where the index corresponds to the error codes.
<cfset ErrDetails=ArrayNew()>
<cfset ErrDetails[1]="You didn't enter your first name.">
<cfset ErrDetails[2]="You didn't enter your last name.">
<cfset ErrDetails[3]="You didn't enter a properly formatted birth date.">
<cfset ErrDetails[4]="It appears, from your birthdate, that your age is below 18">
And then, in your cfloop, you can
<cfloop array="#rc.result.getFailureMessages()#" index="message">
Lastly it sounds like your errorcodes/messages are coming from a database. I'm not really sure that's necessary, but if you really want to keep it that way, that's fine. You can initialize this into the application scope so that you can call it later without rerunning the query, or just put it somewhere in flat text. However, if you want the application scope answer, here's a method.
<cflock scope="application" timeout="5">
<cfif not isDefined("application.ErrDetails")>
<cfquery name="getec">
select ErrID,ErrMessage from ErrorCodes
<cfset Application.ErrDetails = []>
<cfloop query="getec">
<cfset Application.ErrDetails[ErrID]=ErrMessage>
<cfset request.ErrDetails = Application.ErrDetails>
Once this is initiated, the cfloop displaying errors as I showed above can use #request.errDetails[message]#
If it's just running in one page, I wouldn't worry about creating an application variable. I'd just hardcode it in, or do a query there with a cfloop similar to above writing to a variables scope variable, not an application variable so the cflock isn't needed.
Unless you also have web based admin creating these rules, I'd probably ditch the table altogether and drop it directly into code, a cfinclude, a udf, or a custom tag.
Since the asker has updated their question with an answer.
Your answer needlessly repeats the query for each iteration.
Try something like this..
<cfquery datasource="#dsn#" name="GetECs">
select ErrorID,ErrMessage from ErrorCodes
where ErrorID in (<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" list="yes" value="#mylist#">)
<cfoutput query="GetECs">
#currentrow#. #ErrMessage#<br>
One query is run.
For results, the where ErrorID in (<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" list="yes" value="#mylist#">) is the same as saying where ErrorID in (#mylist#). However, the tag secures your queries against sql injection (the tactic of modifying variables to produce undesirable/malicious results in a query. Read up on cfqueryparam at

Processing ColdFusion variables which reside inside a database table

One of my table is saving an HTML form which contains ColdFusion variables. In my code I am querying this table and need to display this form in the front end. But while displaying I am getting the ColdFusion variable names instead of the values of the variables.
HTML Form saved in the db table:
<form action="" name="ci_entry_form" id="ci_entry_form" method="post">
<table width="100%" height="100%" border="0">
<td align="right"><b style="color:red">*</b> <label class="pop_up_letter_font">G/L # :</label></td>
<td> <input class="pop_up_textbox" type="text" name="gl_number_text" id="gl_number_text" maxlength="21" value="#ARGUMENTS.chkDetails.GL_ACCT_NBR#" required/>
<select class="pop_up_dd" name="gl_number_drop" id="gl_number_drop" onChange="enableDisableGL()">
<option value="">---Select---</option>
<option value="new">Enter a new G/L number</option>
<cfoutput query="glNumbers">
<option value="#glNumbers.GL_ACCT_NBR#">#glNumbers.GL_ACCT_NBR#</option>
Method (cffunction) contains below code to query this html form from db table and return the html form.
<cfquery name="qry_getTemplate" datasource="#APPLICATION.dsn#">
select FORM_TXT from HTML_FORMS where REQ_ID = 172
<cfsavecontent variable="form_content">
<cfoutput>#qry_getTemplate.FORM_TXT #</cfoutput>
But when I dump the cfcontent variable form_content I am getting the HTML Form without processing the coldfusion variables #ARGUMENTS.chkDetails.GL_ACCT_NBR#, #glNumbers.GL_ACCT_NBR#.
Am I missing something? Can any one help me out resolve this?
I'm pretty sure if you searched this site or via Google a bit you could have found the answer to this already posted somewhere, given it comes up all the time (about once every 3-4 months).
You can't output CFML and somehow hope that it will execute.
I've summarised the CFML request / compile / response process on my blog: "The ColdFusion request/response process".
Bottom line: CFML source code needs to be loaded from the file system at compile time not at runtime. So your code needs to be in the file system when you want it to execute, not in the DB or in a variable.
You can write the code to file and then include it, though. This is detailed in that blog article.

ColdFusion not able to read option value of a cfselect

I'm a beginner with ColdFusion and I'm just trying out some basic functions.. I tried to loop over a simple query and put the values in a of a element. As value for the element I tried to set the id of each record of the query. After submiting I tried to read the selected value but I only get
You have chosen
Here is my Code:
<cfquery datasource="testdb" name="getAll">
select *
from Personen
<cfform action="chosen.cfm" method="post">
<cfselect name="listPersons">
<cfloop query="getAll">
<option value=""><cfoutput> #getAll.vorname# #getAll.gebdate# <BR></cfoutput>
<cfinput type="Submit" name="Senden" value="Senden">
<cfoutput>You have chosen #listPersons#</cfoutput>
Can you tell me where I've made the mistake?
You didn't put your value attribute in a cfoutput tag, so it's being processed as as the key in the struct instead of the value from the query. If you update your cfloop to be a cfoutput your issue will be fixed.
A couple pointers - You should scope the variable on chosen.cfm and you don't need to use cfform a regular form works just fine.
<cfquery datasource="testdb" name="getAll">
select *
from Personen
<form action="chosen.cfm" method="post">
<select name="listPersons">
<cfoutput query="getAll">
<option value=""> #getAll.vorname# #getAll.gebdate#</option>
<input type="Submit" name="Senden" value="Senden">
<cfoutput>You have chosen #form.listPersons#</cfoutput>
Your code works for me with my test database but the value of listPersons on Chosen.cfm is not what I think you intended it to be. I would change the code to the following:
<cfquery datasource="testdb" name="getAll">
select *
from Personen
<cfform action="chosen.cfm" method="post">
<cfselect name="listPersons">
<cfoutput query="getAll">
<option value=""> #HTMLEditFormat( #HTMLEditFormat(getAll.vorname)# #getAll.gebdate#
<cfinput type="Submit" name="Senden" value="Senden">
What I did is I changed your CFLOOP to a CFOUTPUT then removed the CFOUTPUT you had. I also added the HTMLEditFormat functions just in case NAME or VORNAME contain some characters that will not play nice with the display. I assumed ID is numeric and GEBDATE is a date so figured no need on those. I also removed the BR element from your OPTION, not that I thought it was causing an issue but I could not see how that would effect the display either so seemed unneeded. I'd personally would close the OPTION but it is not needed to run. If you ultimate code is not running anything that CFFORM offers then I'd not use it and just use an HTML FORM.
Then on Chosen.cfm I would scope the output:
<cfoutput query="getAll">
#id# #name#
You don't need to repeat the query name inside of a cfoutput loop, if with cfoutput you specify the query you are looping over.

Passing values with a hidden CFInput

I am trying to make a table with editing capabilities, and I have run into problems trying to associate the old values with the updated ones. My solution was to include a hidden CFInput that passes the old value along side the one to be updated, and then the query is run within a cfc.
<cfform name="update" method="post">
<cfoutput query="allusers">
<td><cfinput name="oldUsername" value="#username#" type="hidden"></cfinput><cfinput name="updateUsername" value="New Value"></cfinput></td>
<td><cfinput name="oldEmail" value="#email#" type="hidden"></cfinput><cfinput name="updateEmail" value="New Value"></cfinput></td>
<td><cfinput name="oldSecurityID" value="#securityID#" type="hidden"></cfinput><cfinput name="updateSecurityID" value="New Value"></cfinput></td>
<td><cfinput name="submit" type="submit"></cfinput>
<cfdump var="oldUsername">
Currently I am not getting any errors, but it does not seem to be passing in the old values. Any tips?
Make sure your CFDUMP is using the hash tags:
<cfdump var="#oldUserName#">
otherwise it won't dump the contents of the variable.
Second of all, you are asking ColdFusion to evaluate "oldusername" when it hasn't had a chance to set oldusername for you yet. Using a CFINPUT tag, simply rewrites this in the HTML to a regular tag with JavaScript and/or Flash enhancements. So form.oldusername will only be available AFTER the post is executed to the next CF template/url. I also recommend highly that you scope (form., variables. etc...) your variables so things don't get crossed (unless you are carefully aware of the variable scope searching order)
Others have provide your answer. My answer is just advice about your form.
Your hidden cfinputs shouldn't be in a table. Tables are for displayed items. You'd be much better served to move your hidden cfinputs right under your cfform tag, like this:
<cfform name="update" method="post">
<cfinput name="oldUsername" value="#username#" type="hidden">
<cfinput name="oldEmail" value="#email#" type="hidden">
<cfinput name="oldSecurityID" value="#securityID#" type="hidden">