GLSL time for function in shader - opengl

I would like to know if there is a way to calculate the time (or number of operations) that a function take in glsl program?
Being quite new to glsl and the way GPU works, it's hard and take me time to optimize a glsl shader; and my multipass rendering is very laggy.
So my goal would be to focus more on slower function.
Does a thing could help me?
I'm working on VS2015, and sadly, my GPU doesn't allow NSight to works.

Shaders run paralelized in GPU. You can't find the number of operations per shader, because you really don't know how many "gpu-cores" are running and how the gpu-compiler optimized the shaders.
You can measure the time ellapsed for a draw command. See more for example
here, here and here


OpenGL constructing and using data on the GPU

I am not a graphics programmer, I use C++ and C mainly, and every time I try to go into OpenGL, every book, and every resource starts like this:
GLfloat Vertices[] = {
some, numbers, here,
some, more, numbers,
numbers, numbers, numbers
Or they may even be vec4.
But then you do something like this:
for(int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 10000; j++)
And you get a problem. That loop is going to take a significant amount of time to finish- and if the make_vertex() function is anything like a saxpy or something of the sort, it is not just a problem... it is a big problem. For example, let us assume I wish to create fractal terrain. For any modern graphic card this would be trivial.
I understand the paradigm goes like this: Write the vertices manually -> Send them over to the GPU -> GPU does vertex processing, geometry, rasterization all the good stuff. I am sure it all makes sense. But why do I have to do the entire 'Send it over' step? Is there no way to skip that entire intermediary step, and just create vertices on the GPU, and draw them, without the obvious bottleneck?
I would very much appreciate at least a point in the right direction.
I also wonder if there is a possible solution without delving into compute shaders or CUDA? Does openGL or GLSL not provide a suitable random function which can be executed in parallel?
I think what you're asking for could work by generating height maps with a compute shader, and mapping that onto a grid with fixed spacing which can be generated trivially. That's a possible solution off the top of my head. You can use GL Compute shaders, OpenCL, or CUDA. Details can be generated with geometry and tessellation shaders.
As for preventing the camera from clipping, you'd probably have to use transform feedback and do a check per frame to see if the direction you're moving in will intersect the geometry.
Your entire question seems to be built on a huge misconception, that vertices are the only things which need to be "crunched" by the GPU.
First, you should understand that GPUs are far more superior than CPUs when it comes to parallelism (heck, GPUs sacrifice conditional control jumping for the sake of parallelism). Second, shaders and these buffers you make are all stored on the GPU after being uploaded by the CPU. The reason you don't just create all vertices on the GPU? It's the same reason for why you load an image from the hard drive instead of creating a raw 2D array and start filling it up with your pixel data inline. Even then, your image would be stored in the executable program file, which is stored on the hard disk and only loaded to memory when you run it. In an actual application, you'll want to load your graphics off assets stored somewhere (usually the hard drive). Why not let the GPU load the assets from the hard drive by itself? The GPU isn't connected to a hardware's storage directly, but barely to the system's main memory via some BUS. That's because to connect to any storage directly, the GPU will have to deal with the file system which is managed by the OS. That's one of the things the CPU would be faster at doing since we're dealing with serialized data.
Now what shaders deal with is this data you upload to the GPU (vertices, texture coordinates, textures..etc). In ancient OpenGL, no one had to write any shaders. Graphics drivers came with a builtin pipeline which handles regular rendering requests for you. You'd provide it with 4 vertices, 4 texture coordinates and a texture among other things (transformation matrices..etc), and it'd draw your graphics for you on the screen. You could go a bit farther and add some lights to your scene and maybe customize a few things about it, but things were still pretty tight. New OpenGL specifications gave more freedom to the developer by allowing them to rewrite parts of the pipeline with shaders. The developer becomes responsible for transforming vertices into place and doing all sort of other calculations related to lighting etc.
I would very much appreciate at least a point in the right direction.
I am guessing it has something to do with uniforms, but really, with
me skipping pages, I really cannot understand how a shader program
runs or what the lifetime of the variables is.
uniforms are variables you can send to the shaders from the CPU every frame before you use it to render graphics. When you use the saturation slider in Photoshop or Gimp, it (probably) sends the saturation factor value to the shader as a uniform of type float. uniforms are what you use to communicate little settings like these to your shaders from your application.
To use a shader program, you first have to set it up. A shader program consists of at least 2 types of shaders linked together, a fragment shader and a vertex shader. You use some OpenGL functions to upload your shader sources to the GPU, issue an order of compilation followed by linking, and it'll give you the program's ID. To use this program, you simply glUseProgram(programId) and everything following this call will use it for drawing. The vertex shader is the code that runs on the vertices you send to position them on the screen correctly. This is where you can do transformations on your geometry like scaling, rotation etc. A fragment shader runs at some stage afterwards using interpolated (transitioned) values outputted from the vertex shader to define the color and the depth of every unit fragment on what you're drawing. This is where you can do post-processing effects on your pixels.
Anyway, I hope I've helped making a few things clearer to you, but I can only tell you that there are no shortcuts. OpenGL has quite a steep learning curve, but it all connects and things start to make sense after a while. If you're getting so bored of books and such, then consider maybe taking code snippets of every lesson, compile them, and start messing around with them while trying to rationalize as you go. You'll have to resort to written documents eventually, but hopefully then things will fit easier into your head when you have some experience with the implementation components. Good luck.
If you're trying to generate vertices on the fly using some algorithm, then try looking into Geometry Shaders. They may give you what you want.
You probably want to use CUDA for the things you are used to do in C or C++, and let OpenGL access the rasterizer and other graphics stuff.
OpenGL an CUDA interact somehow nicely. A good entry point to customize the contents of a buffer object is here: , with cudaGraphicsGLRegisterBuffer method.
You may also want to have a look at the nbody sample from NVIDIA GPU SDK samples the come with current CUDA installs.

Quick and dirty profiling for OpenGL compute shaders?

I have a GPU implementation of Marching Cubes for procedurally generated isosurfaces as part of a BSc project, implemented in OpenFrameworks using OpenGL compute shaders. It's up and running, debugged and working at decent frame rates, but I'd like to see if I can optimize it further and eliminate any potential bottlenecks (in particular, there are a lot of atomics in there and I'd like to find out if these are slowing it down much).
The algorithm uses 6 chained compute shaders with memory barriers in between :
get samples
get surface cubes (atomic counter)
get unique vertices (atomic counter)
get polygon indices (atomic counter)
get final vertex positions
get surface normals (lots of atomic adds)
Basically what I'm trying to find out is how long the algorithm spends in each separate shader, but the async nature of OpenGL makes this difficult. I installed GDebugger which comes highly recommended and was used to profile this implementation which uses OpenCL for compute and OpenGL for rendering. Unfortunately it breaks my program. :-( The standalone exe works fine under Win7, but trying to run it inside GDebugger throws this for each shader:
[ error ] ofShader: checkProgramLinkStatus(): program failed to link
[ error ] ofShader: ofShader: program reports:
Compute info
(0) : error C7006: no work group size specified
So I need an alternative way of profiling. I've considered doing something like this:
cout << ofGetElapsedTimef() << endl;
Hopefully this should block until the shader is done writing to the buffer , and give me at least a ballpark figure for completion time? But if anyone can point out a serious flaw in this approach or knows of a better way, please let me know.

Using shader for calculations

Is it possible to use shader for calculating some values and then return them back for further use?
For example I send mesh down to GPU, with some parameters about how it should be modified(change position of vertices), and take back resulting mesh? I see that rather impossible because I haven't seen any variable for comunication from shaders to CPU. I'm using GLSL so there are just uniform, atributes and varying. Should I use atribute or uniform, would they be still valid after rendering? Can I change values of those variables and read them back in CPU? There are methods for mapping data in GPU but would those be changed and valid?
This is the way I'm thinking about this, though there could be other way, which is unknow to me. I would be glad if someone could explain me this, as I've just read some books about GLSL and now I would like to program more complex shaders, and I wouldn't like to relieve on methods that are impossible at this time.
Great question! Welcome to the brave new world of General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU).
What you want to do is possible with pixel shaders. You load a texture (that is: data), apply a shader (to do the desired computation) and then use Render to Texture to pass the resulting data from the GPU to the main memory (RAM).
There are tools created for this purpose, most notably OpenCL and CUDA. They greatly aid GPGPU so that this sort of programming looks almost as CPU programming.
They do not require any 3D graphics experience (although still preferred :) ). You don't need to do tricks with textures, you just load arrays into the GPU memory. Processing algorithms are written in a slightly modified version of C. The latest version of CUDA supports C++.
I recommend to start with CUDA, since it is the most mature one:
This is easily possible on modern graphics cards using either Open CL, Microsoft Direct Compute (part of DirectX 11) or CUDA. The normal shader languages are utilized (GLSL, HLSL for example). The first two work on both Nvidia and ATI graphics cards, cuda is nvidia exclusive.
These are special libaries for computing stuff on the graphics card. I wouldn't use a normal 3D API for this, althought it is possible with some workarounds.
Now you can use shader buffer objects in OpenGL to write values in shaders that can be read in host.
My best guess would be to send you to BehaveRT which is a library created to harness GPUs for behavorial models. I think that if you can formulate your modifications in the library, you could benefit from its abstraction
About the data passing back and forth between your cpu and gpu, i'll let you browse the documentation, i'm not sure about it

Does GLSL utilize SLI? Does OpenCL? What is better, GLSL or OpenCL for multiple GPUs?

To what extend does OpenGL's GLSL utilize SLI setups? Is it utilized at all at the point of execution or only for end rendering?
Similarly, I know that OpenCL is alien to SLI but assuming one has several GPUs, how does it compare to GLSL in multiprocessing?
Since it might depend on the application, e.g. common transformation, or ray tracing, can you offer insight on differences depending on application type?
The goal of SLI is to divide the rendering workload on several GPU. First, the graphic driver uses a either a Sort-first or time decomposition (GPU0 works on frame n while GPU1 works on frame n+1) approach. And then, the pixels are copied from one GPU to the other.
That said, SLI has nothing to do with the shading language used by OpenGL (the way the pixels are drawn doesn't really matter).
For OpenCL, I would say that you have to divide your workload between the GPU by yourself, but I am not sure.
If you want to take advantage of multiple GPUs with OpenCL, you will have to create command queues for each device and run kernels on each device after splitting up the workload.
Basically, you have to instruct the driver that you want to use SLI, and in which mode. After this, the driver will (almost) seamlessly do all the work for you.
Alternate Frame Rendering : no sync needed, so better performance, but more lag
Split Frame Rendering : lots of sync, some vertices are processed twice, but less lag.
For you GLSL vs OpenCL comparison, I don't know of any good benchmark. I'd be interested, though.

C++ & DirectX - setting shader

Does someone know a fast way to invoke shader processing via DirectX?
Right now I'm setting shaders using D3DXCreateEffectFromFile calls, which create shaders in runtime (once per each shader) from *.fx files.
Rendering part for every object (every patch in my case - see further) then means something like:
// --------------------
// Preprocessing
effect->SetMatrix (or Vector or whatever - internal shader parameters) (...)
// --------------------
// Geometry rendering
// Pass the geometry to render
// ...
// --------------------
// Postprocessing
// End 'effect' passes
This is okay, but the profiler shows weird things - preprocessing (see code) takes about 60% of time (I'm rendering terrain object of 256 patches where every patch contains about 10k vertices).
Actual geometry rendering takes ~35% and postprocessing - 5% of total rendering time.
This seems pretty strange to me and I guess that D3DXEffect interface may not be the best solution for this sort of things.
I've got 2 questions:
1. Do I need to implement my own shader controller / wrapper (probably, low-level) and where should I start from?
2. Would compiling shaders help to somehow improve parameter setting performance?
Maybe somebody knows how to solve this kind of problem / some implemented shader interface or could give some advices about how is this kind of problem solved in modern game engines.
Thank you.
Actual geometry rendering takes ~35% and postprocessing - 5% of total rendering time
If you want to profile shader performance you need to use NVPerfHud or something similar. Using CPU profiler and measuring ticks is not going to help you - rendering is often asynchronous.
Do I need to implement my own shader controller / wrapper (probably, low-level)
Using your own shader wrapper isn't a bad idea - I never liked ID3DXEffect anyway.
With your own wrapper you'll have a total control of resources and program behavior.
Whether you need it or not is for you to decide. With ID3DXEffect you won't have a warranty that implementation is as fast as it could be - it could be wasting cpu cycles doing something you don't really need. D3DX library contains few classes that are useful, but aren't guaranteed to be efficient (ID3DXEffect, ID3DXMesh, All animation-related and skin-related functions, etc).
and where should I start from?
D3DXAssembleShader, IDirect3DDevice9::CreateVertexShader, IDirect3DDevice9::CreatePixelShader on DirectX 9, D3D10CompileShader on DirectX 10. Also download DirectX SDK and read shader documentation/tutorials.
Would compiling shaders help to somehow improve parameter setting performance?
Shaders are automatically compiled when you load them. You could compiling try with different optimization settings, but don't expect miracles.
Are you using a DirectX profiler or just timing your client code? Profiling DirectX API calls using timers in the client code is generally not that effective because it's not necessarily synchronously processing your state updates/draw calls as you make them. There's a lot of optimization that goes on behind the scenes. Here is an article about this for DX9 but I'm sure this hasn't changed for later versions:
I've used effects before in DirectX and the system generally works fine. It provides some nice features that might be a pain to implement yourself at a lower-level, so I would stick with it for the moment.
As bshields suggested, your timing information might be inaccurate. It sounds likely that the drawing actually is taking the most time, compared.
The shader is compiled when it's loaded. Precompiling will save you a half-second of startup time, but so long as the shader doesn't change during runtime, you won't see any actual speed increase. Precompiling is also kind of a pain, if you're still testing a shader. You can do it with the final copy, but unless you have a lot of shaders, you won't get much benefit while loading them.
If you're creating the shaders every frame or every time your geometry is rendered, that's probably the issue. Unless the shader itself (not parameters) changes every frame, you should create the effect once and reuse that.
I don't remember where SetParameter calls go, but you may want to check the docs to make sure your SetMatrix is in the right spot. Setting parameters after the pass has started won't help anything, certainly not speed. Make sure that's set up correctly. Also, set parameters as rarely as possible, there is some slight overhead involved. Per-frame sets will give you a notable slow-down, if you have too many.
All in all, the effects system does work fine in most cases and you shouldn't be seeing what you are. Make sure your profiling is correct, your shader is valid and optimized, and your calls are in the right places.