In Python I'm able to do something like:
fast_thing_available = True
import fast_thing
except ImportError:
fast_thing_available = False
# snip
if fast_thing_available:
default = fast_thing
default = slow_thing
Is it possible to do the same thing in Clojure?
I've tried next, but it fails (e.g. import is still required):
(ns sample.ns)
(def ^:private long-adder-available (atom false))
(import 'java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder)
(swap! long-adder-available (constantly true)))
(catch ClassNotFoundException e ()))
(when (true? #long-adder-available)
; Here I'm using LongAdder itself
Code throws IllegalArgumentException: unable to resolve classname: LongAdder even if LongAdder itself is not available.
As pointed out by #amalloy in the comments, the code inside when does not compile. I am not sure if there is a way to re-write that code so it compiles. However it is possible to avoid compiling it altogether. Clojure macros can be used to exclude code from compilation.
A macro can attempt importing a class and only if that succeeds emit the the code using the class. There are simpler ways to check if a class exists in the classpath, but it is important to call import at compile time. That way the code can use simple class names (like LongAdder).
When applied to this problem, the solution might look like the sample below. The piece of code calling import is a bit ugly with eval etc. but it is tough to pass non-literal arguments to import. If there is no need for this code to be generic, the class name can be hard-coded and a few other things can be simplified.
(ns sample.core)
(defmacro defn-if-class
"If clazz is successfully imported, emits (defn name args then)
Emits (defn name args else) otherwise."
[clazz name args then else]
(if (try (eval `(import ~clazz)) true (catch Exception e nil))
`(defn ~name ~args ~then)
`(defn ~name ~args ~else)))
(defn-if-class java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder
foo []
;; if class exists
(doto (LongAdder.)
(. increment)
(. sum))
;; else
"fallback logic in case the class is not in classpath")
(defn -main [& args]
(println (foo)))
I should mention that the answer is heavily inspired by Jay Fields' blog post "Clojure: Conditionally Importing" and this answer.
Let's say I have come across a class with several static setter methods that I'd like to call in a row. The functionality I'm looking for is similar to that provided by doto, except that it must work on a class instead of an object:
(doto MyClass
(setA "a")
(setB "b"))
Unfortunately, when I try this, I get RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: setA. Is there a special doto macro for classes?
I will leave this question open, since I'm hoping there's a better answer, but here's my home-grown macro to solve this problem:
(defmacro doto-class
"Calls a series of static methods on a class"
[klass & forms]
(cons 'do
(for [f forms]
`(. ~klass ~f))))
which expands the example:
'(doto-class MyClass
(setA "a")
(setB "b")))
(do (. MyClass (setA "a"))
(. MyClass (setB "b")))
How do you call a static Java method from Clojure? Like this ...
(Classname/staticMethod args*)
For example,
> (System/getProperty "java.vm.version")
=> "25.141-b15"
We want a macro, say doto-static, that re-arranges this from (doto-static System (getProperty "java.vm.version")), and also allows a chain of calls.
Such a macro is ...
(defmacro doto-static [class-symbol & calls]
(let [qualify (fn [method-symbol] (->> method-symbol
(str (name class-symbol) \/)
elaborate (fn [[method-symbol & arg-exprs]]
(cons (qualify method-symbol) arg-exprs))]
(cons 'do (map elaborate calls))))
For example,
> (doto-static System (getProperty "java.vm.version") (getProperty "java.vm.version"))
=> "25.141-b15"
I want to display random (doc) page for some namespace.
The random function name I can get by:
user=> (rand-nth (keys (ns-publics 'clojure.core)))
When I try to pass this to (doc) I get this:
user=> (doc (rand-nth (keys (ns-publics 'clojure.core))))
ClassCastException clojure.lang.PersistentList cannot be cast to clojure.lang.Symbol clojure.core/ns-resolve (core.clj:3883)
I'm new to Clojure and I'm not sure how to deal with this... I tried to convert this into regexp and use (find-doc) but maybe there is a better way to do this...
The problem here is that doc is a macro, not a function. You can verify this with the source macro in the repl.
(source doc)
; (defmacro doc
; "Prints documentation for a var or special form given its name"
; {:added "1.0"}
; [name]
; (if-let [special-name ('{& fn catch try finally try} name)]
; (#'print-doc (#'special-doc special-name))
; (cond
; (special-doc-map name) `(#'print-doc (#'special-doc '~name))
; (resolve name) `(#'print-doc (meta (var ~name)))
; (find-ns name) `(#'print-doc (namespace-doc (find-ns '~name))))))
If you're new to Clojure (and lisps), you might not have encountered macros yet. As a devastatingly brief explanation, where functions operate on evaluated code, macros operate on unevaluated code - that is, source code itself.
This means that when you type
(doc (rand-nth (keys (ns-publics 'clojure.core))))
doc attempts to operate on the actual line of code - (rand-nth (keys (ns-publics 'clojure.core))) - rather than the evaluated result (the symbol this returns). Code being nothing more than a list in Clojure, this is why the error is telling you that a list can't be cast to a symbol.
So, what you really want to do is evaluate the code, then call doc on the result. We can do this by writing another macro which first evaluates the code you give it, then passes that to doc.
(defmacro eval-doc
(let [resulting-symbol (eval form)]
`(doc ~resulting-symbol)))
You can pass eval-doc arbitrary forms and it will evaluate them before passing them to doc. Now we're good to go.
(eval-doc (rand-nth (keys (ns-publics 'clojure.core))))
While the above works well enough in the repl, if you're using ahead ahead-of-time compilation, you'll find that it produces the same result every time. This is because the resulting-symbol in the let statement is produced during the compilation phase. Compiling once ahead of time means that this value is baked into the .jar. What we really want to do is push the evaluation of doc to runtime. So, let's rewrite eval-doc as a function.
(defn eval-doc
(eval `(doc ~sym)))
Simple as that.
Given that this works as I'd expect:
(println (resolve 'a)) ; nil
(def a "a")
(println (resolve 'a))) ; #'user/a
I'd like to understand why this doesn't:
(println (resolve 'b)) ; #'user/b (shouldn't it be still undefined at this point?)
(def b "b")
(println (resolve 'b))) ; #'user/b
I'd also like to know if this is a proper solution (not exactly solving the same problem, but doing an equivalent job in my context):
(def c (atom nil))
(println #c) ; nil
(reset! c "c")
(println #c)) ; c
This behaviour comes about as a result of the way in which def forms are compiled.
Note that using def forms not at top-level (or perhaps inside a top-level let -- see below for more comments on this case) is frowned upon as a matter of style in any case. The snippet using an Atom, on the other hand, is fine -- no reason not to use it if it does what you want.
On to the def story:
Compilation of def forms:
When a def form is encountered, a Var of the appropriate name is created at that moment by the compiler in the current namespace. (Attempting to def a Var outside the current namespace by using a namespace-qualified symbol as the name argument to def results in an exception). That Var is at first unbound and stays unbound until the def is actually executed; for a top-level def, that'll be right away, but for a def hidden inside a function's body (or inside a let form -- see below), that'll be when the function is called:
;;; in the user namespace:
(defn foo []
(def bar "asdf")
; => #'user/foo
; => #<Unbound Unbound: #'user/bar>
;;; let's change the namespace and call foo:
(ns some.ns)
; => :done
; exception, the bar Var was created in the user namespace!
; => "asdf"
; the Var's namespace is fixed at compile time
The first example -- with the do form:
Top level dos are treated as if their contents were spliced into the flow of code at the place where the do occurs. So if you type (do (println ...) (def ...) (println ...)) at the REPL, that's equivalent to typing in the first println expression, then the def, then the second println expression (except the REPL only produces one new prompt).
The second example -- with future:
(future ...) expands to something close to (future-call (fn [] ...)). If ... includes a def form, it'll be compiled in the manner we have seen above. By the time the anonymous function executes on its own thread the Var will have been created, thus resolve will be able to find it.
As a side note, let's have a look at a similar snippet and its output:
(let []
(println (resolve 'c))
(def c "c")
(println (resolve 'c)))
; #'user/c
; #'user/c
; => nil
The reason is as before with the extra point that let is first compiled, then executed as a whole. This is something one should keep in mind when using top-level let forms with definitions inside -- it's generally ok as long as no side-effecty code is intermingled with the definitions; otherwise one has to be extra careful.
I'm looking for the ability to have the REPL print the current definition of a function. Is there any way to do this?
For example, given:
(defn foo [] (if true "true"))
I'd like to say something like
(print-definition foo)
and get something along the lines of
(foo [] (if true "true"))
An alternative to source (which should be available via clojure.repl/source when starting a REPL, as of 1.2.0. If you're working with 1.1.0 or lower, source is in clojure.contrib.repl-utils.), for REPL use, instead of looking at functions defined in a .clj file:
(defmacro defsource
"Similar to clojure.core/defn, but saves the function's definition in the var's
:source meta-data."
{:arglists (:arglists (meta (var defn)))}
[fn-name & defn-stuff]
`(do (defn ~fn-name ~#defn-stuff)
(alter-meta! (var ~fn-name) assoc :source (quote ~&form))
(var ~fn-name)))
(defsource foo [a b] (+ a b))
(:source (meta #'foo))
;; => (defsource foo [a b] (+ a b))
A simple print-definition:
(defn print-definition [v]
(:source (meta v)))
(print-definition #'foo)
#' is just a reader macro, expanding from #'foo to (var foo):
(macroexpand '#'reduce)
;; => (var reduce)
You'll want to import the repl namespace, and use the source function from it:
(ns myns
(:use [clojure.repl :only (source)]))
(defn foo [] (if true "true"))
(source foo)
=> (foo [] (if true "true"))
Though this wouldn't work in the REPL, only where the function is defined in a .clj file on the classpath. Which doesn't answer your question, then: you'd need to have a defn that stores, in the metadata of the fn it defines, the source of the function. Then you'd write a function that recalls that bit of metadata. That shouldn't be terribly difficult.
Clojure doesn't have a decompiler, so that means there's no way to get at the source of an arbitrary function unless it was a defn loaded from disk. However, you can use a neat hack called serializable-fn to create a function that has its source form stored in its metadata:
The defsource answer is very similar to this, but this solution works with arbitrary fns, not just top-level defns. It also makes fns print prettily at the repl without a special printing function.
In clojure 1.2's REPL, the source function is immediately available. You can use it this way:
$ java -cp clojure.jar clojure.main
Clojure 1.2.0
user=> (source slurp)
(defn slurp
"Reads the file named by f using the encoding enc into a string
and returns it."
{:added "1.0"}
([f & opts]
(let [opts (normalize-slurp-opts opts)
sb (StringBuilder.)]
(with-open [#^ r (apply jio/reader f opts)]
(loop [c (.read r)]
(if (neg? c)
(str sb)
(.append sb (char c))
(recur (.read r)))))))))
A few other functions are also automatically imported into the REPL's user namespace from the clojure.repl library. See the API doc here.
However, as pointed out in other answers here, you can't use source as is to print back functions you have defined in the REPL.
I asked exactly this question on the Clojure mailing list recently and the answers included overriding parts of the REPL to stash the input (and output) away for future reference as well as an override of defn to store the source in metadata (which you could then easily retrieve in the REPL).
Read the thread on the Clojure mailing list
I'm a few days into learning Clojure and are having some teething problems, so I'm asking for advice.
I'm trying to store a Java class in a Clojure var and call its static methods, but it doesn't work.
user=> (. java.lang.reflect.Modifier isPrivate 1)
user=> (def jmod java.lang.reflect.Modifier)
user=> (. jmod isPrivate 1)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching method found: isPrivate for class java.lang.Class (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
From the exception it looks like the runtime expects a var to hold an object, so it calls .getClass() to get the class and looks up the method using reflection. In this case the var already holds a class, so .getClass() returns java.lang.Class and the method lookup obviously fails.
Is there some way around this, other than writing my own macro?
In the general case I'd like to have either an object or a class in a varible and call the appropriate methods on it - duck typing for static methods as well as for instance methods.
In this specific case I'd just like a shorter name for java.lang.reflect.Modifier, an alias if you wish. I know about import, but looking for something more general, like the Clojure namespace alias but for Java classes. Are there other mechanisms for doing this?
Maybe I'm just confused about the calling conventions here. I thought the Lisp (and by extension Clojure) model was to evaluate all arguments and call the first element in the list as a function.
In this case (= jmod java.lang.reflect.Modifier) returns true, and (.getName jmod) and (.getName java.lang.reflect.Modifier) both return the same string.
So the variable and the class name clearly evaluate to the same thing, but they still cannot be called in the same fashion. What's going on here?
Edit 2
Answering my second question (what is happening here), the Clojure doc says that
If the first operand is a symbol that
resolves to a class name, the access
is considered to be to a static member
of the named class... Otherwise it is
presumed to be an instance member under "The Dot special form"
"Resolving to a class name" is apparently not the same as "evaluating to something that resolves to a class name", so what I am trying to do here is not supported by the dot special form.
(Update: I've prepared something which might be acceptable as a solution... The original answer remains below a horizontal rule towards the end of the post.)
I've just written a macro to enable this:
(adapter-ns java.lang.reflect.Modifier jmod)
; => nil
(jmod/isStatic 1)
; => false
(jmod/isStatic 8)
; => true
The idea is to create a single-purpose namespace, import the statics of a given class as Vars into that namespace, then alias the namespace to some useful name. Convoluted, but it works! :-)
The code is looks like this:
(defmacro import-all-statics
"code stolen from clojure.contrib.import-static/import-static"
(let [the-class (. Class forName (str c))
static? (fn [x]
(. java.lang.reflect.Modifier
(isStatic (. x (getModifiers)))))
statics (fn [array]
(set (map (memfn getName)
(filter static? array))))
all-fields (statics (. the-class (getFields)))
all-methods (statics (. the-class (getMethods)))
import-field (fn [name]
(list 'def (symbol name)
(list '. c (symbol name))))
import-method (fn [name]
(list 'defmacro (symbol name)
'[& args]
(list 'list ''. (list 'quote c)
(list 'apply 'list
(list 'quote (symbol name))
`(do ~#(map import-field all-fields)
~#(map import-method all-methods))))
(defmacro adapter-ns [c n]
(let [ias (symbol (-> (resolve 'import-all-statics) .ns .name name)
`(let [ns-sym# (gensym (str "adapter_" ~n))]
(create-ns 'ns-sym#)
(with-ns 'ns-sym#
(~ias ~c))
(alias '~n 'ns-sym#))))
The above looks up the Var holding the import-all-statics macro in a somewhat convoluted way (which is, however, guaranteed to work if the macro is visible from the current namespace). If you know which namespace it's going to be found in, the original version I've written is a simpler replacement:
(defmacro adapter-ns [c n]
`(let [ns-sym# (gensym (str "adapter_" ~n))]
(create-ns 'ns-sym#)
(with-ns 'ns-sym#
;; NB. the "user" namespace is mentioned below;
;; change as appropriate
(user/import-all-statics ~c))
(alias '~n 'ns-sym#)))
(Original answer below.)
I realise that this is not really what you're asking for, but perhaps clojure.contrib.import-static/import-static will be useful to you:
(use 'clojure.contrib.import-static)
(import-static clojure.lang.reflect.Modifier isPrivate)
(isPrivate 1)
; => false
(isPrivate 2)
; => true
Note that import-static imports static methods as macros.
You are successfully storing the class in jmod, but isPrivate is a static method of java.lang.reflect.Modifier, not of java.lang.Class.
You could do this with reflection:
(. (. jmod getMethod "isPrivate" (into-array [Integer/TYPE]))
invoke nil (into-array [1]))
Here is a macro inspired by the two previous answers that handles static methods on class names and variables with class names as well as instance methods on objects:
(defmacro jcall [obj & args]
(let [ref (if (and (symbol? obj)
(instance? Class (eval obj)))
(eval obj)
obj) ]
`(. ~ref ~#args)))
As a relative newbie on macros, the tricky part was getting the evaluation order right.
For other newbies: The obj parameter to the macro is passed in with no evaluation, and we need to force the evaluation of vars so the var name expands into the class name it holds. We need an explicit eval for that, outside the actual macro body.
The test for whether obj is a symbol is there to restrict the evaluation to variables. The test for whether the variable contains a class is there to skip evaluation of non-classes, then it works for objects and instance methods too.
Example use:
;; explicit class name, static method
user=> (jcall java.lang.reflect.Modifier isPrivate 1)
;; class name from var, static method
user=> (jcall jmod isPrivate 1)
;; works for objects and instance methods too
user=> (jcall (Object.) toString)
;; even with the object in a variable
user=> (def myobj (Object.))
user=> (jcall myobj toString)
;; but not for instance methods on classes
user=> (jcall Object toString)
java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: toString (NO_SOURCE_FILE:747)