OpenGL4.5 - bind multiple textures and samplers - c++

I'm trying to understand Textures, Texture Units and Samplers in OpenGL 4.5. I'm attaching a picture of what I'm trying to figure out. I think in my example everything is correct, but I am not so sure about the 1D Sampler on the right side with the question mark.
So, I know OpenGL offers a number of texture units/binding points where textures and samplers can be bound so they work together.
Each of these binding points can support one of each texture targets (in my case, I'm binding targets GL_TEXTURE_2D and GL_TEXTURE_1D to binding point 0, and another GL_TEXTURE_2D to binding point 1).
Additionally, samplers can be bound to these binding points in much the same way (I have bound a 2D sampler to binding point 0 in the pic).
The functions to perform these operations are glBindTextureUnit and glBindSampler.
My initial thought was to bind the 1D sampler to binding point 0, too, and in shader land do the matching based on the binding point and the type of the sampler:
layout (binding = 0) uniform sampler1D tex1D;
layout (binding = 0) uniform sampler2D tex2D;
Quoting the source:
Each texture image unit supports bindings to all targets. So a 2D
texture and an array texture can be bound to the same image unit, or
different 2D textures can be bound in two different image units
without affecting each other. So which texture gets used when
rendering? In GLSL, this depends on the type of sampler that uses this
texture image unit.
but I found the following statement:
[..] sounds suspiciously like you can use the same texture image unit
for different samplers, as long as they have different texture types.
Do not do this. The spec explicitly disallows it; if two different
GLSL samplers have different texture types, but are associated with
the same texture image unit, then rendering will fail. Give each
sampler a different texture image unit.
So, my question is, what is the purpose of binding different texture targets to the same binding point at all, if ultimately a single sampler is going to be bound to that binding point, forcing you to choose?
The information I'm quoting:

So why does this exist? Well...
Once upon a time, there were no texture units (this is why glActiveTexture is a separate function from glBindTexture). Indeed, there weren't even texture objects in OpenGL 1.0. But there still needed to be different kinds of textures. You still needed to be able to create data for a 2D texture and a 3D texture. So they came up with the texture target distinction, and they used glEnables to determine which target would be used in a rendering operation.
When texture objects came into being in GL 1.1, they had to decide on the relationship between a texture object and the target. They decided that once an object was bound to a target, it was permanently associated with that target. Because of the aforementioned need to have multiple textures of different types, with the old enable functionality, it was decided that each target represented a separate object binding point. And they made you repeat the binding point in glBindTexture, so that it would be clear to the reader of the code which binding point's data you were disturbing.
Cut to OpenGL 1.2, when multitexture came out. So now they need you to be able to bind multiple textures of the same target, but to different "units". But they couldn't change glBindTexture to specify a particular unit; that would be a backwards-incompatible change.
Now, they could have completely revamped how textures work, creating a new binding function specifically for multitexturing and the like. But the OpenGL ARB loves backwards compatibility; they like making the old API functions work, no matter what the resulting API looks like. So instead, they decided that a texture unit would be an entire set of bindings, with each set having an enable state saying which target was the one to be used. And you switch between units with glActiveTexture.
Of course, once shaders came about, you can see how this all changes. The enable state becomes the sampler type in the shader. So now there's no explicit code describing which texture target is enabled; it's just shader stuff. So they had to make a rule that says that two samplers cannot use the same unit if they're different types.
That's why each texture unit has multiple independent binding points: OpenGL's commitment to backwards compatibility.
It is best to ignore that this capability exists. Bind the right textures that your particular shader needs. So focus on using those functions, and don't worry about the fact that you could have two textures bound to the same target. If you want to make certain that you're not accidentally using the wrong texture, you can use glBindTextures or glBindTextureUnit with a texture name of 0, which will unbind all targets in the particular texture unit(s).

Let's say you have two GLSL programs:
in progA:
uniform sampler1D progA_sampler1D;
uniform sampler2D progA_sampler2D;
in progB:
uniform sampler1D progB_sampler1D;
uniform sampler2D progB_sampler2D;
And you have several textures with names text1D_1, text1D_2, text1D_3,... text2D_1, text2D_2, etc
Now let's suppose you want progA to sample from text1D_1 and text2D_1 and progB to sample from text1D_2 and text2D_2
You already know that each sampler must be associated with a texture unit, not with a texture name.
We can not use the same texture unit for both samplers progA_sampler1D and progA_sampler2D
FIRST OPTION: four texture units
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + 1);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_1D, text1D_1);
glUniform1i(locationProgA_forSampler1D, 1); // Not glUniform1i(locationProgA_forSampler1D, GL_TEXTURE0 + 1);
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + 2);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, text2D_1);
glUniform1i(locationProgA_forSampler2D, 2);
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + 3);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_1D, text1D_2);
glUniform1i(locationProgA_forSampler1D, 3);
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + 4);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, text2D_2);
glUniform1i(locationProgA_forSampler2D, 4);
SECOND OPTION: two texture units
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + 1);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_1D, text1D_1);
glUniform1i(locationProgA_forSampler1D, 1);
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + 2);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, text2D_1);
glUniform1i(locationProgA_forSampler2D, 2);
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + 2);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_1D, text1D_2);
glUniform1i(locationProgA_forSampler1D, 2);
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + 1);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, text2D_2);
glUniform1i(locationProgA_forSampler2D, 1);
Note that unit GL_TEXTURE0 + 1 has bound two textures text1D_1 and text2D_2 with different types.
On the same way GL_TEXTURE0 + 2 has bound two textures, of types GL_TEXTURE_2D and GL_TEXTURE_1D
WRONG OPTION: two texture units
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + 1);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_1D, text1D_1);
glUniform1i(locationProgA_forSampler1D, 1);
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + 2);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, text2D_1);
glUniform1i(locationProgA_forSampler2D, 2);
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + 1);
//Next is wrong: two textures (text1D_1 and text1D_2) of same type GL_TEXTURE_1D
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_1D, text1D_2);
glUniform1i(locationProgA_forSampler1D, 1);
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + 2);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, text2D_2); //Wrong: two textures of same type GL_TEXTURE_2D
glUniform1i(locationProgA_forSampler2D, 2);


opengl pass texture to program: once or at every rendering?

I've a program with two texture: one from a video, and one from an image.
For the image texture, do I have to pass it to the program at each rendering, or can I do it just once? ie can I do
glUniform1i(textureLocation, 1)
just once? I believed so, but in my experiment, this works ok if there no video texture involved, but as soon as I add the video texture that I'm attaching at every rendering pass (since it's changing) the only way to get the image is to run the above code at each rendering frame.
Let's dissect what your doing, including some unnecessary stuff, and what the GL does.
First of all, none of the C-style casts you're doing in your code are necessary. Just use GL_TEXTURE_2D and so on instead of GLenum(GL_TEXTURE_2D).
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + i), where i is in the range [0, GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS - 1], selects the currently active texture unit. Commands that alter texture unit state will affect unit i as long as you don't call glActiveTexture with another valid unit identifier.
As soon as you call glBindTexture(target, name) with the current active texture unit i, the state of the texture unit is changed to refer to name for the specified target when sampling it with the appropriate sampler in a shader (i.e. name might be bound to TEXTURE_2D and the corresponding sample would have to be a sampler2D). You can only bind one texture object to a specific target for the currently active texture unit - so, if you need to sample two 2D textures in your shader, you'd need to use two texture units.
From the above, it should be obvious what glUniform1i(samplerLocation, i) does.
So, if you have two 2D textures you need to sample in a shader, you need two texture units and two samplers, each referring to one specific unit:
GLuint regularTextureName = 0;
GLunit videoTextureName = 0;
GLint regularTextureSamplerLocation = ...;
GLint videoTextureSamplerLocation = ...;
GLenum regularTextureUnit = 0;
GLenum videoTextureUnit = 1;
// setup texture objects and shaders ...
// make successfully linked shader program current and query
// locations, or better yet, assign locations explicitly in
// the shader (see below) ...
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + regularTextureUnit);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, regularTextureName);
glUniform(regularTextureSamplerLocation, regularTextureUnit);
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + videoTextureUnit);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, videoTextureName);
glUniform(videoTextureSampleLocation, videoTextureUnit);
Your fragment shader, where I assume you'll be doing the sampling, would have to have the corresponding samplers:
layout(binding = 0) uniform sampler2D regularTextureSampler;
layout(binding = 1) uniform sampler2D videoTextureSampler;
And that's it. If both texture objects bound to the above units are setup correctly, it doesn't matter if the contents of the texture changes dynamically before each fragment shader invocation - there are numerous scenarios where this is common place, e.g. deferred rendering or any other render-to-texture algorithm so you're not exactly breaking new ground with some video texture.
As to the question on how often you need to do this: you need to do it when you need to do it - don't change state that doesn't need changing. If you never change the bindings of the corresponding texture unit, you don't need to rebind the texture at all. Set them up once correctly and leave them alone.
The same goes for the sampler bindings: if you don't sample other texture objects with your shader, you don't need to change the shader program state at all. Set it up once and leave it alone.
In short: don't change state if don't have to.
EDIT: I'm not quite sure if this is the case or not, but if you're using teh same shader with one sampler for both textures in separate shader invocations, you'd have to change something, but guess what, it's as simple as letting the sampler refer to another texture unit:
// same texture unit setup as before
// shader program is current
while (rendering)
glUniform(samplerLocation, regularTextureUnit);
// draw call sampling the regular texture
glUniform(samplerLocation, videoTextureUnit);
// draw call sampling teh video texture
You should bind the texture before every draw. You only need to set the location once. You can also do layout(binding = 1) in your shader code for that. The location uniform stays with the program. The texture binding is a global GL state. Also be careful about ActiveTexture: it is a global GL state.
Good practice would be:
On program creation, once, set texture location (uniform)
On draw: SetActive(i), Bind(i), Draw, SetActive(i) Bind(0), SetActive(0)
Then optimize later for redundant calls.

Multitexturing theory with texture objects and samplers

I couldn't find any good theory articles on how to code multitexturing with either only texture objects or texture objects plus samplers. I just don't know how to manage the glActiveTexture function and what it exactly does.
glGenTextures(1, &texture);
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + 0); // Number between 0 and GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, img.getSize().x, img.getSize().y, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, img.getPixelsPtr()); // Not in sampler
glGenerateMipmap(GL_TEXTURE_2D); // Not in sampler
/* Values associated with the texture and not with sampler (sampler has priority over texture).
glGenSamplers(1, &textureSampler);
glBindSampler(0, textureSampler);
glSamplerParameteri(textureSampler, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT);
glSamplerParameteri(textureSampler, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT);
glSamplerParameteri(textureSampler, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR);
glSamplerParameteri(textureSampler, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR);
glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(colorShader->program, "textureSampler"), 0); // 0 pour GL_TEXTURE0
I'm a little bit confused about if multitexturing is about having multiple samplers in the fragment code linked to multiple textures or if it is possible to have only have one sampler with multiple textures?
Much of this must have been explained before, but let me try and give an overview that will hopefully make it clearer how all the different pieces fit together. I'll start by explaining each piece separately, and then explain how they are connected.
Texture Target
This refers to the different types of textures (2D, 3D, etc). You can have multiple textures, one of each texture type, bound to the same texture unit at the same time. For example, after:
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texId1);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_3D, texId2);
BothtexId1 and texId2 will be bound to the same texture unit, which is possible because they are bound to different targets.
The details of this are somewhat convoluted and confusing, and I won't consider it in the rest of this answer. I would recommend that you always bind different textures to different texture units. It will save you from headaches and surprises.
Texture Object
Names for texture objects are created with glGenTextures(), they are bound with glBindTexture(), etc. Texture objects own:
Texture data.
State that defines how the texture data is sampled, like filtering attributes set with glTexParameteri().
They also contain information about the texture format/type that was specified together with the data.
Texture Unit
As part of the current OpenGL state, you can picture a table of textures that are currently bound. We need more than a single texture bound at the same time to support multi-texturing. A texture unit can be seen as an entry in this state table.
You use glActiveTexture() to specify the currently active texture units. Calls that need to operate on a specific texture unit will then operate on the active texture unit. For example:
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texId);
Will bind texId to texture unit 3. Picturing the table of bound textures again, the 4th entry (numbering starts at 0) now points at the texture texId.
Sampler Object
This is a newer kind of object available in OpenGL 3.3 and later. You will not need this for most use cases, even if they involve sampling from multiple textures. I'm including them here for completeness, but there's no need to worry about samplers until you have a firm grasp of texture objects and texture units.
Remember how I explained above that texture objects own the texture data, as well as state that defines how the data is sampled? What samplers essentially do is decouple these two aspects. The sampler object contains state that can override the sampling related state in the texture object.
What this allows you to do is sample one single texture with different sampling parameters in the same shader. Say you wanted to do LINEAR and NEAREST sampling of the same texture in a single shader. Without sampler objects, you can't do that without having multiple copies of the same texture (with multiple copies of the data). Sampler objects enable this kind of functionality.
Texture View
This is a feature introduced in OpenGL 4.3. Even more than texture samplers, I'm only mentioning it for completeness.
Where samplers decouple the texture data (with its associated format) from the sampling parameters, texture views decouple the raw texture data from the format. They make it possible to use the same raw texture data with different formats. I suspect that you can go a very long way without ever using this feature.
Putting the Pieces Together
What you ultimately want to do is specify which textures a shader should sample from. Texture units are the critical pieces in making the connection between shaders and textures.
Looking at it from the side of the shader, the shader knows which texture units it samples from. This is given by the value of the sampler uniform variables. For example, if "MyFirstTexture" is the name of a sampler variable in the shader code, the following specifies that the variable is associated with texture unit 3:
GLint loc = glGetUniformLocation(prog, "MyFirstTexture");
glUniform1i(loc, 3);
The association between texture unit and a texture object is established with the code fragment that was already shown above:
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texId);
These two pieces are the critical parts in connecting a texture to a sampler variable in your shader code. Note that the value of the uniform variable is the index of the texture unit (3), while the argument of glActiveTexture() is the corresponding enum (GL_TEXTURE3). I would argue that this is unfortunate API design, but you'll just have to get used to it.
Once you understand this, it will hopefully be very obvious how you use multiple textures in your shader (aka "multi-texturing"):
You have multiple sampler variables in your shader code.
You make the glUniform1i() calls to set the values of the sampler variables to indices of different texture units.
You bind a texture to each of the matching texture units.
Showing this for two texture, using texture units 0 and 1:
GLint loc = glGetUniformLocation(prog, "MyFirstTexture");
glUniform1i(loc, 0);
loc = glGetUniformLocation(prog, "MySecondTexture");
glUniform1i(loc, 1);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texId0);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texId1);
One other way of looking at this is that there's a level of indirection between samplers variables in shaders, and texture objects. The shader does not have a direct connection to the texture objects. Instead, it has an index into a table of texture objects (where this index is the value of the uniform variable), and this table in turn contains "pointers" to texture objects (where the table entries are populated with glActiveTexture()/glBindTexture()`.
Or one final analogy for the same thing, using communication terminology: You can look at the texture units as ports. You tell the shader which ports to read data from (value of uniform variable). Then you plug a texture into the port (by binding it to the texture unit). The shader will now read data from the texture you plugged into the port.
There is a default sampler object contained in each texture object that will be used to read from the texture when no sampler object is bound to the corresponding sampler unit. To modify the parameters of this object, similar glTexParameter function are provided.

OpenGL ES 3 (iOS) texturing oddness - want to know why

I have a functioning OpenGL ES 3 program (iOS), but I've having a difficult time understanding OpenGL textures. I'm trying to render several quads to the screen, all with different textures. The textures are all 256 color images with a sperate palette.
This is C++ code that sends the textures to the shaders
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, _renderQueue[idx]->TextureId);
glUniform1i(_glShaderTexture, 1); // what does the 1 mean here
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, _renderQueue[idx]->PaletteId);
glUniform1i(_glShaderPalette, 2); // what does the 2 mean here?
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, sizeof(Indices)/sizeof(Indices[0]), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0);
This is the fragment shader
uniform sampler2D texture; // New
uniform sampler2D palette; // A palette of 256 colors
varying highp vec2 texCoordOut;
void main()
highp vec4 palIndex = texture2D(texture, texCoordOut);
gl_FragColor = texture2D(palette, palIndex.xy);
As I said, the code works, but I'm unsure WHY it works. Several seemingly minor changes break it. For example, using GL_TEXTURE0, and GL_TEXTURE1 in the C++ code breaks it. Changing the numbers in glUniform1i to 0, and 1 break it. I'm guessing I do not understand something about texturing in OpenGL 3+ (maybe Texture Units???), but need some guidance to figure out what.
Since it's often confusing to newer OpenGL programmers, I'll try to explain the concept of texture units on a very basic level. It's not a complex concept once you pick up on the terminology.
The whole thing is motivated by offering the possibility of sampling multiple textures in shaders. Since OpenGL traditionally operates on objects that are bound with glBind*() calls, this means that an option to bind multiple textures is needed. Therefore, the concept of having one bound texture was extended to having a table of bound textures. What OpenGL calls a texture unit is an entry in this table, designated by an index.
If you wanted to describe this state in a C/C++ style notation, you could define the table of bound texture as an array of texture ids, where the size is the maximum number of bound textures supported by the implementation (queried with glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, ...)):
GLuint BoundTextureIds[MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
If you bind a texture, it gets bound to the currently active texture unit. This means that the last call to glActiveTexture() determines which entry in the table of bound textures is modified. In a typical call sequence, which binds a texture to texture unit i:
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texId);
this would correspond to modifying our imaginary data structure by:
BoundTextureIds[i] = texId;
That covers the setup. Now, the shaders can access all the textures in this table. Variables of type sampler2D are used to access textures in the GLSL code. To determine which texture each sampler2D variable accesses, we need to specify which table entry each one uses. This is done by setting the uniform value to the table index:
glUniform1i(samplerLoc, i);
specifies that the sampler uniform at location samplerLoc reads from table entry i, meaning that it samples the texture with id BoundTextureIds[i].
In the specific case of the question, the first texture was bound to texture unit 1 because glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1) was called before glBindTexture(). To access this texture from the shader, the shader uniform needs to be set to 1 as well. Same thing for the second texture, with texture unit 2.
(The description above was slightly simplified because it did not take into account different texture targets. In reality, textures with different targets, e.g. GL_TEXTURE_2D and GL_TEXTURE_3D, can be bound to the same texture unit.)
GL_TEXTURE1 and GL_TEXTURE2 refer to texture units. glUniform1i takes a texture unit id for the second argument for samplers. This is why they are 1 and 2.
From the OpenGL website:
The value of a sampler uniform in a program is not a texture object,
but a texture image unit index. So you set the texture unit index for
each sampler in a program.

Can I use one Texture unit for 5 different 2D textures

I know there can be GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS texture units in an OpenGL Program. But lets assume I am using only one.
Suppose I have 5 2D textures. Can I "map" them to a single texture unit (TEXTURE0) to render all of them.
I mean I will do this:
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex1);
//specify tex data and tex params for tex1
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex2);
//specify tex data and tex params for tex1
.. and so on for all 5 textures
Render Loop:
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex1);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex2);
..and so on for all 5 textures
In the fragment shader I am using only 1 sampler2d variable which is initialized to zero (for texture unit 0)
If this will not work correctly, then should I use 5 different texture units(TEXTURE0, TEXTURE0+1, ....TEXTURE0+5) and "map" each texture to a different texture unit.
Most important question: If my first approach is correct, how many 2D textures(lets just only talk about 2D textures for now) can I "map" to a Texture unit?
As long as you don't want to use several textures on a single piece of geometry simultanously, this is perfectly possible. Actually it's the usual thing to do, because the purpose of multitexturing and texture units is not to hold different textures for different objects, but different layers of textures used on the same object.
Think of texture units as something like layers in Photoshop.
Well, as I understand OpenGL texture units:
Text units are a way for shaders to point texture for sampling. If your shader must access more than one texture, you must separate them into differents texture units.
In your case, as you seem to need only 1 texture at the same time, glActiveTexture is useless, just let's Opengl use the default GL_TEXTURE0 for all.
So, yes, your render loop is correct.
How many is the limit of texture units? 48+, more than enough!
Remember that OpenGL is a state machine, so to configure more than 1 texture to work at the same time, you need a way to select them, that is exactly what glActiveTexture do.
I hope it will help you.

What is the correct behavior when both a 1D and a 2D texture are bound in OpenGL?

Say you have something like this:
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, my2dTex);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_1D, my1dTex);
What is the correct OpenGL behavior? To draw the 1d texture, the 2d or both? For each active texture are there actually multiple textures that can be bound to it at the same time (i.e. a 1d, 2d, 3d cube map, etc.)?
The GL state for the bindings is one texture name per target (i.e. 1D/2D/3D/cube). So when calling
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, my2dTex)
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_1D, my1dTex)
the GL will remember both settings.
Now, the answer of which one GL will use depends on whether you have a shader on.
If a shader is on, the GL will use whatever the shader says to use. (based on sampler1d/sampler2d...).
If no shader is on, then it first depends on which glEnable call has been made.
If both are enabled, there is a static priority rule in the spec (3.8.15 Texture Application in the GL 1.5 spec).
Cube > 3D > 2D > 1D
So in your case, if both your texture targets are enabled, the 2D one will be used.
As a side note, notice how a shader does not care whether or not the texture target is Enabled...
Edit to add:
And for the people who really want to get to the gritty details, you always have a texture bound for each target * each unit. The name 0 (the default for the binding state) corresponds to a series of texture objects, one per target. glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0) and glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_1D, 0) both bind a texture, but not the same one...
This is historical, specified to match the behavior of GL 1.0, where texture objects did not exist yet. I am not sure what the deprecation in GL3.0 did with this, though.
I think that the 1d texture will be drawn. As far as I know, each texture unit can have only one texture bound at a time. The number of dimensions of the texture doesn't really come into it.
To have more than one texture bound you have to activate more than one texture unit (using glActiveTexture), like this:
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, my2dTex);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_1D, my1dTex);
This comes from my knowledge of OpenGL 2.1 though, so please correct me if they've introduced some fancy new texture extension in a later version!
The applied texture is the last specified with BindTexture routine.
From the specification:
The new texture object bound to
target is, and remains a texture of the dimensionality and type specified by target
until it is deleted.
.... If the
bind is successful no change is made to the state of the bound texture object, and
any previous binding to target is broken.
Indeed in your example it will be applied the 1D texture, since it "overwrite" the state of the active texture unit.