Working in a Django Project. I have an index.html file with a variable called "todas_academias", which is a list of models classes that I've created.
Directory: FKSC/ac_filiados/templates/ac_filiados/index.html
{% for academia in ordenar(todas_academias) %}
<td>{{ academia.nome_academia }}</td>
<td>{{ academia.estado }}</td>
<td>{{ academia.cidade }}</td>
<td>{{ academia.professor }}</td>
<td>{{ academia.num_alvara }}</td>
{% endfor %}
And I created a function called "ordenar" in a python file in another directory.
Directory: FKSC/ac_filiados/
You DON'T NEED to understand what this function does.
def ordenar(todas_academias):
lista = []
for academia in todas_academias:
lista = lista + [academia.num_alvara]
nova_list = lista.sort()
nova_lista_academias = []
for reg in nova_list:
for academia in todas_academias:
if reg == academia.num_alvara:
nova_lista_academias = nova_lista_academias + [academia]
return nova_lista_academias
Now, I just want to use the "ordenar()" function in the index.html file, as I tried to use, but it didn't work.
1) Do I need to import the "ordenar" function before using it? If so, How do I import it?
2) Should I've placed the "ordenar" function in
3) Or, is there a specific way of using this kind of functions in HTML files?
You shouldn't call a function from the template. I would pass what ordenar returns via context dictionary to the view like so:
def ordenar(todas_academias):
lista = []
for academia in todas_academias:
lista = lista + [academia.num_alvara]
nova_list = lista.sort()
nova_lista_academias = []
for reg in nova_list:
for academia in todas_academias:
if reg == academia.num_alvara:
nova_lista_academias = nova_lista_academias + [academia]
return nova_lista_academias
def some_view(request):
return render(request, 'yourtemplate.html', {ordenar: 'ordenar'})
Then in your template you would keep the same code more or less:
{% for academia in ordenar %}
<td>{{ academia.nome_academia }}</td>
<td>{{ academia.estado }}</td>
<td>{{ academia.cidade }}</td>
<td>{{ academia.professor }}</td>
<td>{{ academia.num_alvara }}</td>
{% endfor %}
You can add result of your function inside the context of your view or create django template tag inclusion-tags doc and example: custom-inclusion-tags
info = []
def get_info(request):
r1 = pd.read_excel('file_data.xlsx')
for index, row in r1.iterrows():
if row["USER NAME"] == str(user_name()):
#name = row['USER NAME']
#date = row['DATE']
#file_name = row['FILE NAME']
#remarks = row['REMARKS']
return render(request,'files.html',{'info':info})
#return render(request,'files.html',{'name':name, 'date':date, 'file_name':file_name, 'remarks':remarks, 'info':info})
enter image description here
I need to print data in corresponding fields but it coming only in single field in list format.
The problem is in your template, you should use something like this inside your table:
{% for row in info %}
<td>{{ row.field1 }}</td>
<td>{{ row.field2 }}</td>
<td>{{ row.field3 }}</td>
{% endfor %}
Hi I am looping through items being passed through the context but nothing is showing.
This is the data I have:
It is passed in my context like this:
def kraken(request):
""" A view to return kraken page """
context = {
'api_reply': api_reply,
return render(request, 'home/kraken.html', context)
And inside my template I have this:
{% for k, v in api_reply.items %}
<td>{{ k }}</td>
<td>{{ v }}</td>
{% endfor %}
I have no errors showing but it is not displaying, any help would be great thank you.
The items are stored in the result subelement, you thus should enumerate over api_reply.result.items, not api_reply.items:
{% for k, v in api_reply.result.items %}
<td>{{ k }}</td>
<td>{{ v }}</td>
{% endfor %}
Furthermore you need to convert the JSON blob into Python objects, for example with:
import json
def kraken(request):
""" A view to return kraken page """
context = {
'api_reply': json.loads(api_reply),
return render(request, 'home/kraken.html', context)
I’m new to flask, I am just trying to get a simple delete request to remove a database entry.
html table
{% for l in logbook %}
<td>{{ l.TO_UTC }}</td>
<td>{{ l.LDG_UTC }}</td>
<td>{{ l.dep_airport }}</td>
<td>{{ l.arr_airport }}</td>
<td>Delete {{ }}</td>
{% endfor %}
the id_del refers to the delete app route:
def logbookdelete(id_del):
delete = Logbook.query.filter_by(id=id_del).first()
return redirect(url_for('logbook'))
Current error: TypeError: logbookdelete() missing 1 required positional argument: 'id_del'
How do I get the {{ }} to be used as the id_del in the app route?
Many thanks
Add <id_del> in route.
def logbookdelete(id_del):
delete = Logbook.query.filter_by(id=id_del).first()
return redirect(url_for('logbook'))
There is a module with 30 columns.
I query this table in the to get the last record (last row).
To get the data in template (index.html), I have to write each column and in front of it, its value. I have to do it 30 times!
is there anything like {{form}} to get all the columns and their value automatically or at least by using {% for ... %}?
def articlesindex(request):
data = Articles.objects.all().last()
return render(request, 'Articles\index.html', {'articles':data})
in index.html
{{ articles }} (does not work)
{{ articles.a_table }} (does not work)
{% for k,v in articles %} (does not work)
<td>{{ k }}</td>
<td>{{ v }}</td>
{% endfor %}
That is because last() return a single object in a queryset (see the documentation here). So, as it is a single object you will have a single row. You can render the object as follow:
<td>{{ articles.attr_1 }}</td>
<td>{{ articles.attr_2 }}</td>
<td>{{ articles.attr_n }}</td>
The attribute one by one
I am rendering a view to an html template. I do not get any errors but the data does does not loop on the page.
I had this working but once i started using the template I have had problems. So I know it works I am just not understanding using context to render the response.
I am making a request to an api then assigning the response to a variable. Then I am creating the context based on the variable of the response. At this point I understand I should be able to access the data with the context variable. What is the proper way of assigning a response to a a context and using the data in a template tag.
In the view
def github(request):
jsonList = []
req = requests.get('')
str_response = req.content.decode('utf-8')
parsedData = []
userData = {}
for data in jsonList:
userData['name'] = data['name']
userData['blog'] = data['blog']
userData['email'] = data['email']
userData['public_gists'] = data['public_gists']
userData['public_repos'] = data['public_repos']
userData['avatar_url'] = data['avatar_url']
userData['followers'] = data['followers']
userData['following'] = data['following']
moviesList = parsedData.append(userData)
context = {'moviesList': moviesList}
return render(request, 'serviceapp/github.html', context)
In the html file
{% for movie in moviesList %}
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ movie.avatar_url }}</td>
<td>{{ movie.public_repos }}</td>
<td>{{ movie.public_gists }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ movie.followers }}</td>
<td>{{ movie.following }}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% for moviesList in moviesList %}
^both the variables here are identical - you already use moviesList for the whole list, so you cant use it again for the variable inside loop. Use something like this:
{% for item in moviesList %}
{{ }}
{% endfor %}
ok, so I looked at your code again. Have you tried to print the variables in your view if they are filled correctly? Because they are not. Look at this line:
moviesList = parsedData.append(userData)
^ what you do here is you assign the result of parsedData.append() (which is None, because append is in-place modification) to the moviesList variable, which is then None.