I want my regex to allow alphanumeric characters, "/_-" and white spaces in between but it must always have at least one alphanumeric character.
my validation goes like this,
It should accept **ABC_1-2-3 but it must not allow 123 or -_/ alone
Can somebody help me please.
The below given regex will capture strings with alpha-numeric characters with optional white space, hyphen and underscore in it. Try it.
Your regex is almost right, you need to add 2 positive lookaheads at the start to require at least 1 letter and at least 1 digit:
See the regex demo (in the demo, \s is replaced with a space since the demo is multiline).
^ - start of string
(?=.*[a-z]) - after any 0+ chars other than line break chars, there must be at least 1 letter (replace .* with [^a-z]* for better performance)
(?=.*\d) - after any 0+ chars other than line break chars, there must be at least 1 digit (replace.with\D` for better performance)
[a-z0-9\/_-] - a letter, digit, /, _ or -
[a-z0-9\/_\s-]* - 0+ letters, digits, /, whitespaces, _ or -
[a-z0-9\/_-] - a letter, digit, /, _ or -
$ - end of string.
The i modifier makes the pattern case insensitive.
The strings I parse with a regular expression contain a region of fixed length N where there can either be numbers or dashes. However, if a dash occurs, only dashes are allowed to follow for the rest of the region. After this region, numbers, dashes, and letters are allowed to occur.
Examples (N=5, starting at the beginning):
How can I correctly match this? I currently am stuck at something like (?:\d|-(?!\d)){5}[A-Z0-9\-]+ (for N=5), but I cannot make numbers work directly following my region if a dash is present, as the negative look ahead blocks the match.
Strings that should not be matched (N=5)
You could assert that the first 5 characters are either digits or - and make sure that there is no - before a digit in the first 5 chars.
^ Start of string
(?![\d-]{0,3}-\d) Make sure that in the first 5 chars there is no - before a digit
(?=[\d-]{5}) Assert at least 5 digits or -
[A-Z\d-]+ Match 1+ times any of the listed characters
$ End of string
Regex demo
If atomic groups are available:
^ Start of string
(?=[\d-]{5}) Assert at least 5 chars - or digit
(?> Atomic group
\d+-* Match 1+ digits and optional -
| or
-{5} match 5 times -
) Close atomic group
[A-Z\d_]* Match optional chars A-Z digit or _
$ End of string
Regex demo
Use a non-word-boundary assertion \B:
A non word-boundary succeeds at a position between two word characters (from \w ie [A-Za-z0-9_]) or two non-word characters (from \W ie [^A-Za-z0-9_]). (and also between a non-word character and the limit of the string)
With it, each \B\d always follows a digit. (and can't follow a dash)
Other way (if lookbehinds are allowed):
i am trying to create a regex which should be able to accept the following strings
basically 2nd underscore is optional and if any value follows it, it should only be integer.
Following is my Regex that i am trying.
Any suggestion to make it accept the above mentioned strings?
You may use
See the regex demo
^ - start of string
proj - a literal substring
[a-zA-Z0-9]* - 0 or more alphanumeric chars
_ - a _ char
[a-zA-Z]+ - 1+ ASCII letters
(?:_[0-9]+)? - an optional sequence of an underscore followed with 1+ digits
\.[a-z]+\.[a-z]+ = (?:\.[a-z]+){2} - two occurrences of . and 1+ lowercase ASCII letters
$ - end of string.
[A-z] matches more than just ASCII letters
([a-zA-z0-9]?)+ matches an optional character 1 or more times, which makes little sense. Either match a char 1 or more times with + or 0 or more times with *, no need of parentheses
(_[0-9]?)+ matches 1 or more sequences of _ followed by a single optional digit (so, it matches _9___1_, for example). The quantifiers must be swapped to match an optional sequence of _ and 1+ digits.
I'm working with an SAP application called information steward and creating a rule where names will have to be in title case (ie each word is capitalized).
I've formulated the following rule:
IF(match_regex($name, '(^(\b[A-Z]\w*\s*)+$)', null)) RETURN TRUE;
Although it is successful it appears to accept inputs which should be identified as 'FALSE'. Please see the attached screenshot.
'TesT Name' and 'TEST NAME' should be FALSE but are instead passing under this regex.
Any help/guidance with the regex would be very useful.
The (^(\b[A-Z]\w*\s*)+$) regex presents a pattern that matches a string that fully matches:
^ - start of string
(\b[A-Z]\w*\s*)+ - 1 or more occurrences (due to (...)+) of
\b - a word boundary
[A-Z] - an uppercase ASCII letter
\w* - 0 or more letters/digits/underscores
\s* - 0+ whitespaces
$ - end of string.
As you see, it allows trailing whitespace, and \w matches what [A-Za-z0-9_] matches, i.e. it matches both lower- and uppercase letters.
You want to only match lowercase letters after initial uppercase ones, also allowing - and _ chars. You may use
See the regex demo.
^ - start of string anchor
[A-Z][a-z0-9_-]* - an uppercase letter followed with 0+ lowercase letters, digits, _ or - chars
(\s+[A-Z][a-z0-9_-]*)* - zero or more occurrences of:
\s+ - 1 or more whitespaces
[A-Z][a-z0-9_-]* - an uppercase letter followed with 0+ lowercase letters, digits, _ or - chars
$ - end of string.
I would write your regex as:
This says to match a single word starting with a capital letter, then followed by one or more spaces and another word starting with a capital, this quantity zero or more times.
I phrase a matching word as starting with [A-Z] followed by \w*, meaning zero or more word characters. This allows for things like A to match.
Based on the comments above, if you want some other character class to represent what follows the initial uppercase letter, then do that instead:
where [something] is your character class.
How can i write a regexp, that will check if string starts and ends with digits and in between contains only digits and comas? Comas must also be separated from each other with at least one digit. For the conditions above i have following regexp: ^\d(,?\d)*$ but i have following additional condition: All comma separated integers, that are composed by sequences of digits, must be different from each other. What would be the regexp that allows only this kind of strings?
Thank you
First of all, your regex contains unquantified \d, and that matches only single digits. You need to add + after \d to match 1 or more digits.
To avoid having duplicate values, you may use
See the regex demo
The (?!.*\b(\d+)\b.*\b\1\b) is a negative lookahead that will fail the match if after any 0+ chars other than line break chars, there is a group of digits that appear later in the string (after another 0+ chars other than line break chars) again.
^ - start of string
(?!.*\b(\d+)\b.*\b\1\b) - a negative lookahead that fails the match if identical values appear in the text
\d+ - 1+ digits
(?:,\d+)* - zero or more occurrences of
, - a comma
\d+ - 1+ digits
$ - end of string.
I am trying to validate a password with the following rules:
Must have at least eight characters.
Must contain ONLY letters and digits.
Must contain at least two digits.
So far I wrote this code:
[0-9a-zA-Z] (?=(.*\d){2}) {8,}
Im not sure why the passwords I enter returns invalid although it follows the rules.
Remember that spaces are meaningful in a regex pattern, so you require at least 8 spaces at the end. There are no anchors in the regex, so the length limitation might not work even if you write a correct pattern. So far, this will match an alphanumeric, a space that is followed with 2 occurrences of any 0+ chars followed with a digit, but since there is space with {8,} quantifier, this pattern will never match anything.
You need
See the regex demo
^ - start of string
(?=.{8}) - at least 8 chars
[a-zA-Z]* - zero or more letters
(?:\d[a-zA-Z]*){2} - 2 sequences of:
\d - a digit (may be replaced with [0-9])
[a-zA-Z]* - zero or more letters
[a-zA-Z0-9]* - 0+ alphanumeric chars
$ - end of string.
Alternatively, you may use
See another regex demo
Here, (?=(?:[a-zA-Z]*\d){2}) will require at least 2 occurrences of 0+ letters followed with a digit in the string and [a-zA-Z0-9]{8,} will match 8 or more alphanumeric chars.